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Henry David Thoreau On Stage

Henry David Thoreau was an accomplished American writer, a person who seeks to rise
above common thought or ideas. He is best known for his classic book, Walden which had a great
influence on readers as we are; he introduces much more than only ideas. It was more about
principals and guidelines that every single being should follow if wants to achieve his/ her

As readers, we may find lots of values that make us discover the real meaning of life. And if we
take our pen to write or our turn to talk about you as “a famous writer” or even about your “works”
we may never end; your ideals still exist in our everyday life.

Through your texts, we discover that life is much more than living. It has not to do with only our
existence but rather with realizing our hidden goals. This may be attained by living with a great
simplicity, changing our thinking about even ourselves. You taught us to love and believe in
ourselves and especially to have a positive self-imitation. More precisely, what had really attracted
me was what you said: “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”  , this
quotation may be as simple but the meaning behind is much more deeper that is never give up, or
turn your head back to your previous Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957) : “Life is full of
surprises …Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you try to
plan every step, you may miss those wonderful …turns. Just find your next adventure-do it well,
enjoy it-and then, not now, think about what comes next.”

Besides to the value that of truth which we did learn through your saying: “Rather than
love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”. You have simply put “truth” above all the other
life’s principals. We can also distinguish the truest life through your quotation: you advise us to
dream while we are awakening, to trust our visions as long as we are living in order to become
immortal, because after all, as you said ““All good things are wild and free.”; You taught us a
crucial moral lesson that is good thing are waiting to be picked up, run after them and surely you
will get if not some certainly most of them.

To finish with, there is no précised word may thank you, no enough statements to describe
you, and no special or particular expressions to give you your supreme position, merely because
you challenged and skipped the excellence limits. In your books, the simplest thing that weighs
heavily on us “Life is something that everyone should try at least once.”

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