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Actividad 15

Go to
Then critically read all the information about “soft skills”. Remember, it is important
to analize the content of the article and rellect about it since that information is
going to help you understand the topic in a better way and give you ideas to do the
following activity

Actividad 16
a) Whit your own words créate a definition for “soft skills”
b) According to you what are the most relevant or important soft skills that any
professional Regardless of the field or area he/she works in, should master?
c) What are the solf skills that you feel master and could be counted on as your
d) What are the soft skills that you feel you do not master and cold be counted on
as weaknesses? Explain
e) According to the program you currently study at SENA.which soft skills would
you add to Your professional profile in your resume?
f) What is the main idea of this article?

a) Whit your own words créate a definition for “soft skills”

Soft skills are understood as "the result of a combination of social skills,

communication, way of being, approach to others, among others, that make a

person given to relate and communicate effectively with others." It is therefore a

component that is highly appreciated today, as it enables the proper functioning of

institutions and work teams.

b) According to you what are the most relevant or important soft skills
that any professional Regardless of the field or area he/she works in,
should master? Why?

c) What are the solf skills that you feel master and could be counted on
as your strengths? Explain

Social skills are a set of behaviors that we display in relationships with others.

These skills give us a greater ability to achieve the goals we want, maintaining our

self-esteem and without harming the people around us.

Listening to other people is very important in any communication with other people

and, although you may not realize it, on many occasions you spend more attention

than you think instead of actively listening to other people.

d) What are the soft skills that you feel you do not master and cold be

counted on as weaknesses? Explain

Soft skills are related to the way you work. Soft skills include interpersonal skills

(people), communication skills, listening skills, time management, and empathy,

among others.

Creative thinking
I feel that I do not master creative thinking when it comes to work that creativity

costs me in my mind it costs me that could be my shortcoming when it comes to

being creative

e) According to the program you currently study at SENA. which soft

skills would you add to Your professional profile in your resume?


Good credit risk management we can apply teamwork and this helps the rest of the
team speed up time and this could be added to my resume because I really like

f) What is the main idea of this article?

soft skill

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