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LUJISENSITIVITAS BAKTERL BscherichiacoliISOLAT ASAL AYAM YANG BEREAKSI POSTIF PADA MEDIA CONGO RED TERHADAP PREPARAT AMPISILIN,STREPTOMISIN DANENROFLOKSASIN SENSITIVITY TEST Escherichia coli OF CHICKEN ISOLATES WITH CONGO RED POSITIVES AGAINST AMPICILIN, STREFTOMICIN AND ENROFLOXACIN ‘Widogdo Sri Nugroho!, Michel Haryadi Wibowo# * Raglan Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner FKH UGM, * Bagian Mikrobilog, FKH UGM ABSTRAK Peneltian ii bertyjuan untuk mengetabui esistesi bate Ecoli slat ayam yang beaks psitf pada ‘media congo red tethadapprepratampislin,stepromisin dan entoksesn, Delapan bak murai baker coli yang diols dari asus Kolibaslosisayam dj afnitsny terhadapzatwarma meah kongo. Bakter yang bereakst Post pada media congo red erscbut, Kemudian dui sensitvtastya menggunakan mcd war Mueller-Hinton, rmetode dskditusi menurat Kirby-Bover Disk anbiotika ampisli, steptomisin, dan enofloksasin diposisian rmenggunakan dropper pada penmukaan kuti baker tersebut, Kerian cinkabss selma 28 jam pa sabi [IPC Diameter zona trang dseililing disk anbiotk yang tebe, Kemudian dvkor dalam stvanmilete. Hail pengukoranterscbutibsndingkan dengan refereni dan sta menor standar interpreasiKirby-Dove. sil peneltan menunjukkan hiv, selroh Baki Ecol ieolat al ayam,mempanyaipenampilan pot meng zat warn merah Kongo, temyata 100% resisten terhadappreparatampiili,steptomisin dan enrlkstsn ‘Kata kuncl resistensicherchia cli, congo red, anbiotka ABSTRACT ‘The im ofthis esearch was to Find out the development ofthe resistances of Escherch coll avian {soates which indieated positive reaction on congo ed medium agaist ampciinstreptomicin and enrofloxacin, Eightof poe cultures of Ecol isolates btined from avian calibcilosishave been ested forthe ality of ong red dyes, andthe seasivity on Miller- Hinton agar (MA) media apinst ampicii,streptomicin and enrfioxaci, based on Kiby-Bover methode. Disc ofthese atbitcs were placed the ealtes of E.coli atthe sorace of MHA meta, incubated at 37°C for24 ours, The diameter of inher azea around the dis, eared on ma and compared to the references, The rel ofthis sty indieated thal of FE. co chicken isolate shosted postive ‘reaction on congo ed modi and 100% resistant to amen sreptomicn and enrofloxacin, Key words esisany, Escherichia coli, congo red antibiotics 19 Sale Ve Va. 174 208, PENDAHULUAN Erchericha coli pada ayam pod umumnya ee th De Coq) Fromoter, we F ny. thy Acsocenteg a enemies Usrteing "Ae Lucene. . HCreaie ly Lester F ty alls ? Pieak ¢ tech, and meet Lal de hy f 1S 344

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