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Sonata Forms Book notes

First theme, then counter-statement (can be repeat of theme)

Bridge section either ends on dominant, more often on V of V half-close

Second theme/group stated in dominant: more lyrical/tranquil/feminine

Closing theme has cadential function

Development options: first theme in V, abrupt modulation remote key, or new theme
-fragmentation of earlier themes, reworking and combining in new sequences
-rapid and distant modulations
-retransition prepares for tonic

Recap: return of first theme in I. 2nd group/theme in tonic + closing theme

writers of sonata
Antonin Reicha - Beethoven's friend with almost same background
Carl Czerny - Beethoven's pupil
Adolph Marx - deified Beethoven, codified what is sonata

Harmony and Texture secondary to themes

in 1780s, dominant would introduce new theme. Haydn not necessarily monothematic,
movements still had several themes. But his way of surprise was first theme in
dominant. Thematic unity more like

Sonata has identifiable climax, symmetrically resolved

Closed form without static frame of ternary
Dynamic closure ala resolving drama, loose ends tied up

Social factors
urban class wanting to appropriate neoclassical aesthetic stressing
simplicity/clarity of structure opposed to ornament, solo sonatas
well-tempered scale to modulate
Instrumental music over vocal. Sonata in opera, resisted in church music

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