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Chopin Mazurka g minor

Ternary Form A B A
-short transition, single line.
B section in Bb major. Run of 2ndary doms
Goes to D minor -> back to A section on Dmajor g minor

Prelude B minor
Binary A B
-pedal B and D on top. Harmony in RH.
-Melody in LH, suppressed under pedal
-transition with C on top C major - A# - B minor
B section is new melodic structure.
-3/4. dotted q 3 eights lead into start of new phrases

Romantic Piano Writing

-Nocturne popularized by John Field 20 years before Chopin. Was different
because of ostinato and pedal points used. Ostinato on beat 1, usually root,
then ostinato of arpreggios along a new harmony
-LH break chord up into open voicing 1-5-10. Constant rising and falling
-Floating, supportive accompaniment
-Harmonic language is rather standard, it's the tense scale runs of
dominant harmonies that are dramatic. n6 and diminished
-Melody can seem cheerful, but more disturbed slow bass movement
-Melody is paramount, with more rhythmic variation. Heavy ornament
-From opera. Coloratura = ornamental opera singing

-Waltz figure: root, chord, chord. Or chordal arpeggios

-ornamental turn on melody
-Upper common tones ala ostinato. Descending broken chords
-Could have a choral section to break up mood
-Wistful ending, bringing back part of melody

Chopin's Life
-Wrote various pieces by age of 19. Viewed as a successor to Mozart.
-First left for Vienna
-Then Paris, never went back to Poland. Still thought himself Polish
-mazurkas and polonaise, folk dances. Other composers (Mendelson) shunned
-although Polish music was in vougue during Poland's struggle for independence
-nocturnes associated with him. Weightless floaty melodic lines modelled
on vocal style of bel canto opera (Bellini)
-Ballades have dramatic power
-Still viewed as delicate composer. Similar to his personality, depressed
-Later mazurkas reflect more irritated mood
-Still true to Romanticism. Something is always missing
-Lived close to fellow composers Berlioz, Rossini, Chrubini, Liszt
-dedicated 10 etudes to Liszt
-Preludes were misleading, as they were standalone pieces
-Was not fond of "program music" depicting story/theme. Rather fond of mood
-uncomplicated, with feeligs of passion, nostalgia. With feeling of loss
-Lived during French revolution and last king. Railroads helped his brand.
Publishing and teaching with growth of merchant class in boutiques.
-avoided public concerts, rather private salons of high society
-More productive early years. In 1844 he completed 1 work. Intended to
write piano manual, but never fruitioned. He played few concerts too

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