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Should fast-food restaurants serve unhealthy food to students?

Whenever people discuss about health of students, the discussion revolve

around consumption of fast food. Some people strongly believe that students
should not eat fast-food, some people think that small amount of fast-food do not
affect students health. So today I will present pros and cons of fast-food
restaurants serving unhealthy food to students.
There are number of advantages to restaurants serving unhealthy food to
students. Firstly, junk food is produced very quickly. For example, if students do
not have much time, they can always pick fast food and save time for studying
and etc. Secondly, fast-food have really low prices. For instance, most students do
not have much money, so the best way to save up money is to buy fast-food.
On the other hand, there are few of disadvantages to restaurants serving
unhealthy food to students. To begin with, most students do not know harmful
effects of unhealthy food. For instance, eating fast-food on a regular basis, can
affect cardiovascular and digestive systems. Furthermore, studies show that fast-
food have a really big impact on peoples nerve system. For example, a lot of
students who eat unhealthy food have mental health issues.
In conclusion, there are a lot of disadvantages and advantages to serving
unhealthy food to students. In my opinion, fast-food restaurants should serve
unhealthy food to students, because it is a really cheap meal and it save a lot of
233 words

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