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Queries Perform in ARCMAP with different Methods of Selections

Submitted To: “ Mam Kanwal Javed”

Submitted By: “Hira Khalid”



GC University Lahore
Selection by Location
1. Are within the distance of source layer feature
 Target layer UC_PAK Source Layer Proj_Pak

2. Contains Source layer feature

 Targert Layer: Proj_Pak Source Layer UC_Pak
3.Contain (Clementiny) the Source layer feature

 Target Layer UC_PAK Source Layer Proj_Pak

4.Share a line segment with source layer feature

Target Layer UC_PAK Source Layer Proj_Pak

5. Method for Target layer are crossed by the outline of source layer feature

Target layer Proj_Pak source layer City_Projected Pak

Selection By Attribute
 Layer : Proj_Pak
1. „punjab‟ > „Name_3”
2. Quiries add ”Name_1” < “District”

3. Query add NOT “Name_1” <> “Azad Kashmir”

4. Query Add “Shape_Area” <= 0.022

5.“Name_1” = “Name_3”
Selection by Symobolgy
Layer Proj_Pak
1.Symobology to Add get unique values add “field Name”

2.Symobology to Quantities then showing Graduated Symbol

Showing shapelength
3.Symbology to Chart/Bar column to Showing Shape length

4.Symbology to Quantities Dot Density Showing

5.Symbology Multible Attributes Showing Quantities

Selection by Query Builder

Layer Proj_Pak
1. ”City_posit” >=3
2. “City_Recover” <=17

3. “ADM1_EN”= “PUNJAB”
4. “CITY DEATH” <= 3

5. “ADM1_EN” >= “khybar pakhtunakhwan”

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