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1. What is the most important knowledge were you able to generate from taking
Accounting Research Methods? Please explain.
- Aside from learning about the technicalities of making a research, the most
important knowledge I have learned is to always practice camaraderie. I know
that research is hard but accomplishing it together with your groupmates
makes the research easy. You can freely express your thoughts, your
assessments, and judgments without being judged and you are being

2. Did the subject meet your expected learning outcomes? Why/why not?
- Yes. I could be able to formulate a research topic and its specific objectives. I
also learned about how to conduct literature review that are relevant to our
research study and on how to properly do a proper citation. Lastly, it improves
my critical skills and analysis.

3. Were the contents/scope of the subject relevant to your objective? (e.g. to

become CIA, CPA, ACCA etc.) Why/why not?
- Yes. It is relevant to our objective as it helps us identify, analyze and
examine a certain problem or issues existing from the industry or accounting
field and learn how to address and to find a solution on it.

4. Did the subject develop your competencies?

a) Persuasive Communication
b) Critical Thinking
c) Problem Solving
d) Intellectual Curiosity
e) Responsible Digital Citizenship
f) Professionalism

Why/why not?

- Yes, especially the critical thinking as this subject requires a lot of critical
thinking on how we are going to address the identified problem in order to
come up a relevant solution or ways to answer it. Aside from it, it really
develops my persuasive communication as I have started to finally be open
and vocal with my arguments that might somehow be useful in our research.

5. Did the subject encourage the students’ active involvement in learning? Why/why
- Yes because this subjects talks about real issue and problems that exists and
in order to learn form it you need to be actively involve yourself to it.

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