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7 hours ago I walked into a gas station.

The cashier was an older man from

Nigeria probably in his 50s or 60s. As I was paying for my gum and junk food I started
talking to him and we had a nice little conversation about the world cup. We stood
there talking for a few minutes about the countries who qualified, and who we think is
going to win, all the usual stuff. I was about to leave when he asked me my name. I
said I’m ranjit. When he heard my name he asked where I was from and I told him that
my parents were born in India but I was born down in VA. What he said next would be
on my mind for the rest of the night and I’m obviously still thinking about it because I’m
writing about it right now. He laughed when I told him I was from Virginia and told me
in his thick Nigerian accent that "it don’t matter my boy, we're all just visitors here
anyway". I laughed and said for sure for sure as I walked out the door with a salute. So
sitting in my car I start to think that this statement was profound as shit. At the time I
was thinking he was talking about stereotypes and prejudice and being an immigrant in
America. The usual cultural differences and all that stuff. 2 hours later I was thinking
about why he would say this because I damn sure didn’t feel like a little brown
immigrant and I really didn’t care if anyone thought that I was one because it doesn’t
matter. So I thought about this weird dude again and I came to the conclusion that old
boy was way to wise and way to blasted out of his mind to say something so foolish.
Not really. But I did realize that I was looking at way too small of a picture. We aren’t
visitors here in America. It has nothing to do with immigrants and shit. The bigger idea
in the situation, at least how I see it, is that we visit this universe. We live our lives. We
die eventually. The world won’t slow down or speed up or change for anyone. So yea
maybe the universe isn’t the best host to us visitors but its not like we can do shit about
it. Maybe if we were better guests we wouldn’t feel like its such a bad thing. And I’m
not talking about environmental responsibility. It’s about people needing to not fuck
with sooo much trivial shit that they’re lives become consumed by it. And I’m talking
about people being good to each other instead of starting shit for no reason. Or about
people not stressing about shit that legitimately will not mean a damn thing in the long
run. A lot of times even in the short run. Basically people just gotta chill the fuck out as
a whole. And I know its never going to happen because I’m not stupid enough to think
its possible. And I’m a hypocritical bastard when it comes to a lot of this shit. I mean I
try not to be but hey nobody’s going to be perfect. And also there aint nothing wrong
with hypothetical shit. So fuck it. Even if it can’t happen, I can think about what it
would be like. I hope yall had a wonderful Saturday. And I hope yall have a real nice
Sunday. One love. Shout out to the dude at the gas station haha even though he'll
never see this.

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