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Aim of the class: Chưa đạt được, lớp chưa vui em nha

Chưa theo 3P khi tiến hành lớp

Em nên check xem assumption của mình về trình độ học sinh có đúng ko trước khi tiến hành
theo plan

Activity Feedback Time

Alphabet Speaking too fast, after each 9:05 -?
section, check
Exlicit information: question
- easy to link to the answer
that teacher wants?
How to spell the name
Talk to much to come to
Unprepared for class set up
Good example
Check understanding
without introducing/
Start checkin by 9:15,
without correcting or note
Practice time: 9:15
Write in the book - can not
check individually
Time consuming
Ask for volunteer not work,
pick a student
No produce time.
Geting to know Present correct answer: 9:17
code - confusing
Wh question word for
what/ where, not Wh
question - the whole
Does it have for ‘Does it put
s/ ed at the end?
- 9:30
Tiếp tục present
Đưa ra quá nhiều câu hỏi,
forcus vào structure nào
Mục đích là gì?
Practice time - from 9:42
- Check xem đặt câu hỏi
đúng ko thì mới chơi game
được để reinforce
- 9:46
Student profile 9:46

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