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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

When researching, I could run into quite a few issues, I want to make sure that I do not offend
anyone as it could be quite a sensitive topic and my first thought was to watch other music videos
and films where a similar narrative has happened, however a large issue is that there is very little
realistic and beneficial rep of LGBTQ+ youth within the mainstream media so getting productions
to watch and gain from is going to be very difficult.
A way of resolving this could be to watch more independent examples such as on Vimeo or BFI
player. As for music videos, I think that looking into queer artists and seeing their music videos
would help a lot, I feel as though there is a bigger openly LGBTQ+ scene within the music industry
right now, especially with smaller, more underground artists and seeing what they have to offer and
from personal experiences would make a big impact to my piece.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

There could be quite a large issue when it gets to the production stage of this unit, due to Covid-19
everything is in the air at the moment with what restrictions will look like further down the line, in
an ideal world we will be back to somewhat normality by March/ April time which is when we are
scheduled to start doing practical activities. However, it’s so unpredictable right now and anything
could happen. If come time to film and do actor auditions etc and we are still in a national
lockdown or tiers again, filming my idea where the main character finds hope within community
and friends is not going to be achievable. In this case, I would have to film something that is. This
will be quite difficult considering all of my initial ideas include quite a few characters/actors. If this
does end up occurring and I have to film in a lockdown, I have to work with who I have at home/ in
my support bubble. I will use the “All the things she said” idea and have my main character wear a
sheet, so if needs be, different people at different times can act the role, I will focus strongly on the
imagery with this sheet, writing on it and wrapping it up/fake blood etc to show the damage words
can have on a person. This all being COVID-19 safe and allowing to maintain a high standard

Mid project check-up (After research)

I have to make sure that I have a strong backup idea and plan in case covid-19 restrictions do not
ease in time for being able to film with other people or in other locations due to travel bans. This
meant that I had to plan to be able to film in my own house/ surroundings and if I end up needed to
use multiple characters, that peole within my household/support bubble would be willing to help
me out, after asking them and getting the confirmation that they would be able to, I confirmed
having my back up plan in cacse restrictions do not lift.

End project review

When filming in the studio I had hired out, I had emailed them and asked them if I was able to use
a fog machine, they said that they would turn the smoke detectors off for me to be able to film with
the fog machine. I booked a two-hour slot with the studio and planned the rest of my day around
the studio. Once the filming day approached and I set up the fog machine in the studio, the smoke
alarm went off long after, this meant the studio had to be evacuated for safety, I rang the owner of
the office and worked out how we would go about this situation, we came to a compromise of using
less fog than intended, this took out a good 30 minutes from the time in the studio so meant the rest
of the filming had to be rushed. The fog didn’t work to the standard I wanted due to the fire alarm
incident so to combat this, I made the scene darker in editing to give the same effect as a
concert/party vibe.

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