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Jl. Mayor Ruslan Telp. (0711) 361710 Palembang 30133


Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2 Tanggal : 6/04/2021

Fakultas : Ekonomi Waktu : 45 menit
Jenjang/jurusan : Akuntansi Dosen :
1. Drs.Magdad Hatim.,M.Hum
2. Muhammad Asmar Maheri S.Sos.M.Pd
Semester : 2 ( PAGI ) Sifat : OPEN BOOK
Jumlah soal : 5 soal


1.      Write the list of Economic Terms (Accounting Terms), atleast 10 terms! (SCORE : 25)
2.      Match the economic terms on the left with the meaning on the right : ( SCORE : 15 )
a.       Accounting a. Place of work, task or assigment, reguralrly paid.
b.      Bank b. An account entry with a positive value for assets, and
negative value for liabilities and equity.
c.       Job c. Establishment for keeping money, valuabies, etc. Safety.
d.      Credit d. Actifities of Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling in
on organization.
e.       Debit e. Property with a cash value that is owned by a bussiness or
f.       Management f. Selling or being sold, occasion ehen goods are sold at lower
prices than usual.
g.      Assets g. Proces of identifying, measuring and reporting financial
h.      Journal h. Rooms or building used as a place of bussiness, esp.
For clericalor administrative work.
i.        Office i. A record where transactions are recorded, also kown as an
Jl. Mayor Ruslan Telp. (0711) 361710 Palembang 30133

j.        Sale j. An account entry with a negative value for assets, and
positive value for liabilities and equity.

3. Can you explain about ENTERPRENEURSHIP into your word ? (SCORE : 20)
4. Give me some explanation about INTERNATIONAL FUNDING ? (SCORE : 20)
5. Did you know about PUBLIC SPEAKING ? Explain into your word .(SCORE : 20 )

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