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book: phandieu89 an aanevi Cé: Phan Thi Diéu | & Thanh tich hgc, giang day Giang vién Tiéng Anh (Trudng 8H Ha Noo ~ Tot nghiép loal Xudt Sc Thac s9 Ly lugn va Phuong phap gling day Tiéng Anh (MTESOL) Trutng 8H Victoria -Uc = Kinh nghigm 8 nam luy@n thi BH, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC ~ C6rétnhiéuhgcsinh dat aiém cao (9-10) trong Ky thi Tot Nahlep THPT va Thi DH vao cdc trutng Hdl téng r Phong cach giang day J Luon nhigt tinh , on gal vot hoe sinh. rau chudt dé mang dén bal gléng chat lugng nh. pive-- FACEBOOK CO PHAN DIEU: https d/ S07 FANPAGE LUYEN THI THPTQG VO! CO PHAN DIEU: i icuAZGVPhanDieu Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 DB bai dge 1: Read the following passage and choos er” A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. WV (1) Increasing] rents in the U.S. are choosing to ary some. In fact, the U.S. Department of Education has estimated that in Siar ee were being home-schooled. Some educational experts say that the real number is double this estimate, and the ranks of home-schooled children seem to be growing at the average rate of about eleven percent every year. (2) Atone tine there wa ry Gy fh sean for home-schooling: it was traditionally used for students wi se of behavioral or learning difficulties. Today, however, more parent on ate responsibility of educating their own children at home due to their dissatisfaction with the educational system. Many parents are unhappy aa as well as problems inside the classroom. Teacher shortages and lack of fi ff many schools, one teacher is responsible for thirty or forty students. The children are; therefore, deprived of the attention they need. Escalating classroom violence has also motivated some parents to remove their children from school. (3) Although there have been a Jot of arguments for and against it, home-schooling in the U.S. has become a multi-milli a eis ages, and it is growing bigger and bigger. There are now plenty of websites, “ion \d conventions that help parents protect their rights and enable them to learn more about educating their children, Though once it was the only choice for troubled children, home-schooling today is an accepted alternative to an educational system that ny ae i is failing. Question 1: This estimated number was presented by goit A. home ~ schooled children ¥ i B. the parents C. a governmental office D. school teachers Question Gorse the exact number of home-schooled children then must be A eat B. 1,700,000 €. 850,000 D. 1,600, 000 Question 3: The past participle “home — schooled” in the imrepentt oS Bie to“ at home”. A. taught B. self- learned C. self-studied D. untaught Question 4: Many parents stop their children from going to school because it is now too for them. A. expensive gah: Cexplosive D. dangerous Question 5: gored s who Want to teach their own children in the U.S is ‘A. remail (oe B. going up C. remaining the same D. going down Question 6: The noun “dissatisfaction” in the second paragraph sleep yreming to“ 3 A. discouragement pigeon C. disappointment discrimination Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 1 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 7: More parents teach their children because they completely the current educational system, A. appeal to Moot B, please with C. object to Moot- D. approve of Question 9: The closest synonym of the participle phrase “accounting for” in the second paragraph is “ A. explaining B. soggsoniey ni C. counti D. reasoning for Question 10; The attitude of the author towards tome sis ier described as A. favorable B. remarkable C. acceptable D. unfavorable Dap an: Question 1: C. my . “the U.S. D oe, a estimated that ...” : B6 Giao Duc Hoa Ky wdc tinh ring .... Ae $6 1i60 ude tinh trong bai duxye dura ra béi mét eo quan chinh phi. Question 2: B. 1,700,000 shout Theo cdc chuyén gia, con s6 chinh xae vé sé hoc sinh dang toc dl “the US, Department of Education has estimated that in 1 it 850, er children were being home-schooled. Some educational experts say that the real number is double this estimate” - Bo Gido Due Hoa Ky ude tinh nfm 1999 ¢6 850, 0000 hoc sinh dang duoc hoe tai nha. Nhung 1 s6 chuyén gia cho ring ‘real number is double” — con s6 thure str li gap d6i, tire 14 1.7000,000 hoe sinh. Question 3: A. tau; vit Home-scho Gane¥, 6 nha, duge day hoc tai nha. Co thé ding phuong php suy lury home- nha, school: trong hoc => nha chinh la tuéng hoe. Question 4: D. dangerous Nhigu bé me khéng muén cho con dén trudng vi pioon-v™ Skim doan 2 “class size, problems inside the classroom, Escalating classroom violence”: Lap qui déng, thiéu gido vién, bao luc hoc dudng ra ting => NGUY HIEM. Question 5: B. going up S6 lung bé me muén day eon neil Bnase My dang: ting Jén Cau dau ee “Increasing mmibers of parents in the U.S. are choosing to teach their children at home” - Question 6: C. disappointment Dissatisfaction = disappointment: that vong, khéng hai long. n Cé thé suy Iuan tir théng tin 6 doan 2: cac van emenaeiey, ao luc, .. => Hin 1a cdc bac phu huynh sé khéng hai long vé diéu nay. Question 7: C. object to Moon .vn — Hoe dé kiving dink minh Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Object to: phan déi Ngay cang nbiéu phu buynh hra chon n hoe 6 nha vi ho ‘phan déi” hé Suy doin: o6 phn doth angie cor nha watt vn Question 9: A. expl dima ra “giai thich cho” vige hoe ong gido duc hién tai. Accounting for = explaining: giai thich cho viée gi “there was a theory accounting for home-schooling” ~ 6 1 gia tai nha ngay eang phd bién. Question 10: A. favorable ‘Skim toan bé doan van thi thay quan diém ciia tae gia déi v6i xu hudng hoe tai nha. =, Tae gia néu mitt cia homeschooling => thieh thi, tng hé “home-s day is an accepted alternative to an educational system that many believe is failing, é ngusi cho ring dang that bai Dé bai doc 2: Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B,C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks. Educa m npilay than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need for such iy as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them the specialized training they may need to (2) meet certain educational requirements and obtain a (3) or cert law or medicine. Many fields, like computer operation or By ad completion of special training courses. Education is also important (5) it helps people get more out of life. It increases their knowledge and understanding of the world, It helps them acquire the skills that make life more interesting and enjoyable, (6) the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture, or play a musical (7) eh Blkation becomes (8) portant as people gain more and more leisure oon a Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because social changes today take place with increasing speed and (9) ____the lives of wire people. Education can help a person understand these changes and proyid@ hi skills for adjusting to them. Hi for a job or career. For example, a person must an practice satisfactory Question 1. A. works B. jobs C. actions D. activities Question 2. A. do B. prepare C. make D. work Question 3. A. license C. diploma D. paper Question 4. A. requires C. require D. to require Question 5. Go C. although D. because Question 6. A. Stich as B.for instance C, such that D. for example Question 7. A. appliance B. equipment CC. instrument device Question 8. A. increased B. increasing c ye increasingly Question 9. A. effect B.affect effective Question 10. A. with B. for in Dato Dap an: Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 3 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 1. Dap an D Everyday activities = hoat déng th ay, work = céng viée (khéng dém dugc), job = nghé nghiép, action= hin de ov BE Gido duc da tr ROR hon bao gid hét. Gido duc peony ky ning ching ta can dé thuc hign cic hoat déng hang ngay nhur doc bio i én Question 2. Dap an B Prepare for smt = chun bi cho cai gi Gido duc cting cho ta str rén Iuyén chuyén biét mét k¥ ning néo dé dé chun bi cho céng vige, sit Geen spoons Licens Mot ngudi phai dat 6 6 a a c6 me thue hign cac c6ng viée nhur lust sur hay bac si. Question 4. Dap anC Chi ngit trong cau I& many fields ~ danh tir sé nhiéu ~ dong tir chia 6 sé nhiéu, khong thém s Nhu nganb, vi du nh lp tinh aa” hay can sat yéu cau ching ta phai hoin thinh nhing khéa hhge chuyén Question 5 Because = bot vi, therefore = vi thé, despite = mic di, although = mae dit Question 6. Dap an A Such as = nhw la (liét ké); For instance, + ménh dé = vi dunhu pond, Question 7. Dap an C Musical instrument = dung cu am nhac Question 8. Dap an D Trang tir dimg trade tinh oie émnghite cho tinh ti dé: increasingly important Question 9. Affeot (V) ee huéng; effect (N) = anh husng Gido duc gitp moi ngudi thich nghi voi sy thay dai, nay rat cdn thiét khi ma ng thay déi voi téc d6 ngay céng ting nhanh va nhimg thay déi d6 6 anh gona: nguoi hon nia trong xa hoi. ¥ Question 10. Bap an A Provide smb with smt = cung cap cho ai cai gi Giao duc gitp con ngudi al duge.abting thay d6i nay va trang bi cho ho nhimg ky nang can thiét dé thich nghi ‘proon DE bai doc 3: Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to i A correct answer to each of the questions. In the United States, presidential elections Mog: evenly divisible by four (1888, 1900, 1964, etc.). Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending with zero have died in office, with Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 one exception. William H. Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of pneumonia only several weeks after his inauguration, Abraham Line ofa hreeens who were assassinated. He was 1860, and his untimely pa Cd years later. James A. Garfield, apfor ore MBB from Ohio, was shot during his first year in office (1881) by a man t ldn't give a job. While in his second term of office (1901), William McKinley, another Ohioan, attended the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. During the reception, he was assassinated while shaking hands with some of the guests. John F, Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 in Dallas only three years after his election. Three yi GOT in 1920, Warren G, Harding died in office. Although it was never proved, manly believe he was poisoned, Franklin D, Roosevelt was elected four eae 1936, 1940 and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term, He had cuits eventually died of the illness in 1945, Ronald Reagan, who was elected in 1980 and reelected four years later, suffered an assassination attempt but did not succumb to the assassin's bullets. He was the first to break the long chain of unfortunate events. Will the waa. the election of 2020 also be as lucky? Question 21: Sone election years EXCEPT . A. 1960 1930 C. 1888, D. 1824 Question 22: Which president served the shortest term in office? A. Abraham Lincoln B. wou eV i C. William McKinley D. Wi Question 23: Which of the following is true? A. All presidents elected in years ending in zero have died in office. B. Only presidents from Ohio have died in office. C. Franklin D. Roosev, oN four terms as president. D. Four AniGricin presideiits have been assassinated. Question 24: How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office? A.7 B.5 C4 Ty Question 25: The word “inauguration” in the first mre GOT: id. same as A. election B. acceptance speech C. swearing-in ceremony D. campaign Question 26: All of the follow nage were assassinated EXCEPT A yee e B. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Abral D. James A. Garfield Question 27: The word “whom” in the second paragraph refersto A. Garfield B. Garfield's assas in C.a Union arr ae D. McKinley Question 28: The word “assassinated” pei closest in meaning to Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 5 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 A. murdered B. decorated C. honored D. sickened Question 29: In the third paragraph, “contracted” is closest in meaning to . A cman Tbe B. developed + C. agree about D. notifie on.V Question 30: How long did Warren G, Harding work as a president? 2 A. 2 years B. 3 years C.4 years D.4 years Dap an: Question 21: B. 1930 “In the United sap etal lbetions are held in years evenly divisible by four (1888, 1900, au cut ng 6 My due t6 chite vo cae nim chia hét cho 4. th © Dap an B. 1930 khéng chia hét cho 4 nén khéng phai 1a nintowsip The Question 22: D. William H. Harrison ‘Tong théng nao dim nhan vi tri trong thdi gian ngan nhat? Scanning “shortest term” “William H. Harrison, the man who,served the shortest term, died of pneumonia only several weeks after his inaugurati ai Question 2 rican presidents have been assassinated. Cau nao dudi day ding? +Dap an A va B- Sai vir“ Since 1840, American presidents xii in ni Wid zero have died in office, with one exception. William H, Harrison” - tir (ong thong due bau ett vao nhiing nfm két thie = 0 déu chét 6 vin phong nhung cd “MOT NGOAI L Harrison. + Dap an C — sai vi: Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944), the only man to serve so long ater \d contracted polio in 1921 and eventually died of the illness in 1945. = ro O@ tong thong 4 lan nhung 6ng ta khéng hoan thinh 4 nbiém ky béi vi éng ay da mat vaeném 1945, 1 nm sau lan bau ett ther 4. © Chi con dap an D. 4 vi téng théng My da bj am sat (Abraham Lincol one of four presidents who were assassinated.) Moot- Question 24: A.7 C6 bao nhiéu tong théng dtroe bau chon trong nhimg nim ket thie bang 0 ke tir nim 1840 da chet trong vain phong téng théng? + Cir mdi 20 nd thi lai co 1 ndm bau cit két thiic bang s6 0. Do dé, ké tir nim 1840 dén nay da c6 8 cud bau ett mim ket thtit bing s6 ©: 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2000. +* Since 1 ‘an presidents elected in years ending with zero have died in office, with one exception. William H. Harrison” - tir nam 1840 cac téng théng duoc bau cit vao nhttng nlm két thie = 0 déu chét 6 vin phong nhumg 06 “MOT NGOAI LE” - Téng théng Harrison © C67 vi ting thing duoc bau vao nhiing “ae poste van phéng. Question 25: C, swearing-in ceremony “inauguration” - 1é nhén chite = swearing-in ceremory Téng théng Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 6 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 26: B. Franklin D. Roosevelt Tt ca cdc tong théng dudi day déu bi t tri: “Franklin D. Roo: et (1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944), the ms to serve so long a term. He Le in 1921 and eventually di 6 => Ong ta chét vi bénh khéng phai bi am sat. i Question 27: B. Garfield's assassin Dai tir quan hé “whom” chi dén ai’? © (Ménh dé quan hé c6 gidi tix) Thay cae dap an vao vi tri “whom” va xét ngit nghia cia cat dé. > “James A oa fielda fo8ifef Union army general from Ohio, was shot during his first year in offic sss to whom he wouldn't give a job” = Tames di bi bin trong nim dau tién tai vi ng ciia minh véi mét ngwoi din dng - ngudi ma (ké am sat) Ni cho mét cong viée. ont Question 28: A. murdered no Assassinate = murder (v): 4m sat Decorate (v): trang tri, honor (v): vinh danh, sicken (v): lam cho ém yéu Question 29: B. developed Contr; (9h bio (6ng Ay bi mic bénh bai liét - polio va chét) Question 3 Warren da lam téng théng trong bao nhiéu nim? “Three years after his election in 1920, Warren G, Harding died in office” it thi Warren chét trong van phong téng thing => Ong ta lam Sho si fh duge bau iB Dé bai doc 4: Read the following passage wit mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to o ork sete, OF VOCABULARY (1) Mostla 90 have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In English, at least three have been identified and described. (2) Standard usage includes those words and expressio: pre W Mos bya majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardl rahe, pits of formality. As such, these words and expression are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speed or writing, but. not considered acceptable for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressi ignore Slang, refers to words and expressions understood by a large niger accepted as appropriate formal usage by the majority. (3) Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in ee writing. Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. Some slan; ihe indard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity follow. cat ity. In some cases, the majority never Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 7 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its own set rds to describe familiar objects and events, (4) It has been poit vi 1 of linguists that three cultural conditions.are necessary for the creation es Laan expressions. First, “Sea. ce of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse population’ wi se number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population. (5) Finally, it is worth noting that the terms “standard”, “colloquial”, and “slang” exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they a1 sing lai or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during its: use three types of expressions. appropriate Question 1: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? A. Standard speech B. Differ ont C. Idiomatic phrases D. Dieti e Question 2: The word "appropriate" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to_____. A. old B. large C. important D. correet Question 3: The word “oc gg third could best be replaced by ; A. tolerance si C. qualification D. disappearance Question 4 #408) A. Words and phrases accepted by the majority of formal usage. defined by the author? B. Words or phrases understood by the majority but not found in ‘ spe C. Words or phrases that are understood by a restricted group D. Words or phrases understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as formal Question 5: Where in the passage does the author explain where colloquial language and slang are most commonly used? A. Line 21-23 ine 16.17 C. Line 10-11 D. Line 3-4 Question 6 wis ing is true of standard usage? A. It is constantly changing B. Itis limited to written language qn C. It is only understood by the upper classes Moot- D. It can be used in formal and informal settings Question 7: The word “them” in the third paragraph refers to A. slang phrases B. words C. the majority D. memories Question 8:The author menting of the following as requirements for slang expressions to be created EX( . A. new sii B. a number of linguists C. interaction among diverse groups D. new generation Question 9: It can be inferred from the passage that the author A. does not approve of either slang or colloquial. speech i auue B. approves of slang and colloquial speech in Bea! ituations C. approves of colloquial speech in some situations, but not slang Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 8 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 D. does not approve of colloquial usage in writing Question 10: What does the author mean by the statement: "Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and side stood by almost all speakers of a languageand used in informal speech ‘Beal ut not considered acceptable for more oriiarone A. Informal language contains colloquialisms, which are not found imimore formal language. B. Familiar situations that are experienced by most people are called colloquialisms. C. Familiar words and phrases are found in both speech and writing in formal settings. D. Most of the speakers of a language can used both formal and informal speech in their appropriate ituation: v1 Dap an: eottV Question 1:°B. Different types of vocabulary ‘Main topic => Skim dau va cuéi bai khéa, cau dau eae doan poo wn *) Most languages have several levels of vocabulary = Bai khéa chit yéu noi vé cdc loai tirvumg khae nhau “standard”, “colloquial”, and “slang” Question 2: D. correct Tu “appropriate” gn nghia v6i tir nao nhat? => Appropriate (a) rot => Correct Question 3:D, Obscurity (a) t6i tim, mo hé = gan nghia voi “disappearance: su bién mat gn yn Question 4: D. Words or phrases understood by a large number Ma! 1 not accepted as formal “Slang” duoc dinh nghia nhu thé nao? “Slang, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as appropriate formal usage by the majority.’ - Tiéng néng chi dén cac tit hay cde dién dat duoc hiém bai | nhém nguéi nh 3 chap nhan sir dung chinh xac béi phan dong dng déng. Question 5: Vitri nao ai Khoa tac gid dé cap dén hoan canh sit dung ngén ngit thong tue va tiéng long? Scanning key words “ colloquial language and slang” “Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech pruon vO Question 6 : D. It can be used in formal and informal settings (Cau nao sau day 1a ding vé cach sir dung tir vung chuan mue. Scanning “standard of usage” © “Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers ruage in any situation regardless of the level of formality.” => Due chi 1 B= i ndi tng bat ett hoan canh nao bat ké mite dé trang trong mio. Question 7: phrases ‘Meo lam cau hoi reference la thay thé tix trong dap an vao tir gach chan rdi xem nghia ciia cau dé cd logic hop ly khong. “In some cases, the majority never accepts compares tnt retains them in their collective memories” Moon vn ~ Hoe dé khing cinh minh 9 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 © Trong mét 6 tnrong hop phan déng khéng chp nhan 1 s6 tiéng long nhat dinh tuy nhién se hm “ching” - tiéng long — trong tri nhé Question 8: B. a vn Tac gia dé cap d okie te 16 sau day la yéu cau dé tao ra, cde na hf Be tir Scanning “slang expressions” va “ create” => doan 4 pio “Tt has been pointed out by a number of linguists that thrée cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions .... new objects and situations in the society; ... a large number of subgroups; ... association among the subgroups and the majority population.” > KhOng ¢6 B. Question 9:B. ne fia SR tog speech in appropriate situations Co thé suy 16a ring , téc gid tan thanh viée sit dung tiéng nate vangén “1 théng tue trong nhting hodn ednh pho hop. = Trong bai khéa tac gia da nhdc dén viée tiéng long dk str “94.90 NE mat va trinh, dung trong tinh huéng trang trong => co thé ding tiéng 161 ‘inh huén phi hop. Question 10: A. Informal language contains colloquialisms, which are not found in more formal language. Tae gid €6 ¥ gi trong ede cau tren? Dap an B sai vi: coll ns Tara net thing tuc chit khéng phi “situations” Dip an C “a ms chi duce chap nhan trong informal situations chir khéng duge chip nhan trong settings. Dap an D sai vé mat nghia khéng khép véi n6i dung nhimng cau trén, Th = Dap an A: ngén ngit than mat bao gém cae cu tir théng gostall trong cae ngén. ngit trang trong hon. Dé bai dgc 5: Read the following passage nds the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answ. coe The firs Si @ might ask is: What can you leam in college that will help you in being an employee? The schools teach (11) many things of value to the future wyaie doctor or electrician, Do they also teach anything of value to the future “ag goNh Sik ech the one thing that it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee (12), Be Susdens bother to leam it. This basic skill is the ability to organize and express idéas in writing and in speaking. This means that your success as an employee will depend on your ability to commu ate with people and to (13)____ your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will (14) understand what you are driving and be persuaded. ¥, Of cou ion is not enough (15) itself, You must have something to say in the first pl ie effectiveness of your job depends (16) your ability to make other people understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself. Expressing one’s thoughts is one skill that the schoo! can Ae The foundations for skill in expression have to be (18) ca pee an ear (19) language; experience in organizing ideas and data, in brus a the irrelevant, and above all the habit of — Hoe dé king dinh minh 10 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 verbal expression. If you do not these foundations (20) your school years, you may never have an opportunity again. Question 11: A. a yewet C.a large Question 12: A. to te howtoknow = C. rig gon Mahwn Question 13: A. transfer B. present C. inter D. represent Question 14: A. both B. as well C. either D. not Question 15: A. on B. by D. for Question 16: A. on most B. much on C. most on D. on much Question 17: A. truly yiieally C. quite D. hardly Question ‘944: @0 Othe B. lain c by D. laid Question 1 B. by Gi Wn Question 20: A. when B. for Col ‘ pioot ing Dap an: Question 11. Bap an: A Ban than tir “many” nghia 1a nhiéu. Dé nhin manh mite dé rat nhiéu ta co thé dig: a great many Question 12. Dap an: A Tt + is/was + a mney sa IDV - do la thé nao (46i vei ai dé) dé lam viée gi, it is perhaps most vane Ga employee to know = c6 thé dé li diéu gia tri nhat dé nhimg nhan vién tuong lai bi Question 13. Dap an: B Present = trinh bay, thé hién woot wn Question 14. Dap an: A Both ... and... = vita ... va via... They will both understand what you are driving and be persuaded, = hoe sé vita hiéu diéu ban dang nhiim t6i va vita bi thuyét phue Question 15. Dap an: B By itself = mot minh Fee difilidh la chi minh ki ning trong vige thé hin, bay 16 1a khong ti Question 1 oo Depend on something = phu thude vao cai gi ; Depend much on = phu thude nhigu vio. Question 17. Dap an: B Really = that su; Truly ~ mét cach ching sur thre; Quite = kha 1a. enous Question 18. Bap an: D Lay foundation (for something) = dit nén méng cho cai gi. The foundations ... have to be laid early = nén tang cho ki nang trinh bay can duge dat nén mong tir som Question 19. Bap an: D An ear for stot k ping J ehe cai gi Question 2 tte During +s ON sudt khoang thoi gian gi; When + ménh dé/Ving ~ trong Khi (ai) lam gi Dé bai doc 6: Read the following passage and mark the Luera(a0 2B oir ene sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. — Hoe dé king dinh minh n Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 (1) Course numbers are an indication of which courses are to various categories of students at the University. Undergraduate courses nie numbers 100 or 200 are generally introductory courses appropriate for fre; mn hhereas courses with the numbers 300 or aoe have prerequisites and a juniors and seniors only. Courses, with er above are open only to graduate students. Certain graduate courses, ger devoted to introductory material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree carry a 500 number for undergraduate students and a 700 number for graduate students. Courses numbered 99 or below are special interest courses that dofi®fldarry academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it “PhO rd the number of hours needed to complete graduation requirements. (2) Full-time undergraduate student is expected to take courses that total to eighteen credit hours. A full-time graduate student is expected to take ote to sixteen credit hours. Student holding assistantships are expected to enroll coh ionately fewer hours. A part- time graduate may register for minimum of three credit hours. An overload, that is, more than the maximum number of hours, may be taken with the approval of an academic advisor. To register for an overload, students must submit the gppropriate approval form when registering. Overloads above 24 hours will not be appr SED cnnctances, Question 1 ild the passage most likely be found? A. Ina graduate course B. In an undergraduate course C. Ina college catalog D. Ina syllabus novi Question 2 : What is the purpose of the passage? QO A. To apologize B. To inform C. To persuade D. To criticize Question 3: The word "categories" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to. A. teachers B. cours C. jobs D. groups Question 4: The word ie Ve | refers to A, graduate Goutsed) ® B. course numbers C. introdi courses D. graduate students Question 5: Which classification of students would be eligible to enroll in Mechgaiagiseinesring 850? gon A. A part-time student B. Amun ite student C.A full- time student D. A graduate student Question 6: If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register a accounting course, what number would a graduate student 7“ use to register for the same course? A. Account vf B. Accounting 820 0, PROT. D. Accounting 720 C. Accou Question 7: How is a student who registers for eight credit hours classified? A. Full- time student B. Graduate stu C. Part-time student patric Question 8: Which of the following courses included in the list of courses for graduation? Moon .vn — Hee dé king dinh minh 12 Hotline: 0432.99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 A. English 90 B. Eglish 100, C. English 300 D. English 400 Question 9: A graduate student may . A. enroll in a col Nik B. register for obs, “hour course CC. enroll in an introductory course pio OTe D. register for courses if he has an assistantship Question 10: The word "appropriate" in the LAST paragraph is closest in meaning to “Avwrong si intel, C. suitable D. denial ree ‘ s in a college catalog Bai khoa nay thuémg xuat hign 6 dau <> Skim bai van thi ta ae uh. Khoa hoe, mén hoe, yéu cau va cae quy dinh vé course 6 trudng cao din 8 ax khoa 6 thé xuat hién 6 catalog ctia truéng dai hoe, cao ding. Question 2 : B. To inform Mue dich cita bai khéa li gi? A. xin I5i —> khéng lién quan B. thuyét ES amon C. Phé bin! ng. c6 B, cung cap théng tin cho hoe sinh biét. Question 3: D. groups onvi cena Mo Group (n): nhom = 2tres ghia gén gidng nhaw Thay cc ha chon vao chd “those” doc k¥ xem n6i dung cau dé 66 hop ly, logic khéng, “Certain graduate courses, coop itose devoted to introductory material.” =? Nhtmg mén dai hoc Rhéa hoc” hat dinh, * danh cho phan dé curong (hoe ligu gigi thign) .... Question 5: raduate student Hoe sinh nao moi ¢6 thé di diéu kién ding ky Mechanical Engineering 850? Scanning “850” => doan 1: “Courses with the numbers 800 runt BEM io craduate students” -> chi cé “graduate student” méi duce ding ky non ab Question 6: D. Accounting 720 Néu nhw 1 undergraduate student sti dung Kkhéa s6 520 dé dng ky khéa ké toan, thi graduate student sé phai ding s6 nao dé ding ky khoa tong tr? “Courses designed for student ng a professional degree carry a 500 number for undergraduate students a NRE students. “ => Ning khéa hoe léy bing chuyén nganh la 500 didi v6 luate, 500 v6i graduate ~> graduate dang ky khéa s6 720 Question 7: C. Part- time student Hoe sinh ding ky cho nhimg gig hoe 8 tin chi duge phan loai nur the Scanning “ 8 credit hours” => “A full-time “ane take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours. ..... A part-time graduate for minimum of three credit hour Part time student, — Hoe dé king dinh minh 13 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 8: A. English 90 Khéa hoe nao khéng c6 trong cfc pgm? Scanning “graduatio a hon = “Courses numbered 99 or ae are ae courses that do n ic cote If students elect to take a speci it will not count toward the number of hours needed to complete ecancaiane => Cac khoa sé 99 va trén 99 1a Khoa theo sé thich, khéng co tin chi. Néu hoc sinh hoc khoa nay thi > Khéa tiéng Anh 90 khéng duoc tinh tét khéng duge tinh vao gié hoe cin thiét 48 tét nghigp nghiép Question 9: B. register for onl; ne-hour course Mota joxee (Scanning 4 student”, sau dé loai trtr eéc lira chon) Dap am A : Certain graduate courses, ...600 for graduate students, => C6 Dap an C: Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to Dép an D: “Student holding assistantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours.” 6 = KHong c6 B Question 10: C. suitable Appropriate (a)- phi erst Suutbale (a): Dé bai doc 7: yn Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or Droit bor ‘t answer to each of the questions. ACADEMICS AREN'T THE PROBLEM Studies about how students use their time might shed light on whether they face increased academic and financial a compared with earlier eras, Based on data about b ev spending time, academic or financial pressures don’t seem to be renter ro ar 0 The .ow that full-time students in all types of colleges study much less now than they did fa generation ago - a full 10 hours a week less. Students are also receiving sige her grades, So it appears that academic pressures are, in fact, considerably I : The time-use data don’t suggest that students feel ec pressures, either. When the time savings and lower opportunity costs are factored in, college appears less expensive for most students than it was in the 1960s. And though there are now full-time students working to pay while in college, they study less even when paid work choices are held constantly. In other words, fais ideits do not appear to be studying less in order to work more. They appear to bi spending the extra time on leisure activities or fun, It seems hard to imagine that students feeling increased financial pressures would respond by taking more leisure. Based on how students are spending their time then, it doesn’t look as though academic or financial pressures are greater now than a generation ago. resin tir lata don’t speak directly to social pressures, and it may well be that these hat ately. In one recent set of data, students repor “gor more than 23 hours per week either socializing with friends or playing on the computer for fun, Social activities, in person or on computer, — Hoe dé king dinh minh 4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 would seem to have become the major focus of campus life. It is hard to tell what kinds of pressures would be associated with this change. ath. Question 1: The s; dents” workload now is not greater than ” is based on oui V ‘A. what students a -ve with greater load B. how me C. how students work through college D. what coflege a from students Question 2: Research studies have shown that pressures put on students nowadays are ‘A. not greater than the past B. getting ever greater C. much greater than the gaa D, more diversified Question 3: as A. studer harder B. academic workload appears more attractive C. academic workload appears less demanding —_D., college’s facilities wee Question 4; According to the author, the fact that students He ‘Goue sure is a proof that__ A. financial pressure on students is not a problem B. academic work disinterests them C. they are active with extra- ai” activities Dthey cana ads Question = lle rey college now seems ystly B. ever more expensive A. more C. much more expensive D, less expen: ‘90! ae Question 6: According to the author, the fact that more: working for pay__. ‘A. does not change students’ campus life B. indicates that students are academically pressured C. is not an indication of may D. shows that stuck ly pressured Question 7: Loui seem to be studying less and. A. spending more time on leisure B. spending more time doing odd jobs C. giving more time to sports D, taking more extrcuriculgg pees Question 8: The word “focus” in the last paragraph can be repla A. central activity B. primar, C. headline D. biggest importance Question 9: The author finds it hard to point out ‘A. how students’ campus life becomes subject to academic pressure B. what is associated in students” campus life C. thee: ident cial pressure D. how -kground of students” campus life is built Question 10: The word “Academics” in the title mostly means ‘A. students” workload in college B. college si id tutors, C. professors and research students ae lents’ workload Dap an: Question 1: B. how students spend their time — Hoe dé king dinh minh 15 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Két lun rang khéi nong cng vige cia hoc sinh ngay nay khéng Ién hon trude dau dua vio dau? Skimming bai khéa ta thay lp lai cde cduanbu ++ Based on data ‘a a time. ++ “Based on how st re spending their time then...” © Dua vio cach hoc sinh sit dang thai gian cia ho. pio Orie Question 2: A. not greater than the past Cée nghign citu chi ra ring dp Iue dit lén hoe sinh hign nay’ © Scanning * oer va“ Poe “academic 3a fin ‘tes don’t seem to be greater now than a generation ago.” > Ap ueveeoy af nh c6 vé nhur khéng lon hon so vai thé hé true day. Question 3:€. academic tics appears less demanding qi Nhiting hoc sinh hoe duroe diém cao hon béi vi: Poor © Scanning “higher grades” © “Students are also receiving significantly higher grades. So it appears that academic pressures are, in fact, considerably lower than they used to be.” => Vige hoc tap it ap lye hon trude dé nén hoe sink thuréng dat diém sé cao hon, Question 4: A. financial pressure tudents is not a problem ; Theo tac gi (sinh cé nhiéu thai gian vui choi hon la bing chimg chimg minh ring © Scanning “ time” va“ leisure” = “They appear to be studying less and spending the extra time o RS or fun. 1 seems hard to imagine that students feeling increased ai ike ures would respond by taking more leisure.” © Hoe sinh 06 vé hoe it hon va danh thoi gian odn lai dé vui choi. That kho dé tin ring eée hoe sinh cam thay ap lye vé tai chink tang lén trong ki ho tham gia vui choi nhiéu hon, => Ap Ine vé tai chinh khéng Question 5: Beene vit > Sona college” va “now” “college appears less expensive for most students than it was in the 1960s.” out hoe tap dai hoc da thap hon cho phan Ién hoe sinh so v6i nhiing, proott Question 6: C. is not an indication of pressures ‘Theo tic gia, viée ngay cang nhiéu hoc sinh hoe full time dang lam viée aé kiém tién © Scanning “ full time students” va working for pay” © “And though there are now full-time students working to pay while in college, they study le: even when pai held constantly.” => Sinh vién di Jam nhung lai hoe it hor Bi lan u Ta dau hiéu cua ap hye. Question 7: A. spending more time on leisure Scanning “students” va “ studying less” © “They appear to be studying less and spe gE Rice activities or fan” Hioe sith 06 v8 hoe it hon va dénb thai gia at eb Question 8: A. central activity — Hoe dé king dinh minh 16 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Focus : tap trung, chi yéu = central activity: cac hoat déng chinh, trong tam Question 9: B. what is associated with the-change in students” campus life Scanning “ hard to © Tae gid eo Me i ra: ci ligén quan dén sur thay, oon eta hoe sinh, © “Itis bard to tell what kinds of pressures would be associated with this change.” Question 10; A. students’ workload in college Academies = sudents’s workload in wa khéi luong céng viée eta sinh vién trong trudng dai hoe. Academics aren’t ob Cr 161 R64 Tune cong vige 6 truéng hoc khong phai la van dé. BE bai doc piod Read the incompleted passage below and choose the correct sien i he blank to complete it. SOME ADVICES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNERS A recent issue of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (11)_____ of second language oon ‘Their advice may prove invaluable for those (12), a language course. One si ‘iSlthat you (13) whether you are likely to be successful at learning a oo Qaine enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to leat yguage? The major (14), will be your own time and effort. If proof of your level of proficiency is important you must make sure that the course on offer lead; 15) qualification. Also, be realistic in your (16), If you don't tt are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived (17) thinking ae st expensive courses are the best. (18), around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a (19). course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge reap iodoloay her chances of making progress were high. Three years on “Eee he feels her biggest mistake was not to build (20) her previous st should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, even if it were by myself.” Question 11. A. domain B, area C field oot sie Question 12. A. looking B. thinking C. consi iat O ‘wondering Question 13. A. balance B, review C. survey . assess Question 14, A. evaluation _B, chance C price ent Question 15. A. regarded B. valued C. recognized D. understood Question 16. A. sights C. goals D. ends, Question 1 th C. into D. by Question ye C. Run D. Shop Question 19. A. crash C. rapid D. fast Question 20. A. out D.up ‘ C. through Dap én: yn Question 11. C. field Moot- Field (n): link vue, nganh — Hoe dé king dinh minh 7 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 © M6ét 4n ban gan day cia tap chi hoe ngén ngit da tham van mét sé chuyén gia trong linh vite hoe ngén ngé thit 2 Question 12. C. “kyon nh vn Loi khuyén cita ho co thé rat hiru ich déi voi nhimg ai dang ean Bide inh ng6n ngit Consider (v): ean. Question 13. D. assess Assess (v): dinh gia M6t goi ¥ 1a ban nén danh gia ban co thé thinh céng trong viée hoe ngén_ngit dé hay khong? Question 14. D. cost Evaluation soon V Cost (n): chi Chi phi cht yéu ban phai bo ra chinh Ja thoi gian va su'né lue ctia chinh ban, Question 15. C. recognised Hoon-v™ Valued (p2): durge danh gia Recognised (p2): duge ghi nhan Do do, ban phai dam bao ring khéa hoc ban dang can nhac theo phai dem dén mot gia tri duoe ghi han yn Question 16. C, goals, Goals (n): spew ote Ban eiing ear phai cO nhimg mue tiéu thiét thue Question 17. B. in Be deceived into st (v): bi lira déi béi edi gi do Dimg bi lira déi b6i suy nghi nhimg kha hoc dit nhat 1a tot nha Question 18. D. shop Shop around (v): xem x¢t cdn than, ky Luong, Hay xem xét can than dé déng tién, 7 duoc tidu ding gia tri lon nhat ctia no. Question 19. A_ crash, She. A crash cout hida hoe cap toc Ban nén nhé trong dau ring, ban hoc cing nhanh thi ban eting sé quén cing nhanh theo. Sandra, mét giao vién ngudi Phap di c6 ging tur hoe tieng Dire bing viée ding ky mat khéa hoc ye Question 20. B. on Moot- Build on (v): theo cai gi d6, dura vao edi gi 3 nim hoe ¢6 ay hau nhur ching nhé duce bao nhiéu, ¢é ay nhan ra rng sai lim ln nhat ctia 06 ay la dua theo nhimg cai hoc truée dé cia minh. “ T6i Ié ra nén cting cé that chic cai ma tdi da hoc bai tiép tuc hoe, ké ca khi twhoe. BE bai doc yoomF Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. (J) It is commonly believed that school is where people go Logg Pecucsion Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt thei a he ‘chool. The difference between nt. schooling and education implied by this remark i — Hoe dé king dinh minh 18 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 (2) Education is much more open-ended and alleinclusive than schooling. Education knows no limits. It can take place anywhere, wi ‘i the shower or on the job, whether in the kitchen or on the tractor. It inc! hoa ing that takes place in school and the whole universe of informal learning. Ci er) of education can vary from r schema the people arguing about politics on the radio , from a child to a famoi reas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surpri ‘A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People receive education from infancy on, Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive te! lifelong process, a process that starts long Delos of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one’s entire life. Othe BS ON the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at coke Hib the same time, take the assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use “rekon ork, take exams, and so on. The pieces of reality that are to be learned, r they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of governments, have been limited by the subjects being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest filmmarkers are experimenting with. There are clear and iN a ‘fg ior inding the formalized process of schooling. Question 1 idea of the passage? A. The best schoo! teach a wide variety of subjects B., Education and schooling are quite different experiences C. Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and cw TL “vn D. The more years students go to school, the better their education is Question 2: In the passage, the expression “children interrupt their education to go to school” mostly implies that ‘ A. schooling prevents people discoyering things B. schooling takes placeever Bae a eeESERS D. educations totally ruined by schooling Question 3: The word “all-inclusive” in the passage mostly means A. including every thing or everyone B. going i 1s C. involving many school subjects D. allow: -eptions Question 4: According to the passage, the doers of education are A. only respected grandparents B. mainly politicians C. mostly famous scientists D. almost all people Question 5: What does ge by saying “education quite often produces surprises”? A Its suy that w ittle about other religions. B. Educat 1 produce surprises. C. Informal learning often brings about unexpected results. D. Success of informal learning is predictable. Question 6: Which of the following would the wrt gon wn A. Our education system needs to be changed as soomas possible. B. Going to schoo! is only part of how people become educated — Hoe dé king dinh minh 18 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 C. Schooling is of no use because students do similar things every day. D. Without formal education, people it be able to read and write. Question 7: The wg aay vite raph refers to ‘A. newest filmmaa B. political probler pvt C. workings of governments D. high “el Question 8: Because the general pattern of schooling varies little from one setting to the next, school children throughout the country A. are taught by the same teachers B. have the same abilities C. do similar things , D. have similar study conditions Question 9: From IM Dinter that a high school teacher. A. is free t anything to teach B. is not allowed to teach political issues C. is bound to teach programmed subjects Poor D. has to teach social issues to all classes Question 10: ‘The word “chance” in the second paragraph. is closest in meaning to A. unplanned B. unusual C. lengthy D. lively poort- Dap an: Question 1: B. Education and schooling are quite different experiences qn Skimming dau va cudi cae doan ctia bai khéa. on +*The difference between schooling and education implied bylthis teinark is important.” +Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling” + “Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process ..” => Main ideas: giéo due vine nhtmng trai nghiém rat khae nhau. Question 2: C. all of li tthe ‘Nau ¥ cia Be pi i“ children interrup their education to go to school” la “ c& cuée séng ching ta cl la 1 surgido duc”, chimg ta dang lim gién doan cudc séng ctia minh dé dén trudng. Question 3: A. including every thing or everyone All — inclusive (a): bao ham tit ca (all- tt ca, inclusive: bao aah conv Gio duc m6 hon va bao ham tat ca moi thir hon so véi truong Question 4: D, almost all people ‘hing ngudi thyc hign giao duc 1a “The agent (doer) of education can vary from respected grandparents to the people arguing about politics on the radio , froma oma famous scientist.” => nhimg éng ba ding kinh, nhimg chinh ti gia, té cn gabe tiéng => Hau hét tat cd moi nguéi. Question 5: formal learning often brings about unexpected results. “Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprise: Ichi trong hoc ¢6 mét siz kha doan nhat dinh thi gido due Lai th poerghe: hig bat ngé © ¥ ciia tac gid la: Cach hoe khéng chinh tg de nhing két qui khong ngo. (Hoc & tnudng 1 formal , ngoai cuge séng 1a infon Question 6; B. Going to school is only part of how people become educated. Trong — Hoe dé king dinh minh 20 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Tac gid sé ting h6 quan diém nao dudi day: Dén truéng chi la mot phan cita dé tré thanh mét ngudi cd giao duc. Con gido duc moi la mét phan cia suot di ngudi. “Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term; it isa i ae rocess that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a vei of one’s entire life a VY Question 7: D. high school students e9 “For example, high school students know that shey are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest filmmarkers are experimenting with.” Meo kam cau héi reference 1a thay céc la chon vao ché tir gach chan, néu thay nghia ciia cau dé logic va hop ly thi la chinh xéc. “Vi du, he vette “ching” sé khong thé tim ra trong Iép hoe str that vé cde van 4 chinh tr i hose 14 nhtmg diéu ma cdc nha Jam phim dang trai qua. => “chting” la “high school students” Question 8: C. do similar things ,fioon vin Scanning key words “ students/children throughout the count “Throughout a country, children arrive at school at about the same time, take the assigned seats, are taught by an adul, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. * © Hoe sinh khip ca nude dén truimg cing gid, ngdi vi tri da dinh, diroc day boi ngui lén, str dung cing sch gio Kh ie i tap va thi ctr nur nhau, © Hoe i i ‘giong nhau. Question 9:'€. is bound to teach programmed subjects (Cau hdi suy ludn dura trén théng tin cita bai => can doe ky bai khéa réi dia aK hang Co thé suy ra ring giéo vién 6 cae trudng hoc ioe e Doe ky doan cusi lién quan dén truong hoe “The pieces of reality that are to be leaned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of governments, have been limited by the subjects being taught."=> Nhiing mang thue té sé dugc hoe dit la vé bang chit cai hay hiéu biét vé cong viée cia chinh phi déu bi gidi han boi cae mon hoe duge day => ‘euNt: If I pido vién phai/ bi gin (be bound to) day nhiing mén hoe da duce In cel ch san Question 10°B. unplanned Chance (n): eo hoi AN Unplanned (a): khong Ién ké hoach, khéng c6 dy dinh true eine oN ing ngo tude duoe, khong du tinh tude dus. Dé bai doc 10: Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. yn We Boo ldren are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their ledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages instreaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright eS can be quite discouraging eo to be at the bottom of the top grade! Moe — Hoe dé king dinh minh 21 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their a ic abit ff ako value personal qualities and social skills, and, we find that mixed-ability teach s to all these aspects of learning. In our classroom, we work in various ways. The pupils of this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with the personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teachers. Sometimes the pupils work in ymetimes the work on individual tasks and assignments, they can do this at theirgow. alsovhave some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage o} use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this effectively. An advanced pupil can do advanced works: it does not matter what sag Bris is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give Tense ean rent to attain this goal. Question 1: In the passage, the author’s attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” is A. questioning B. approving C. objective D. critical Question 2: The phrase “held back” in paragraph | means, : A. preventes fore in B. forced to study in lower class G nat ah ame classes D. made to lag behind Question 3:"The author argues that a teacher’s chief concem should be the development of the pupils” A. learning ability and communicative skills B. intelon iis vn C. total personality D. person Social skills Question 4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? ‘A. Group work provides the pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers B. Pupils also learn how to range in teaching activities C. Group work gives pupils ortunity to learn to work together with others D. Pupil oie ‘elop their reasoning ability Question 5: "The author's purpose of writing this passage is to A. recommend pair work and group work classroom activities B. offer advice on the proper use of the school library pigeon C. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the E D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching Question 6: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. Development of pupils as individuals is not the aim of group work B. Pupils cannot dev oo eB: way if they are streamed into classes of different intellectual abilities, Qe C.le's n for a bright child to find out that he performs worst in a mixed-ability class D. There is no fixed method in teaching pupils to develop themselves to the full Question 7: According to the passage, which of the following iguamBdvantige of mixed-ability rN eo teaching? o A. Formal class teaching is the important w: pupils used in the library essential skills such as those to be Moon .vn — Hoe dé kiving dink minh Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 B. Pupils as individuals always have the opportunities to work on their own, C. A pupil can be at the bottom of a. ‘aK, D. Pupils can bi wa ind development Question 8: wn hn, I sicments ean Beat aeRO offtilpassaze? ‘A. The aim of education is to find out how to teach the bright’ pupils B. Various ways of teaching should be encouraged in class C. Children, in general, develop at different rates D. Bright children do benefit from mixed-ability teaching Question 9: According to the Papgg streaming pupils” A. is the. eh: according to their academic abilities B. th thet knowledge and experience Cis aie discouraging VW Th : : Qori- D. will help the pupils learn best Question 10: According to the author, mixed-ability teaching i ee. because A. children can learn to work with each other to solve personal problems B. it doesn’t have disadvantages as in streaming pupils : ate ie dno Question 1 I (oo "s total personality Dap an ‘Thai d6 ctia tac gia déi vai “day da ky ning” 1a gi? yn + “both their knowledge and experience are enriched” = kién th sanathleat ofa tre déu 6 nén phong phi + “tnixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.” = lip hoc két hgp cho hoe sinh sii va kém ed thé gitip ich chomoi khia canh cia hoc tap. © Tae gia dua ra eae loi ich change 3 da ky ning => Ung bo Question 2: A. prever Cum tir “he th ei? Be held bach im him = prevented from advancing: bi ng’ can phat trién, tién bd Question 3: C. total personality i Tac gia bin Iudn ring mdi quan tém chit yéu cia gido vién nén Ia Hoi sinh. “We are concemed to develop the abilities of all our pupils, ‘ong t just their academic ability.” = Ching ta chit trong phat trién diy dui khi ning etia tat c@ cic hoe sinh chtr khéng phi chi riéng két qua hoe tap => phat trién toan bé nhan cach Question 4: B. Pupils also ae how to ore in teaching activities Bigugi dui we khén; iG den trong bai Ikhoa? Dap an C: ant in groups; this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share” Dap an A: “ le to develop leadership skills” Pap an A: “They also lean how to cope with the personal probl pag se as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, to ong ei © ap an B : hoe sinh hoe cach tham gia vao ng ging cy khéng duige nhc dén. -bright pupi Question 5: C. argue for teaching bright and not s in the same class. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 23 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Doan 1; téc gia nhc dén Ioi ich etta vige day chung hoe sinh théng minh va kém théng minh “ mixed ability teaching” — giau kin nghiém v; < tute va bat loi cia vie phiin loai hoe sinh “ streaming pupils” ~ gay chan pimddi.v sy om. Doan tiép theo vic HDI cac hoat déng ap dung trong cic ayy 1 ihloa cae hoat dong do ow © Tae gia tng hé vide day chung hoe sinh gidi véi kém tong cing, Mue dich ctia tée gi khi vist bai khoa nay li gi? Question 6: B. Pupils cannot develop in the best way if they are streamed into classes of different intellectual abilities D. There is no fixe ott pupils to develop themselves to the full ‘Theo bai khi itor day khéng ching? B. Hoe sinh khong thé phat trién tét nha néu ching duroe xép vao hoe 1 gy eo: 6 kha ning khae nhau. => Sai “We expect our pupils to do their best, voliine we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.” Cie dip an c6n lai ding béi vi A. Phat trién hoe sinh 1 cach 6c lap khong phai ki muc dich etta lam vide nhom, nhém giuip tr8 hoe each hgp tae va chia sé (cooperate and share) C. it can be quite disi the bottom of the top grade! = hoc sinh kém sé cam thay chan nn na walle psi D. Tae gia di dira ra nhieu phurong phap day cho lép hoc tng hop niu Kim vige nhom, e&p d6i, kim d6c lap dé tré phat trién toan dign => khéng cé mét phuong phap ¢é dinh nao yn Question 7: B. Pupils as individuals always have the oppornnits youre n, Theo bai khéa, dau la loi ich tia day hoc két hop? “Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the work on individual tasks and assignments, they can do this at their own speed.” = > d3i lite cdc em hoat déng theo e&p, d6i khi lai kim rigng ede nbiém vu, cae em c6 the lam 6 toe d6 aah. minh => Hoc sinh luén c6 co héi hoat déng déc lap, i 8. mét lop. Ding, Vi lam viée Question 8: B. of ould be encouraged in class Cau nio din 8t ding nhat ndi dung chinh ciia bai khoa? Tae gid bin Idan ve “ mixed ability teaching” va dua ra nhiéu phuong phip gidng day trong Isp hoe nhu “grpup work”, “using the library effectively”, “working in pairs”, “workin on ate tasks” => ‘Nhiing phuong phap hoc khic nhau nén duge sit dung trong lop Ph Question 9: A. is the act of putting pupils into class according iQ mic abilities Theo bai Ikhéa, phan loai hoc sinh la: Hoat déng xép hoe sinh vao cae lop hoe dita theo kha ning hoc tap cia chimg, Question 10: D. its aim at developing the children’s total personality Theo tic gid, vie day al ime ‘v6i kém duoc wa chuéng hon 6i vi: “We are c abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability.” = Ching ta cl ng phat trién day di kha ning cia tat ca cac hoc sinh cht khéng phai chi riéng két qua hoe tap Dé bai dgc 11: on vi Read the incompleted passage below and choos rect option A, B, C or D for each blank to complete it. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 24 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Higher Education in the UK Students who have successfully completed an A-level course may g0 to university to do (11) nay four-year course leading to a first degree such as Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelono . They apply to several universities wi n (12) an offer of a place speci imam grades the student needs to si el subjects studied. Higher education is not (13)____. In principle, cocoate Bs he to the cost of teaching (tuition fees) and have also to pay their living costs (maintenance). The government provides (14) to help them pay for university education which have to be paid back from earnings once their income reaches a certain (15)____. In recent years government policy has been to (16)____ the percentage of 18-yearlds (17)_____go to university, which is now, at 40%, double the 1990 figure, this th, a at the (18) of the amount of financial support given to individual st iversities receive money (19) the state for each student and are responsible for employing staff and deciding which courses to offer. The head of a university, who is (20) 98 thaw is called a vice-chancellor. Question 11: A. that Baa C. this D. the Question 12: A. create C. make D. get Question 13: A. permitted B, allowed C. compulsory D. free Question 14: A loans ‘The Vis C. shares D. rents Question isis B. level C. mark D. rank Question 16: A. rise B. remain C. increase D. decrease Question 17: A. who B. which C. whose yr whom Question 18: A. fee B. suspense cpg OTbeV D. expense Question 19: A. of B. from c in Question 20: A. liable B. responsible C. answersable D. changeable Dap a Question 11: Dap an B. a Cau trie ctia 1 Ct PRanber +°-"+ Unit (don vi) + Dan tie Nhimg hoc inh thinh céng khéa hoc trinh 46 A thi co thé theo hoe mét khéa hoc ba hode bén nam Question 12: Bap ae make ‘Make an offer: Cung cap cho ai diéu gi dé, 1 sut gitip do (collocat conv Ho ting tuyén vio nhiéu truéng dai hoc ma sau do nhiing truéng nay cung cap cho ho | noi hoe chi dinh diém s6 tdi thiéu hoc sinh cn dat duge trong nhiing mén da hoc 6 trinh dé A. Question 13: Dap an D. free Bac hoe cao hon khéng di a Luuy cac of @osts chi phi hoc tap (cost, tuition) Question 1 an A. loan Chinh phui sé cung cap cap nhiing khoan vay dé gitip ching chi tra cho viée hoe dai hoe, ma sau nay mét khi thu nap hoe sinh dat t6i mét mite nhat dinh thi s& phai tra age 6 cho chinh phi. ~ Loan (n): khoan cho vay (thuémg la ngan hang | yoo vay) ~ Hire (n): vige thué (trong thdi gian ng’n) ~ Share (n): c6 phan, viée chia ra timg phan nhs. ree la hop ly — Hoe dé king dinh minh 25 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 ~ Rent (n); tién thué nha, ... (duige tra thuong xuyén, theo ki) Question 15: Dap an B. level - dat toi mot mix ayy yi Question 16: Dap Loai ngay dap an B (remain) va D (decrease) vi nghia cia apgoots:., la jm nguyén” hay “giam” ma phai la “ting 16 ~ Rise (w): ting Ién (ndi déng tirnén khéng ding v6i tan ngtt) - Increase (v): ting lén (ding duge v6i tan ngtt), increase something: tang cai gi ‘Vi thé dé dang chon dap an C neue Question 1 ar Day Ia cau ty quan hé, "who" thay thé cho 18 year-olds. Trong nhiing nim gan diy, cae chinh sach cila chinh ph da nhiim mue sie eae 1118 phan tram nhing ngudi 6 d6 tuoi 18 di hoe dai hoe, ma ti 18 do bay gi 0 Véi nam 1990. Question 18: Dap an D. expense - Expense of: Chi phi. phi tén phai chi ra cho muc tiéu néo do Tee su ting truéng nay chinh 1a nho vao chi phi hé tro tai chinh ma chinh phi: da trao cho timg hoe sinh, sinh vién, - Fee (n): tién thi lao, tién ere hoc phi ~ Suspense (n); Ti wd fei hop, sur tam hoan, ~ Charge (0 Question 19°Dap an B. from 4 tien, ganh ning, trich nhiém. (Cac trudng dai hoc nhan tién tir chinh phi cac bang, trao cho timg sinh vién catsGhfhigm trong chav vige thu muén nan vién cling nlu quyét dink cung cap cdc Kl Question 20; Dap an B. responsible Be responsible for: Cé trach nhiém vé. Nguoi ding diu ctia mét tudng dai hoc, ngudi chiu trach nhiém cho céng viée quin ly ctia tudng due goi 1a pho hiéu trong, qn DB bai doc ggoor- Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. iv Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they AGO! On«V. jous forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and f ‘as been in the form of oral speech, When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used inte NSE. cannot. Body transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reactior WO. of raised dots read with Other forms of nonlinguistic language can the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and sm (Is: Road maps and picture signs also guide, warm, and instruct people. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 26 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 While verbalization is most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings. Question 1: Whie ng A Wanaszes this passage? A. on eta is invaluable to foreigners pov B. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalizat i} CC. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication. D. Everybody uses only one form of communication Question 2: The word “these” in the first paragraph refers to ‘A. thoughts and yn B. tourists C. the de eo D. sign language motions Question 3:'All of the following statements are true EXCEPT yi A. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language. oor B. There are many forms of communication in existence tod: C. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of communication D. Verbalization is the most common form of communication Question 4: Which form other wi" speech would be the most commonly used among blind people? OrheV A. Pictui Braille C. Signal flags D. Body language Question 5: How many different forms of communication are mentioned here? AS B.7 C9 Question 6: The word “wink” in the second paragraph means m ane as. A. close one eye briefly B. close two eyes briefly C. shake the head from side to side D. bob the head up and down Question 7: Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally EXCEPT for Th A. spell othey C. whole words D. expressions Question 8: People need to communicate in order to ‘A. keep from reading with their fingertips B. be picturesque and exact M conv C. create language barriers D. express thoughts and feelings Question 9: What is the best title for the passage? A. The importance of Sign Lan; B, Ways of Expr ses Ree iy bb C. The For unication, D. Picturesque Symbols of Communication. Question 10: Who would be MOST likely to use Morse code? A.A scientist B. Anairline pilot GoneV D. A telegrapher Dap an: Mi Question 1: Bap an C. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 27 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Cau nao c6 thé tom tit bai khéa tén? Skimming bai khéa ta thdy tic oe da nbac dén vin dé rao cin vé ngén ngit va nhc dén rat nhiéu Ianguage, nonlinguistic language...” = Khing6n ngit [a rao can thi con ngudi sé tim cac loai hinh giao tiép khac. Question 2: Dap an D. sign language motions Thay ec Ina chon vao vi ti tis ae va xét nghia otia cu: © Khi ma co rao thi giao tigp c6 thé thyc hién duge théng qua “sign language” dus oe thay cho chit cai Nguoi cim va diée phai ding dén loai ra hiéu Gu loai “ngdn ngir ra hiéu bing hanh dong nay” co thé rat chinh xae. yi Question: 3: Dap C. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of pawotl- ‘Tat ca nhiing théng tin dudi day ching tr théng tin nao? © Ngudi cam va diée khéng thé sit dung hinh thite giao tiép bang tiéng néi duge. Dap an A ding: “Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions” Dip én B ding: “Ever since humans bave inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Dap an D di OTe vin is most common form of language” Question 4: Dap an B. Braille Loai hinh giao tiép hon ca léi noi danh cho phan Ion nguéi mi ehinh 1b one thi lb “Braille”. her forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Pree raised dots read with the fingertips)” Question 5: Dap an C. 9 Bao gém: letters, a wink, a nod, shaking, signal flags, morse code, and smoke ignals, road maps and picture signs. Question 6: Nee sgnadd ae yh. Awink: cai mat = nham mot mat trong théi gian ngin Question 7. Dap an A. spelling “Many of these symbols of whole words are very pictu gost or be used internationally, spelling, however, cannot.” => Nhiéu loai aul a gi hinh trong va chinh xac, va cé thé str dung réng réi trén quoc té. tuy nhién “spelling” thi lai khéng the. Question 8: Dip dx D. express thoughts and feelings Moi ngudi can giao tiép dé lam “they have ma vist of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has Ore of oral speech.” => Bé dign ta cm xue va suy nghi eta minh, Question 9: Dap an B. Ways of Expressing Feelings. Skimming bai khéa ta thay tae gia chi yéu n6i vé cae cach dién His xiie va suy nghi cia con ngudi: chit cai, ngén ngit co thé, cdc loai ma, oti Cy = Cach thé thién cim xtie cia con ngudi, G Question 10: Bap an D. A telegrapher ‘other forms of c+ “hen ther i 0 IAS We. coramusication i ~via pork aD body — Hoe dé king dinh minh 28 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Ma Morse la mét loai ma ky tr ding dé truyén eae thng tin dién bio. Mii Morse ding 1 chudi di duge chuan héa bao gém cae phin tt “oa iéu din cae chit edi, chi s6, diu cham, ky tu dic bist, = Ma Morse pegt cho dign tin vién (A oe ° on-vn Dé bai doc 13: Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, su ig of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin. Signs of aging in a pet dog or BhGe Orbe. fulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight graying of 1 ants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect. ‘Most body parts grow bigger and stronger, and function more i Cue rile {filnood. They reach their peak at the time of maturity, or early adulthood. Ate io decline. Bones, for example, gradually become lighter and more brittle. In the aged, the joints between the bones also become rigid and more inflexible. This can make moving very painful. All the major organs of the body show signs of aging. The brain, for example, works less efficiently, and even gets small Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed down. Old people often have bei Met evens One of ous Ses of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart. They become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow to the rest_of body. This condition accounts, directly or indirectly, for many of the disea: I ‘itor example, result in heart attack. Oust: Aging is not a uniform process. Different parts of the body Wear out at different rates, There are great differences among people in their rate of aging. Even the cells of the body differ in the way they age. The majority of cells are capable of reproducing themselves many times during the course of a lifetime. Nerve cells and msc never be replaced once they wear out. Gerontol] fee ly the process of aging-believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by cd iological time-clock. They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the process. This could give man a longer life and a great number of productive years, Question 1: What is the main idea of the first paragraph? pioon-¥ A. Signs of aging are easier to detect in animals than in plant B. Aging occurs in every living thing after i C. Not alll signs of aging are visible. D. The ouward signs of aN seen in old people Question 2: yeh line 2 refer to__ 2 A. agin, a living thing illn Question 3: All of the followings may be the outward signs of aging EXCEPT as reached maturity, A. the graying of the hair B. the wrinkling of the skin C. the decline in hearing and eyesight D. the loss of Question 4: When does the human body begin to Qaner y to function efficiently? A. Soon after reaching adulthood . During childhood C. Early adulthood D, Past middle age ~ Hoe dé king dinh minh 28 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 5: What happens to memorization when the brain begins to age? A. It works less. B. It becomes forgettiul. C. It declines novi D. It slows down. Question 6: What 3409) not a uniform process" mean? n ‘A. Not all living things age. ioe ° B. Not all people age at the same age C. Not all people have signs of aging D, Aging doesn't occur in all people Question 7; The word "brite" in the second paragraph means A. soft il the c hard hea en B, hard and endurable on. wn D. rigid and inflexible Moe Question 8: According to the passage, what condition is responsible for many of the diseases of the old? A. the arteries have become thickened and constricted B. the blood vessels lead from the, heart, C. the brain gets si in Sze Dz bene ‘and brittle Question 9: What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Gerontologists have controlled the process of aging. yn B. Gerontologists are working hard to help people live lon; tore hilty C. Gerontologists are trying to give people an eternal life. D. Gerontologists are now able to slow down the process of aging. Queston 10: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. All living things grow old. B. Aging is unavoide in tif Ting things C. Plants ss signs of aging than any other living things D. Most body parts wear out during the course of a lifetime, Bap an: qn Question 1: B. Aging occurs in every living thing after it has, “gost Y chinh eita doan vin 1 la gi? Skimming cau dau cia doan vin va ede key words ciia cic cfu tigp theo “Tt occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not ki prematurely... signs of aging may be seen in old people, ... of aging in a pet” => Lao héa xay ra 6 moi vat sdng, dau hiéu ct: eye ob Kchi co thé song bude den tuéi truéng thanh. Question 2: Tir “it” thay tir nao trong doan van? © Thay lan ligt 4 ha chon vao vi tri “it” va xem xét nghia ctia cu. © “Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually y living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does opm = Tao hoa la mét qua trinh gid ha di, Lao héa (it) xay ra din dan 6 moi a va di nhién trong diéu kign céc co thé song y (IT) Ichéng bi bénh tat hay tai nan lam chét som. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 30 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 3: D. the loss of appetite tat ca cac cau duéi day déu la dau hiéu ctiadao hoa TRU: Ava B- ding vir “The ii ind signs of aging may be seen in old people seh as the araying of the ha ing of the skin. ie A ; C ding vi: “ Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include loss ofp abe energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight” © Chi cén D khéng 6 (mat di str ngon miéng khéng phai Ia du higu etia Kio héa) Question 4: A. Soon after reaching adulthood Khi nio co thé con ngudi Sapp di sur cwong trang va kha ning kim viée hiéu qua? “Most body. parts Ld nd stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood, They reach their cpt me of maturity, or early adulthood. After that, they begin to decline."=> Phan, I6n cae bé phan cia 6 thé Ién dan va cae chite ning hoat déng higu qua tr bei Cae chite ning nay hoat déng tt nhét 6 dinh diém trudng thanh hoie gi golte: h. Sau 6, sire manh tia céc co quan va chite nang bat dau giam dan. => Thor mu trong than. Question 5: C. It declines. Dieu gi xay ra vi tri nhé khi ma bé néio bit dau lio hoa? “The brain, for example, works less efficiently, and even gets smaller in size, Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed, re often have trouble in remembering recent events.” => Nao sé hoat déng kéivhng chi cén bé di, Qué trink suy nghi cham lai, Nguoi gia thi hay quén. © Tri nh6bi giam siit Question 6: B. Not all people age at the same age vn “Lao héa khéng phai 1a mét qué trinh dién ra mét cach déng bé” ay The “Different parts of the body wear out at different rates. There differences among people in their rate of aging” => Lao héa 6 cdc phan khae nhau cia co thé dign ra v6i téc dé khae nhau. Va cling 6 su khae nhau gitta tée dé léo héa gitta nhiing ngudi khae nhau. => Khéng phai moi ngudi déu lio hoa 6 cig 1 tudi Question 7: C. hard bi 1y eS, Tir“ brittle’ > Brittle c6 n ld gion - tue la cimg nhung dé v6 vun Question 8: A. the arteries have become thickened and constricted qn Theo bai khao, diéu kign nao khién cho nhiéu bénh dén véi ngudi gon “One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteri Jood vessels that lead from the heart, They become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow to the rest of body. This condition accounts, directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged.” => Do thay déi véi d6ng mach can chuyén mau tir tim dén cae bé phn clia co thé. Thanh déng mach day hon, ctmg hon. khien mau chay dén cac bé,pha en, true tiép hofe gian tiép gay ra nhieu bénh cho ngudi gia. Question 9: ey working hard to help people live longer and more healthily. Y chinh cia doan van cudi la gi: “Gerontologists - scientists who study the process of aging-believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by a built-in biological time-clock. They are trying to cutee s clock works so that they can slow down the process.” => Cac nha kh goths Bich gidp con nguéi séng au va khée manh hon. Ho nghién otra ddng hé gitp 2 Tam cham qua trinh lao héa Queston 10: C. Plants show less signs of aging than any other living things — Hoe dé king dinh minh a Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Theo bai khéa, diéu gi dusi day khéng ching? - “Plants age too, but the signs are harder to detect.” => Thue vat efing gia, nhung déu hiéu ina nhan ra a Hote F86 it du higu lao héa hon eae sinh vat wie’ 1a khong : hee B.D ding vi + “ It occurs eventually in every living A, cc or accident does not kill it prematurely’ +“ All the major organs of the body show signs of aging” Dé bai doc 14: Th. yn KEEPING FIT uurse, that an illness Bodies Bie move! They are not (11) ___ _ for sitting around i rt front of the television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn't (12) _____ you hi ‘@per-athlete, and even (13) exercise can give you a lot of fun. ‘phoo' Ohba: .ealthy, you will find you look better and feel better. You will develop more ener; self-confidence, Every time you move, you are exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb, (14) it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of a exercise is fun. It's what your body likes doing ar keeping on the (15) Physical exercise for your body. People who take regular exercise are usually happier, maint fore ve (16) people who sit around all day. Try an experiment next time you are (17) a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game in the park, See how much better you feel after an hour. yn A good (18) of achievement is yet another bene feel good about themselves when they know they have (19) pee» \ ople who exercise regularly will tell you that they find they have more energy to enjoy life. So have (20)______you'll soon see and feel the benefits. Question 11: A. planned C. programmed D. caused Question 12: A, invol C. reveal D. mean Question iO gon C little D. few Question 14: A. more and more B. the more C. more D. moreover Question 15: A. increase B. move C. develop aa Question 16: A. then B. about C. than Moot: Question 17: A. in B.on Cat D. under Question 18: A. sense B. feel C.lot D. piece Question 19: A. experienced _B. improved C. carried out D. grown Question 20; A. a run ve C.ago D. a start Dap ain: Question ing. gonV “design” (v) “design for st/doing st”: chi dinh, danh cho e4i gi/lam cai gi Question 12: D qn “mean” (W) eOnehia bi peo" Keeping fit doesn’t mean: Gitt cén déi khng c6 Question 1. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 2 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 “a little”: mét it (dang voi danh tir khéng dém chug) “a litle” va “little” déu c6 nghia la it, a a mang nghia rat it, dung nhu khong ai Question 14: B ne Céu trie 50 san 24.00 Ye more (adjter)..., the more(adi-ter)...” svi Question 15: B $60 “on the move”: dang di chuyén Question 16: C “than: hon. Phia truce cd su so sinh adjter. ni vi thé phai ding tir than Question 17; th “in a bad m rong tam trang khéng vui/khéng tét, “mood” chia cing gidi tir in Question 18: A “A good sense of achievement” Mot cam gidety thive vé su th gon wn “sense” c6 nghia la kha ning nhan thite ¥ thi, cting c6 nghia ki 9°". dich (cia vige lam gi) Question 19: B “improve”: cai thién, tién bd “experience”: trai nghiém, c6 kink a “carry out”: tien hanh Question 20: Cum “have a go at st/doing st”: cd het site vé cai gi/vé lam viée gi on wn Dé bai doc 15: no Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Carbohydrates, which are sugars, are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide the main source of energy for Afaley also funetion to flavor and sweeten foods. Carbohydrates range ionpaytuea glucose to complex sugars such as amylose and 5 amylopectin. Nutritionists hat carbohydrates should make up about one-fourth to one-fifth of a person's diet. This translates to about 75-100 grams of carbohydrates per day ‘A diet that is deficient in carbohydrates can have an ai The, son's health. When the body lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates it Use its protein supplies for energy, a process called gluconeogenesis. ‘This, however, results in a lack of necessary protein, and further health difficulties may occur. A lack of carbohydrates can also lead to ketos ketones 15 in the body that causes fatigue, lethargy, and bad breath, Question 1, What is ais wes passage? A.C: 2 -@O bee. ni good health, B. Carl tes prevent a ould up of proteins. C. Carbohydrates can lead to ketosis. D. Carbohydrates are an expendable part of a good diet, n Question 2. The word "function" as used in eC ceibel in meaning to which of the following? A. neglect — Hoe dé king dinh minh 33 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 C6 PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 B. serve C. dissolve D. profess i yn Question 3. The par used in the first paragrapl est following? ‘A. probe B. proceed ©. hail D. extend Question 4 A. pleth B. shortage C. derivation Moot- D. commission Questoion 5. According to the passage, what do most nutritionists suggest? A. Sufficient carbohydrates will prevent gluconeogenesis. B. Carbohydrates are simple sugars called glucose. C. Carbohydrates ees bout a quarter of a person's daily diet. D. cats e eaten in very small quantities. Question 6. Which of the following do carbohydrates NOT do? ‘A. prevent ketos B. cause gluconeogenesis pioon-v™ C. provide energy for the body D. flavor and sweeten food Question 7. What does the word "this" refer to in the second paragraph? ‘A. using protein supplies for ener B. convertin, Sure’. ey @. iva Carbohydrates D. having an insufficient amount of protein Question 8, According to the passage, which of the following does NOT describe c rates? A. a protein supply poon-v™ B. anecessity C. arrange of sugars D. anenergy source Question 9. Which of the following best describes the author's tone? : zomg goneV™ D. regretful ‘Question 10. Which of the following best describes the orgonizayon qigig}passnge? A. cause and result Mooil- B. comparison and contrast, C. specifi rea hich of the sion VE ona paragraph is most similar to which of the following? to general — Hoe dé king dinh minh 24 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 D. definition and example Dap an: Question 1. A. C: g00d health, Néi dung chinh eons’. ‘an vn part of a Skimming eau bai khéa: “ Carbohydrates, which’ healthy diet” Céc edu sau lam 16 hon ndi dung chinh eiia bai khéa: chite nfing etia carbohydrates, hau qua eta viée thiéu carbohydrates, 2 Carbolsy cates can thiét sie khée tot Question 2.B. She Ter “functi ATS. rong doan van dau tién gan nghia véi tir gi? Funetion: chue ning = serve: gitt vai tro, Neglect: xao nhang; dissolve: héa tan; profess: tuyén bé, bay t6 Question 3. D. extend Tw “range” duge sti dung trong doan van dau tién gan nghia voi tir gi? Range: m6 r6ng pham vi = extend: mé rong Probe: diéu tra, ts tigp tue, hail; hoan h6, hoan nghénh Question 4. B. meV Tw lack” g Lack: thigu hot = eral thigu Questoion 5. C. Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a root 's daily ag. ‘Theo bai khoa, cac chuyén gia dinh duéng thudng khuyén cao “BAOS *. Nutritionists estimate that carbohydrates should make up abo rth to one-fifth of a person's diet.” => Carbohyrates nén chiém dén 1/5 khiu phan an eita méi ngudi hang ngay. Question 6. B. cause gluconeogenesis Dieu gi duci day khong phai la ke cia carbohydrates? + “They provide ine gy for the body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten foods (A+ oO + “A lack Of carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis” = thiéu Carbohydrates gay bénh ketosis => Carbohydrates ngin chin bénh ketosis. © Chicén B. gay gluconeogenesis la khéng cing, pioon-v™ Question 7. A. using protein supplies for energy Tir “this” chi @én tir nao/ hay cho tirnio? “When the body lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates it must then use its protein supplies for energy, a process called sega: This, however, results in a lack of necessary protein, and further health difficulties = Khi co thé thiéu carbohydrates, né phai sit dung protein dé cung cp ni Boos Se trinh duge goi Ia gluconeogenesis. Qua trinh nay o6 thé dan dén thiéu protein, © This ~ sti dung protein dé cung cap nang rong. Question 8. A. a protein supply Theo bai khéa, digu nao dudi day khéng ding, dé gaqepaedlah “They provide the main source of energy for na a they also function to flavor and sweeten foods. Carbohydrates range from simple sugars like glucose to complex sugars such as amylose and 5 — Hoe dé king dinh minh 35 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 amylopectin.” => B. C. D déu cé: can thiét, cung cap duéng, cung cap nang luong. => A. cung cap protein khéng duoc nhic dén. n Question 9.C. infogmative oy Giong digu cita vic OO VY © Tée gid cung cap rét nhiéu théng tin lién quan dén cotstes nghia, cau tao, chite ning, ... => mang tinh cung ep théng tin. Question 10. D. definition and example Bigu nao ctudi dy migu ta chinh ae nhdt och té chit cia vin ban? Mé dau doin vin, tae gia néu carbohydrates, sau dé téc gid néu cae chite ning cla car mae) ie cash 16 chire la dinh nghia va minh hoa. Dé bai doc 16: bh Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D t answer to each of the blanks. Environmental Concerns Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human fife. (11) human activities are ee the " ee less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming (12) s while half of the world’s population do so just to stay (3) Cie ving the only resource we have (14) which all people can survive and prosper. Ever vuhere fertile soil is (15) built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the conse . the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very timeewhen rising human numbers. and consumption are making increasingly heavy demands on it. ‘The Earth's (18) resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and “gat to (19) us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how wi s they will last indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively rt ja and everyone will suffer. Question 11: A. Still B, Despite C. Yet D. Although Question 12: A. two-thirds B. two- third C. two-three Res Question 13: A. survival B. alive Cc CpROOTbo ve Question 14: A. on Bat D. by Question 15: A. sooner B. rather C.cither D. neither Question 16: A. completely B. quite C. greatly D. utterly Question 17: A. result B. product C.development _D. reaction Question 18: A. natu ‘on D. genuine B. keep D. hold Tun out B. run away D. munoff Question 11, Dap an C. Yet ‘Yet = thé nhung = But. Still = vin. Despite = aaah Trai dat la noi duy nhat trén vii tru nay o6 thé ip nor 6 cho loai ngudi, Thé nhung nhiing hoat déng ciia con ngudi lai dang khién trai dat dan dan mat di kha ning cung cap noi 6 cho con ngubi. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 36 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 12. Dap an A. two-thirds Cach viet phan 86: Tirsé li so a 1a so thir tu. Khi ttt s6 lon hon mét thi phai thém “s” vao sau mau s6 Question 13. Dap Stay + adj = séng; duy tri 6 tinh trang nao. Alive (adj) = eén Question 14. Dap én D. by By = bang cach nao. (séng va phat trién bing céc nguén tai nguyén trén trai dat) Question 15. Dap an C. ash Either ... of... = ...hode 1a. Question 1 Recover = ‘Skagit hoan ton, Quite = kha. Greatly = lén, nhiéu. Utterly = ewe ki, hoan toan Question 17. Dap an A. result Moon-¥ As a result, ménh dé = Két qua la... Question 18. Dap én A. natural Natural resources = cae nguén tai nguyén thién nhién Question 19. Dap én B. keep Keep somebody + adj eiey GE BRS tinh tango Question 205 iyi out Run out = hét can kiet DE bai doc 17: oot vn i C or D to complete each blank r Choose the best option A, B, “Ask your pharmacist first” Minor illnesses have a nasty habit of striking (11) the wrong time, don't they ? (12) you have a pile of. inert ior and even more on your plate at home, the last thing you want is a an oat or a tension headache to drag you down. (14) this summer, when you're feeling (15) the weather, remember that a visit to your (16) pharmacy (17) be a real bobus real bonus in helping you get the "aby weed to ease your symptoms. But it’s not (18) _ the meication ists the cure — only at a pharmacy will you find expert (19) froma ined health professional. Just try asking a supermarket shelf what it (20) for family health problems. Question 11. A. for Bat Dato Question 12. A. However n B. Although B, Despite C. When Question 13. A. sore B. cut C. hurt D. injured Question 1 BOTY B. As C.On D.So Question 15. A: Beneath B. under C. Over D. below Question 16. A. national B. local C. domestic D. nattive Question 17. A. did B. ought ey D.can Question 18. A. as B. snoop QOTt en D. just Question 19. A. messages B. prepatati C. therapy D. advice Question 20, A. recommends B. commands C. orders D. wants — Hoe dé king dinh minh a7 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Dap an: Question 11. Bap an la B. at the wror wrongly, badly: sai, khong tét ats, ir néi ménh dé chi thoi gian ) Question 12, Dap an Ja D. sony c Cée tit edn lai: However th dimg 6 dau cau, sau 6 dau pl KO gtk + laisse cit ( chi sur tong phan ); despite + N/ V-ing: mie di Question 13, Dap an la A. sore throat: bénh dau hong Cac tir cén lai: cut: bi cit, hurt: bi tén thuong; injured: bi throng Question 14, Dap an la D, So: vi vay...( lién tt chi két qua ) Cie ti eon Iai then: sau 46, as, “ait =because ), khi (-when ), on: gidi tir, tuy nbién khéng di véi danh tir chi Cuthe Question 1 feel/be + under the weather: cam thay khéng duuge khée do thé tiét Question 16. Dap an la B. local pharmacy: hiéu thude 6 dia phuong yn Cie tir eon lai: native: thude tte nhién, bam sink, national tse ws Biche thuoe trong nude Question 17. Dap an la D. can: ¢6 thé ( chi kha nang ) Cée tir con lai: must : phai ( chi su bit bude ); ought (+to): nén ( chi loi khuyén ); did: tro dong tir qué Kh Question 18, Dap én la D. Just dugg.ding dé nhén manh,chi dich danh ste vige, véi nghia “ding” hay “ chink” vit Question oe adviee : loi Khuyéa mang tinh chuyén mén, Céc tire6n lai messages: nhtmg théng digp, tin nin, preparation: sur chun bi; therapy x phap Question 20. Dap an la A. recommend: gidi thiéu, tién cit Céc tir cn lai: command: yéu edu; order: ra lénh, want: muén pioon-v™ Dé bai doc 18: Read the following passage and choose the leter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Alzheimer's ‘Pason's ability to recall memories, both distant and as recent as a few hou va ia fre is not yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope for a cure with a protein called nerve growth factor. The protein is produced by nerve cells in the same region of the tran where Alzwimer’s conum Based on this relationship, roentt rom the Unig Lanch in ‘Sweden and the University of California at San Diego designed i testiwhether doses of nerve growth factor could reverse the effects of memory loss cat hemer’s. Using a group of rats with impaired memory, the scientists gave half of the rats doses of nerve growth factor whi giving the other half a blood protein as a placebo, thus creating a control group. At the end of the four- week test, the rats given the nerve apr factor performed equally to rats with normal memory abilities. While the exper show that nerve growth faetor can stop the general process of deteriorati Soi , they do show potential as a means to slowing the process ificanth Question 1. With what topic is this passage mainly concerned? A. impaired memory of patients B. cures for Alzheimer’s disease Moot- C. the use of rats as experimental subjects D. nerve growth factor as a cure for Alzheimer’s — Hoe dé king dinh minh 38 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 C6 PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 2. The word “impairs” in line 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. affects B. desti yn Ear BE OOM- wn D. diminishes Qot- Question 3. According to the passage, where is nerve growth factor produced in the body? ‘A. in nerve cells in the spinal column B. in red blood cells in the circulatory system C. in nerve cells in the bra D. in the pituit; fi yah Question 4.) Whi following is closest in meaning to the word “region” A. vicinity B. plain pioon-v™ C. expanse D. orbit Question 5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? ‘A. Alzheimer’s disease is deadly B. Thou; Toe ee C. The experiments did not show any significant benefits from nerve growth factor. D. More work needs to be done to understand the effects of nerve growth fi cy Question 6. Which of the following could best replace the word sendy st time? A. considerably B. knowingly C. sugge: D. tirelessly Question 7: Which of the following could best replace the word "potential" in line 16? A, possibility B. capability C. dependability > apoonV n Question 8: The word “they” in the passage refers to A. scientists B. raeiory’ abil pioon-v™ iments did show some benefits derived from nerve growth C. rats D. experiments Question 9, The passage most closely resembles which of the following patterns of organization? ‘A. chronological order B. statement and ill nh G, coneiery Ob D. alphal order Question 10, The relationship between nerve growth factor and a protein is similar to the relationship between Alzheimer’s and "A. forgetflness pioon-v™ B. a disease C. acure — Hoe dé king dinh minh 38 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 D. acancer i ro wn for Alzheimer’s Chi 48 chinh eta BY i + “there is not yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope a ae growth factor” + “whether doses of nerve growth factor could reverse the effects of memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s” a = Bai khoa xoay quanh “ ie factor” - im6t yéu t6 phat wién than kinh cé kha ning chon nig ike ciia bénh Alzheimer’s Question 2. shes Tur “impairs” déng nghia v fiipair (y): lamveay eid, goo vin Affect (v): anh huéng ; enhance (v): ting cudng; destroy ( Question 3. C. in nerve cells in the brain Theo bai khéa, chat phat trién day than kinh die sinh ra tir dau? “a protein called nerve growth factor, The protein is produced by nerve cells in the same region of the brain where Alzheimer's occurs Joai protein duge goi la chat phat trién thin kinh. Loai protein nay due sa Oth: bao thin kinh 6 cing khu vue véi ving n&o bi Alzheimer’s => duge sinh ra 6 ca 140 than kinh & ving nao Question 4. A. vicinity tir “ region” déng nghia v6i tir nao? woot vn Region (n): ving, khu vue = vicinity Expanse (n) : khu vue réng lén ; orbit (n): qu¥ dao; plain (n): déng bang Question 5. D. More work needs to be done to understand the effects of nerve growth factor. Diéu gi ed thé suy ra tir ngi dung cia bai khoa? yn protein called nerve “At the end of thé KK .. While the experiments do not show that nerve growth factor can stop ~ehO Of deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s, they do show potential as a means to slowing the process significantly. “= Vao cuéi cudc thi nghiém dai 4 tuan, .. Mac dit cae cue thi nghiém khéng cho thay chat phat trién thin kinh ed thé ngin ehiin qua ohare gan ra boi bénh Alzheimer’s, nhung cdc thi nghiém nay cho thay tiém n a tinh suy giam dd rat lon. => Can phai co nbiéund luc hon nita dé tim hiéu vé Question 6, A. considerably Significantly (adv): mét cach dang ké, lon = considerably Knowingly (adv): chat tam, c6 y ; tirelessly (adv): m6t ech khéng mét méi; suggestively (adv): ¢6 tink goiy Question 7: gore Potential = lity (n): kha ning, tiém ning ... @4¢ thi nghiém nay cho thay tiém n&ng gittp lam chap qua trinh suy giam d6 rat lon. Question 8: D. experiments Tir “they” 6 day la chi dén “experiments” cdc oon vn — Hoe dé king dinh minh 40 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Mic dit cfc euée thi nghiém khéng cho thay chat phat trién than kinh o6 thé ngén chin qua trinh pha hay gin ra béi bénh Alzheimer’s, 1 ac thi nghiém nay cho thay tiém ning gidp lam chap qua trinh suy giam d6 ri ay Question 9: B. stat Be on a eV th Tac gid da t6 chi Pein Ch) Dau tién, tic gid ‘toa ra chi dé vé vai tro cia chat phat trién th trong viée lam chim lai hau qua cia bénh Alzheimer’s, sau dé, tac gia dura ra ede vi du minh hoa vé eac cde thi nghiém chat nay. © Néu van dé va lay vi du minh hoa Question 10. B. a disease ‘Mi quan hé plaid Ri ‘va mot loai protein gidng véi méi quan hé gitta Alzheimer’s Chat phat tnén than kinh la m6t loai protein san sinh ra => Alzheimer’s la mg zoe te Méi quan hé gitta chat phat trién thin kinh voi mét loai protein giéng SEO JAheimer’s va mot cin bénh. Dé bai doc 19: Read the following passage mad oat the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questio Dev. Thanks ue with more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than ever before, the number of overweight people is at anew high. As eer frantically search for a solution to this problem, they often try some of the popullar fad diet bei ees |. Many ‘ikon to have them, people see fad diets as innocuous_ways of losing weight, eae Unfortunately, not only don’t fad diets usually do the trick, the ral health. Although permanent weight loss is the goal, few are able to achieve it, Experts estimate that 95 percent of dieters return to oat start ae weight, or even add weight. While the reckless use of fad diets rally be dangerous for your can bring some ini Bb resus are very rare Nine a are et up with the difficulties of changing their eating habits often turn to fad diets, Rather than being moderate, fad diets involve extreme dietary changes, They advise eating only one type of food, or they prohibit other types of foods entirely. his results in.a station where a person’s body doesn’t get all the vitamins and other things that it sassy, One popular fad diet recommends eating lots of ss egg gree imal products, while nearly eliminating carbohydrates. A scientific study from Britain found that this diet is very high in fat. According to the study, the increase of damaging fats in the blood can lead to heart disease and, in extreme cases, kidney failure. Furthermore, diets that are too low in carbohydrates can cause the body to use its own muscle for. ener; Jess muscle you have, the less food you use up, and the result is slower we e Veteran dietérs may well ask at this point, “What is the ideal diet?” Well, to some extent, it depends on the individual. A United States government agency has determined that to change your eating habits requires changing your psychology of eating, and ar she: 2 different psychology. is That being said, the British study quoted above KEE? it is high in carbohydrates and high in fiber, with portions of fatty foods kept loi nding to the study, s — Hoe dé king dinh minh 41 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 ich a diet is the best for Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 people who want to stay healthy, lose weight, and keep that weight off. And, any dieting program is best undertaken with a doctor’s supervi Question 1: What vee A. Reckless tadeioe ly takes weight off the fastest. a eV th B. Most people shouldn’'t try to lose weight poe C. High-protein diets can make you sick. D. Fad diets are ineffective and unsafe; high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are best. Question 2: According to the passage, why are there more overweight people nowadays? ‘A. They are using fad diets. B. They spend, ne in front of computers. C. They isease. D. They are eating more protein than ever before. yn Question 3: After losing weight by dieting, what usually raoreng iene Bb © . they have kidney failure . they gain weight back again . they keep the weight off they have less muscle stion 4: Which sank: Af Mbt expresses the essential information in paragraph 3? . Fed pre ‘ad diets, which, being too extreme, don’t give the body everything it needs. B. People are fed up with fad diets and turn to diets which provide what th arth C. People prefer fad dieting to moderate dieting because ee to give the body what it needs. D. Fad diets give fed up people the moderate dietary changes they need to get all the required vitamins. Question $: Which is not mendes an effect of the meat and animal product diet? A. heart dis B. slow aneV C. psychological changes D. kidney failure Question 6: According to the passage, why does the ideal diet de ignossbull® ‘A. The less muscle you have, the less food you use up. B. Everyone can gain weight back. C. Everyone has a different psychology. D. Everyone likes different food. Question 7: Accordin; ieee what diet does a British study recommend? ct diet A. am B. a diethigh in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and high in fat. C. a fad diet but with healthier foods. D. a diet high in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and low in fat. p Question 8: The word “ innocuous” in the mse ef es by . A. helpful B. harmless — Hoe dé king dinh minh 42 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 C. effective D. beneficial Question 9: What eta Daesraph 3 refer to? A. changing eal oh wv th B. that people change their habits. ioe C. extreme dietary change D. eating one type of food. Question 10: What does the writer imply in the last paragraph? ‘A. There are many different f ara Seine B. The yt se logical. G Trentino ing called best diet for all. D. Dieting takes a lot of psychology. Dap a pioo™ vi Question 1: D. Fad diets are ineffective and unsafe; high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are best. Y chinh ciia tic gid la gi? Skimming nhtmg cau dau va cudi ciia bai khéa, cdc key words trong cae cfu & doan gitta. + “not only don’t fad diets usually do the trick, they can actually be dangerous for your health,” = an kién i la tré lita déi ma cén cé hai cho site khéo ciia ban. “the antes fed above recommends a diet that is high in carbohydrates and high in fiber, with portions of fatty foods kept low, According to the study, such a diet is the best for people who want to stay healthy, lose weight, and keep that weight off.” = in cic d6 a 2 boc va nhiéu chat xo, gidm dé béo rat tot cho ngudi muén séng kneoB iO G © Ché d6 Sn kiéng thinh hanh khong hiéu qua va an toan, mn chat béo mdi Ia tét nhat Question 2: B. They spend a lot of time in front of computers. Theo bai khéa, tai sao ngiy nay lai c6 nhiéu ngudi bi béo phi? “Thanks to our Pm iRe more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than ever bel overweight people is at a new high” => Do cuge séng hign dia, méi ngudi ngéi i‘trude may tinh nhiéu hon nén sd luong ngudi béo phi ting lén. Question 3: B. they gain weight back again qn Sau khi gim can bing an kiéng, digu gi ludn xay ra déi v6i chth “Experts estimate that 95 percent of dieters return to their at! ‘or even add weight.” = Cac chuyén gia ude tinh ring 95% nhimg ngubi fn king bi béo tré lai va tham chi la ting ean hon. Question 4: A. Fed up people tum to fad diets, which, being too extreme, don't give the body everything it needs. Cau nao duoi day dién ta, ts it théng tin can thiét trong doan 3? + “people verihpba ficulties of changing their eating habits often turn to fad diets. Rather than oo" fad diets involve extreme dietary changes. ..... This results in a situation where a person's body doesn’t get all the vitamins and other things that it needs to stay healthy.” ché + ‘in gid carbohydrates va it Nhing ngudi chan nin véi nhimg kh6 khin eta viée thay dot ae Bhs thuéng tim dén oéch an kigng thinh hanh. Diéu nay dan dén tinh romana ae jamin va nhimg thi can thiét hae dé khée manh, Question 5: C. psychological changes — Hoe dé king dinh minh 43 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Digu gi khong duge nhc dén nhur ld hau qua ctia céc bita &n 66 thit gid ché bién tir dng vat? ‘Tt ca cdc dip an khae ding vi “the increase of anne woth can lead to heart disease and, in extreme cases, kidney failure. Tanker il ire too low in carbohydrates can cause the, t 9 Tse wn muscle for energy. The less muscle you have, the less food you use up, eel AY weight loss = Khong cé C. thay déi vé tam ly Question 6: C. Everyone has a different psychology. Theo bai kiéa, tai sao ché dé &n kiéng ly tuéng lai phy thuse vao timg déi trong? Doan cudi: “to change your iy ils requires changing your psychology of eating, and everyone has a different psy. 443i thoi quen an udng cia ban thi ean phai thay déi cd tam ly vé Sn ung, 60 mét tam ly khéc mhau. Question 7: D. a diet high in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and low in fat. yn Theo bai khéa, mét nghién cia é nude Anh da khuyén nén theo hn iii hé nao? “the British stady quoted above recommends a diet that is hig! wydrates and high in fiber, with portions of fatty foods kept low.” = tn cae dé &n giau carbohydrates va nhiéu chit xo, gidm dé béo rat tot cho nguéi mun séng khéo manh va gim béo. Question 8: B. harmless Tnnocuous (a): v6 hai, SGT VT Useful (a): ¢ Beneficial (a) eo o Effective (a): higu qua. Th Question 9: D. eating one type of food. Me on oV Tir “this” trong doan 3 chi dén tir nao? => Thay eae lua chon va tr “this” xa xét nghia ca cu. “They advise eating only one type of food, or they prohibit other types of foods entirely. This results in a situation where a person’s body doesn’t get all the vitamins and other things that it needs to stay healthy.” © Ché 46 an kids iif Hiayen moi nguéi chi in 1 loai thite an duy nhat, cém an eae loai Kha obike 1 thi?” nhu-vay khién oo thé thiéu vitamin va cac chat can thidt. Question 10: ere is no such a thing called best diet for all. Tae gid nguy gi trong doin vin cudi ? => Boe that ky ca doan va dum ra két Iu, nh “to some extent, it depends on the individual. ....10 change yo Tbe changing your psychology of eating, and everyone has a different psychology.” ne ibe! nito do, ché d6 fin con phu thie vao timg nguéi, €8 thay di thoi quen &n ong thi edn phi thay di tam ly fn udng va mi nnguii lai co 1 tam ly khde nhau. => Khéng e6 mét ché dé an nao la tét nhét cho tét & moi ngurdi (mai gud lai ap dung 1 ché do me BE bai doc 340 gon.v Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks. Health is something we tend to (11)__ when we have ee wi ody is doing well, we are hardly (12)___ of it. But illness can come, ental Othe: in fact, childhood has been a very susceptible time, Many diseases attack in particular and people know very little a4) to cure them once they struck. The result was that many children died. About a century — Hoe dé king dinh minh a4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 ago, (13). , scientists found out about germs, and then everything changed. The (16)___of many diseases was found, ca cures gece! As this medical discovery spread, the world became (17). res Ba cu is that See a hundred years ago, the average nn ed BP Li in many areas of the Whe to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undout ice ert continue to (20) Some people will be able to avoid medical 2 oblems that are unavoidable today. Question 11: A. throwaway —_B. ignore . give up D. forget Question 12: A. keen B. awake © concerned D. aware Question 13: A. if eK" C. when D. so Question 1: gon Ww C. which D. what Question 1 fore. B, moreover C. however D. although Question 16: A. reason B. origin C. source me Question 17; A. quite B, more Gyvey Moot: Aid Question 18: A. why B. where C. when D. whereas Question 19: A. expect B. desire C. want D. hope Question 20: A.speedup Brun C. accelerate D. advance Dap an: Ques ion LL. Dap an yn Tend to V 400: um gi. Ignore = 1a di, Give up = tir bé. throw away = virt bé. forget = quén Question 12. Dap an D yn ‘Aware of something = nhan thite duve cai gi. Keen on contig GARTH ke = tinh thite coneemed = lo Hing, quan tam Question 13. Bap an C Even when = tham chi khi. If = néu. while = trong khi. So = vi thé Question 14. 0 anB Powhow any Question 1: However = tuy hin sThersior = vi thé. Moreover = hon nifa. although = mie dit eve Question 16, Dap an D on Cause of something = nguyén nhan gay ra cai gi = reason for mt igin nguén (tai nguyén) Question 17. Bap an D ‘Much + tinh tir dang so sinh hon =... hon nhiéu. much safer = an toan hon nhiéu Question 18, Dap an Whereas = he = (li do) tai sao, Where = noi ma, When = khi ma Question 19 Dap an A Expect to V= hi vong, ki vong lam duve gi. desire = khat khao, mo ude 7c to V = muén. hope = hi vong Vv Question 20. Dap an D Moor- Advance (v) = tién trién, phat trién. speed up = \¢. run = chay. accelerate = rao bude, yeudn géc. source = fing nhanh — Hoe dé king dinh minh 45 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Dé bai doc 21: Read the followin; oT od ee of the questions. HS vis The diseases related to smoking are a big problems. Docto sin ual medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to si ing is between 12 and 35 million pounds, And smoking costs society money in other ways. Between 27 and 61 billion pounds is spent each year on sick days when people HK to work, on wages that you don’t get when you don’t go to work. And when you are sick. This mot the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not count fires started by cigarettes, which kill fifteen hundred peopl and injure another four thousand, Smoking costs every man, woman and child n-one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost, that comes to one hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty ed a ry ore. Smoking will also Jems. People who don’t smoke will live longer and so they will take more et aban when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more tay In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in poun e Oflthe people is the true value for us all. ‘podn-v Question 1: Every year companies lose ___ because of the di A. work B. wages C. time D. money Question 2: If everyone stopped smoking, all the United Kingdom A. would have less money B. would haye mor ey Th C. woul voblems, D. would live longer Question 3: If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have ___ more cre A. from $160 to $410 B. from $110 to $250 Moot C. from $1,500 to $4,000 D. $1,640 Question 4: The true value for qv +i of not smoking is ‘A. good “Lo B. more C. more D. more taxes Question 5: The text is bout _ yn A. diseases that smokers get Moot- B. how much smoking costs the UK C. how much the UK get if everyone stopped smoking — Hoe dé king dinh minh a6 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 D. taxes which are not paid by smokes Dap an: Question 1: A. w 7 th Seanning “companset Ae) im oking” amheV “snd smoking costs society money in other ways .... And on wD mpany n you are sick.” © Ht thude gay t6n kém vé tién bac cho xf héi bling nhiing eich khée hau, Cae céng ty bi mat di khéi hrong cng vige ma Ié ra ban sé lam khi ban 6m, Question 2: B. would have po y Néu nba mi nude Anh sé 1a sao? “Seles ry ie woman and child in the UK ... If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year mor: > aNGilyay. mot gia dinh 4 ngudi cé thé tidt kiém thém 1640 pound mdi nam. => 8é ative e Question 3: D. $1,640 “if everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more.” => Néu vay, mot gia dinh 4 ngui 6 1 kigm thém 1640 pound méi nam. => Sé c6 nhiéu tien hon. Question 4: gi. V yn “Inthe cok jon-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value for ts all.” => Gia tri dich thue etia mét quée gia khong hiit thuse khong la 6 tiénma la siic khéo cho moi ngwi Question 5: B. how much smoking costs the UK woot vn ‘Doan vin chi yeu néi vé ea gi Diu tign tic gid néu tic hai cita Init thude déi voi sttc khGe: “The diseases related to smoking are a big problems” San d6 1a cae thiét hai vé vat chat ela viée Init thude: bénh, bi ém do Inat thud vib Tiép theo Hane gbihe gia khong hit thuée: “ stic khéo cho moi ngurii” © Bai viét néi ve van dé huit thude da gay thiét hai nhu thé nao doi voi nude Anh. * mat tién, mat long khi khéng lam vige vi bi DE bai doc 22: Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or swags le carive insect onl of the blanks. THE FIRST WOMAN SCIENTIST Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A.D. For many centuries, she was (11), only woman scientist a flde the history books. Hypatia’ ector of Alexandria University, and he (12) sure his daughter had the best education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (13) to study. After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (14) teaching mathematics. She soon became famous Provo of new ideas. she began — Hoe dé king dinh minh a7 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 We have no copies of her book, (16) we know that she wrote several important ‘mathematical _ works. Hypatia was ait terested in technology and (17) ___several scientific tools to help with on At the (18) pis any 2vit were afraid of science, Pigess ihees with it ie street and killed. was in danger. One day in March 415, Hypatia (20) Question 11: A. a B. the C. one Question 12: A. could B. put C. made D. said Question 13: A. teachers B. classes C. opportunities D. customs Question 14: A. where. qyslihere Chow D. which Question ed Othe D. from Question 16: A. or B. as C. because Wy, Question 17: A. did B. learnt c ominEDOne sated Question 18: A. time B. day C. period. D. year Question 19: A. something __-B. anyone C. nobody D.all Question 20; A. had B. has C. was Dap an: Question UL meV wh “tec peak Question 12. Dap an C Cum “make sure [of something (that)... ]: lam d8 che chan la, chée chan 1a sh yn Question 13. Dap an C pod e “opportunity”: co héi Hau hét phu nit théi do 06 rat it ec hdi dé hoe tap Question 14, Bap an A “where” li ménh dé quan ev thé cho Alexandria 6 phia trude Question 5 @O Cau trie “t ndi tiéng vi, do. Question 16. Dap an D “but”: nhumg, ding 48 néi 2 vé déi lap cita mot cau. Cling ta khéng c6 ban sao sach etia ba ay, nhung cling ta Bagh nhiéu tae pham toan hoc quan trong, Question 17. Bap an D “invent”: tao ra, sang tao ra Hypatia ciing ra cya ea: va sang tao nhiéu dung cu dé gitip ich trong céng viée Question 1 Cum “At the time”: hic dé, khi dy Question 19. Dap an B “something”. nhtmg tht. on wn “anyone” va “nobody” khong diing trong cfu iQ “all” thi khéng ching, vi phia trirée e6 tir many — Hoe dé king dinh minh a8 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 20. Dap an C Diy 1a cau dang bi déng trong qua aoe dong nay da két thie trong qua khair ri. “was attacked”: bi timeong © i), 6 50 po on.vit Dé bai doc 23: Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to of the questions. licate the correct answer to each THE BEATLES In the PBA MAH the most famous pop group in the whole world. Since 2 then, there hi eat many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how sensational The Beatles were at that time. They were founboy$ frébthe north of England and none of them had any training in music. They “ “and recording songs by black Americans and they had some success with these songs. Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and sin; esr their own songs. oalbe The Beat ‘a long career. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970. ‘They stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them — their fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothe; st Sits! However, today some of their songs remain as famous as they were whei vith Throughout the world many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them. Question 1: The passage is mainly about A. how the Beatles became more successful than other groups. B. why the Beatles split up lea years. C. the oes D. many people’s ability to sing a Beatles song. Question 2: The four boys of the Beatles qth A.came from the same family. Moot- B. wrote their own songs. C. came from a town in the north of England. D. received good training Question 3: The word “sensat a LOT C. shocking D. popular Question 4: The first songs of the Beatles were vn A. written by themselves. B. broadcast on the radio. musi aii closest in meaning to — Hoe dé king dinh minh a8 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 C. paid a lot of money. D. written by black Americans. Question 5: What a lah A. The inembes A ining in music. onvit B. They hada long stable career. wo C. They became famous when they wrote their own songs. D. They were afraid of being hurt by fans. Question 6: The Beatles stopped their live performances because A. they had earned h migney). B. they on: ‘k with each other. C. they spent more time writing their own songs. D. they were aftaid of being hurt by fans. _poon-V® Question 7: The year 1970 was the time when A. they split up. B. they changed pop music. C. they started their cane ay D. they sto} ue Question 8: the a often did was A. sing together with them. B. take their clothes as souvenirs. a wn C. ask them to write more songs. ioe D. ask them why they should separate. Question 9: Some songs of the Beatles now ‘A. are still famous as they used to be. B. became too old to sis c ini D. are the most famous. Question 10: The tone of the passage is that of qi A, admiration Moot- B. criticism C. neutral D. sarcasm Dap an: yn Question 1 Hee: ‘and success. Ap dung ky fig Skimming +*The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the ee world” +“today some of their songs remain as famous as they were reel me out” ©) Bai khoa chi yéu néi vé sur néi tiéng va hes nhac Beatles. Question 2: B, wrote their own songs. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 50 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 “Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular.” = Sau dé ho bat dau see cac ana chinh ho va nhiing bai hat do tré nén rat thinh hanh. => 4 ching trai eta nhé silat: nhac eho riéng ho. Question 3: C. sho oth eV nh sensational (a): rit 4n ne gy sbo, gay kink ngac'— shocking: pio Question 4: D. written by black Americans. Scanning “the first songs” - “They started by a. and recording songs by black Americans” = Ho bit dau thé hién va Gioica Khe cia ngusi My da den, => Nhimg bai hat diu tign ofa hom nhac ah00 a, nhiing ngusi My da den. Question 5:'B. They had a long stable career. Bigu gi duéi day khong ding khi noi vé nhém nhac Beat Qe on Vit 5 - “The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first hit r in 1963 and they split up in 1970” © Beatles khéng c6 mét strnghigp dai én dink. Nhém nhac ban ghi am dau tién nim 1963 va tan rina 1970, Question 6: D. the: iF he nur by fans. Scanning “ I maces” - “They stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them — their fans were so excited that they surrounded them va 98 clothes as souvenirs!” oO = Ho dimg biéu dién nhac séng nim 1966 vi fans quan lay ho va ¢6 ging lay ao cia ho dé lam ky nim, diéu do rit nguy hiém 45i v6i ho. Question 7: A. they split up. Scanning “ 1971 Vv “Their first BK 39063 and they split up in 1970.” => Nim 1970, nhom nhae tan 28 Question 8:'B: take their clothes as souvenirs, Scanning “fans of the Beatles” - “their fans were so excited that they surrounded sem pe sa clothes as souvenirs!” © Fans cia nhom nhac thoong lay quan ao eta ho dé lam ky niém. Question 9: A. are still famous as they used to be. Scanning “songs” va “now” _ carseat as famous as they were when they first came out” =Pénn 1c cia nhém nhac nay van néi tiéng nhu khi ching moi duge ra mit khan gia Question 10: A. admiration Qua cde théng tin miu ta str thinh céng cia " aad Ds stim ntsc Beatles bing giong nguéng md — Hoe dé king dinh minh 51 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Dé bai doc 24: Read the followin; aseptteth Bic or D on your answer sheet to indicate vit” word for each of the bl One of the most urgent environment problems in the worl mew of clean water. Having clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, (11 pollution and garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes and even entire seas have become large pools (12) poison, Lake Baikal in Russia is one of largest lake in the world. It (13), hy: te fihals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist (14) 9° goibe jut they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial pollutants whieh (15) into the lake everyday. Even where law existed, 4 apyermment did not have the power to enforce them, nev Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The vei EOD 16)___1% of the world’s water surface. But it is the dumping (17) for 50% of all marine pollution. Almost sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles (18) shore. ‘Water is free to everyone. A few “iit. ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless. Today, Slootes have been (19) by pollution and sewage. Clean water anv we are at last beginning to respect this precious (20) We should do something now. Question 11: A. industrious. industry C. industrial é i chustiize Question 12: A. on Bin Cof - Question 13: A. composes _B. contains C. enclos D. consists B.somewhere C.everywhere —_D. anywhere B. pour C. boil D. burn nvr” s C. comprises D. holds C. ground D. soil Question 1 B.of C.on D. off Question 1! . Tuined B. kept C. made D. 1 Question 20: A. well B. outlet C. nature oom Dap an: Mi Question 11: C. industrial © Can 1 tinh tir bd sung nghia cho danh tir “pollution and garbage” , industrial pollution and garbage: 6 him va réc thai céng nghigp. Question 12: C. of ash ee QOE © Contain (): clnia; Hé Baikal chia rit nhidu Lodi dng thye vat Question 14: D. anywhere = Ding any cho cau phi dinh; H6 Baikal chita 1 sina wid gm 1300 loai khéng con tén tai 6 bat ky noi nao khie trén thé gidi. Kh Question 15: B. pour — Hoe dé king dinh minh 52 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 => Pour into: dé vio; Mét lugng lén chat thai cong nghiép do vao ho mi ngay. Question 16: B. occupies © Occupy (v): chiém, chid Bh, Question 17: C. gro sore* VW Th => Dumping grotip: khu 8 rae thai pio QThe Question 18: D. off © Offshore: ngoai bién, khéng thuéc trén ba. Question 19: A. ruined © Ruined (p2): bi pha hiy, mhiéu, aa n muse di bi pha hi boi 6 nhiém va rae thai. oon geBOM SS. Dé bai doc 25: poo wn Read the following passage and choose the correct letter A, for each of the questions from 21-30. tai nguyén quy gia. KETCHUP (1) The ome (or catsup) in Western cultures is a tomato - based sauce that is quite astern ancestors of this product. A sauce called ke-tjap was in used in China at least as early as the 17th century, but the Chinese version of the sauce was made of picked fish, shellfish, and spices. The popularity of this Chinese sauce spread to, Sin; ane ia, where it was called kechap. ‘The Indonesian (5) ketjab derives its name same source of the Malysian sauce but is made from very different ingredients. The Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy beans, fermenting them, placing them ina salt brine for at least a week , cooking the resulting solution further, and sweetening it heavily; this process results in a dark, thick and sweet variation of soy sauce. Early in the 8 attthn the British navy came across this exotic sauce on Voyages to Malaysia (1 ore and brought samples of it back to England on return voyages. English chefs tried to recreate the sauce but were unable to do exactly because key ingredients were unknown or unavailable in England; chefs ended up substituting ingredients such as mushroonis|and walnuts in an attempt to recreate the special taste of the original Asian sai UF this sauce became quite the rage in the 18th century England, appearing in a number of recipe books and features as an exotic addition to menus from the period. (15) The English version did not contain tomatoes, and it was not until the end of the 18th century that tomatoes became. i its in the ketchup of the United States. It is quite notable that tomatoes "ERO Sauice and that tomatoes had previously been considered quite dangerous to health. That"tomato had been cultivated by the Aztecs, who had called it tomalt; however, early botanists had recognized that tomato was a member of the Soles which does include a number of poisonous plant. The leaves of the “EKOOTE ough of course the fruit is not — Hoe dé king dinh minh 53 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 ‘Thomas Jefferson, who cultivated the tomato in his gardens at Monticello and served dishes containing tomatoes at lavish feasts, receive credit for changing the reputation of the tomato, Soon after Jeffers fe ito to American society, recipes combining the new fashionable cont yas fashionable and exotic sauge kno ii to appear. By the middle of the 19th century, both of the tomato From tom: feizn branched out into a number of other products, including various sauces, pickles, and relishes. And tomato ketchup were stables of the American kitchen. Tomato ketchap, popular thoughsit was quite time-consuming to prepare, In 1876, the first mass- produced t ‘Seon if German-American Henry Heizn, went on sale and achieved immediate st Question 21: It is not stated in paragraph 1 that ° on wn |A, the Chinese sauce was in existence in the 17th century. M B, the Malaysian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce. C. the Chinese sauce was made from seafood and species D. the Indonesian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce. Question 2 moony hlrefersto___. A. asalt B. a week C. the resulting solution D. this process Question ‘What ingredient is not used to make Indonesian sauc n wn A. soy beans B. sugar C. salt fie D. mushrooms Question 24: Tt can be inferred from the second paragraph that mushrooms and walnuts were A. difficult to find in England. B. not part of the original ipe. Sa cae D. transported to England to Asia, Question 25: The phrase “became quite the rage” in paragraph 2 means ‘A. became an anger Moe B. became strange C. became popular D. became a protest Question 26: The author met English version at the beginning of the third paragraph in order _e Boece in the coming paragraph, B. explain why tomatoes were considered dangerous. C. make a reference to the topic of the previous paragraph. D. provide an example of a sauce using tomai neve Question 27: According to the paragraph 3, the ‘Qo ‘A. was considered poisonous plants. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 54 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 B. is related to some poisonous plants. C. has edible leaves. D. has fruit tat i i BD. Question 28: The peal jes” in paragraph 4 could be best ‘Poon-V Th ‘A. standard elements. B. strong attachment. C. necessary utensils. D. rare alternatives. Question 2: i here oyeseet the following sentence go in? “It turned from very bad to O' eo ceeding ‘A. At the Beginning of the paragraph 4. B, Before the sentence “ Soon alter Fefferson ...". pioon-v™ C. Before the sentence “By the midale of the 19th century D. At the end of the paragraph 4. Question 30: “Tomato ketchup” is closest to the word __. A. ketehap B. ‘a. C. ketjab D. kechap Ove wh Question 21 a he Indonesian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce. ‘Théng tin nao khéng duge nhac dén 6 doan 1? Dap an A xuat hién: “A sauce called ke-tjap was in used in China at least a oth iitn century” Dap n B xuat hién: “The popularity of this Chinese sauce cree and Malaysia, where it was called kechap Dap an C xuét hign “Chinese version of the sauce was made of picked fish, shellfish, and spices” Dap an D- khéng chinh xéc voi théng tin trong bai khéa - Line 5:"‘The Indonesian ketjab derives its name from the same source. of Sy Bbrin sauce but is made from very different ingredients.” ket jab Ind6 c6 tén let ‘Malaysia nhung thanh phin lai khée nhau. Question 2 resulting solution Tir “it” trong doan I chi dén tirnio? Thay 4 lua chon vao vi tri “it” va xét xem nghia oita cau d6 c6 he on vn “The Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy beans, eae hem, placing them in a salt brine for at least a week, cooking the resulting solution further, and sweetening it heavily” © Ketjab Indo duce lam bang cach nau dau nénh den, men dau, sau do thay nude mudi man vao it nat 1 tuan, nau “resulti lution” én va lam ngot “ resulting solution” that ngot. © “ie” thayithé cho thy esting Solution” 6 phia tube Question ms Nguyén ligu nao khéng duge ding 48 nau nude sét Indo? The Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy beans, fermenting them, placing them in a salt brine for at A week, cooking the resulting solution further, and sweetening (lam ngot) it heayilye= ms (nm) Question 24: B. not part of the original Asian recipe. (Cé the rit ra ket luan tir doan 2 1a nam va qua oe cho: — Hoe dé king dinh minh 55 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 - “chefs ended up substituting ingredients such as mushrooms and walnuts in an attempt to recreate the special taste of the il Asian sauce.” = Cae dau bép kés a “ing kbi niu bing nhtg nguyén ligu thay thé nhu ndm va qua 6c cho dé e6 gang tao lai Luong bi cia nude a qua 6c cho cha a o khéng phai li nguyén ligu cia céng thize niu mxse sét ban Gort Question 25: C. became popular (1rd nén thinh hanh, phé bién) became quite the range: tr6 nén phé bién, thinh hanh ~ became popular. Question 26: C. make a reference to the topic of the previous paragraph. Tao gia dé cap dén phién ne $6bAnh 6 dau doan 3 nhim muc dick: Doc that shan cc 2%a dau doan 3 “Variations of this sauce became quite the rage in the 18th century England, eestete number of recipe books and features as an exotic addition to menus from inglish version did not contain tomatoes, Doan 2 noi vé su phé bién ciia mrde’sot 6 Anh - Doan 3, tiép tue néi chi tit vé cng thite ndu nude sét Anh (khéng cho ca chua) © Mue dich: Tao su lién két, quy chiéu v6i chi dé cia doan vin truée, Question 27: B. is relate sotié poisonous plants. Scanning do@inths fomato plant” “that tomatoes had previously been considered quite dangerous to health” — trude day ngudi ta cho ring ca chua rat cé hai cho strc khée. Question 28: A. standard elements. got “vn Staples (n): nguyén liéu chii yéu, co ban = standard element (yé nh phan tiéu chun) Question 29: B, Before the sentence “ Soon after Jefferson ...”” Tim vi tri thich hop cho cau “It tumed from very bad to exceedingly good” — No chuyén tir rit xu thanh cue ki tét” ? Boe that ky got Don dén bad va good => du tién ca chua bi cho li gay hai cho site khée. aa hi Jefferson “ .. recipes combining the new fashionable tomato with the equally fashionable and exotic sauce known as ketchap began to appear.”” => Sut két hop otia Jefferson da tao thanh nue sét c chua rit tét => Cau trén ¢6 thé dit ngay sau A Syea net orc chua timg duce coi 1a c6 hai tré thanh cue tét) uN Question 30: A. ketchap Tomato ketchup gan nghia vai tir nao? Scanning “ tomato ketchup” “recipes combining fe Sble tomato with the equally fashionable and exotic sauce known as ketchap’ > nude sot ¢6 ca chua chinh la ketchap. DB bai dge 26: Read the following passage and choose the correct letter Ayu GD fa deh of the blanks below. Louis Braille was born in France in 1890. His father had a small business. He (11) shoes and other things from leather. Louis liked to help his father in the store even (12) he was very — Hoe dé king dinh minh 56 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 small, One day when Louis was three years old, he was cutting some leather, Suddenly the knife (13) and hit him in the eye. Louis soon became completely blind. =. San When he was ten years old, he (14) the National Institute for the blind in Paris. One day his class went to visit a (15) ____ exhibit by a captain in the army. One thing in the exhibit was very interesting for Louis. It showed messages in code. Armies send messages in messages (16) codes so no one else can read them. The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very thick paper. Louis thought a lot about this code. Then he (17) to write in the same way so blind people could “read” (18) their fingers. It is very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters. (19) ___ of letters, Louis used a “cell” of six dots. He (20) the dots with two dots across and three down, Question 11: A. did B, made coggoonetlt Question 12: A. so B. because c D. until Question 13: A. slipped Cet D. went off Question 1: A. went &. a D. entered Question 15: A. truly special C. unusual D. suddenly Question st ypeV wi private C. secret D. confident Question 1’ B. enjoyed C. encouraged D: considered Question 18: A. with B. by Cok on Question 19: A. Incase B. Because C. Insteai oon pt Question 20: A. collected B. set C. put arranged Dap an: Question 11: Dap an la B. made ; make shoes: lam giay Question 12: Dap an 1a C. when, even when: ké tir khi. - Louis muén gitip dé cha minh 6 cita tiém ké tir khi c6n la dita té WV Question 19) Shi Aspe, slip (v): trugt; Khi Louis dang oft miéng da thi con dao bat ng truot va binvao mat etia dng, Question 14: Dap an la D. entered, enter (v): vao, tham gia vao, Khi Louis oe ham gia vio hoe vién quée gia cho ngudi khiém thi 6 Paris Question 15: Dap an la B. special; special (a): dic biét; Mot moot tia otis due tham quan imét cuée trién lim dae biét cia mét vi téng quan trong quan déi. Question 16: Dap an 1a C. secret; secret (a): bi mat — Quan déi giti tin niin di dui dang ma bi mat dé ngudi khie khéng thé doc duge. Question 17, Dap lear to V: quyét dinh lam gi — Louis quyét dinh bit chude cach, viet dé dé ol jem thi c6 thé doe duge. Question 18: Dap an la A. with; read with fingers: doc bing cdc ngén tay Question 19: Bap an la C, Instead ; instead of thay vi- Thay vi str neve chit eai Louis sir dung cic 6nd. Question 20: Bap an la D. arranged; arrange (v) Moot: slip xép cae 6. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 57 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Dé bai doc 27: Read the below passage and choose the @Birect letter, B, C or D foreach of the questions. ° Television ‘An Americ: network has had an international hit wit ia Garo ler known for its suspense and often graphic violence. Over the past year, sy has surrounded the series because of its portrayal of Muslim terrorists and its frequent scenes of torture. But the content of “24” is not the only thing that would have been unthinkable on prime-time television 20 years ago. Tts form also represents a major change in medem TV: during each episode's 44 minutes — a real-time hour, minus 16 s “Ec 1¢ show connects the lives of 21 different characters, each with their own Sand specific relationships with other characters. Nine different story lines (or “threads") are depicted, each involving events and information revealed in previous epis@des. [1] [2] For years many people have assumed that popular 240 stafé of decline rapidly degenerating into “junk culture” with no worthwhile purpose. But an interesting new book challenges that assumption. “Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter," by Steven Johnson, makes a persuasive argument that today’s complex TV dramas and other pop culture Products gives y mental exercise. He calls the use or complex, interwoven plot lines involv: ios multi-threading”, and it is a new and growing phenomenon in TV To keep ee jows like “24", he points out, you must “pay attention, make inferences, track shifting social relationships", and these cognitive challenges are changing our ment lopment for the better. [3 Mi QTbe [4] The most obvious change in the last five years of narr: rtainment is the rise of reality TV, Surely, you might be thinking, watching “Survivor” or “The Bachelor” cannot possibly raise anyone's IQ, “Survivor” is now in its tenth season, and “The Bachelor” is in its seventh. But as Johnson tells us lately “even the junk has improved”. The new reality shows are like games: they are series of competitive tests, eac! ctaleasing than the last, and with rules that must be learned as you play. On “Survivo . the participants and the audience know the general objective of the game but each episode brings new challenges that require quick thinking. Success in these games calls for the intellectual labor of finding the weak spots in the rules and in your oj RESTS: is done a not just by the stars of the shows but the viewers at home as well es these shows such fan to watch ~ the human mind enjoys being challenged. As Johnson writes, “There’s real pleasure ... in solving puzzles, detecting patterns or understanding a complex narrative system." Question 1: What is the topic of the passage? A. The decline of TV today ar, B. Benefits of TV today CTV imp tte D. Why “24” became a hit Question 2: is the best place for the following sentence? “It is not only hour-long dramas that make us smarter." Af B. [2] c.[3] D.[4] Question 3° The word “each” in paragraph I sep Othe’ A. story lines B. characters episodes D. personalities Question 4: The author begins the passage by discussing “24” in order to — Hoe dé king dinh minh 58 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 A. prove that TV has become much more violent B. show how TV has become more, lex, C. explain why many, aithhs are controversial D. argue ei (¢ violence and portrayal of terrori on-vi Question 5: It can be inferred that the author of the passage Mo ‘A. agrees with Steven Johnson’s views B. strongly disagrees with Steven Johnson's views C. has no opinion about Steven Johnson’ views D. agrees with s f chiBSils views but disagrees with others Question Sct 3 the passage, Johnson's book argues all following except that ‘A. popular culture is not in decline Moot- B. many TV shows involve cognitive challenges C. people enjoy the effort of understanding complex shows D. hour-long dramas bring the greatest benefits Question 7: "Multi-threading" in TVs a new type of A. form .c C. series D. character Question 8. BHO uGARSPhientions "junk culture” in paragraph 2 in order to A. emphasize how worthless most TV shows are B. contrast a common view of TV with the one he presents in tl meee eV Th C. explain why TV viewing is in decline in the United “gO D. argue against the view that popular culture can be worthwhile Question 9: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to A, junk B. shows C. games yn D. “Ioe Millionaire” and "The Bachelor” Question poorer in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to___ A. maki B. admiring C. remembering D. finding Dap an: qn Question 1: Dap an la B. Benefits of TV today (loi ich ctia TV “gOOT- Skimming bai khéa ta thay tae gia liét ké mét sé loi ich ctia TV “today’s complex TV dramas and other pop culture Products gives healthy mental exercise” “This is what makes these shows such fun to watch ~ the human mind enjoys being challenged” Question 2: Dap an la D. 4 Scanning bai khéa, nibh dén “smarter” céc b6 phim khién ching ta théng minh hon “Tt is not nas that make us smarter."... Surely, you might be thinking, watching “Survivor" or “The Bachelor” cannot possibly raise anyone's 1Q “Survivor” is now in its tenth season, and “The Bachelor” is in its seventh. But as Johnson tells us lately “even the junk has improved” © Khéng phai chi cé nhimg bé phim dai moi khien cht tr ng minh hon... Ban co thé nghi ring xem Survivor hay The Bachelor Q ctia ai dé, Survivor hién nay c6 10 tap cén The Bachelor e6 7 tap. mt Johnson noi véi ching ta 6 trén thi junk culture da duge cai thign. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 58 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 3: Dap an la A. story lines “Nine different story lines (or “tag ¥K depicted, each involving events and information revealed in previous episod: © Thay thé =A BONS. > xem nghia ¢6 logic khéng, yn © 9kich ban khac nhau dirge mé ta, méi kich ban bao ae gyBEA ne tin duge hé 16 6 nhiig tap tre do, Question 4: Dap an la B. show how TV has become more complex. ‘Tae gia bat diu bing viée thao luan vé bé phim “24” nhim mue dich: chtmg minh TV dang tré nén ngay cang phue tap “Its form also represi pt i@hange in modem TV: during each episode’s 44 minutes ~ a ago real-time hi (es for commercials — the show connects the lives of 21 different characters, ath their own personalities and specific relationships with other characters”. © mét su thay déi lén, trong 1 tap phim dai 44 phut + 16 phuitqua ivi. da két néi duoc cude doi cia 21 nhan vat khac nhau, méi nguoi 1 th eRe; quan hé véi nhimg nhiin vat khac => phite tap hon xu. Question 5: Dap An 14 D. agrees with some of Johnson's views but disagrees with others Tac gia déng tinh véi mot s6 quan diém tia Johnson nhung khong déng tinh véi 1 sé quan diém khac. = Doc ky néi dung cae cau liéi a dén Jobnson’s views va rit ra két Luan. © “Steven, i 4 sive argument that today’s complex TV dramas and other pop cla ak s heathy mental exercise”. => Johnson di dua ra 1 lap hun day thuyet phue Fang céc bo phim phuc tap ngay nay va sin pham ciia vin héa Pop cho ching ta nhiing bai thé duc tri tué=> Tac gid déng tinh vai quan diém nay ciia Johnson. qn Question 6: Dap an la D. hour-long dramas bring the greatest BEQOT A duge 48 cap: * popular culture is ina state of decline rapidly’ ting into “junk culture no worthwhile purpose” B duge dé cap: “these cognitive challenges are changing our mental development for the better" C duoe dé c4p: “the participants and the audience know the general objective of the game but each episode brings new challenges re quick thinking” og StF Question 7 92 “Multi-thre: mot loai hinh thtte phim méi “He calls the use or complex, interwoven plot lines involving multiple characters “multithreading” Plot lines - kich ban, néi dung vib Johnson goi cdc kich ban phutc tap, dan xen lién quan dén BLOOM aL nhau 14 “multi threading” Question 8: Dap an 14 B. contrast a common view of TV with the one he presents in the passage ‘Mue dich ctia tac gia khi dé cap dén “junk culture” & doan van 2 la dé déi chiéu, so sanh 1 quan diém pho bién hién nay voi quan diem ma Gng ta dua ra, ng, biét ith, ‘Ter thé hign su ton; Bat" “For years many people have assumed that popular culture is in a eo Pe > state of decli rating into “junk culture” with no worthwhile purpose. But an interesting new book cl es that assumption.” Question 9: Dap an 1a C. games © Thay 4 lua chon vao “they”, xét nghia clia cu cd logic. he see © “The new reality shows are like game of competitive tests, each more challenging than the last, and with rules th learned as you play.” = Nhimg chuong trinh thie té méi giéng nu cée tr6 choi: cc tr choi dé la diy cac bai kiém tra day canh tranh, — Hoe dé king dinh minh 60 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 cai sau lai cing thach thie hon eai trude véi nhimg quy tic ban nhat dinh phai hoe méi choi duge. Question 10: Dap an la D. finding “WY Detecting : tim ra, Khéim pha ta = finding a WZ Making: tao ra; admiring: kham phue; remembering: nhé. Bi QO BE: Dé bai doc 28: Read the below passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C or D for each of the blanks. How do you feel when you getting all your (11) an exam? Do you always (12) ____ in getting all your ideas down on paper, or do you sometimes feel that you are (3), a mess of it? Apart from those lucky few who (14) through exams, most secondary school (15) __ find them very stressful. Many teachers are (16) __ of the problems their children face and use different method for measuring their progress: continuous assessment, With continuous assessment, students are given various (7) to do through the year. All their marks are added together to produce a total mark at the (18)___ __ of the year, students have to (19) __ __ more responsibility for their education because they can't rely on doing well on just one day. Also they have more time to (20) over their work, meaning that they're able to do their best. Question 11 A. write B. sit C. give _D. make Question 12 A. manage B. achieve C. succeed os ) se D. pass Question 13 A. making B. having C. taking) D. doing Question 14 A. sail B. go C. move D. drive Question 15 A. students B. classmate C. preference D. colleagues Question 16 A. knowledgeable B. recognizable C. aware D. intelligent Question 17_ A. effortsy§, “WB. tasks C. achievements D. result Question 18. A. finish’ B. end C. edge D. stop Question 19 A. get B. take D. make Question 20. A. imagine B. consider C. think a, _“D. examine Dap an: BOs. Question 11: Dap an li B. sit - sit/take an exam: thi/ tham gia thi ctr Question 12; Dap an la C. succeed - succeed in doing st: thanh cdng lam gt Question 13: Dap an la A. making - make a mess: lam moi thitréi tung lén Question 14: Dap an la B. go ~ go through: vuot qua, chi mét sé it hoe sinh may min vuct qua ky thi, con Iai phan 1én hoe sinh trung hoe nhan thay ho rat cing thing Question 15, Dap an la A. students secondary students: hoc sinh trang hoe Question 16 Dap an la C. aware - be aware of: nhiin thay Question 17: Dap én la B. tasks ~ Ong vige, nhiém vu - véi hinh thie dinh gid thuong xuy@n, hoc sinh s€ duge giao nhiéu nhiém vu sust ca nam hoe LM, OT Question 18: Dap an la B. end - at the end of the year: cudi nam Question 19: Dap an la B. take- take responsibility: dam nhan trich nhigm Moon — Hoe dé kiving din minh 61 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 20: Dap an la C. think — think over: suy nghi can than - hoc sinh co nhiéu théi gian 4é suy nghi can thin vé chuyén hoc tap, diéu d6 c6 nghia 1a ho sé lam tot nhat c6 thé. vn DB bai doc 29: proor-¥ = Read the below passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C oPLOOM: questions. (Z) The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a great collection displayed in a great country house. Passing through successive generations of a single family, Winterthur has been a private estate fi thi @ eentury. Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and "8 a (5) family residence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The impression of a lived-in house is appare! 1K visitor: the rooms look as if they were vacated only a short while ago gai be wners of the fumiture or the most recent residents of the house can be 1 of personal interpretation. Winterthur remains, then, a house in which a collection of furniture and architectural elements has been assembled. Like an English country house, if is an organic structure; the house, as well as the collection and (/0) manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed over the years. The changes have coincided oi of the American arts, increased knowledge on the part of collectors ’ progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house. Vv (2) The concept of a period room as a display technique has’ oaths, over the years in an effort to (15) present works of art in a context that would show them to greater effect and would give them more meaning for the viewer. Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the period room represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble object: ited by style, date, or place of manufacture. Question Ziyi ena mainly discuss? A. The that Winterthur was redesigned. B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum. yn C. How Winterthur compares to English country houses. Moot- D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur. Question 22: The phrase "devoted to” in line 1 is closest in meaning to ‘A. surrounded by B. specializing in c “Ko Qn yn D. senti Question 23: What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931? A. The owners moved out, B. The house was repaired. yn The C. The old furniture was replaced. Moe D. The estate became a museum. — Hoe dé king dinh minh 6 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Question 24: What does the author mean by stating "the impressi the visitor” (Lines 5-6)? A. Winterthur on VO B. Few people ur. < C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum. oot D. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable. Question 25: The word “assembled” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ‘A, summoned n B. appreciated WV C. brow, She D. fundamentally changed Question 26: The word “it” in line 9 refers to conv A. Winterthur I i B, collection C. English country house D. visitor Question 27: g en line 11 is closest in meaning to A. traditi Gor B. exhibiting C. informative yn D. evolving Poort Question 28: According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT A, date B. style Th &. rae V D. past ship Question 29: What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the pas - qn ‘A. Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragre B. Each paragraph describes a different approach to the disp! ts in a museum, C. Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy of art appreciation that contrasts with that explained in Paragraph D. Bach paragraph describes a different historical period. Question 30: Summe® the author explain why displays at Winterthur have changed? A. lines B. lines 4-5 C. lines 6-8 D. lines 10-12 vn Dap i Question 21: Dap an la B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum n of a lived-in house is apparent to — Hoe dé king dinh minh 63 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 ‘There are many museums devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a great collection displayed in a great country house. = ¢6 rit nhié bao ting danh cho nghé thud trang tr tang nio lai cé 1 b6 sum tap dé s6 duge trung bay trong 1 ancora OOe ti Sau do, cae phan sau tac gid cha yéu di miéu ta nhiing diém néi cua bio tang, Bai khéa chi yéu ndi vé cde yéu té khién Winterthur tr6 thinh bao thinh dic biét. Question 22: Bap an la B. specializing in (chuyén vé) “There are many museums the decorative arts and many house museums” = C6 nhiéu bao tang anh rién; fs oui geh Question 2 he house was repaired Evenatier the Oe renovations (stra sang, cai tién) made to it between 192 Bi, the house remaineda family residence. = sau nhiing lan cai tao lén nim " yahiebend van la khu 6 gia dinh, = Question 24: Dap an la C. Winterthur does not look like a a museum, Tac gid c6 y gi khi noi “ én tuong vé mét ngdi nha co ngudi 6 rat rd rang ddi voi du khach”? © Winterthur khéng gién ‘ing bao tang dién hinh khac, dé 1 mét bao tang cé nhiing nét dic bigt rat gi Wr | ngdi nha co ngudi 6. Question mt 1a C. brought together (thu thap, stu tap) Assemble: lip rap, thu thap lai = bring together: mang lai véi nhau, gin oo hau. ‘yn Question 26: Dap én la A. Winterthur Thay céc hra chon vao “it” va xét nghia cita cau c6 logic khong weoks nhur nha 6 viing qué nese Anh, Winterthur 1a m6t toa kién tric hit co.” Question 27. Dap an 1a D. evolving (phat trién, én héa) developing: phat trién = evolving: tin héa, phat trién Surthay doi nhitng quan diém dang phat trién otia nghé thuat My. Question eRe passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT Dap an la D. past ownership VY nh Theo bai khéa, cc vat trong, period rom e6 lién quan béi cae ti oaths; 86 hitu true dé. “the period room represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date. or place of manufacture.” Question 29: Dap an la A. Paragr ae 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph 1 ‘Méi quan ee bikes Bakhoa li gi? « roe OS {Ghievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur Have followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house.The concept of nam 1929 va 1931, can nha duve sita chita. a period room as a display technique has developed oan 2 giai thich cho cum “period-room displays” £3 ‘on V Th Question 30: Dap an li D. lines 10-12 e Doan nio lic gid giai thich tai sao cach trumg bay d Winterthur phai thay déi? — Hoe dé king dinh minh 64 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 (Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 “The changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American arts, increased knowledge on any ayggression toward the achievement of a historical effect in gm dang dan thay déi vé “ygonev™ the part of collectors and students, period-room displays. => Thay déi dé phi poos-V™ pioon-V™ pioon-v™ Moon .vn — Hoe dé King dinh minh 65 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Cé PHAN DIEU -MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89 Dé bai doc 30: Read the memos tevin the correct option A, B, C or D gy of the blanks. goth é Denmark Denmark is the smallest and most southerly of the countries of Scandinavia. (11) lie in northern Europe. It is probably best (12) ___ for being home to the powerful Vikings, (13) ____ 1,000 years ago. Denmark is a small country, with limited natural (14) Nevertheless, it has oa Fg Bias countries inthe (1S) Denmt OO culture and traditions, and a fongue= twisting fangs, which includes’ several pe dialects, Although Denmark is a member (1 European Union, recently it has been reluctant to work more groo* Pn up 18) of its independence. Wealth in Denmark is shared out more evenly than in most countries, because people pay high taxes. Many workers pay more than 50 percent of their wages in tax. The money is used to pay (9)__ a welfare which includes health care, benefits for the unemployed and the elderly, and pul canal to the rest of the world, it is (20) to become either very ake aS Denmark. Question 11: A.whose B.when C.awhich D.where Question 12: A.liked B. known C. seen ik ay Th Question 13: A.over B.more C. since Mo , Question 14: A.resources B.features C. nature: D. sources Question 15: A.carth Question 16: A.distant B.distinctive C.distiked Dadisinterested Question 17: A.from ye Cin Dot Question 18 Ninany TE every Cvery D.some Question 1 B.for Coon Dio Question 20; A.impos B.simple C.Aifficult D. easy qth Dap an: Moot- Question 11. Bap an C Pap an li C. which: dai tir quan hé thay thé cho“ Scandinavia” Question 12, Dap an B Dap an la B, best-known hinh thite so sénh hon nhat etta well known. Be well known for: ~ cv Question 509 Dap an la 1,000 years ago: trén mot nghin nzim trugie Ta c6, over/under +36 dém: trén /dudi Question 14. Pap an A Dap én lA A, naturel resources: tdi. nguyén thién ig QOTS vi Cée tit con lai: features: nhiing dae diém; nat ién, ban ol sources: cae ngudn (khéng ¢6 dang s6 nhiéu ); — Hoe dé king dinh minh 66 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

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