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3678 III / PETROLEUM PRODUCTS / Gas Chromatography


two others } atomic emission and chemiluminescence

Gas Chromatography } are now commercially available.
In the last two to three years, the new advances in
technology have been in the Relds of rapid analysis
J. P. Durand, Institut Franc7 ais du Pe& trole,
and equipment miniaturization. With microcolumns
Cedex, France
(100 m i.d.) or multimicrocapillaries with very fast
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press Sow rates and programmed temperatures, gaseous
hydrocarbon analysis times can be reduced to
1}2 min. However, such conditions do not allow suf-
Rcient resolution for analysing heavier hydrocarbons;
Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique here rapid chromatography is used as a screening
that is widely used for characterizing hydrocarbons, tool, or to decrease the analysis time for simulated
and numerous advances in this method have orig- distillation. All these methods are now in the develop-
inated in petroleum industry laboratories. Moreover, ment stage. The recent commercial availability of
its use has markedly increased in the last few years portable and compact chromatographs meets the
with the progress in instrumentation and the need for on-site analyses, giving reduction in samp-
relatively low cost of the equipment. ling problems.
Its applications cover the exploration, production
and reRning of crude petroleum. These have de- Gaseous Hydrocarbon Analysis
veloped around four major types of methods: analysis
of gaseous hydrocarbons, analysis of liquid hydrocar- The analysis of gaseous hydrocarbons is generally
bons, analysis of traces of heteroatomic compounds, carried out with porous layer capillary columns
and simulated distillation. (gas}solid chromatography). These efRcient columns
are now very stable and are used in control laborator-
ies. The most widely employed adsorbents are
Advances in Instrumentation alumina and adsorbent polymers. Alumina capillary
Since the 1980s, while there has been little progress in columns provide good resolution for the most difR-
the theory of chromatography, the instrumentation cult separation encountered in petrochemical laborat-
has constantly evolved. There have been major im- ories, that of isobutene and butene-1.
provements in the reliability of equipment and col- Molecular sieves are used to separate the perma-
umns, new speciRc detectors have been developed, nent gases (O2, N2, H2, CO, etc.). To analyse these
and increasingly powerful computers have been used and hydrocarbons with a single injection, multi-
for data processing and controlling the equipment. column chromatographs with switching valves have
The use of electronic pressure and Sow rate regula- been developed. Natural gas, gases from crude petro-
tors with increasingly stable capillary columns has leum and reRnery gases are the main applications for
made it possible to produce chromatograms that are which methods have been developed and standard-
much more reproducible. Microcomputing has sim- ized (ASTM D1945-81, IP 345/80, IP 344/88, ISO
pliRed the analyst’s work (in some cases a little too 6974-84). Gas analysis has considerable economic
much, up to the point of forgetting the basics) and has importance, both for natural gas, allowing the deter-
opened the way to automation, standardization of mination of the caloriRc value from chromatographic
complex methods and the development of correlation analysis (ISO 6977-84), and for the petrochemical
methods. Detailed analysis of gasoline and simulated feeds from the steam cracking process (ethylene,
distillation are the two methods that have undergone propylene and butadiene), owing to the large volumes
the greatest evolution. In the analysis of gaseous hy- of these gases now on the market.
drocarbons, the most important step has been the
replacement of packed columns by porous layer Liquid Hydrocarbon Analysis
open-tubular columns with far greater efRciency and
Detailed Analysis of Light Hydrocarbons
stability. In addition to improvements in the sensitiv-
ity and stability of the major types of selective de- Although the separation of several hundred constitu-
tectors (Same photometry and electron capture), ents of gasoline has been carried out for more than
III / PETROLEUM PRODUCTS / Gas Chromatography 3679

Figure 1 Chromatogram of a commercial gasoline following the NF N07-086 standard. Operating conditions: column,
50 m;0.20 mm i.d.; stationary phase 0.5 m OV1; oven, 353C for 10 min, then 1.13C min\1 up to 1143C, and 1.73C min\1 to 2503C,
held 5 min; detector, 2803C; carrier gas, helium at a constant flow of 0.8 mL min\1.

30 years, the methods have been standardized only In reRning, the two main processes, reforming and
relatively recently (ASTM D5134-90, NF07-086). catalytic cracking, require increasingly detailed in-
The chromatogram of a commercial gasoline, ob- formation regarding the gasoline range fraction. The
tained as speciRed in the French standard NF M07- complete detailed analysis data for the naphtha feed
086, is shown in Figure 1. By using a procedure and efSuents from the reforming units make follow-
standardizing a number of parameters and speciRca- ing and modelling the conversion and optimization of
tions, capillary chromatographic methods with tem- the control of the units possible. A major application
perature programming are reproducible from one Reld for automated capillary chromatography is in
chromatographic system to another and identiRcation the use of micro-pilot plants involving small amounts
of complex chromatograms can be automated. This of feeds and efSuents. The methods developed for the
automation has led to the development of numerous catalytic cracking micro-pilot plants allow detailed
applications in the petroleum Reld. The large amounts analysis of the gasoline cut and determination of
of data supplied by the detailed analysis are normalized, octane numbers directly on the total efSuent (Rnal
after processing, to determine the physical properties boiling point 5803C) by using a pre-column to elimin-
(molecular weight, gross caloriRc value, octane number, ate the heavier compounds.
etc.), to optimize the thermodynamic or kinetic models, Commercial gasolines are formulated using around
and to predict the quality of the conversion products. 10 petroleum basestocks. New environmental con-
3680 III / PETROLEUM PRODUCTS / Gas Chromatography

straints mean that the resulting mixtures require more separates parafRns and naphthenes, while a 5A mo-
rigorous optimization. With all the constraints con- lecular sieve column separates normal parafRns and
cerning benzene, other aromatics and oleRns, isoparafRns. The unsaturated components are re-
together with the additional octane number require- tained in an oleRn trap, released by heating the trap
ments brought about by the progressive elimination and then hydrogenated. These separations allow de-
of lead from fuels, there is an increasing demand for termination of the distribution by hydrocarbon type
the detailed characterization of basestocks and mix- and carbon number.
tures. Analyses are now carried out on a regular basis
in control laboratories.
One of the main causes of errors in modelling the
Heavy Hydrocarbon Liquid Analysis
behaviour of Suids in petroleum reservoirs has been The high resolution of capillary columns, which pro-
the lack of reliable analytical data. Using a thermo- vides separation of a major fraction of the hydro-
dynamic model based on an equation of state for carbons with boiling points up to 2003C, is not
calculating the properties of these Suids requires ac- sufRcient for the heavier petroleum cuts owing to
curate knowledge of the molecular weights and their their increasing complexity. Although detailed in-
distribution. The large amount of information pro- formation is not directly available, GC is nevertheless
vided by the detailed and direct analysis of the frac- very extensively used. The chromatogram can serve
tion up to C20 with the molecular weight distribution as a qualitative plot for determining the presence of
has modiRed the methodology of describing reservoir speciRc compounds or classes of compounds. Quan-
Suids. tiRcation of normal parafRns in crude petroleum
Characterization of the C3}C15 fraction of oils and (compounds that are clearly distinguished from
extracts from source rocks is an important parameter the unresolved material) and waxes can be made.
for studying the origin and migration of hydrocar- However, the most important applications concern
bons. Until recently only a proRle or Rngerprint was the characterization and quantiRcation of the frac-
available, but now this fraction can be quantiRed by tions in hydrocarbon types, obtained, in particular,
automated capillary methods. Various parameters by liquid chromatography (LC). In most cases, the
(parafRn, aromatic numbers, etc.) have been obtained compounds are identiRed by mass spectrometry (see
from the detailed analysis to follow variations in below). The development of online coupling of high
chemical composition and show biodegradation or performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and GC
leaching phenomena. Soil pollution by hydrocarbons, has led to several petroleum applications: measure-
particularly fuels, requires pollutant monitoring. The ment of aromatics in gas oils, and measurement of
replacement of global methods, like solvent extrac- polyaromatics in diesel engine exhausts and mineral
tion, by detailed analysis of the fuel, can provide oils.
a better follow-up of the decontamination operations.
Figure 1 shows a chromatogram of commercial gaso-
line following the NF N07-086 standard.
GC/MS Coupling
Mass spectrometry (MS) coupled with GC (GC-MS)
Hydrocarbon Type Analysis of Light
is now the main identiRcation technique. From bench
equipment (increasingly numerous) to more sophisti-
Hydrocarbon type analysis (ParafRns/IsoparafRns/ cated systems providing high resolution measure-
Aromatics/Naphthenes/OleRns (PIANO)) can be ob- ments, the identiRcation is facilitated by computer
tained from detailed analysis with a data system that processing of libraries containing thousands of mass
identiRes each of the peaks and combines them into spectra. This technique has made an essential contri-
their respective groups. Because there are some co- bution to analysis of hydrocarbons, in particular for
elutions, this analysis may not be accurate with gaso- the detailed analysis of fuels and their bases, geo-
lines containing signiRcant amounts of oleRnic and chemical studies and pollution problems. Up to
naphthenic constituents eluted before n-octane. around 1000 compounds have been identiRed in
Some methods of type analysis have been de- oils. For two decades numerous data for different
veloped with the multidimensional GC technique; columns, retention times or indices of hydro-
these are commonly referred to as PIANO analysis. carbons identiRed by GC-MS have been published for
A four-column system with automatic valve switch- compounds in gasolines and kerosenes. For the me-
ing and cold traps has been utilized to determine dium distillates, where direct detailed analysis is not
normal parafRns, isoparafRns, naphthenes, oleRns possible, the distribution per carbon number of the
and aromatics. A polar column separates aromatics MS analysis can be obtained by combining the separ-
and non-aromatics, a 13X molecular sieve column ation by boiling point and carbon number from GC
III / PETROLEUM PRODUCTS / Gas Chromatography 3681

with the analysis of hydrocarbon type from MS.

Methods have been developed speciRcally for
monitoring hydroprocessing treatments in order to
provide evidence of mechanisms and to have access to
the reaction kinetics. The use of GC-MS in geochem-
istry has been a major step in the study of the trans-
formation of organic matter during sedimentation:
this has involved going from comparison of
chromatograms to the identiRcation of molecular
structures and the search for biochemical markers.
This has become a standard method for following
these markers in oils.

Heteroatomic Compounds Analysis

The elements most often looked for in petroleum
products are sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and the halo-
gens. The analyst has available several single- or
multi-element detectors.

The most widely used detector for many years has
been the Same photometric detector (FPD). In spite of
its limitations (non-linearity, variable response, Figure 2 Chromatogram of sulfur compounds from a catalytic
quenching), methods have been standardized for the cracking gas oil (LCO) before and after hydroprocessing obtained
light petroleum cuts. The recent development of with a chemiluminescent detector. Operating conditions: column,
a more sensitive chemiluminescence detector for sul- 30 m;0.32 mm i.d.; stationary phase 4 m SPB-1; oven, 603C to
fur without these limitations has allowed extension of 3203C at 53C min\1. DBT, dibenzothiophene; C1, methyl; C2,
dimethyl or ethyl; C3#, three or more branched carbons.
the application Reld to heavier cuts, such as gas oils
and crude oils. The chromatograms of sulfur com-
pounds from a catalytically cracked gas oil before and
after hydroprocessing obtained with this detector are Halogens
shown in Figure 2. Comparison of the two chromato-
grams shows the changes in the sulfur compounds The electron-capture (ECD) and electrochemical
during the hydroprocessing. detectors are used to determine the halogens. The
ECD is very sensitive when the molecule is poly-
halogenated; sulfur hexaSuoride, used as a tracer,
can be directly detected at the p.p.b. level. The main
The situation is identical to that of sulfur, the nitro- applications concern chloroSuorocarbon gases,
gen}phosphorus detector (NPD) also having limita- chlorinated solvents and polychlorinated biphenyls
tions (variable response, relatively low selectivity). (PCBs).
The arrival of a chemiluminescence detector for nitro-
gen has provided access to semi-quantitative analysis Multielement Detectors
of nitrogen compounds in gasoline and gas oil cuts
While all the speciRc detectors mentioned above can
from conversion processes.
detect only one element at a time, the atomic emission
detector is multielement, with some restrictions con-
cerning the number of elements that can be detected
The development of a detector speciRc to oxygen per analysis and the sensitivity to some of these
(O-FID) has met the need for the measurement of elements. This is a powerful identiRcation tool
oxygenated compounds such as methyl t-butyl ether (complementary to MS). The main applications are
in commercial gasolines. Several methods have been measurement of oxygen compounds in gasolines,
standardized (EN 1601-96, ASTM D5599-93). Due multielement simulated distillation (H, C, S), and the
to its low sample capacity, this detector cannot be determination of nickel and vanadium in crude
used for measuring traces of oxygen. oils.
3682 III / PETROLEUM PRODUCTS / Gas Chromatography

Simulated Distillation conventional methods and to 7203C with high

temperature simulated distillation (HTSD). The
Simulated distillation (SD) by GC has been the sub- chromatogram of a light crude oil with a Rnal boiling
ject of numerous studies for 30 years. It is a technique point of 6503C, obtained with a metal column, is
that advantageously replaces traditional distillation shown in Figure 3. The range of boiling points of
methods for rapid checking of product yields. The petroleum products is thus almost completely covered
principle is simple: the sample is injected into a col- by using two methods, since HTSD can operate only
umn, which separates hydrocarbons according to with cuts having boiling points above 1503C. Conse-
their boiling points; using a mixture of normal par- quently, for samples containing light compounds,
afRns with known boiling points, the correspondence heavy compounds and non-recoverable residues,
between the retention time and boiling point is estab- a fractionated distillation yielding two cuts is
lished and then the weight %}boiling point curve necessary.
can be constructed. However, the implementation is Simulated distillation can be used to determine
more difRcult. The Rrst problem concerns the gasoline dilution of used engine oils (ASTM D3525),
choice of the stationary phase to obtain good agree- to analyse the oil-soluble fraction of particulates
ment with the real distillation curves; the second is the emitted by diesel engines (estimation of the propor-
stability of this phase at the maximum temperatures tion attributable to the fuel and lube), and to estimate
used. There are many interdependent parameters in- engine oil volatility (ASTM D5480).
volved in these two problems. Although several
methods have been standardized (ASTM D3710-90,
ASTM D2887-93, ASTM D5307-92), their applica-
tions give rise to a number of difRculties in routine use. The high resolving power of GC makes it a major
Operating conditions, column performance, frequency analytical tool for characterizing the very complex
of calibration runs and blanks, quantiRcation, and raw mixtures that constitute petroleum products. The re-
data processing are the parameters to be controlled to cent development of correlation methods in near-in-
achieve the level of precision given by the standard frared spectroscopy (NIR) for characterizing light
methods. Column performance is affected by nonelut- hydrocarbons could challenge the dominant position
ing residues. The problem can be resolved by installing of chromatography in this Reld because of the speed
a pre-column with a backSush and calculating sample of the NIR techniques. However, GC will always
recovery with an internal standard. remain the method giving the most detailed informa-
The arrival in the last few years of very stable metal tion. With the present evolution of fast chromatogra-
columns and the use of electronic pressure and Sow phy, its disadvantage of a longer analysis time is
regulators have provided better control of the experi- disappearing. Although GC is not as fast as spectro-
mental parameters. These advances have extended scopic methods, analyses in a few minutes with
the Rnal determined boiling point up to 6503C with microequipment will ensure that it continues to be

Figure 3 Chromatogram of a light crude oil with a final boiling point of 6503C. Operating conditions: column, 10 m, deactivated metal;
stationary phase 0.5 m OV1; oven, 353C for 1 min, then 103C min\1 up to 3903C, held 14 min; detector, 4003C; carrier gas, helium at
a constant flow of 10 mL min\1.
III / PETROLEUM PRODUCTS / Liquid Chromatography 3683

a powerful tool for the detailed analysis of hydro- Di Sanzo F and Chawla B (1992) Journal of Chromatogra-
carbons. phy 271: 589.
Dressler M (1986) Selective Gas Chromatography De-
See also: I / Chromatography. II / Chromatography: tectors. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gas: Column Technology; Detectors: General (Flame Ion- Durand JP, BeH boulène JJ and Ducrozet A (1995) Analysis
ization Detectors and Thermal Conductivity Detectors; De- 23: 481.
tectors; Mass Spectrometry; Historical Development; Grob K (1991) On-line Coupled LC-GC. Heidelberg:
Multidimensional Gas Chromatography; Theory of Gas HuK thig Buch Verlag.
Chromatography. Grob RL (ed.) (1995) Modern Practice of Gas Chromato-
graphy. New York: Wiley.
Korth J, Ellis J, Crisp PT and Hutton AC (1998) Fuel 67:
Further Reading 1331.
Adlard ER (ed.) (1995) Chromatography in the Petroleum Lin R and Wilk ZA (1995) Fuel 74: 1512}1521.
Industry. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Quimby BD and Sullivan JJ (1990) Analytical Chemistry
Benner RL and Stedman DH (1989) Analytical Chemistry 62: 1027.
61: 1268.

Liquid Chromatography
V. L. Cebolla, L. Membrado and J. Vela, preparative isolation of hydrocarbon types; in addi-
Instituto de CarboqumH mica, Consejo Superior de tion to molecular size distribution and average mo-
Investigaciones CientmH ficas (CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain lecular weight determination.
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press
In general, complete molecular separation of the
components of petroleum distillates is not possible
using liquid chromatography owing to their complex
Introduction nature and the limited resolution of current tech-
Techniques based on liquid chromatography are used niques. As the boiling range of the product to be
in the petroleum industry for process monitoring, analysed increases, the greater its complexity due to
compliance with environmental regulations, the the increase in the number of isomers and the broader
evaluation of product quality, catalyst performance variety of compound types present. Furthermore, the
and feed processability, as well as for determining concentration of polar compounds (e.g. heterocyclic
hazardous compounds, and understanding and solv- compounds) increases as the products become
ing basic research problems. heavier. Therefore, the heavier the product, the poorer
Chromatographic techniques and methods used for the chromatographic resolution obtained, and the more
analysing petroleum products are chosen depending difRcult it is to achieve good separations. In most cases,
on their boiling point range, which is related to their extensive separations are meaningless in the petroleum
carbon number. In order to simplify the further dis- industry, but determination of particular target com-
cussion, classiRcation of petroleum products into pounds in various distillates is sometimes useful.
light, middle and heavy distillates is considered Determination of hydrocarbon types (which in-
throughout this work. cludes separation and quantiRcation) of all types of
Techniques based on capillary gas chromatography distillates is usually carried out by liquid chromato-
(GC) can perform molecular characterization of some graphy. Hydrocarbon types in petroleum products
light distillates, such as gasolines and others. How- can be roughly summarized into saturates (n-paraf-
ever, this technique has limitations when it comes to Rns, branched parafRns, and cycloalkanes or naph-
analysing heavier distillates. As the complexity of thenes), oleRns (alkenes and cycloalkenes), aromatics
petroleum products rapidly increases with the in- (hydrocarbons containing one or more rings of the
creasing boiling range of distillates, liquid chromato- benzenoid structure), and polars (which include het-
graphic techniques play a crucial role in the analysis erocycles and/or high molecular weight material).
of middle and heavy distillates. They are also com- This simple scheme becomes more complicated with
plementary to GC for analysing light distillates. Most increasing sample boiling range because of the many
of the applications of liquid chromatography to pe- possible combinations of compound types (e.g. alkyl-
troleum products include separation, identiRcation aromatics, aromatic oleRns, etc.). Therefore, separ-
and, in some cases, quantiRcation of individual com- ation designs may vary depending on nature of the
ponents; separation, quantiRcation, and, sometimes, sample and information required by the analyst.

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