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24. Who takes Jesus’s body off the cross? 

1. In what city was Jesus born? -Joseph of Arimathea
-Bethlehem 25. Which Gospel is written by a doctor? 
2. How many books are in the New Testament? -Luke
-27 26. What is the common name given to the first four
3. How many people did Jesus feed with five books of the New Testament?
loaves of bread and two fish? -The Gospels
- About 5000 men 27. Who wrote most of the books in the New Testament?
4. Matthew was a __________. -Paul
-Tax collector 28. What does the word gospel mean?
5. After Jesus fed 5,000+ people with two fish and -Good news
five loaves of bread, how many baskets were left 29. According to the Gospel of Matthew, where does
over? Jesus’s first public sermon take place? 
-12 -On the mount
6. According to the Gospel of Matthew, who visits 30. How does Judas signal Jesus’s identity to the Roman
Jesus at his birth and where does this meeting officials? 
take place? -He kisses him.
-The three wise men, in a stable 31. Which gospel records the fewest of the miracles
performed by Jesus?
7. Who baptizes Jesus?  -Matthew
-John the Baptizer 32. What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in
8. In what water was Jesus baptized? Cana?
-River Jordan -Turning water into wine
9. Who murders John the Baptist?  33. Who was the tax collector that climbed up a tree so he
-Herod Antipas could see Jesus?
10. What is the last book of the New Testament? -Zacchaeus
-Revelation 34. How did Jesus reveal the one who would betray him?
11. Who were the first apostles called to follow -Dipped a piece of bread and passed it to him
Jesus?  35. For how many days did Jesus appear to his disciples
-Peter and Andrew after his resurrection?
12. Who is the first apostle to deny Jesus?  -40
-Peter 36. Why did Joseph take Mary and Baby Jesus to Egypt?
13. Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he -To escape from King Herod, who wanted to kill
was presented at the Temple as a baby?  Jesus.
-Simeon 37. Where did Jesus grow up after returning from Egypt?
14. Paul was shipwrecked on what island?  -Nazareth
-Malta 38. As Jesus and His disciples were crossing the Sea of
15. What is the shortest book in the New Testament?  Galilee in a boat, a big storm arose. Jesus rebuked the
-2 John wind and waves and the storm disappeared. What was
16. Who is the author of the Book of Revelation?  Jesus doing when the storm arose?
-John the beloved -Sleeping
17. To what city was Saul traveling when he encountered 39. Jesus miraculously broke just a few loaves of bread
a great and blinding light?  and fishes and fed 5000 men, along with women and
-Damascus children. How many loaves and fishes did he start with?
18. By what name is Paul of Tarsus known before he -5 loaves and 2 fishes
begins his missionary activity?  40. What language was most of the New Testament
-Saul originally written in?
19. What does Simon Peter do for a living before he -Greek
becomes an apostle?  41. In which Gospel did Jesus say and quote: “Everything
-He was a fisherman. is possible for one who believes
20. In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary - Mark
learn of her pregnancy?  42. What is John the baptizer’s father’s name?
-From the angel Gabriel -Zacharias
21. According to Paul’s formulation in 1 Corinthians, 43. What is the first book of the New Testament?
which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities?  -Mathew
-Love 44. Which wood has been used by Noah to build the ark?
22. In the Gospel According to John, which of the -Gopher
apostles doubts Jesus’s resurrection until he sees Jesus 45. How many apostles did Jesus have? 
with his own eyes?  -12
-Thomas 46. What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus? 
23. According to the Gospels, what is the unique literary -Judas Iscariot
genre Jesus employs to preach his message?  47. How did Jesus die? 
-He was crucified. 77. What was the first thing that God created? 
48. Who gave Jesus gifts when he was born?  -Light
-The wise men 78. Which day did God create plants? 
49. What is the name of Jesus’ mother?  -Third
-Mary 79. This woman tempted Samson to reveal the secret to
50. What did Jesus do for Lazarus?  his massive strength, which she used to betray him to the
-Raised him from the dead Philistines. 
51. What job did Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, do?  -Delilah
-Carpenter 80. This brave Israelite woman became queen of Persia
52. Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby?  and used her influence to protect her people, the Jews.
-Herod - Esther
53. What happened to Jesus after the resurrection?  81. This harlot housed spies sent by Joshua to take the
-He ascended into heaven city of Jericho. 
54. On what day of Creation did God create man? -Rahab
-Sixth Day 82. This woman rumored that Joseph tried to commit
55. What was the name of Adam’s third son? adultery with her. 
-Seth -Potiphar’s wife
56. What was the first of the Ten Commandments? 83. This woman remained with her mother-in-law,
-You shall have no other gods before me Naomi, after Naomi’s husband and sons died. 
57. Who was the mother of Samuel? -Ruth
-Hannah 84. This woman promised the Lord that if He would bless
58. What is the last word in the Old Testament? her with a son, she would dedicate the boy to Him. She
-Curse later bore Samuel. 
59. How many books are there in the Old Testament? -Hannah
-39 85. What does King Solomon do in Israel? 
60. In what language was the Old Testament written? -He builds a grand temple in Jerusalem.
-Hebrew 86. What does David bring to Jerusalem to bless the
61. What relation was Jacob to Abraham? religious city? 
-Grandson -The Ark of the Covenant
62. How many sons did Jacob (Israel) have? 87. Why does Moses break the stone tablets inscribed
-12 with God’s commandments at Mount Sinai? 
63. From which country did Moses help the Israelites -Because the people are worshipping a golden
escape from their lives of slavery? idol
-Egypt 88. Who did Samuel anoint as the first King of Israel?
64. What does Israel mean? -Saul
-Prevails with God 89. Which judge was betrayed to the Philistines by a
65. How were sins forgiven in the Old Testament? woman?
-Animal sacrifice -Samson
66. Who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament? 90. What weapons did Gideon use to defeat the
-Moses Midianites?
67. From which part of Adam’s body did God create Eve? -Trumpets, pitchers, and lamps
-Rib 91. Which of these Old Testament prophets lived during
68. What was the first bird that Noah let out of the ark? the reign of King Josiah?
-Raven -Jeremiah
69. What was the name of Abraham’s nephew? 92. Which one of these books is not classed as a book of
-Lot history?
70. What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to him on -Psalms
Mount Moriah? 93. Who was the first person to come upon the injured
-His only son man in the parable of the Good Samaritan? 
71. What was the name of Joseph’s youngest brother? -Priest
-Benjamin 94. Whose example does Paul say Christians should
72. On what mountain did Moses receive the law from follow in Chapter 5 of Ephesians? 
God? -Christ’s
-Mount Sinai 95. Who is the high priest of Jerusalem who put Jesus on
73. Who was Moses’ successor after his death? trial? 
-Joshua -Caiaphas
74. How does God first appear to Moses? 
-As a burning bush
75. Who wrote this line “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall
not want”? 
-King David
76. Who married Abraham? 

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