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Please read the case: U.S. Chocolate Confectionery: Dynamic Marketing Planning

1. Porter's five forces analysis is a framework for industry analysis and business strategy
deveintroduced by Michael Porter of Harvard Business School.
a. Briefly describe the elements of Porter's five forces model and explain how it is bcould be utilized by
Nestle? (3 marks)
b. Looking at the "threat of substitutes", give three examples of potential substitutes toand why (2

2. You have been asked to prepare a marketing plan for Nestle (based on U.S. Chocolate Confecase
a. What is your assessment of the situation, and what are your indicated action(s)? (6 marks)b.
Assuming you want to reposition Crunch ‘in 2010’, what would be your primary target au
strategy and consumer message? (6 marks)
c. What marketing mix do you recommend and why? ( 4 marks)

3. Imagine you have to launch a new product line for Nestle chocolates in Nigeria.
a. Briefly describe the steps you would recommend in developing the new product for the Ni
market (2.5 marks)
b. Who would you target and why? (2.5 marks)

4. It is believed that many products remain in the maturity stage for several years and then dno action
is taken by a company. What strategies would you advise the product manager oto adopt in order to
extend the maturity stage of his/her product(s) in Nigeria? ( 4 marks) .

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