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Solar Powered Automated Parking System


Our objective is to give an in-depth explanation of how Solar Powered Automated
Parking System works in managing traffic jams especially with growth in the number of vehicles
in Metro Manila. The purpose of this research is to show how a mechanical system will be able
to help making convenient and efficient parking lots as well as effective use of idle land spaces.
The study will help the readers to learn more on complications and processes of the proposed
system that could enhance their knowledge and come up with better ideas for future purposes.


We, the researchers, applied the qualitative type of method as to make the study easier for
the readers to understand with its nature of being more communicative and descriptive.
Nowadays, most cities in Asian countries are experiencing problems with Transportation and
Traffic congestion. With such a rapid increase in urban population, there has been an increase in
demand for mobility, and with it, an increase in motorized vehicle ownership. Most observers
argue that the phenomenal increase in private car ownership and the resulting growth in the
number of private vehicles are responsible for the high level of congestion in cities (Ahmed,
2013). The rationale that as the number of vehicles increases as the number of population
continue to grow.
This paper focuses on designing and implementing Solar Powered Automated Parking System
that will be useful for areas in Metro Manila that have limited parking spaces. The system will
use solar energy to generate power. It automatically moves cars using infrared sensors strategy as
machine vision to an empty parking slot (Kulkarni, 2020). It is capable of parking a vehicle
without an individual having to be in it which will reduce traffic jams and save a lot of time and
fuel. It helps reduce carbon emissions in the air that leads to major cause of global warming. It
will lessen peace and order problems and increase public safety. However, it limits other type of
vehicle such as dump truck, trailer and six wheelers that’s too huge for the parking area.

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