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Lucas Partanda Koestoro

Balai Arkeologi Medan
Jl. Seroja Raya Gg. Arkeologi No.1, Medan 20134
An excavation at the site of Kota Rebah (also known as Kota Lama) in the city of Tanjung
Pinang, Kepulauan Riau (Riau Islands) Province in October 2014, which was carried out by the
Cultural Office of Kepulauan Riau Province, in cooperation with the Medan Archaeological
Centre and the Cultural Heritage Conservation Office of Batusangkar, is an attempt to explore
remains of the cultural history of Kepulauan Riau community, including to understand about
their types and functions. This is in relation to the site and remains of a building that is believed
by some local inhabitants to be a site and remains of the palace of the Melayu kings in the past.
The data collected using survei and excavation method indicate that the site and building remains
are more likely to be remains of a loji (fort with warehouses) than the site and remains of a
Keywords: site, palace, loji (fort with warehouses)
1. Introduction

The area between the southern part of the Malay Peninsula and the western part of
the Riau Islands Province, which is characterized by so many islands, is very strategic.
The islands in the southeastern end of the Straits of Malacca and the southwestern tip of
the South China Sea are ideal for use as strongholds of ocean currents, which make it
easy to explore this region using air transportation modes that are tracked by shipping
along the coast. The system of west monsoons and east monsoons allows the
development of a round-trip west-east shipping line regularly and in a fixed pattern,
which allows trading activities to take place continuously.
According to foreign sources (among others from China, as stated by Groeneveld
2009) and local sources, at least in the 7th century the Srivijaya Kingdom had acted as a
maritime-based power institution, with the Malacca Strait as a livelihood region through
exploitation of sea products, shipping lines , and trade, as well as a means of showing
strength and power. Archaeological data also gives confidence that at that time there had
been interaction between the communities around the path taken by Indian and Chinese
communities. This concerns trade and also culture.
Following in the footsteps of the triumph of the Srivijaya Kingdom, later the
Malay Kingdom became one of the major kingdoms in the eastern region of Sumatra
which continued to focus its economy on the trade sector in the Malacca Strait. The old
trade routes continue to be used, up to relatively new areas, as a trading port as well as a
kingdom. The dense trade activities on the east coast of Sumatra are supported by the
development of the kingdom centers of Kandis, Bintan, Rokan, Keritang, and others.
In the early 16th century the Portuguese began to expand into Malacca and small
kingdoms such as Malay-Riau and Rokan. This effort came to a halt in the early 17th
century. The arrival of the Dutch continued contact with the Malay-Riau Kingdom, later
began to drive out the Portuguese presence in this region. The Dutch tried to obtain
facilities in carrying out their trading activities, and carried out a successful political
divide, as seen by the emergence of small kingdoms as rulers in the Straits of Malacca.
One of them was the Lingga Sultanate in Lingga Island in the early 19th century. At that
time Sultan Mahmud was assisted by descendants of Sulu and Jolo who had long lived in
Kalimantan attacking the Dutch fort in Tanjung Pinang. Fearing the retaliation of Dutch
troops from Batavia, the Riau people left their country to the Malay Peninsula, Lingga
and the surrounding islands. This was the beginning of Lingga as the seat of the Sultan
(Junus 2002b, 42) and gambier became a mainstay of commodities, as traces of gambier
kitchens are still found today (Koestoro 2011, 92).
Britain was present in the area of the Dutch colony in the mid-17th century when
it gained a foothold in Bengkulu, and built the Fort Marlborough fortress. Since then the
threat of British intervention on the territory of the Dutch colony in Sumatra became quite
an issue that disturbed the relations of that two colonial rulers (Wulandari et al 2009, 28).
In 1874 the Netherlands and England broke down the Malay society through the London
1824 treaty. The malaya and Singapore peninsula under British rule while riau islands
and areas south of Singapore fell into the hands of the Dutch. The sultan's position did not
matter any more because it only concerned with nobility and became an instrument of
Dutch interests until 1913 (lutfi et al 1977, 124).
In its development, Tanjungpinang played the role of a city of historical, cultural,
and Malay customs. The history of the area reveals that Malay history is rooted in this
region. Their historical links are not just those of malacah, of the Kingdom of Riau-
Lingga, and of the Riau Kingdom whose conserved centers were located in the Piring
city, but also have links with kingdoms in Java and sulawesi, even Borneo.
The part of the city of Tanjung Pinang that has an important role in history is also
the site of the City of Rebah / Kota Lama and Kota Piring which occupy the banks of the
Carang River. Its strategic location has the potential of cultural preservation in the form
of structures and buildings. The potential of cultural heritage at this site is often
associated with the existence of the rest of the structure of buildings and tombs whose
construction is associated with the rulers of the Kingdom of Riau during its growth and
development. The remaining components forming the structure of the building are still
visible even though most have been damaged. In between, there were scattered materials
including its components such as terracotta floor fragments, scattered brick fragments,
iron fragments, and so on, including ceramic fragments originating from China and other
The issues that will be discussed this time relate to archeological remains in the
form of the remains of the old building structure at the Rebah City site, is the rest of the
structure a Hermitage of the Malay Palace or is it another type of building? The purpose
of this study is to get an understanding of the types and functions of buildings contained
in the City of Rebah site.
Solving the problem of this research begins by describing the historical aspects,
the spatial site, the shape of the rest of the building structure, and the time dimension,
based on archaeological data from the survey and excavation. Analysis and discussion are
carried out by elaborating historical aspects, form, time, spatial, and the results of limited
interviews with the results of the literature review regarding its history. The end result is
an interpretation of the form and function of the rest of the old building structure at the
Rebah City site.
The usefulness of the results of archeological studies and history for the interests
of the present related to the understanding of identity the nation's culture. One important
business in identity is historical awareness. It means a strong nation andwith dignity has
advantages excellence. Nations that don't have historical awareness has the potential to be
a weak and easily colonized nation through various modes, like politics, economy and
culture. Regarding the object in the form of sites and architectural heritag City of Rebah
or Kota Lama, achievement archaeological studies are expected to bring up recognition of
form, function, and symbolic meaning. All is needed for preservation efforts, which is
possible too can mean restoration existing building.

Old City Website / Old City are objects of historical periodsparticular, historical
or historical residues remnants). This object needs attention and studied because of its
disclosure able to clarify the picture of style and level of culture as well. the composition
of society which produce it. As for when compare it to similar objects, can also be
predicted dynamics style history experienced by that culture. All are historical witnesses
say many things. As a used or historical footsteps, the Lower City or the City Old, as
does the City of Dishes in Tanjungpinang, of course has a place alone in the old notes.
Tuhfat al- Nafis (Beautiful Offering) for example, is an important work of historical
sources Malay that discusses the Kingdom of Riau and centers of power like Lingga and
Penyengat Island (Bottoms, 1995: 153), tell about the beauty of the palace Plate City with
wall parts the surrounding is decorated with various ceramics China, which is in the
southeast Old City / Rest City.

2. Result

2.1. Location and history

This site is in the Kampung area Sungai Timun, Kelurahan Kota Piring, Tanjung
Pinang Timur District, Cit Tanjung Pinang. Astronomically Falling down occupies flat
land on the edge / lip north of the Carang River with variety plants such as mangrove,
banyan, palm and shrubs. Mangroves cover up most of the edges. Soil condition
predominantly bauxite gravel, even in partsnorth and east of the site area directly adjacent
to bauxite mining. Beach is classified sloping, muddy. At this site soil type most base has
The topography is relatively gentleis a green zone with plants which is quite dense.
This condition is influential on the environment, and play a role for the supply of fresh
water in small capacities Besides forage in this location also plays a role in guarding from
erosion and danger crushing soil. As a region coast, the condition of the waters of the
City of Rebah influenced by tides and tides. sea water ride. From the hydrological aspect,
region it has a freshwater content quite high for a long time. To date, freshwater wells
that are around this site still used as a source of water. In around the Rebah City site,
especially at the north and east are villages that houses the population lies scattered and
its population density is relatively small. There is a trend latelythe number of residential
buildings increases population increase.
Traces of past activities are still found on this site in the form of the remaining
building sand a number of tombs scattered in the area the, as well as ceramic fragments
and pottery spread from the coastline to the inside of the site. Fraction terracotta floors
and tile shards as well bricks also color the surface of this site.
Area of the Rebah City site is around 10 hectare. The rest of the building located at
there, what the public said as the rest of the palace building, no have the whole shape
again. The rest are there not much help efforts depiction of the original shape the building
complex. Remaining part is the wall on the south side and north side. The wall referred to
in the form lime gravel castings without reinforcement. No looks again the building
components in the form of a roof, fence, door in / out or gate. Look on the remaining part,
the buildings are it was there before maybe just in the form of a one-story building,
however some are likely skyscraper. Around the rest the building has several tombs
which might be used instead after the building complex was not function again. Number
of entrances and exits this site is also not clearly known given the small footprint there is.
According to various sources, at including the Tome Pires report, is known that
towards the 16th century on the left-right Malacca Strait centers are popping up new
power. This is the consequences of an increase demand for various supplies a commodity
needed by the West, which Malacca could not fulfill alone. That opportunity is exploited
with good, and in its development rivalry between the centers of power clearly stated
economic factors and politics for influencing effor At the end of the 14th century
Malacca developed as a large Asian port, then politics of expansion and expansion of
influence as part a guarantee of security and stability needed to create conditions prime
for trade. When it's territory Riau Islands is one Malacca's influential area. Known that
until the end of the 15th century Malacca is the center of Asian trade (Koestoro et al
During the late 16th century Aceh still holds hegemony over the Straits Malacca,
and vice versa in Johor desperate. In 1587 the Portuguese capturing the city of Johor, the
victory was huge once its influence in the archipelago west. Even according to
Portuguese sources. Sultan's agreement peace and at that time the message of Java came
to Malacca (Graaf & Pigeaud 1985, 12).
We will be there in time where government-Johor-Riau-Mala Lingga. Interesting
is the name of the institution that power is constantly changing the name of the central
place of his kingdom. Also there are two government centers, each each one is Yang's
place The Great Deputies / Sultan and Yang Young Missions (Junus 2002a, 14).
When the center is first the government is located in Johor, is based in Riau,
which is in Carang River, Bintan Island. After several times moved from Johor to Riau
and instead, the center of strength finally settled in Riau called Hulu Riau or Old Riau.
Government center shared by the President Big and Young Leader. When became the
President of the Riau Young IV, King of Haj in 1778 occupied a palace called the City of
Plate, whichis a bit downstream at Biram Island God. Since the death of the Pilgrim King
in the Gulf of Ketapang in 1784 (Junus 2002 b, 237), then in the early 19th century the
center of government moved. Who the Sultan is to Daik (Island) Lingga) and the Young
Leader of the Island Sense of the Stomach Sense (Junus 2002b, 67).
Thus the glimpse of the kingdom of the Malays whose names always change to
follow the center of his government. That is the history of the Kingdom of Johor-Riau, or
Kingdom of Riau-Johor, and after 1824 it was called the Kingdom of Riau (without Johor
or Pahang), then the Kingdom of Lingga-Riau and the Kingdom of Riau-Lingga which
can all be called the Kingdom of Riau (Junus 2002a, 15). In the course of his life, clearly
produced various physical and non-physical cultural works. Some of them are clearly still
remaining today, both in the form of values, customs, arts, beliefs and so on, as well as
the rest of the physical culture which is partly still stored in the ground.
As for the oral tradition, a historical glimpse of the Tanjung Pinang city can be
traced back to the 11th century. It is said that at that time Tanjung Pinang was the
entrance to the center of the Kingdom of Bintan. This story ends at least in the late 15th
century when the Kingdom of Malacca managed to master it. After Malacca was taken
over The Portuguese in 1511 moved the center of the Malay Kingdom to Johor, then
returned to Bintan Island, moved to Pekantua, then to Kampar. Later the center of power
moved to Johor again, and returned to Bintan Island, and finally to Lingga. That was the
last time the existence of the Riau-Lingga Malay Kingdom before being abolished by the
Dutch colonial government in 1913.
Thus Bintan Island was used twice as the seat of government of the Malay
Kingdom. Some places in Tanjung Pinang are said to have been used as the center of
Kingdom government Malay in the Bintan area, namely Kota Piring, Kota Lama, and
Penyengat Island. When in 1783 the Dutch attacked the position of Raja Haji, strategic
places on Bintan Island and its surroundings became a place of defense. The intended
locations are Curly Bay, Tanjung Pinang, Penyengat Island, and PulauBayan. Raja Haji
was finally defeated by the Dutch in 1874 and since then Malay was formally under
Dutch rule (Koestoro et al 2004,10).
Local sources reported that Tanjung Pinang began to develop at the beginning of
the 17th century and became a large settlement when Raja Haji was domiciled as the
Riau Young Entity. The Dutch remained in Tanjung Pinang and other Riau Islands
regions until 1950. On May 8, 1950 Tanjung Pinang officially joined the Republic of
Indonesia. Thus until finally based on Law Number 5 Year 2001 Tanjung Pinang was
determined as an autonomous City. Then in 2002 Tanjung Pinang was also designated as
the capital of the Riau Islands Province (Koestoro et al 2004.10).
2.2. Site and archaeological traces
Northwestward from the first tomb group, near the rest of the second building at
the east end of the 40-meter long wall stretching east-west.
In a survey of the surface of the Rebah City site, limited sampling was collected
for archaeological objects in the form of ceramic fragments that were spread evenly. The
classification / grouping of shapes / types and chronology of the objects referred to are as
a. Jar lips that come from the dynasty
Ching of the 18th century
b. Lip of the 18th century Ching dynasty
c. The body of the 19th-century Ching dynasty 18
d. The basis of the bowl of the Ching dynasty of the century 17
e. The basis of the bowl of the Ching dynasty of the century 17--18
f. The basis of the bowl of the Ching dynasty of the century 18
g. The basis of the 18th century Ching dynasty urn
On this occasion, the results of the surface survey became a reference for the
selection part of land to be excavated / excavated archaeologically / systematically. The
main focus is on the land in the northern part of the Rebah City site. Some members of
the community believe that the structure of the building left at that place was once a
mosque. The rest of the wall structure forms a square plan, with the west side wall no
longer visible.
In the southwest corner, on the outside of the square-shaped structure there is a
tomb placed in a wall fence. Adjacent to the tomb, to the west there is also an old well
that has now been renewed. As for the northern part of this land there used to be a large
well / small pond, which has now been made into a large enough pond. It was informed
that the pool enlargement excavation was used to hoard the portion of land that was said
to be the site of a former mosque.
3. Discussion
Most of the building structure left on this site are already in condition fall to the
ground. In the middle of the site area, the building is left only in the form of a
foundation and a small wall which is still standing. This makes it difficult redrawal of
the initial form the building. Some parts are left over from that building by some
people are called castles, meanwhile historical sources that state that undiscovered this is
a wall the walls are on the south side and sides the north is made with castings limestone
gravel without reinforcement. Component other buildings such as fences and doors
entry / gate, page / page limit, terrace, and the roof is no longer found. In outline, site
conditions. City of Rebah shows whereabouts a rest of the building complex which are in
a square wall environment.
The south side wall and the wall north side wall and side wall wall the west is a
limiting part intended environment. As for the wall east side wall in the middle of this
areanot found. In the middle of the side wall south, on the outside (next door) south wall)
is the rest of the building the part of the wall is still upright stand up. This part of the
building is usually called tower, maybe because of its height which gave rise to the
suspicion that that is the rest of the multistory building. Indication in the direction of
high rise buildings also marked the holes lined at the same height at the part of the wall
that is still upright. Possible square holes on that wall is the place laying wooden blocks
as floor level building shaper.
A few meters to the west the rest the building called the tower, still on the
southern side wall, visible indication of the existence of the former door to walled
neighborhood next door the north. Most likely this is related in the presence of an exit —
enter / gate to the complex. Looking at its position, this section seems to be the front
whole complex overlooking southward, towards the banks of the Carang River flowing in
front of him at a distance about thirty meters.
As for the southwest part the wall wall is likely is entrance and exit of the
complex, there an old well. Long well distance to doorway or building the tower is about
20 meters.
It can be said that the morpholgy analysis of this section shows based on size,
floor plan, direction, and parts of the fort, it's been known these construction from the
start is not purposed for the bastion setup, so it's not surprising if the parts of fort can not
be seen. There is no bastion, for example. The area which is surrounded by the walls is
not big.
Then the northern area of this site, in the former northwestern part the walled
complex, which is by the community is referred to as a footprint mosque building, which
is on occasion this time the focus of excavation activities. On an area of at least 25 meters
x 15 meters meant, whereabouts marked / restricted rest of the structure seems to be a
wall too. The rest of the building is in the form walls made of bauxite kerekel mixed with
"cement" in the southern part of this area is also not yet recognizable form and its
function first.
Mention this part of location as old mosque footprint might be caused floor plan
of a building that once stood on this place reminds us of form of mosque floor plan. Floor
plan of the building square with east-orientation west. The eastern part is part front of a
building that might function as a porch, while parts the west is mihrab. In this area there
is quite a lot of jumble of material building components, in the form terracotta floor
fragments, tile, and brick fragments. To the north of this area, which is now a pond, long
ago there is a well / small pond.
The new excavation is not done yetgive a lot of information about the existence of
a mosque there. At least structure forming part of mihrab no / not yet found. As for
seeing the total number of broken tiles, apparently on this site once stood building with
tile roofs. It's absolutely no other components were found can show the construction of
the roof buildings that use the tile.
3.1 Ceramics
As a commodity long ago, ceramics often become heirlooms family or
community group certain. The shape is a bowl, spoon, spoon, plate, saucer, vase, pat, and
jars (large and small). Ceramic object is known to have originated from China, Japan, and
Europe, as well as other Asian mainland. Likewise with ceramic fragments from the sites
of Kota Rebah, which are mostly shows the characteristics of Chinese ceramics and yang
the other is the remains of cultural objects produced by craftsmen in kilns in mainland
Asia such as Thailand.
The whole is found in fragmentary state, consisting of broken containers, among
others, edges/lips, body, and basic. Some form of container that can identified among
other things in the form of a bowl big, medium, and small, plates, lids, and a container
like a peck. Fragment base color ceramics found include blue young, light green, light
brown, gray, and white. Decorative motifs include flora (tendrils), fauna and geometric.
Judging from the ingredients, motif, and glaze used recognizable originating from China
and Mainland Asia.
A glimpse of ceramic fragments which is earned in the survey this 2014 surface
and excavation, known to originate from the Ching dynasty 17-18 century and also Thai
ceramic 17-18 century. As for comparing it with ceramic samples that are obtained in
previous years, it can be seen that the site City Rebah also contains ceramic fragment
from older times.
Ceramic sample referred to (Koestoro 2005,73-74) is Century Yuan ceramics 13-
14. This related to fragments glazed cream-colored base. Too fragments of ceramic
stoneware base Yuan-Ming is cream-colored without glaze dating from the 14 th century.
Aside from that found the base and body parts glazed ceramics and not glazed from
during the Ming dynasty ceramics Ching, at the Rebah City site also found several
fragments of ceramic part lips/edges and body parts of the container dating from the 18-
19 century. As well as with fragment of the handle part/handle from martaban stoneware
Thailand 15-16 century.
3.2 Tembikar
Pottery findings can be grouped into four parts, namely containers, bricks, tiles,
terracotta floors.
3.2.1 Container
Pottery used as the container is also found in condition fragmentary consisting of
fractions containers such as edges/lips, body and basic part. This pottery fragment
identified as a stoneware, crock, pasu, and the lid. Based on the ingredients of the
mixture, fragment this pottery is a dough ingredient rough, characterized by land use clay
mixed with sand (as temper) with coarse grains. Characteristic of the sand into this
mixture often in the form of white spots. Burnt color from this pottery wall is pink, light
brown, and dark red. That technique used general manufacturing using a tera decoration
techniques(press) with geometric motifs such as lines, tumpal, triangle, circle and the
other. Some show signs used making in the form of residual soot on the outside.
3.2.2 Roof Tile

The discovery of a fairly large tile fragment can be divided into a. A class-shaped
section characterized by outgrowths of rectangular shape, measuring 4.5 to 5 centimeters,
width varying between 1.8 --2 centimeters, thick/high 1 centimeter; And b. alongside
exoskeleton, characterized by curvature. The thickness of a tile ranges between 1-- 1.4
centimeters. As for gentles, they can be known to range about 40 centimeters long, 23
centimeters wide, and about 1.4 centimeters thick. They come from a tile where the
ingredients are sufficiently fine and evenly distributed to a reasonably perfect

A further examination of the tile fragment shows two colors of red, brick red and
paler red. It aligns with the impression of tile with wide constancy and one is narrow. It is
not clear whether this indicates that there is a supply of tile from two different production
sites, or a different one from the time of use. Given its physical condition, the tile
fragments that are part of the roof of the building don't seem very old.

3.2.3 Brick

Bricks have been found to be in fragmentary condition. Size and style vary. Some
differences in color are due to differences in clay materials used. The ingredients of the
dough learned that red brick made of coarse dough, characterized by the use of clay
mixed with coarse grain sand. These sand forms of campuarn are often white spots. It is
still widely known that the size of these bricks is approximately 27 centimeters by 20.5
centimeters by 5.7 centimeters by 29 centimeters by 22 centimeters by x 7 centimeters.

3.2.4 Terra-Cotta floor

The terra-cotta floor excavated at the site has two types of plain and decorated on
the sides. Although the find is currently in fragmentarized state, it is known that the
average terra-level level is approximately 30 centimeters in length, 30 centimeters in
width, and is roughly 1.8 centimeters to 2.2, centimeters.

3.3 Nail

Three nails were found in the excavation. The discovery of spit the 1 tp1 is a little
rusty and crooked at the end of the blade. These nails are lined up into rectangular shapes.
11.4 centimeters long with a diameter of the top of her head 1.8 centimeters. The findings
of spit the 3 tp1 is 11 centimeters long and 3.2 centimeters wide with the top

3.4. A review of the archaeological remains of the Rebah City site

Several sources state that the Riau trade and power center on the Carang River
was founded by Tun Abdul Jamil in the second half of the 17th century. Later in the 18th
century Raja Haji could be called a figure who made him a center of economic and
military power. Then on during the era of Raja Ali, colonial powers had forced him to
move the central government of the Kingdom of Riau to Lingga Island. Since then the
area has never been the center of government of the Kingdom of Riau. People leave it.
The center of the government that moved around was caused by the war that
always marked every period of leadership. Attacking each other to defeat is caused by a
variety of things, such as a dislike of a leader or a desire for greater power. The
destruction of a central government will soon be followed by the establishment of a new
government center.
There is a kind of reluctance on the leaders to occupy use the old government
center which they have conquered. This is related to the belief that a place that has been
damaged destroyed by the enemy will be a bad location for the future residents.
In most groups of the Archipelago, wars are caused by status issues, with the aim
being to fight over followers or servants, not territory. It is known that a typical response
from the weaker side is to avoid becoming involved by escaping into the forest and
waiting for the attacking forces to tire of looting and leaving. This also pertains to the
weak and not the permanence of most urban buildings and the practicality of people
storing wealth in the form of clothing and precious metals, so that there is no incentive to
defend the city by erecting walls, trenches and the last bastion (Reid 1992,43).
This is also related to the weakness and impermanence of most urban buildings
and the practicality of people storing wealth in the form of clothing and precious metals,
so that it does not cause impetus to defend the city by erecting walls, trenches, and final
strongholds (Reid 1992,43).
The existence of the City of Rebah might be related with that. The abandonment
of the place was closely related to the enemy's attack there. Theoretically, the
introduction of the lifetime of the Lower City can be known apart from historical sources
also through the rest of the archaeological objects they contain. In the upper reaches of
the Riau River, there are quite a lot of artifacts that can be used as a means of studying
the past. That relates not only to the ruins of the building, but also to the distribution of
ceramic fragments, currencies, and so on. For the time being, based on the dating
obtained for the artifacts it contains, activities in this region lasted from the 13th / 14th
century to the 19th century.
Another thing can be rewarded that the existence of the city is fuel and the city of
the plate, through its work of its architecture in the form of the walls / castles and other
building components relating to the Western of the West. The arms trade is carried out
through boats and merchant ships equipped with weapons and troops. As for the mastery
of the market in one place they built large stone fortresses that had never existed before in
the archipelago. The fort and the fleet are meant as a means of securing and controlling
shipping and trade areas. In connection with that, the chronology of the use of fortified
areas there ranged from the middle of the second to the 17th century until the end of the
18th century AD.
Cultural development in Tanjungpinang can not be separated from the influence
of culture in the surrounding area, both in the Riau mainland and islands, even the Malay
Peninsula. The existence of a prehistoric pattern of residual culture, for example, is
colored by the influence of the old culture that is still found in the rest today. Then
various cultural influences in the future colored the culture of the people of Tanjung
Pinang and its surroundings, as seen in the rest of the Dutch colonial architectural works
in the form of Indies buildings and city planning.
You should also know that the existence of large cities around the city of Tanjung
Pinang, whose existence began centuries ago helped to contribute greatly to their growth
and development.In addition, the position of Tanjung Pinang City, which is in a dense sea
traffic lane, makes it a place that has strategic significance both economically and
In addition, the position of Tanjung Pinang City, which is in a dense sea traffic
lane, makes it a place that has strategic significance, both economically and militarily.
Traces of past activities that are still found in the City of Tanjung Pinang and are
evidence of the growth of its development so that the effort to preserve cultural heritage
in this city has significance for the culture in this city specifically and in Riau in general.
It is unfortunate that until now the various aspects underlying their existence are
not yet known, so that the public has not fully understood the importance of the relics of
the past around them. There are worries if such conditions are allowed, it is not
impossible if the next generation of this nation no longer knows and knows the historical
and cultural background of their city that formed this city in its current condition.
Activities that began the search for historical sites of the Kingdom of Riau began
to show that the city of Tanjung Pinang has a site that is quite old with an area that is not
small. Archaeological activity in the City of Rebah has shown this. That not much has
been revealed, certainly related to limited opportunities. It is therefore clear to realize that
there is still much to be done there, as well as other locations that indicate its uniqueness.
Responding to the rapid development of the city of Tanjung Pinang, important
sites must be immediately rescued through release from occupancy. No disruption to the
site by occupancy will clearly facilitate conservation efforts, as well as empowerment
efforts. Especially for the City of Rebah and Kota Piring which are located close together,
of course it will complement each other when viewed from the historical chronology of
the Riau people in Tanjung Pinang. The natural environment is a unity that has an
The results of excavation activities that were preceded by surface surveys at the
City of Rebah site, or also called Kota Lama, have added a significant amount of data for
the disclosure of past life efforts in the region. But it was realized that it was not enough
for the formation of an interpretation of its existence thus. Although until now the
information obtained through the data that has been collected allows the drawing
conclusions relating to the occupancy and aspects of life there.
The findings in the form of artefact objects still do not provide a clearer picture of
the typical function of the City of the Rebah site. Although the community's story says
that the site is the remnant of the Malay King's palace, but some indicators that appear as
a result of research still vaguely describe its function, let alone its physical form first. We
can indeed imagine based on available archaeological evidence, that at least at the Rebah
City site there had been an activity that took place in a relatively long period of time, at
least since the 13th century until the 19th century.
As for the part with bauxite-walled building structure, there is an indication that it
is related to the need for a large enough space. The wall built is not too thick. Earthen
tiles were found in quite large numbers. Likewise with the terracotta floor. It can be used
as a reinforcement that all related to merchandise storage spaces and daily necessities,
residences, and work space. It also allows the emergence of allegations that it is related to
the rest of the lodge there. If the lodge is associated with only the existence of the
remaining buildings, the answer is clear based on the findings.
Nevertheless a number of artefacts from previous survey findings and excavation
activities that have just taken place have at least helped in the reconstruction of some
aspects of life at the Rebah City site in the past. The aforementioned findings have
provided several possibilities regarding their use as well as the function of the City of the
Fallen in its time. That there is a building on it, related to its use not only as a place to
store goods, also for shelter with adequate floors. As for those related to meeting daily
food needs, of course related to the findings in the form of glassware (pottery and
Utilization of the Rebah City site as a stopover and residential area, is also
confirmed by the existence of a large well there (which later has been made a fairly large
pool) to the north of the location / site which is believed by some of the former mosque
building, also the well located next to the west. The well was clearly made for a specific
purpose, namely the fulfillment of fresh water for a long period of time and its endurance.
Other findings also indicate the existence of trade / exchange activities in the
people who inhabit or stop at the site. Some of the coins that have been found there date
from the 18th and 19th centuries. Besides being able to be used as a pastoral artifact, the
coin is clearly an indicator of economic activity in the City of Rebah and the surrounding
Still based on findings in data collection on the Rebah City site, whose excavation
activities are focused on parts of the land in the core zone which according to folklore are
former mosque buildings, it can be said that indications have not yet been found to justify
that there were mosque building sites. As simple as that, the excavation at this location
produces artifactual data and stratigraphic data which informs that the soil condition in
the place has been disturbed. The information which states that the enlargement pond
pool in the northern part of the land is indeed proven. The layers / stratigraphy of the soil
known through excavation in the test hole indicate that the soil layer is a new pile with
soil originating from the pond excavation in question. Most of the artifactual data in the
form of tile fragments and terracotta floor fragments shows that the object originated
from the excavation of a garden pond in the north of the excavation box. The object
shows a relatively young age which cannot be empirically related to the Malay Kingdom
period before the end of the 19th century AD.
The findings in the form of ceramic fragments and earthenware vessels were also
part of the area related to the excavated pool of land which was buried in the location of
the former mosque. Most of the ceramic fragments found in excavation boxes are known
to originate from China from the 18th century Ching dynasty period. Others also
originated from China but were produced possibly during the Ching dynasty from the
17th to 18th centuries AD. Excavation does not produce a clear indication of its relation
to the existence of the remaining structure of the building which is believed by some
members of the community as part of the mosque building. The story that the Rebah City
site was once a Malay royal palace has not yet received archaeological evidence.
Especially until now there has not been found an old source who mentioned about it. This
is different, for example, with the Kota Piring site near the Rebah City site.
The elegance of the Palace of Kota Piring is told in the book Tuhfat al-Nafis (or
Beautiful Offering) by Raja Ali bin Raja Ahmad of Riau, grandson of Raja Haji Ali, who
is in a direct line from the history of Bugis and Riau. The work, which is one of the
useful sources of Malay history, is a high-literary literary Jawi script which began writing
in 1865 and summarizes the old history of Singapore, Malacca and Johor. For the
introduction of the history of Riau and the Land of South Malay, the main value is about
the period from the end of the 17th century until just before the time of writing.
Comparing it with other sources, the book of Tuhfat al-Nafis which gave birth to a new
benchmark in Malay historiography is indeed worthy of being said to be the most reliable
(Bottoms 1995,146).
Related to this, as an analogy, long before the Palace of the City Plate was
established, the city of Malacca also had a history of something that was in line with the
lodge. Talking about this leads us to understand what is there. Local sources that have
been considered to have a high level of validity / validity, namely Malay History, as well
as Chinese sources are very helpful.
In Malay History and Chinese sources obtained from the Malacca Kingdom
provided by Parameswara (1400-1414), a descendant of Srivijaya from Palembang. He
escaped to Temasik when Majapahit attacked Palembang in 1365. Then in 1400
Majapahit attacked Temasik so that Parameswara moved to Malacca and built an empire
there (Tan Ta Sen 2007, 50).
Political alliance between China and Malacca benefits both parties. The kingdom
of Malacca was able to withstand Siam's interference thanks to Chinese protection.
Instead Parameswara allowed Cheng Ho to build a guan chang (royal warehouse) on the
north bank of the Malacca River facing the palace complex. The existence of guan chang
is depicted in the Cheng Ho Cruise Map in the book Wu Bei Zhi written by Mao Yuan Yi
in the Ming era. Guan Development Changer is very important for the Kingdom of
Malacca who is trying to advance itself as an international trade center. Previously, the
trade center was in the Ura (Basra, Iraq) of the 7th century Tang era, along with the
weakening of Arab power, the trade center shifted to Calicut, India in the 10th century.
The establishment of Ming Malacca's political alliance in the early 15th century allowed
the center of international trade to gradually move to Malacca (Tan Ta Sen 2007, 51).
Information about Guan Chang becomes more interesting because other records
mention that Cheng Ho built a wooden fort near the harbor with four gates and a
watchtower. In the small fortress there is room for a store of money, food and
merchandise. This place is a residential community of China. They await the southerly
wind that will bring back to China (Widodo 2007, 71). Ceramic tiles brought from China
were installed on the roof of the palace of the King of Malacca in 1424 (Widodo 2007,
72). The location of guan chang, which was used by Cheng Ho in the 15th century in
Malacca, has a strategic value so that the three Chinese captains would later choose that
location as the site of their respective home construction (Tan Ta Sen 2007,54).
Geographically the location is located at the mouth of the Malacca River making
it suitable for warehousing because it facilitates loading and unloading of goods to and
from boats / ships. In addition, because it is located opposite the palace, then guan chang
also received attention and security from Raja Malacca (Tan Ta Sen 2007,54).
4. Closing
4.1. Conclusion
Thus by looking at the condition of the rest of the building structure of the
components forming the complex site of the City of Rebah, precisely the thought arises
whether the site is actually a remnant of another building complex whose building
components lead to the shape of a lodge. The definition of loji, which comes from the
Portuguese feitoria, is a residence, warehouse, and office in the areas across the ocean
where they trade. In the Indonesian context, the meaning of loji is more meaningful of
buildings used as offices / warehouses or fortresses of the Company during the Dutch
colonial period. The form of loji can indeed be a fortress or stronghold, or just an
ordinary building.
In some places in Indonesia, loji often built by national groups foreigners who
have trading activities. The security element has indeed become part that cannot be left
behind. For that, the usual thing to do is to build it in a nearby location with ascetic
buildings palace local authorities or government centers local. We know that the city of
Rebah site is not far from the Kota site Dishes, whose historical source is clear regarding
its existence as Malay royal palace. Surely still a long step that must be passed to ensure
shape and function and development period and utilization of building complexes on site
Rebah City. Much more data is needed complete. For this reason, research must done
more intensively.
4.2. Suggestions / Recommendations
a. Historical / written sources not yet many inform the function of the City Rebah
as a palace of the Malay Kingdom. To find out whether or not forming components a
palace, it is necessary to open excavation boxes at points which are estimated to indicate
its existence. It must be remembered that the cultural layer at the site is relatively thin so
the handling effort for research interests as well other interests in context preservation,
development and utilization has to do with full of caution.
b. Share image disclosures clearer about human life the past on the City of Rebah
site with all aspects, then more analysis careful and deep examination of the findings of
ceramics and pottery need urgently done. That is possible recognition and understanding
of origin objects, time of manufacture, and other aspects accompanying it becomes more
certain. Also a more in-depth analysis other findings cannot be ignored. It is hoped that
the effort to prepare the interpretation the whole will be helped.
c. Considerable research is necessary carried out on the City of Rebah sites and
sites Plate City. Its location is face to face in a range that is not too far, reminiscent of the
existence of several palace sites local rulers who are adjacent / dealing with the site loji /
fortress of foreign rulers. Might be a thing it will facilitate the effort disclosure of its
d. Regarding the case of the City site Resting, the research that is put into effect
must cross-disciplinary in nature, research with crossing of an original boundary
discipline. In archeology, for example, boundaries The original discipline is the study of
objects used or given meaning by humans of the past. For answer the questions
fundamentals that emerge, for example regarding age or calendar of course never
answered intact without help other sciences. For that archeology uses the help of other
disciplines such as geology, physics, philology, history, sociology, architecture and

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