Moorish Civic Relations and Concepts - C. M. Bey & Bro. Taj Tarik Bey

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ye oy C.M. Bey, Cortijicate No. AA 222144 Moarish Civic ae Concepts - Bro. Tei Torik Bey MOORS ORDER OF THE ROUNDTABLE pu CIVICS, SCIENCE, HERITAGE CLASS Moors: The descendanis of the Ancient Moabites. The true indigenous Peoples who inhabited the writings (The Dark Perlod). these peoples and their ands have been renamed or “branded” 10 contuse the People. conceming the true geographical location of their Native lands, which are under European siege (Colonization). Moors are bound to the Continents of the Americas by Heritage and Birthright. ©1996 MAHS.. Amexem Me IN ce AMEXEM Nerthwwest ond Southwest Amexem along with the adjoining Islands Land ofthe Moors, the descendants of the Anciont Penkne” In these Contemporary times, Amexcm is called America. ~Home~ ae yg AFRICA ‘2 Al Moroc Northwest and Southwost Arica North and South America, America is the prejix oj Amexem ond the soljix of Ajrica = America, America = Al Moroe American = Al Moroccan ae Al Moroccan = Mocrish American Moors: The descendants 6} Moroccans and born in America. Al Moroccans. ~ Bre. TolTorik Bey — Macrs Order Of The Reuntcbte. trthwest Amexem +> ae Moors Order Oj The R oundtable: Cwic Lesson Book No. 14 Title: CM. Bey, Certificate No, AA222141 ond Moorish Civic Relations Concepts © Bro. Taj Tarik Bey, 96 AD., 1416 Mc. Moorish Nation, Northwest Amexem WARNING! of all Nn In venue for juris for such cases; it is called Consular Court All the judges of every State must be held to the Law. It Moors are in the Union States incorporated i . If the court is not Consular or with Treaties, it has no jurisdiction. Any attempt Judge, prosecutor or officer of the cour. in sue tutional Of adjudication on the part of any Controversies, is Color of Law, Color of Authority and fraudulent. Moors! Understand and recognize the Law and reason of your Nationality Identification Card. Tr If you do not use the Law poratin, cused On, you wil lose your right to self tafonee and become a Cooperative agent in your own unlawful legal abuse! Gauge all actions of judges, Prosecutors and politicians by it i i UNI Ne ” Civic Book No. 14 CONTENTS 1. Cover Page: M.0.0.The R: Logo & Civic Lesson Number 14. Page 2. Inside Cover: The Great Seal of the Moorish Nation. 3. Amexem. 4. Opening Statement: WA'R NING! . 5. Acknowledgements. 1 6. Introduction. : . 2.3. 7. The Code Of The Laws ofthe United States of America of a General and Permanent Character in Force 1935. 1934 Editiog. Tittlg'22. Chapter’'2 Section 141. Fotéign Relations and Intercourse. 4, 8. Title 22 Chapter 2 Sections 141, 142 and 143. 5. 9. Article VI of the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. 10. The Dual Seal of the United States. 6. 11. The Eagle and the Fez in the Seal. Hexalpha Symbol. : Zz 12 Number 13 in Masonry. 7, 13. C. M. Bey; Certificates Numbers; AA 77869, AA 209316 and AA 222141. 9. 14. Consul and Minister - Consular Courts. 8,9, 15. Sovereign People, written Constitution. 10. 16. Color of Law used to Control negro, black and colored (artificial) people. 10. 17. The Bar Association. 11, 18. Mummers. 12. 19. The Trick. 12. 20. The Great Pyramid and Hexalpha. 13, 21. The Five Universal Signs of 1.S.L.A.M. 14, 22. The Two Entities in the Preamble of the United States Constitution. 15, 23. The Preamble. 16. ~~ 24. 30. 31. CYUNTONTS Page Union. 17. 2. G.O.D. Goa). tz: . Indians, 18, : ‘The Flags of The Moors and the Flag ofthe United States of America 18. Hexalpha, the Dual Trine. 19. ‘The promotion of artifical names, such as black nation ete. 19. Chattel property. 19, Hiram (High Ram), Aries. 20. Proper and Improper Venue. “20, 1. Status of Moors. 21. Moors in Court. 21,22, The Fez, Peregrinus, and Mortar Board. 22. . Denial of lawtul Due Process, to ‘Support extortion. 2. - United States Constitution: Article Ill, Sec. 1 & 2. Constitution Article VI. 24, _ Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787; Excerpts - Articles XX, XXI and XXIV. — yournals of the House Of Representatives 1789 - 1790. Sundry Free Moors, 26. |. Sovereignty. 7 Sovereign People, 27. ‘The Caste Ward System used for COLORED people. 28. Colorable taw and involuntary servitude. 28. Resolution: A poem by Bro. Taj Tarik Bey. 29. Moors Order Of The Roundtable: Purpose, 30,31 ‘The Fez. 32. Contents 47. The Moabite Moorish Flag of the Human Family. ice 48. The National Flag of the Moorish Nation of North America. 34 49. Ancillaries. 35. 50. Bibliography. 36 51. Alert! George Washington chopped down the “Cherry Tree” 37. READING ‘There is a destructive and disorienting weakness in the descendants of the ‘Moors in America - particularly those who cling to the labels and brands of negro, lack, colored, etc.. The destructive weakness - in reterence - is the commonly held tradition of NOT READING and the practice of substituting beliefs in place of knowledge. Beliefs and knowledge are not synonymous - both should be examined with an unbiased mind, before any firm position or action is taken with either. Intelligent examination of information, which is directed toward our people, should be a oF rei merit of its valve and { ion in Rot on prejudiced and partial attitudes, based on stereotypes or popular opinion. If one has the ability to Fead - one should employ the skill, Reading is a tool - use it. Ignorance is a major breeder of fear, slavery and abuse in any society. Intelligence should motivate us to eliminate and avoid ignorance at all costs! ~ Bro. Taj Tarik Bey Ti Civke Book Number 14 Ch Bey, Certificate No. AA 222141 5 Iectin Goi Rete Correo Acknowledgements Giving honor and respect to Prophet Noble Drew All (Sheik Sharit Abdul All) and all the work, literature, teachings and tools which he established: resurrected and reintroduced to the unconscious Moorish Nation of North America; bringing consciousness, light, love and the knowledge of the: Moorish nationality and birthrights. Giving honor to C. M. Bey for his Clocks of Destiny and Humanitarian Cosmology School of Science, Law and History, including extensive support literature. His works have taken Moorish Science to higher heights Giving honor and respect to all the Sisters and Brothers of the Moorish Nation, who are reaching out to, and working hard to raise the consciousness of our “civically dead” people. Giving honor and respect to the hard working Sisters and Brothers of the Moors Order Of The Roundtable, who instruct, and produce literature for the benefit, development, progress and prosperity and Sovereign UNITY of the Moorish Nation. Giving honor and respect to the following hard working and dedicated Moors for their support and assistance: Bro. Yusef Ben Bey, Research & Development * Archives *" Moors Order Of The Roundtable” Bro. Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey, Law, Research & Development Archives Editorials and Literary Productions ES.P.I.M. Pub. * Moorish American Heritage Series * Moorish Civiletter “Moors Order Of The Roundtable” Bro. KahMara Gabri El, Law * Heritage ° Editorials - Literary Productions * .. Says The Fez Journal * Art * E.S.P.LM. Pub. “Moors Order Of The Roundtable” a Hibu, Haqg, Salaam, Hunyatun, Adl, Islam, —— = As Salaamu Alaikum, Vida Mikum, Din flag Moe FREEDOM — yusTicE Bro. Taj Taril’Bey Moors Order Of The Roundtable Prophet Noble Drew AR, (Shick Sharif Abdul Ali), in the year 1913 A.D., corresponding to 1333 Moorish Calendar year, addressed the subjugated Moors of North America (Amexem), saying: “COME ALL YE ASIATICS OF AMERICA AND HEAR THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR NATIONALITY AND YOUR BIRTHRIGHTS. YOU ARE NOT. o Thousands responded to his, now infamous, call! Many took on the responsibility to assist the Prophet in this profound mission. The Nabi began to teach the “people. Many of the people became Shieks, Shiekesses and teathers, ‘and have worked hard and long to teach the people of themselves and to be themselves. Many ‘conscious Moorish Americans, are extremely adept and very well educated and polished in the knowledge of self, nationality and birthrights. 7 many have fallen tax on the job of preparing and teaching the. Moors of Sovereign Power, which is the birthright of all Moorish Americans, etc. This is vital in STA TOS and JURISDICTIONAL issues where tha RIGHTS of Moorish Americans have been, and still are bethg, unconstitutionally abridged by others who abuse through pseudo-government positions and offices, and assumed COLOR OF LAW and COLOR OF AUTHORITY (Corporate entities posing as government), In matters of our LINK with the NATIONS OF THE EARTH, including the EUROPEAN side of this NATION, we Moors must understand, “AT LAW,” what our ‘Nationality and birthrights REALLY MEAN in the CIVIC ARENA of NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL WORLD POLITICS. The ECONOMIES of a Nation . - CONSTITUTIONS, TREATIES, TAXATION, NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL. RELATIONS AND INTERESTS, LEGAL AND LAWFUL ISSUES, etc., require a solid and applicable knowledge of CIVICS, the SCIENCE of GOVERNMENT. WHO IS PREPARED ANDIOR PREPARING OUR CHILDREN TO REPRESENT THE MOORISH NATION OF NORTH AMERICA (AMEXEM), AT LAW - as the Prophet instructed? SISTERS AND BROTHERS of the MOORISH NATION... WE HAVE A LOT OF WORKTO DO! Nevertheless, the “Moorish Divine National Movement of the World” is sill strong, to this day, and growing in leaps and bounds! In due season, the Moors, The Sovereignty and Constitution of a nation is the political source of LAW and = UNITY, in any DE JURE government. We are a NATION! Have we built on the foundation that Noble Drew Ali laid for us? We had better consider our AFFAIRS, if we Introduction are wisel We must work for the UNITING of the MOORISH MOVEMENT, which includes all the fractured and divided tribes, groups and institutions. jhe RIGHTS, IMMUNITIES and PROTECTIONS of any PEOPLE of a NATION, in relationship with EACH OTHER or with other NATIONS, is in their NATIONALITY, BIRTHRIGHTS, NATURAL SOVEREIGNTY, and their WRITTEN CONSTITUTION. fi Peele tc eman claims to be a LEADER or REPRESENTATIVE of any body of People (NATION),.then the NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY of that particular people will always be the BASIS from which all POLITICAL, ECONOMIC and SOCIAL INTERCHANGE or speech is based; ON THEIR BEHALF! if this is NOT the case, SOMEONE is operating FRAUDULENTLY and with UNCLEANHANDS! A THIEF ig, the HOUSE! Protect your Sovereignty! Any PUBLIC or PRIVATE MATTERS which affect the WELFARE of the PEOPLE < Moorish Americang, etc., should always be referred to and measured by the SOVEREIGN LAW OF THE LAND, the CONSTITUTION and TREATIES, in force! This is the PEOPLES’ LAW. Any other “LAW” is FRAUDI The ion and Treaties in force are the basis for Federal Laws. These tools are the ds_for nal ‘National RELATI INTERCHANGE, A major part of this Civic booklet focuses on C. M. Bey’s Copyright Certificate Number AA 222141, which is registered in Washington, Dictice ot Columbia, Library of Congress, Copyright Office. It has been prepared for Moors study classes and those who desire to PROTECT the MOORISH NATION. from UNLAWFUL ABUSES! rusting to assist the Moorish Nation, this booklet - one of a series - is presented with LOVE and sincere determination for the good. Since TRI no. A FEAR NOT! The Moors must STUDY and learn to OPERATE in their SOVEREIGN CAPACITY - ergo - GREAT SEAL! Working for JUSTICE, in the LAND, FOR ALL MOORISH AMERICANS, etc... & Bi A KX fe Slam Aa, . SZ : Zt, ; (a7 i eiletl ; & (=) A Free Moor, Son of a Widow : MO.O.TheR. . GSNAMA ‘Schechabee Territory, Northwest Amexem . - LAE CODE UF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “ OF A GENERAL AND PERMANENT CHARACTER IN FORCE. JANUARY 3, 1935 1934 EDITION CONSOLIDATED. CODIFIED: SET FORTH. AND PUBLISHED IN 1935 IN THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY NINTH YEAR OF THE REPUBLIC WITH ANCILLARIES AND INDEX! Note: Treatise and Commentary by Bro. Taj Tarik Bey, Moors Order Of The Roundtable FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Charles Mosley Bey Ph.D., L.L.D, a 3rd, 33rd, 360 degree Master Mason, Free Moorish Master Astrologer and Moorish Constitution Law Giver (Isonimi) has copyright centificates registered in the United Stat Deparment of Justice under Truth AJ-Library of eres 2 which reveal. At law, the conditions of Intercourse between the Indigenous ‘Moors and the occupational European Nations. with whom the Moors have Treaties. This affirms the_pre - existing Status of the Moors in all: matters of Interchange, Commerce and Law with the European side of the Nation. The specific Copyright cenificate of note: Clock of Destiny Moorish American Nationality Card of Identification, with Zodiac Constitution, has: | 4 srecistration no. AA222141 0 crass a+ THIS NUMBER REFERS TO: ‘THE CODE OF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OF A GENERAL’AND PERMANENT CHARA IN FORCE JANUARY 3, 1935 1934 EDITION Title 22: Chapter 2: Section 141 ~ TITLE 22: FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE PAGE 954 Chapter 2: Consular Courts Section 141: Judicial authority generally. To carry into full effect the Provisions of the treaties of the United States with cenain foreign countries. ae C.M. Bey’s Copyright Certificate AA222141 refers to: TITLE 22. FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE pace 954 Chapter 2: Consular Courts Section 141. Judicial authority generally. To carry into full effect treaties of the United States with Certain foreign countries. the United States in China. SiamTurkey. and the territories formerly a part man Empire including Egypt. duly appointed to reside therein. shall. in addition to other powers and dutice imposéd upon them. respectively, by the Provisions of such treaties. Fespectively. be invested with judicial authority described in this chapter. which shall appertain to the office of minister and consul. and be a part of the duties belonging thereto. wherein. and so far as. the same is allowed by treaty. and in accordance with the usages.of the countries in their intercourse withthe Franks or other foreign Christian mations. (R. S. §§ 4083. 4125. 4126. 4127. June 14. 1878. c. 193. 20 Stat. 131.) - R. S. § 4083 from Act June 22. 1860, c. 179. § 1.12 Stat. 72: Act July 28. 1866. . 296. § H1, 14 Stat. $22: Act July 1. 1870, c. 194. § I. 16 Stat. 183. RR. S. § Commentary by Taj Tarik Bey: Moorish Americans should refer to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787, the Moorish Zodiac Great Seal Constitution and the United States of America Constitution, Article. VI Special attention! Excerpts: AA 222141 - 142 and 143 AA 222141 - 142. and 143 Title 22 Chapter 2 Section 142 General jurisdiction in Criminal cases, The officers mentioned in Section 141 of this title are fully empowered \o arraign and try. in the manner provided for in this chapter. all citizens of the United States charged with offenses against the law, committed in such countries. fespectively. and to sentence such offenders _in the manner in this chapter authorized; and each of them is authorized to issue such Processes as are suitable and necessary to carry this authority into execution (R. S.§ 4084.) Tile 22 Chapter 2 Section 143 General jurisdiction in Civil cases. Such officers are also invested with all the judicial authority necessary to execute the provisions of such treaties. tespectively. in regard to civil rights. whether of pro or n; and they shall entertain jurisdiction in matters of contract, at the port where. or nearest to which. it was to be executed. and in all other manters. at the port where. or nearest to which the damage complained of was sustained. provided such Port be one of the ports at which the Unit fepresented by consuls. bet it :d Sree ever vi tue UMNEH DIates OF America All debts contracted and engagements entered into. before the adoption of his Constitution. shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution. as under the Confederation. ‘This Constitution. and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made. under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the |: and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Attention! Always keep in mind, Status, Juri nm, Proper Venue, Constitutions and Treaties. Use the Law. The Constitution of The United States i In Force. These are the instruments of law used to gauge and adjudicate any matters of violation, controversy or infringement between the Moors and the foreign European Christians. The Law Of The Land, with all Treaties The United States has a dual National Seal (Two Sides to The One Seal.) A. The Great Seal of The United States.....Moors; The Great Pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar bill is the emblem of the Asiatic Moabite/Moorish Nation..... The Ancient Ones. The Master Builders of Civilization; Mothers and Fathers of the Human Family. The KEY word to distinguish the two Seals is OF. B. The Seal of The United States of America... Europeans/Colonists; The Eagle - wings spread - with Hexalpha, the Insignia of the Moorish Nation (Dual Trine/Solomon’s Shield) crowning its head. Hexalpha represents the Red Fez of The Moors. the Tiara Crown ofTarbush - (Sovereign Authority). The Sun never rises or sets on the Roman Empire, simply because they, the Romans, are in jurisdictional and resource possession (colonization) of the fallen Moorish Empire - the Al Morocs (Americas); the land of the Moors. The Great Masonic Secret is the loss of the Moorish Nations’ consciousness, Heritage and Birthrights. This explains the truth behind the duality of the United States Great Seal. Now Rome wears the Royal Crown - the Fez. Thus, the source of social strife and unrest! also the 13 cycles of LUNA. the of WOMAN. herself - The WIDOW. Droit. Aquila: Moorish Latin. meaning Eagle. Aquila is a northern constellation in the Mil Way. between Cygnus and Sagittarius. where the star Altair resides: the Eagle. The Eagle. as displayed is the Coat of Arms for the European side of the Nation. [t has Hexalpha over its head. in a Crown of glory. Hexalpha is the Insignia of the Ancient Moabite/Moorish Nation. ed by the Moorish Red Fe: Out of the fall (ashes) of the Moorish Empire. the enix bird took flight. Aquila rose (Rosa Crux) with an olive branch of 13 leaves with 13 berries in the right talon, and in the left talon, 13 arrows, with feathers numbering 13. This close-up view reveals 13 stars arranged to form Hexalpha. This symbolizes Colonial rule in the Moorish Province of FEZ - North Gate. Compare Hexalpha, as shown, with the 13 star arrangement above. ‘The best system of hiding something from the masses is to put it right under their noses. The masses still cannot see. for lack of observation. The Colonial Powers rule the Moorish Empire (The Americas), with the Moors own Science of Astrology, which Moors traded away, for Roman idol god worship- MAN-HAT-TAH, for a String of BEADS. They literally traded places. Now Rome rules the Western Hemisphere. All power wielding politicians, industrialists, religious leaders. judges etc., cherish the Moorish Fez, having a Fez of their own (Masons), and keeping the SECRET. The PYRAMID (Great Seal) and the FEZ are the most important symbols in Masonry. Master Mason = Mothers’ Son. The NUMBER 13. in Masonry is both the 1 + 3 = 4 comers of the PYRAMID. but MOON. and of most importance. the 13 cycles Moorish’ Americans (Al Moroccans) who have become conscious of the true history and hidden scie1 ii i 1. Certificate Regi March 23, 1948 ‘A.D., corresponding to Moorish Calendar Year 1368; Copyright owner CM. Bey’s Clock of Destiny - March 25, 1948 AD.,M.C. 1368. 2. Certificate Registration number AA 209316 March 31, 1952 A-D., M.C. 1372; Masonry- Astrology & History & Geography Clock of Destiny Il (a revised edition of a previously Published book). Clock of Destiny I. 3. Certificate Registration number 222141 September 8. 1952 A.D., M.C. 1372. Clock of Destiny- Moorish American (Al Moroccan) Nationality Card of Identification with Zodiac Constitution. This Cenificate - AA 222141- is the focus of this civic examination: for itis. without doubt, affirming the relationship -proper venue AT LAW- between the Moors, the Franks and other foriegn. Christian ~ Nations. United States Code of Laws of a General and Permanent Character ~ Title 22 Chapter 2 Consular Courts - getieral information: 1. Consul: A Wazir (officer) Consul or Minister representative of a nation who is appointed or assigned the duty of the overseer of the nations” relationship with another nation concerning the citi i ics, cic. The Consul or Consuls generally report to a higher Wazir (Officer/Minister) who is called Consul General. Consalar Courts Consular Courts generally deal with Civil. Cases and in some Circumstances, having Criminal jurisdiction. Consular Courts are held by Consuls of one nation/country in the territory or jurisdiction of another nation/country. These courts are operated under the authority of Treaties, which are Constitutionally enforced. All parties must be lawfully identified, Pith documented proof of Nationality and Citizenship and documented proof of Sovereign Authority to enforce the law (Constitution) of the People. Do not g0 beyond this paragraph if you do not understand it! This is your KEY! The descendants of Moroccans bom in the Americas (The Moorish Americans) should refer to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787, between Morocco and the United States of America. Remember. the s are fi ~ 3 7. As Consular Courts were abolished in 1956.A.D. 1376 Moorish Calendar Jar. all issues Between the Moors and European Christians, being of a Treaty Nature are obviously of a Federa) jurisdiction. ‘The States can not make tteaties and therefore, have, no jurisdiction. “A change of venue should be automatically recognized by inferior courts. Any jurisdiction claimed without mutual agreement within the prescibed proper forum, is void of Law. Federal and State officials must set up Consular Courts to have lawful juridiction in Moorish Affairs. ‘ ;-__ Where provisions are not made to address Foreign Relations anc Intercourse ina Consular Court, _as présctibed by law, then no jurisdictior cxists! A Court of General Sessions, Congressionally sanctioned, in accord with the National Constitutions and Treaties, with Consulars and officials Fepresenting both nations/nationals, present and.In Propria Persona, would be 2 Proper jurisdiction. ~All parties would operate by. de jure Constitutional and ‘Treaty ‘Jaw. : If there is no proper jurisdiction or venne, then no lawful or legal trial_can be held, therefore, all rights revert back to the People (Self- government with Sovereign Authority). This is where Certificate AA 22714} cleat ves its purpose. When government officials supersede their jurisdiction, or deny lawful due process, redress, recourse and remedy, “At Law”, then they aré the criminals, and are traitors to the Constitution and ‘Treaty to which they are bound by Law and from whence they derive any Authority at all! This is where. your written Zodiac Constitution comes into effect - use it! The Treaty of 1787 is the Law of the Land just as the Constitution and is binding on all the judges of every State. Look at them as one document, as far as LAW and AUTHORITY is concerned. Moors are NOT citizens of the Union States Society, but are the People of the Continental United States, being PART and PARCEL of the government to which the Union. of States are obligated. The Constitutions of the Two Nations, in conjunction with Treaties, are the working tools for adjudication in jurisdictional veque; Keep in mind, the DUALITY of the Great Seal of the United States. With Moors, any non-federal sanctioned-court ( INFERIOR) is improper jurisdiction. If a court is not operating with Constitational Law and Treaty, itis Color of Law and fraudulent. Any colorable courts are improper and have no jurisdiction, although all States’ Officers KNOWINt operate with Color of Authority. Any colorable or negative law (Non Organic Constitution) is in blatant violation of the Constitution and the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787. Moors! When dealing with legal or lawful matters. always be aware of what law, court or venue is in operation. and what law its officers are claiming authority by: the Nation they represent and knowing the difference! Alwavs challenge the courts” jurisdiction! Whién or if Mbors are in the courts of the United States of America. for .ANY REASON, the courts and their officers shouldbe made aware of their obligation to the Constitution, and the Treaty of 1787, for the record! All Moorish Americans should refer to their Zoilise Constitation; remembering that they are NOT the property wards (staves) of the States, and NOT negro, black, colored, etc., or any other btand names that allade to Slavery. As National Sovereign People, the Moors are entitled to lawfal due process At law. stitutions of all pasties involved should be presented into evidence for the record - to protect and Preserve the rights of the people. ‘Tlé Constitations and Treaty Law isthe Sovereign Law, where any DE JURE cldimed ‘authority is derived. The rights of all Peoples (citizens) of a Nation are protected by the WRITEEN CONSTITUTION of that particplar nation, (not by privileges). The Peoples’ ‘Sovereignty is the SOURCE of the Constitution and Treaty Law. Constitutional law - the Peoples’ combined Sovereign Power of Authority - is enforced by their National representatives, through government agencies and sub- agencies. All lawful agencies of goveriment must have a Delegation of Authority Order from the Congress - or the Honse of Parliament (Majlis) to the Djema’ # (Council of Elders) - the Representative ruling body of the two nations in one. ‘Demand all agency officials to produce their Delegation of Authority (D.0.A.) when they put demands on you. Lawful government does not and cannot sinandate anything on the people. Government authority and.power is limited by the Constitution. Govertments are empowered to PROTECT the rights of the people, NOT use authority (sovereignty) allotted them through the Constitution, to violate the same. This is why Moors have a written Constitution, for their protection in national and international affairs; linking theisclves back with the families of nations. Color of Law (antificial) used to control negro, black and colored people. (artificial). Keep in mind, the political, social and civic danger of using and alhiding to the Union States’ brand names of negro, black, colored, etc... The European surmames, which denote ‘Possession, such as Smith, Jones, Johnson, etc:, must be returned to the European-nations. These names are not of Moorish Asiatic Parentage. Claim your own Moorish Names and Nationality, at all times. De facto government officials and the States’ judges, prosecutors and State agencies qperate with Color of. Law and anti- Constitutional statutes and ordinances, to extract (extort) finance from the unsuspecting State wards (chattel). Any branch of government, government agency/agencies, person or Persons employed by such agencies, who operate beyond its or their jurisdiction or Delegation Of Authority, is in violation of the Constitution and the Treaty. Officials, using Color of Authority, violate the peoplelcitizen. thus, commit a criminal offense. In such instances, the ultra virns statntes do not nrotect the colorable officials or emnlovees. = 3p Contracted agencies. (non - government) masicipalities judges. Prosecutors, person or persons, clerks, etc., or others, employed by such agencies, municipalities, etc., are bound to uphold and support the Constitution, The Bar Association Remember this! The States’ JUDGES are members of the Bar Association. ‘The States’ PROSECUTORS are members of the Bar Association. The States’ LAWYERS and ATTORNEYS are members of the Bar Assdciation. The States’ JUDGES methodically use THREATS, FEAR and COERCION to FORCE people to HIRE their fellow Bar Association LAWYERS and ATTORNEYS. Question! For whom are the States’ JUDGES working? Whose AGENTS are they - the Bar Asséciation’s, or thg Peoples’? The Bar Association is NOT the LAW! The Constitution is the Peoples’ Law!!! Study the LAW and USE the LAW! it you are wise, you will claim your Moorish Nationality and your Sovereign rights; wearing them like a warm coat in the winter season! Use your Moorish Great Seal Zodiac Constitution! The Stétes’ Judges, prosecutors and Lawyers are not the keepers or Protectors of Constitutional Law. They do not represent the people! They are of a private guild, that actually subverts the Constitution, and inject themselves as the Law! They are all members of a private, non-government exclusive club - acting as if they are the Law!. This is a clear case of conflict of interest! Can such operatives render a fair trial to anyone? Definitely not toa Moor! They have no lawful jurisdiction! Always question an mn who finance or who makes demands or claims authority over you! Request written proof! (a written averment of jurisdiction). In many and most cases, that person-is a THIEF, exceeding her/his Delegation Order of Authority and/or jurisdiction, at_ your expense. These violations against the pcople are the daily norm and these guild members are absolutely aware of their unconstitutional actions. They seize advantage over the ignorant masses, whom the States’ multiple institutions have mis-cultivated. They are in collusion. This is a KEY to the subjugation of those with no Nationality or Sovereign consciousness. This PROFITS such people, through the use of government (the States’ and pseudo- government agencies, to have direct and indirect negative control over the ignorant and unsuspecting masses, their FAMILIES and their FINANCE. Of most favored TARGET . status, is the States’ chattel- bearing the brands - negroes, blacks, colored; ‘etc. They have no Constitution, no National Flag_ne National Seal and no consciousness of Sovereignty- therefore, no LAWFUL tutional ion or National recognition. This is the hidden bureaucratic slavery, in GUISE, which is ofien, and with calculation, mislabeled and promoted as prejudice or racism, by the States and their opportunistic leaders, appointed to oversee the poor. The money-making, SOVEREIGNTY stcaling RACE GAME continucs- but is now EXPOSED! 2 oe Mummers The-FALL of the Moorish government in the “NORTH GATE”- (North ‘America), is celebrated yearly with the Thanksgiving Holiday and the Parade of the MUMMERS, in the old Moorish Capital City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Mummers Pafade is the “CRUSADE CRUX VICTORY MARCH” and was traditionally perforiried with the mummers’ faces painted black - this was the MOCKING of the Moors! ‘The popular race, color and prejudice arguments are deliberate; and divert the tue issue, which is the Moorish SOVEREIGNTY and the truth about the inheritors of the LAND - the. people LABELED and BRANDED, negro, black, colored, ete. Even in this age of enlightenment and with the availability’ of exposing literature, the CHATTEL think. that the European surnames that they are branded with, are their own national descent names. Secretly/using the The Black Codes of 1724, the States force their chattel to incorporate thiemséives and their property with the States, by misrepresentation of authority, threat and coercion. The RULE of The Colonial States is tp use the force of Color of Law and Color of ‘Authority. Government agencies and sub-agencies, force their chattel into costly non-mutual contracts with the States’ licensed and sanctioned private corporations. This is in direct conflict with Constitutional Law or ainy sovereign authority coming from the people. Moors! Always refer to your writien Moorish Zodiac Great Seal Constitution for your protection against the foreign aliens, and their Color of Law and Color of Authority. The Trick BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE of the States’ confidence men (agents), who win the confidence of the people, because they say they are BLACK! NEGRO, or COLORED, claiming themselves as your “CHOSEN” SOVEREIGN leaders! These LABELS are the first TRAPS! They steal your BIRTHRIGHTS and your SOVEREIGNTY for the benefit of the CORPORATE STATES! Wards and Slaves - the INFAMOUS CHATTEL BRANDS! no such NATIONS or PEOPLE ever existed and’are not TIED or CONNECTED to the HUMAN FAMILY! Negrois the black chimpanzee monkey (beast) of the Amazon river valley in South Africa (America). This primate (monkey) is NEGRO JARAVA ARABO, and is father to the Albion (albino) strain of the mixed human and monkey tribes - Jacob (Yacub). The genetic experimental GRAFT and missing link! Negro and black are synonymous. Governments deal with LAW. not EMOTIONS! do not “feel as- though” the Law should be this, that or the other! The Law of the Land is NOT that complicated; it is called a Constitution! Read it! If you don’t have a Nationality, Constitution, National Flag, National Seal, anda knowledge of Sovereignty, then get used to your enslavement. because, in the CIVIC ARENA of world politics. you are a voluntary slave! Declare and defend your Moorish Nationality! Nationality is the universal bondi UNITY for a people. S An a THE GREAT PYRAMID “GREAT SEAL” AND “HEXALPHA” N Ss The Great Pyramid “Great Seal” “Hexalpha” is the is the Emblem of the Moorish Insignia of the Nation. : Moorish Nation. ‘The symbol of the Eye is Allah. The symbol of the Pyramid is Self - I AM - the first MONAD MANIFEST in flesh and in Balance. The first People of the Earth. The Moabite/Moorish Nation, Asiatics and Moslems. Hexalpha, the dual trinc, represents the Law of Duality - as above, so below - the Spiritual and the Physical, the MOTHER and the SON. Hexalpha is sometimes displayed within the Fertile Crescent - Mother and Nation. xx Hexalpha (the dual trines) also represent the centrifugal and centripetal forces in nature, called yin and yang. , YANG ATER YIN LAW AM _= MASTER These are the Five Universal Symbols Of Islam - The 12 signs of the Zodiac, the Science of the Moorish Nation Of The I; North Gate, (North America) founders of Civilization. « Moorish Nationals, Initiates and.Doctors of Law, in general, should be cognizant of the fact that the Rreamble of the Constitution of the United States of America has two (2) Entities ( United States). The two Entities referred to in the Preamble are; the first (ist) Entity, The United States - symbolized by the Great Seal and the second (2nd) Entity, the United States of America - symbolized by the Eagle in Flight (phoenix bird), which came out of the ashes (fall) of the Moabite/Moorish Empire - the Great Lost Estate. The Moabite/Moorish Nation was overthrown by the Franes/Franciscan Brotherhood. The ‘negative economic and social conditions of the descendants of the Moorish Nation, labeled negro, black, colored, ete., is because the Moors are war booty and prisoners of war, in their own lands... the Al Morocs (Americas). The Hexalpha, displayed in glory over the head of the Eagle on the Seal of the United States of America indicates their de facto trusteeship over - the Great Mahgrib (Morocco farthest West). Much of the true history and Culture of the Moorish Nation is preserved and taught in the Masonic lodges and secret’ societies of North America and the world. j. We, the People of the United States - are the People of the Land: jhe Indigenous Sovereign People of the’ AI Morocs (Americas), who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern Shores of Africa (Al Moroc). The Americas avy from Alaska to Argentina (Patagonia). including the adjoining Islands’ Thee Te site descendants of the Ancient Moabites - the Moors. ‘The Great Seal is the ins: We the People of the: United States...... Do ordain and éstablish this Constitution for the United States of America. Therefore 2.The United States of America is the juristic act (guild of European Companies) They are the Chartered 2a party (entity), in a political state of union (unity). The 13:Colonies, with Government Ordinance Departments, or G-O-D. This established the basis for Peace and Law (Treaties) beiwors it Moorish Law - the latc Moorish Government, setting the course of the subsequent history. in these lands. This is why the United States has two (2) Seals. ‘The Pyramid Great Seal is the Original United States Confederation Republic of the Moorish Empire. The Moprs were Sometimes teferred 10 in United States of America’s history. 28 “Bratish”. The Bratish is again referred to as the “British” or the Rea Coats. The Moorish Flag is Red with a five pointed green star in the center. The Al Moroccan United States flag is the Continental flag. This flag is red, with a green The opposite side of the seal- The Flying Eagle is the Seal of the Colony States, the United States of the. Union - Ectados Unidos or the United States of America, shown today as the central _part of the North Continent of the Americas. It is bordered by Canada at re north, and bordered jhe Melting Pot. Two opposite nations, blending and agreeing to mutually live in peace, with a Treaty of Peace to address jurisdictional affine The Europeans -English, Irish, Germans, French, Scottish wot the Dutch (Holland) were allowed to settle the 13 colonies - chartered by the Brutish Moors. This is the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America Preamble ~ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty 10 ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America shows that the origin comes from a pre - existing Nation. This is the secret of Nature” s Jaw and Nature’s God, symbolized in the two seals of the one Great Seal of the United States (The Continental. United States of the Indigenous Moorish Nation). Natures Law and Natures God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. ONE The Great Seal of the United States The seal of the Unlted States of America MOABITES / MOORS ALBIONS / EUROPEANS (Federal) (Colonies / States) UNION Union: a uniting or connecting of two or more into one. This can represent chemicals, principles.or peoples, an example in simple form is 1 + 1 =2. In the secret history of the West, the two Seals of the United States represent the Union between the Moorish Moslems and Europeans Christians, into a government based on the Ancient and Ilustrious Principles of the Five pointed Star - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, as established in the Ancient Civilization of Mu - the Ancient Moabites Law of Peace. These Principles are founded in Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. mentioned in the Unaminous Declaration of Independence. Nature*s Law is sometimes referred to as the Wheels in the sky -The Great Zodiac Constellations - Universal Law of Peace. Therefore, while the present government of the United States. under European Colony/State domination and control, may take ona de facto posture, the ruling hierarchy - politicians, religionists and industrialists are well aware of the Mountain Top (Pyramid) with the all seeing Eye (Allah). This is called Mohammed’s Mountain, The Great Seal. The two (2) Seals symbélize the true history and Astrologically prophesied destiny of The Great Melting Pot- The United States - the Al Morots (Americas). The exposure of these truths, to the subj ij int Masses is called the New Order. , When the Secrets are revealed, all false institutions begin to fall apart and lose their power and influence over the people. The New Order brings Light to the North, which was kept in darkness, (ignorance and slavery) by the Conquerors ‘of Civilization - the Albion Franciscan Brotherhood of European Nations. G.0.D. (God) ’ ‘AS mentioned earlier in this text, G.O.D., as represented on'the fiat ‘currency .(uncofstitutional federal reserve notes) distributed in thé United States ‘of America, mearis:Government Ordinance Departments. G.O.D. is an acrouyin. the iphrcisc:In God ‘We Trust means We trust in the Ordinances of our Goveinment ‘Departments, to support and preserve the Sovereignty and rights of the people, in accord with the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. The Government Ordinance Departments consist of the Executive, Legislative of government in the juristic United States of ‘America; patterned after the Continental United States Republic of the Indigenous Moors. ‘Remember, at all-times, when, or if, there is social unrest, citizen’s atest etc., Constitutions are the Law. If any government official/s or State assigned Leader/s or person/s claim leadership authority on bebalf of any PEOPLE, and do not include Sovereignty, Constitutional Law, rights and immunities in their programs and conversations- BEWARE you are dealing with a thief, a deceiver, and one who is operating for a foreign principal, using Color of Law. Study’ the Constitution and the Treaties that are engaged into, by the Moorish Nation and the United States of America Companies if a controversy or abridgement of Law or rights may arise. The word God also means anything that is worshiped, adorized or praised. Kt should never be equated in singular form, with or as the Divine Creator, except conjoined: with a Name. As an example: Almighty God, God, the Creator. etc. - upon clear qualification. God is a generic term, and can apply to almost anything or anyone. as a single word. indians Indian is a code name used by the European/Albion conquerors of Civilization in the West (Maghrib), applied to the mixed indigenous Moorish ‘Tribes and the Anglis/English. Though it may be hard for many State educated > people to believe - India is on the Continent of Asia. The Al Morocs (Americas) are not India. The word Indian is derived from the word Hindu or Hindustan of the East. The Europeans favored the name Indians because the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (Al Morocs) were clearly related by parentage and culture to the Asiatics in the East. The word India also refers to the word indigo, which is a black: berry of the indigo plant, used by the Moors, from ancient time to the present. The dye is used for clothing: Jelabas. turbans and the black tassels. which adorn the cherry red Fez, the National Headdress. The Flag of the Al Moroccans} Moors (Old Glory) is : A Cherry Red Flag with a Five - Pointed Green Star in the Center. The proverbial Ae Cherry Tree George Washington chopped > 4 down in 1774. . The Flag of the Al Moroccan Continental Confederation is: A Red Flag with a white canton, displa a Green Cedar Pine in the Center of the canton. Our Al Morrocan Continental flag was also taken down in 1774. The Flag of the Colonial States of the Union (representing the English, Irish, Germans, French, Scottish and the Dutch (Holland) Companies!CorporationsIGuilds i A flag of 7 red stripes and 6 white stripes. totaling 13. Ithas a blue canton. containing stars. which symbolize the stars are white. It was officially adopted in s Hexalpha - the dual trine is the geometric represéiitation of the Moabite/Moorish Fez. The symbolic math is thus: 3 angles and 3 planes + 3 angles and 3 planes - together - the Spirit and the Flesh, as it is above. so shall it bebelow. The four 3’s are: 3 in the North: 3 in the East: 3 in the South and 3 in the West. These are the twelve (12) houses of the Zodiac. Each plane of the equilateral pyramid represents 120 degrees. 3 x 120 = 360. 2.x 360=720. 7 + 2+ 0=9 = WOMAN. ‘The Moabite/Moorish Woman has siven a crown of knowledge and wisdom to her Sons. within the span of 9 months. in the most illuminated school of the universe - Her Womb. The Fez symbolizes the above and the Zodiac. t Now, due to war, Peace Treaties. political subversion and social engineering, the European Nations, through usurpation, have economic, social and juristic control over the Moorish Provinces (America). Hexalpha above the head of the Flying Eagle on the European side of the dual United States Seal symbolizes the Moorish Fez and is indicative of the enslavement of the Moors. and the burial of Hiram Abiff (Unconscious Moors), in the dark Comer of His own Temple/mind (lack of knowledge of Self and History and Geography). ‘The Moors of the Maghrib. have been made illiterate by force of Colorable Laws. through political and religious institutions - established and supported by the Colonies/States and agents. Agents are bound to the European, guilds. groomed and chosen from among the Moorish descendants, labeled negro. black and colored and given the mission of the overseer. The “agents” job is to encourage the use of State adhesion contracts and State religion. This reinforces the fraud of The Black Codes of 1724. The promotion of artificial names. such as Black Nation, Negro Nation: Colored Nation, African-American Nation, West Indian Nation, elc., are Fraudulent , 28 no such nations exist or ever existed. Anyone using such tags, which are substitutes for a National Name, is proclaiming to the world that they are not part of the human family, but are Union States wards. whether done consciously or through ignorance, the result is the same - no_rights. protections or recognition by National or International Nations and Communities. At Law. These devoid of parentage/pedigree words are code words to describe the Chattel property of the Dutch ‘and Anglis Masters. The false names Separate the unconscious Moors. labeled black. negro. colored. Afro. etc.. from the Human Family and the Nations of the Earth. This renders them as State property. a Hiram has more meaning than what has been told in Masonic allegory. c Indeed. Hiram was a Master bitilder who ayas robbed. hit in the head and buried >) in the comer of the Temple: bitt let's take another view of this. Hiram - (High Ram):- Aries, the Ram Hiram is. in fact. relating to the defeated and unconscious Moors of North America (Al Moroc), known Masonically as the North Gate. The act of teaching and informing the ignorant and unconscious (mentally dead) Moors is called raising. ” Aries, the Ram, is the first sign of the Zodiac- the Law of the Ancient ‘Moabites/Moors. Aries is the first sign (month/moon) of the true New Year in the Northen Hemisphere of the Americas. This. brings in the Spring Season and is called the Resurrection of Life in the dark North. x __The sign of Afies is indicated on the Mundane Cross as the position of “9” ‘of the Zodiac clock. Aries the Ram is the third (3rd) Month (moon) of the Solar year. Aries is one of the four Cardinal points of the Zodiac and comes in on March 21 of every year. This is known from ancient to modem times as the Vernal Equinox; March, the 3rd month; 21 is 2+1=3. This is the secret of the 33. degrees- the symbol of the Great Pyramid. The resurrection of the ence of the Ancient Moorish Nation, in the Aquarian age. The Zodiac is the 2 origin of both Religion and Science. Know your Law, know your truth, and 6 begin freeing yourself from false doctrines and unlawful unconstitutional ( government. ‘The Symbol of Fhe Four Cardinal Points of the Zodiac: The Mundane Cross. (Earth) Proper and Improper Venue * Proper and Color of Law Courts Particular geographical area in which a court, with proper may hear and/or determine a case. Venue deals-with locality Power or authority to hear or address a suit. issue or matter. Geography. relative in Jurisdictional issues is key to understanding the application of Law. All Moorish Americans (Al Moroccans) should be well grounded in a knowledge of self, the Inquisition and the history of the Fall of the Moorish Empire, in order to understand the political system we now live under. The ; government Officials and Legislators are well aware of the dual nature of the 4 i United States andthe Seals. have a sibility to be izant of their true Sovereign Status. Moorish Americans {Al Moroccans) have their . Law and Europeans have their Law: both. in de jure Pri ple, (At Law) work in harmony through Constitution and Treaty. Remember! The Constitution of the United States of America comes down from the Zodiac Great Seal Constitution of the Moorish Nation. The Status of the Moors and the status of Europeans is. SEPARATE, BUT EQUAL. in accord with “ust” Law (Constitution). If one forgets this fact, then one is subject to imi ii rT jurisdi «iforganized corporate thieves) and'COLORABLE LAWS. 7] is is the price that has been paid; by many Moors £3} holding on to t 9S and LABELS of ‘négio.-black, colored, Smith, Jones, Johnson, etc. There ni Sovereign ‘Authority with anyone who is not in one’s proper persot government » official or court in which you'have no Constitutional or connection. has no Sovereign Law, through citizens” agreement (Constitutional Contract). ‘Such persons-or courts are imconistitutional arid a fraud. Sovereignty and your Constitution is relative and must never to be separated OF ignored. If the Seal and Flag of your Nation is not in the Court, your Law and Constitution is not represented; therefore you have no protection in that court. If you are in love with slavery and injustice, ignore this statement. The two (2) United States have a conjoined destiny and have Constitutions and Treaties to govern the People under specified conditions. The Americas (Al Morocs) have:been called the Melting Pot because of this union and mix of the Nation: The two United States, conjoined, are part and Parcel of One. Therefore, all the judges of every territory, Province or State, Court or suit case, Status d ines what is operative and how it is applied. Proper Jurisdiction and venue is deterinined based on that “Status” - either Moorish Moslem Law or the Laws governing European Christians and their negro/black/colored property slaves who bare their sumames. Constitutions and Treaties resolve any confusion of. Status, Jurisdiction and Proper Venue. Moors in Court If a Moorish American ( Al Moroccan) is tried in any United States courts without Status and Constit itions entered into evidence, then Proceedings are already ‘unlawful. Constitutions and Treat determine whether of the United States of America Constitution and the Code of Laws of the ty States of America of a General and Permanent Character - Title 22. Chapter 2, Section 141). Every judge in every State is bound by oath to uphold the Constitution with ail Treaties in force. MOORS ORDER OF THE ROUNDTABLE LESSON NO. 14 The Sun Rams the earth - resurrecting life in the Northern Hemisphere after three seasons in the tomb. Hiram is the Zodiac Law of the Moabite/Moorish Nation. Aries - The Ram 2 on High (uplifted). The Europeans have been ruling the West with Moorish Law - Astrology. ‘There shall be no more secrets. Fez The National Headdress of the Moorish Asiatic Nation, founders of * Civilization. 360. degree Master Mason, Son of Woman. The Fez is the Crown of Light, Authority and Rule, the Geometric Zodiac. The Fez has no brim and is the Sun (Son). The Fez belongs to: Ali: The bringer of Law. Most Noble and exalted. (Etheral) EI: of the Cosmos - Law givers of the Elohim. (North Gate) Bey: Governors of the land in Moorish Civili- zation. O’bey and enforce Elohim Law. (North Gate) Dey: of the Degrees - of the Eternal Zodiac. (South Gate) Ak: of the Law, descendant Governors. Peregrinus Headdress (Pilgrim) The Occidental (Albion) invading tribes adopted a form of the Fez; blackened it, and added a brim. The Moors named them, Peregrinus. These tribes of English (Anglis) foreigners, wandered the north-western territories of the North Gate (North America); stealing, murdering and plundering. In reconstructed history, these aliens are referred to as Pilgrims - a corruption of the Latin word Peregrinus. ~ Peregrine is Moorish Latin for a wanderer or Traveler froma foreign land. One can sce the influence of the Ancient Moabite/Moorish Nations” Fez in the headdress of the Peregrinus (Pilgrims). Mortar Board The Headdress worn in the West, as a symbol of scientific and scholarly ascention in degrees of knowledge. The Mortar board (Cap) is squared above the Crown, and means a Master Mason, using the tools of the Master Builder Character building. The Mortar Board is an elementary symbol, mathematically immulating the Fez: 4 comers of 90 degrees; 4x 90 =360 degrees: 3 +6+0= 9, representing the Moabite Woman - (Womb - man). The crown of wisdom and civilization. clearly of Moorish Origin. The school cycles traditionally divided into 4 levels of 3 parts: 4x 12 - the Zodiac; 4+: meaning knowledge of Circle 7 Cosmology- Moorish Science. Elohim. Any court dealing with issues between the Moorish Americans and the States should be addressed in a Consular Couit..A Court of General Sessions may suffice, if mutually agreed upon. Any other court is improper venue, due to the de facto posture maintained in the United States courts by the States” officers - making them Void of Law and unconstitutional. If the presiding judges take ona Title of Honor and/or is not appointed by Congress, ( see Article III. Sections '1 and 2 of the United States Constitution) he or she is void At law and is, therefore, colorable. All Moorish Americans must become familiar with National and International Law. The link for World Court and International Law is the United Nations. Keep abreast of all Indigenous Peoples’ issues. Unite and be prepared to take abridgements against the Moorish Nation to the World Community; particularly the fraudulent States colorable authority officers. Do net hesitate to file Human ‘rights: violations (not Civil Rights). Keep records! Remember that the majority of all Union States judges and State agencies are consciously violating the ‘Constitution on which they take their oath. See Article I and others. All Moorish Americans should have in their possession the following documents; whenever dealing with the States; their agencies, etc.: 1. A valid Moorish American Nationality and Identification Card 2. Moorish American Zodiac Great Seal Constitution, and other Indigenous Moorish Documents. 3. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and Morocco of 1787 A.D., 1207 M.C. 4. Code of the Laws of the United States of America of a General and Permanent Character in force - Title 22, Chapter 2 Section 141. Foreign Relations and Intercourse - Treaties 5. The Constitution of the United States of America (see Article VI) Alll of the foregoing should be presented when needed, and entered into evidence before any court proceedings and put into the public record. Hiram should not be hindered in his RISE with JUSTICE. All hail! The Sun of God! *Note: The denial of lawful Due Process. by the Union States Officials, assumed Jurisdiction and improper venue is the basis for much of the unjust incarceration of unconscious Moors, all over this land. The fraudulent use of Color of Law has been the standard for the States. This supports the economic base for the Statcs’ municipalities, cities, towns and borough officials, who target dark and light olive Moors to extort resources for their Police Courts. This includes the fraudulent and unconstitutional commercial adhesion license contracts of COERCION based Traffic Courts. They are United States Constitution: Article III Section-1 and Section 2 Section 1. ‘The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior counts, shall hold their offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall ‘not be diminished during their continuance in-Office. : Section 2: 1 The judicial Power.shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, of which shall be made, under their Allthority; - to all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; - to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction; - to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party; - to Controversies between two or more States; - between a State and citizens of another State; - between citizens of different States; - between citizens of the - same State claiming lands under the Grants of different States, 2a and between a State, or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens or Subjects . - } United States of America Constitu Article VI of Moorish Americans and their descendants are the labels black, negro, colored and other words which-have'no attachment to the human family and no attachment to the land; therefore, they are void and artificial At law. Colored people means artificial people. The States of the Union slave - maker - legislators, judges, State institutions, prosecutors and other corporate Colony/State officials - apply false and artificial Jaw to all labeled and branded ‘Moors (negro, black colored, etc). Moorish Americans should always have their Constitution in their possession, whenever entering a Union States Court. Black means “stagnant”, destitute of all ‘moral light or goodness ‘and-death. A°zombie people! Color of law has:the semblancé of being law, but is not. ‘It may appear real, but is not. It has the look of a beautiful apple, but has a rotten core. There is no authority or correctness in Color of Law. Itis fraud! Color of Law is commonly used in the States, to take advantage of the miscducated Asiatic Moors. This is the well entrenched misuse of power and 2! authority enforced by virtue of State law and lives only because non - jurisdictional officers of the States use the power of their positions and the fa} force of arms. Involuntary servitude is a violation of National and Intemational Law - however - those who voluntarily chose to cling to (keep) the European surnames and caste code Jabels are their property. This traditional practice automatically voids any Sovereign rights “At Law”. The slave descendants who cherish the European surnames are volunteering themselves and all that they may possess into the CASTE and COLOR code system. At this point, servitude is lawful! WILLING VICTIMS! In this state, they are categorized as “IT” and “legal Chattel”. Remember, Moors! You are not negro, black, colored, or any of the labels or brands coined and propagated by the State slave holders and their incorporated agent overseers. The State ordained and sanctioned “black leaders” reap high revenues from the negro, black, colored false label race issues. The Nationality of these labeled and branded people is definitely Moorish American (Al Moroccan). ‘As a rule. when any issue of law is addressed with the Union States. use the Constitution of that Nation and your Constitution to measure the validity of a particular Law or controversy. If the Law is in adversity with, or = contrary to the Constitution, it is not the. Law of the Land; but is fraud and Color of Law. Onc must be vigilant and firm in this principle. States’ governments and their agencies use Colorable laws to‘create a bottomless money pits on the backs of their negro. black and colored chattel property! Tho twelve of Sun, 1 come as one Present memory, past. - As we would know, the numbers show L Resolution a) | | The first tobe the last. | Oh wondrous Ti ain. jor Li Time. par Love. The search jor good, where darkness stood — 2 A battle of the mind, é waa gia g' #t to, Such polished Gnd royal tools For Oniversal rides: As you seck them, vida mikum. peak with fips unparted: Where you see them ~ wrk to jee them, hey are you - uncharted, Time, again... for Love... Time, again... for Love- Her window? fh the heart. Bro. Tof Tortk Bey October 11, 996 Moors Order Of The Roundtable TheR. PORPOSE “Moors Order Of The Roundtable” (M.0.0.The R.)is.a Moorish Nation Insfituon which ‘came into existence active research and study'of the works and teachings of Shelk Sharitt Abdul All (Noble Drew All) and evolved out of ongoing history and cutture classes which were held ‘ona consistent and expanding bgsisiby Bie Ta} Tarik Bey.” M.O.0.The R. was olfcially established in dune of 1882 A.D. = 1402. Moorish Calendar Year. These are the Lands of our etd and Fathers. M.0.0.The R.treats the issues of Moorish History, Culture, Civics, Science, Law, Heritage, Descent (pedigree/parentege), Philosophy, Literature, etc. Upliling fallen bhumanity requires expandiry work in any areas. There is mich work to do, We are striving to pertorm a of Americas. The Universal Moorish Movement iscalledthe “Moorish Divine Netional Movement Of The Wortd”. ‘This was Prophet All's call In 1913 A.D. = 1333 Moorish Calendar yeer: Come all ye Asiatics of Anierica and hear the truth about your nationality and your bithrights ~ You,are inét negro, ‘Bleck, cblored or ettilopian. Learn of your forefathers ancient and divine creed, that. you may Jearn to love, Instead of hate. Come and link yourselves back with the tainilies of nations.” ; At the Roundtable, i sidy analyze and acton the above statement rom an “At Law” Perspective, then-apply the knowlédge ahd instruction. Actions bring words to life. ‘Another Inspiring statment mate by Prophet Noble Drew All, wes: “In order to change the people, you must change thelr Iterature.” appointed opportunists who extract fortunes and pretend to “address the lack of National Sovereignty and the economic and social problems. This diecly and civically abused Nation. it is most difficult to enslave an Informed People. Moorish Americans need focused feorfentation erature. Studies of SELF should be promoted and encouraged amongst our Foople. We are well aware that SLAVERY stil exists in our land. The Union of States subjugated the Moors through and by government and pseudo-govemment agencies which are operating by the Moors Order Of The Roundtable Purpese : Magna Carta (Charter), Knights Of Columbus, Kiu Klux Klan Oath of 1854, Philadetptiia, Pennsylvania. Their Ordinances, Municipal laws and Social Programa ae basedinthe Black Codes of 1724. These are the untold FACTS. The Roundtable'sa civic association of National, indigenous Moors, not to be confused with, nor mistaken as a religious grou organization! We are a civicalty active part of the Indigenous Moorish Nation. Wetréatthe Sclence of Government. Science. History, Heritage anit Oishure fre-obigated to teach these truths to our own, especialy to those who do not knowofSELFand National Birthright. We are working hard to remove the attficially induced Civic: Death which plagues our people. The Sciences of our Ancient Mothers and Fathers have been twisted, misinterpreted and misrepresented by slavers through the use of ‘subtle religious dogmatic contol systems. We strive to upiftthe Great Principles and Science of our Ancient Mothers andFathers-the Founders of Ghillzation, Wemake PUBLIC DECLARATIONof our Moorish/Moroccan Natiohalty and Birthrights. We are the true inhéfitors of the North Gate. We honor our Mothers and our Fathers. Do your part. in helping to upit fallen humanity. Peace on Earth, Recognition by the Nations of the Earth, and Peace with SELF, are the prizes! Freedom is everybody's job. sam. ‘AsSalaamu Alakum, Fez: The National Headdress of the Asiatic Moorish Nation Of North, South and Central Al Morocs (Americas), including the adjoining (stands. The Fez is red jelt, with an 10 black tassel. Fex: The Hecehtress oj the Ancient One: -The Mocbitel Moors ~ cho spelled Mour. is > geomericfly urmed 10 represen the eternal Ludi. The BODY o] the FEZ symbolizes the WOME of the COSMOS ond the WOMB cf WOMAN- MOTHER. The 1 inch FIMAL which extends out oj the center oj the FEZ is tho 4, ond the 9th letter — 1—in the Phhonctic Moorish etal The letter ofa syle he MANE the clr exes od the Sor ‘The cord extending jrom the | (Cyc) symbolizes the Universal Ombifical Cord of Oniversat Life ond represents the Oneness of off Fje lon iret te We $8 Bic Soapened ueety ODAC 7 MAN. ‘The Circulor (round) port of the tonsc! represents the MUNDANE CIRCLE or GARTH. The cord wrapped about the tassel strands, hold the jorm o] the Circle ond represent the Onity of Life through the Zodiac Constitution of Humanity. ft clo represents the Cyclicot and reciprocal nature of tio. ‘The STRANDS of tha TASSEL reprasent the 360 DEGREES of the ZODIAC... Tha highast LAW ond AUTHORITY in CIVILIZATION. The ZODIAC CROWN OF LISHT. the National Headdress of the MOTHERS ond FATHERS oj the HUMAN FAMILY — FOUNDERS oj CIVRIZATION, AND CASTERS of the COSMOS SCIENCE. GRD IRD AND 360 Degree MASTER MASONS ond SASTERN STARS. This is a port of the hidden truth which has besn beriod im the dark corer of the NORTHGATE. The FEZ — symbol of the Eternal Zodiac is cho colled aT orbush, aTiora,a | Corona Sel, ond other names, which describe its Royal Status. ~ BRO.TASTARIK BEY ~ 5ON OF A WIDOW = OURS ORDER OFTHE RGONDTABLE 1784 AD.~ 7046. ~ a The Moabite Moorish Flag of The Homan Family The Crescent and the Star bared jtog, with a white Crescent ond Stor n the center. ‘The Stor is just imide the upper horn of ‘the Crescent. 2 e (The Crescent cmd the Stor is the okies! flog in aff homon history. Ht is MOTHER é ‘Yo ail other jlags of the Nations, Ht symbolizes MOTHER ond SON. bs a singuler form, it symbolizes ~ the COSMOS. ‘The CRESCENT is the symbol of the Angle (Angel), LONA - the MOON. Moon: lohim e GABRICL Degree (doy : Monday chemy: Sitver Fight energy (color): White Revolutions oround Carth in a yoor: 1% Mean distance from orth: 238,855 miles ‘The word Month ix derived Moon Strength ond inllucnce: Fecundity Ruler of WOMANS’ cycle cf 13 The STAR within the Crescent is the Angle (angen. ISHTAR- olto called ASTARTE - VENOS VENvs: ‘The most britfiont planct in our Solor System Stohim e ANAEL Degree (doyb: Friday Alchemy: Copper Vibration fight enorgy (color: Goon Revolutions cround the SUN in a yeor: 225 days Distonce jrom the SOR: 7.000.000 mites ‘Strength and influence: Fertiity ond Love i to ~Bre. Tel Tore Bey Som Widow - Moors Order O1TheRoundtobic -NB4AD.= 904M.C. The National Flag of the Meabite Moorish Nation oj North America ia green star in the The Bos of the Moorish At Moroccons (Awicriccm) ~'the direct descendents of the Anctent Mociiites ~ wha inhoblted the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Ajrica/Amcrica (ameter). ‘The word Al Is Moorish Latin for descendant, or coming down from. ‘The green STAR Is the Anite Angel, ihtor — descended to the Corth. Ishtar ~ also called Astorte — VENOS. Venus is the most brifficnt star bn ‘Solor System. Her Elohim identity is ANACL. Her degree Gay) ts FRIDAY. eidey, therfore. the Hay Dep for al MOMADS Cees). coves Yas eet enemy of Ue re ne SDM, comes ltr to he GARTH thon ony other plone. The cichemy copper; which: Moors used copper, generously, in Moorish. exchtecter, Caper winch rbot a ae a reas aah Green is Sovran Re array Cosh Ah SMES three: The CREEHSTAR im the contor of ‘The FIVE POTS to the STAR ore tntertoced, ond represent the principtes of lam — Science 0 the Moabite/ Moorish Notion, The rnp ee LOVE. THD Pence, PReCbOM ed VENOS. the STAR. in the symbology. heraldry represents the | creative nature ‘the OMVERSG ord natort gore ens Science, ts the secret principle of ‘The Flog of the Moorish Americans, in truth, ts VENUS. VENDS is LOVE, herself, therejore, LOVE is the FIRST PRINCIPLE of the FIVG. in the SCICNCE of SLAM. Bra Tol Tarlk Bey, Son fo dldow— Moers Order 0] The Rendle 1984 AD = 904 ALC. 4 in Aucillavies 1. Ancillaries: aiding, auxiliary or subordinate, helper or aid to principal , or matter. 2. Black - a - Moor: A compound word used by European Colonists and their descendants, especially during and after the “Inquisition. period”. The -adjective black is used to prefix the proper noun, Moor, the national and true Dedigree/parentage tame. This makes the word black + Moor or black a Moor acompound word. Moor is proper, black is not. The people called negro, black, colored, etc., are not any of these adjectives, but are Moors, by proper National name. 3. Union: a uniting or connecting of two-or more into one. This can represent chemicals, principles or peoples. An example in simple form is 1 + 1 = 2. In the secret history of the West, the two Seals of the United States represent Constitutions and Treaties of and between the Moorish Moslems and foreign European Christians into a government based on Ancient and Ilustrious Principles of the “Five pointed Star” - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, as established in the Ancient Civilization of Mu ..... the Moabites. These Principles are founded in Nature’s Law and Nature’s God, The Wheels in the sky - The Great Zodiac Law of Peace. Therefore, while the present corporate government in control of the United States of America may take ona de facto posture, the ruling hierarchy - politicians, religionists and industrialists are well aware of the Mountain Top with the all seeing “Eye” This is called Mohammed’s Mountain - The Great Seal and the key to the true history and Astrological destiny of “The Great Melting Pot”. 4. Government Power and Authority Governments are in power to Protect and preserve the rights and immunities of the “People”. They are not in power to abridge those rights, or to use the sovereign power entrusted in them only by the Constitution, to force the “People” into private corporate non-mutual adhesion contracts and States" coerced wardship Color of Law schemes, against their will and interests. The rights and immunities of the “people” are not for sale. through contract. by government. Government authority is derived only from the agreed consent of the people they govern. A Constitution is, in fact a Contract between “The People”. and Persons, from amongst “The People”. elected to represent them. ina Sovereign capacity. Any government official who claims jurisdiction or acts with authority, outside the limits of the Constitution of a particular Nation, is a Criminal and a Traitor. - Bro. Taj Tarik Bey Bibl iogtaphy 1. "Noble Dréw ‘All: Moorish Holy Temple Of Science: Nationality and Birthright Instructions for-all Moorish Americans, etc. ©. M. Bey: Masonry, ‘Astrology and Geography* Clock Of Destiny 1& Clock Of Destiny II" Humanitarian Lessons * Cosmos Science * Copyright Certificate AA222141 Library of Copgress - United States - Washington, District of Columbia Copyright Office Moorish American Institute - Cleveland, Ohio, Amexem The Code of the Laws of the United States of America of a General ~»y and Permanent Character - in Force: 1934 Edition, United States Piinting Office, Wastiington, D.C. Moors - The Uniting of a Natlon. Heritage A - Bro. Taj Tarik Bey The Freedom Package |. - Heritage B - Bro. Taj Tarik Bey Nationality and Birthrights taken from the Moors. - Civics No. 2 - Bro. Taj Tarik Bey South Carolina Department of Archives and History Com “o

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