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Para la EDA 1, al comienzo del horario de clase, los estudiantes deberán dar el

PRESENTE a través del chat de MIEL para que el tutor le envíe el aviso a analizar
según lo indicado en la consigna.

Tienen una hora para resolverlo y enviarlo en un archivo .doc o . docx  a través de la


 Write down all the sentences in a paragraph with connectors

 Revise the Position of Adverbs of Frequency

 Present Simple Tense:

S/He / It   verbS HAS


 Subject + verb

X A junior engineer must be responsible and organized. Will do paperwork and solve problems.
Moreover, should be a good communicator to deal with people efficiently.

A junior engineer must be responsible and organized. HE Will do paperwork and solve
problems. Moreover, HE should be a good communicator to deal with people efficiently.



ADJECTIBE (singular) + NOUN


X the applicant will work in a bar popular in London


the applicant will work in a popular bar in London

x they worked in place with very hot.

they worked in a very hot place.

 THERE IS / ARE + something + place. 

 etc. = and so on.


A / AN in aN office aN engineer

A + consonant sound

AN + vowel sound

X A junior engineer must be aN efficient, responsible and organized person. 


The principal discrimination in the story is that the Mexicans don´t know to manage the money,
when the reality is that their wage was poor.

Yes, I can see discrimination in the story because the Mexican stokers are who work in the coal
mine only for being Mexican. What's more, they don't know to manage the money and they
don't know that the wage is very poor. We can relate this situation with our present, we know
that in EE.UU the Mexicans are discriminateD in differents jobs.

X Engineers must be organized to DEAL WITH the office papers.

because they just worked in teams to organize the office papers and pays the salaries.

 job n. ≠ work v./n. are not synonyms

job= employment
work = the activity done (in a job)

X These requirements are discriminatory because the only suitable for the work are ….


these requirements are discriminatory because the only suitable people /ones for the job /
employment  work are

I can see discrimination with Mexican stokers because they received a bad salary compared to /
in comparison to the job they did. Then, the new rules, them didn´t understand because the
mexicans didn´t speack the lenguage, therefore, the engineers explained the rules to the

 they received a bad salary in comparison to the WORK they did or THE JOB THEY HAD.
 applicant ≠ postulant are not synonyms
Apply for

Definition of postulant

 1: a person admitted to a religious order as a probationary candidate for


2: a person on probation before being admitted as a candidate for holy orders in
the Episcopal Church

Definition of applicant
1. a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job

 Discrimination n discriminate v


Do not use GOOD or BAD. Please, replace them by more sophisticated adjectives form the list
of the Booklet

 Preposition + VerbING

in English, when a Preposition is directly followed by a verb, that verb

should go with ING. Exception: To + infinitive

in analyzing  

time for relaxing and socializing    or    time to relax and socialize

 because of / due to / owing to + Noun
x This ad may also imply discrimination against language, due to requires people who only
speak English.

This ad may also imply discrimination against language, due to the fact that it requires people
who only speak English.

X The stokers came in every 3-4 days to ask for advances, due to they spent all money to avoid
being called a miser. 

The stokers came in every 3-4 days to ask for advances BECAUSE / AS / SINCE they spent all
money to avoid being called a miser. 

The stokers came in every 3-4 days to ask for advances, due to the fact that they spent all
money to avoid being called a miser. 

X A stoker should be a energetic and strong man due to his work is really hard, 

A stoker should be a energetic and strong man due to his hard work. 

X A stoker has to be an energetic man, strong and hard-working due to this work is really hard.
they work eight rought hours a day in the coal mine.

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