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The best trip in my life was to Antabamba city with my

mother. We travelled by bus because is cheaper than

traveling by plane. First we arrive in Cusco city and then
we go to Antabamba.
We met many beautiful places like the church of
Huaquirca, the temple of Mamara, the temple of San
Salvador, but the place that I liked best was Cchocho and
its thermal baths because it’s peaceful and relaxing. Here
we met a married couple who were also from Arequipa.
They were very nice. In the afternoon we went to a local
restaurant and had lunch.we didn't have time for dinner
because it was already late and we wanted to sleep, so we
stayed at a hotel.
The next day we left for Mollebamba. A small town where
our grandparents live. We hired a car because there were
no buses. We arrived in Mollebamba in the afternoon but
it started to rain so we ran quickly to my grandparents'

Se de en invernaderos y en espacios industriales,incubadoras de

huevos, saunas, humidores y museos. También se utilizan en el cuidado de los
instrumentos musicales de madera tales como pianos, guitarras, violines y arpas, que
pueden ser dañados por las condiciones de humedad inadecuadas. En entornos
residenciales, los higrómetros se utilizan para ayudar en el control de la humedad .En la
industria de los recubrimientos tienen múltiples usos debido a que la aplicación de la
pintura y otros recubrimientos puede ser muy sensible a la humedad y al punto de rocío. 

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