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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 142

5th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2019)

Analysis of the Effect of Cynicism and Empathy on

Reciprocity and Reciprocity on Gratitude in Service
Seprianti Eka Putri Syaiful Anwar Anggri Puspita Sari
Department of Management Department of Management Department of Management
Faculty Economics and Business Faculty Economics and Business Faculty Economics and Business
University of Bengkulu, Indonesia University of Bengkulu, Indonesia University of Bengkulu, Indonesia

Dewi Rahmayanti Febzi Fiona Afriza Damayanti

Department of Management Department of Management Department of Management
Faculty Economics and Business Faculty Economics and Business Faculty Economics and Business
University of Bengkulu, Indonesia University of Bengkulu, Indonesia University of Bengkulu, Indonesia Email:afrizawidiadamayanti

Abstract-The purpose of this study was to analyze been given in the future, then he feels reluctant to
the effect of cynicism and empathy on reciprocity and engage in reciprocity. In principle, Reciprocity is
reciprocity toward consumer gratitude in the service based on returning aid for benefits received from
company. Primary data were collected through individuals [35] in which is an important element
survey online with questionnaire from 203 of the relationship between company with
respondents in Bengkulu Indonesia. The data was consumers. Then, to maintain reciprocity at a
further using SEM with AMOS tool to examines higher level they must show empathy [20].
effects between independent and dependent variables. Cynicism is also seen as a form of resistance from
Data analysis is used confirmatory factor analysis, individuals in their capacity to change the market.
assessment of normality, and regression weights. The Cynicism is often seen when consumers feel angry
results indicate that cynicism has negative effect on
and less satisfied with the company so doing
gratitude, cynicism and empathy have positive effects
on reciprocity respectively, empathy has positive
rebellion [25].
effects on reciprocity and also reciprocity has positive For along time, research about cynicism has
effects on gratitude. increased in Western societies both in general and
in business, in particular increasingly having an
Keywords: cynicism, empathy, gratitude, reciprocity impact on consumer decision making and their
emotional responses to company offers [31].
Consumers who feel cynical about a company may
I. INTRODUCTION not complain but turn to alternative companies [5].
A good relationship between the company and Moreover, Inesi et al. [27] state that people who
consumers is very important to maintain the have high levels of cynicism may believe that other
company's existence. Meanwhile management is people will not return the benefits that have been
more interested inshort term profits than longterm given in the future, so they are reluctant to enter
sustainability [6]. Thus, Palmatier et al. [36] in his into reciprocity. In linking the reciprocity as
research highlighted efforts to enhance someone feels obliged to repay the kindness given
interpersonal relationships in order to build, to those who produce feelings of pleasure, while
develop and maintain successful long-term failing will lead to guilt [11].
relationships with consumers. Thus, Long-term
relationships between companies and customers Consumer empathy is the ability of consumers
can be driven by gratitude [14]. Further, Wood et to accept employee perspectives and react
al. [44] states that almost all the literature of according to the thoughts and feelings desired by
gratitude has been developed. Gratitude note that a employees. Over the past 20 years service
voluntary response that arises from recognition for organizations have recognized that frontline
the benefits provided by the company [10]. employees are very influential in consumer
Literature from organizational psychology experience [43] and this is seen from the influence
highlight cynicism in which the most common great on the perspective of consumers, feelings of
enduring negative trait that adversely affect the affection, motivation for protection, perception, and
cultivation of positive emotions such as gratitude evaluation at service meetings [4].
[13]. According Inesi et al. [27] said that people Empathy can act as a qualification of social
who have a high level of cynicism may believe that interaction that encourages harmony of people's
other people will not return the benefits that have feelings and thoughts and produce smooth and

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 142

harmonious interactions [23]. Customers who feel results of a Frountier Cosmetics Group survey. J&T
the situation that caused the failure are more likely Express won the Top Brand Award, in addition to
to react to an unsatisfactory event in a better way of getting the Top Brand Award in 2018, J&T Express
delivering it. also received complaints from people who used
their company's services. Even though, J&T
Meanwhile, the previous study only focused on Express received the Top Brand Award, in fact this
the economic impact of investment in marketing company has received complaints from people who
relations on consumer gratitude, and in his research use their company's services. Complaints made by
was the first to highlight psychological mechanisms the public is that the goods that have been sent do
(cynicism and reciprocity) as mechanisms not arrive in accordance with the specified time
additional to stimulate or inhibit gratitude [14]. before sending. This complaint has been conveyed
Following the research about cynicism has a to the J&T Express to which the goods are sent and
negative influence on relational conflict as a result did not get a solution. In addition, J&T Express
of low expectations of cynicism success in a made an excuse regarding the delivery destination
relationship. These findings imply that those who that the photos and receipt numbers were unclear.
have a high level of cynicism will experience
Another reason used by J&T Express is that
interpersonal difficulties, problems of trust, and shipping has overloaded, causing delays in goods
rigidity in carrying out social activities that can reaching consumers
reduce or prevent gratitude [40].
This research specifically focussess on
Previous research is still being done on many analyzing the effect of cynicism, empathy, and
services by developing marketing relationships that reciprocity on customer gratitude. First of all, in
are influenced by customer satisfaction. the literature review part, cynicism, empathy, and
Furthermore, there are many other previous studies reciprocity on customer gratitude is explained.
focusing on the impact of economic investments in
relationship marketing on consumer gratitude. In II. LITERATURE REVIEW
this study more emphasis on highlighting the
psychological mechanism (the norm of reciprocity A. Gratitude
and customer cynicism) as an additional Gratitude is defined as a positive emotion that is
explanatory mechanism to find out it’s effects of felt by someone when someone else has
consumer gratitude. While earlier work have intentionally provided or tried to give something of
identified the positive effect reciprocity toward value or benefit [33]. For decades in psychology
gratitude [15] and cynicism has effect on gratitude has been largely ignored [32]. This has
reciprocity [20]. been surprising given the general experience
Meanwhile, the effect reciprocity on customer experienced has a broad appeal among the people
gratitude with the service sometimes becomes who are desirable emotions across cultures and
overlooked. These gap has been cited as one of the religions. Recent research in psychology shows that
key factors limiting knowledge about how gratitude gratitude has several positive effects, such as
can affect marketing strategies [10]. However, fostering prosocial behavior, maintaining existing
there are experts' opinions, people's perceptions of close relationships [2].
the word service itself vary from personal service
to service as a product. Services have several B. Cynicism
properties and categories, one of which is pure Cynicism as a negative attitude that can be
service, which offers only services. One example of broad and specific in its focus and has a cognitive,
pure service is shipping services. In this study affective, and behavioral component [42].
researchers only used one specific service as an Therefore, Cynism is defined as an attitude of
object of research with the aim to determine the disbelief in the sincerity of others’ motives and
effect of cynicism, empathy, and reciprocity on actions [8]. Cynicism has also combined feelings of
customer gratitude. Service is an activity, benefit, customer manipulation and ethics as well as
or satisfaction offered for sale which is basically
exploiting others for self-interest [7]. The main
intangible and does not result in any ownership
concept of cynicism is to pretend to be unselfish to
[29]. However, there are experts' opinions, people's
perceptions of the word service itself vary from reduce selfish goals [25].
personal service to service as a product. Services C. Reciprocity
have several properties and categories, one of
Reciprocity can be interpreted as a desire to
which is pure service, which offers only services.
One example of pure service is shipping services. behave well or try to respond to an action taken by
someone else or it can be interpreted as a response
Moreover, In this study has taken the delivery to an evolutionary driven rational behavior [18].
service company in which one of the main factors One of the first definitions of reciprocity was
this research has chosen is J&T Express because obtained from the theory of social exchange [21].
the company won the prestigious Top Brand Award which states that the reciprocity norm stipulates
in 2018 in the courier service category. The award that individuals must help individuals who help
given by the marketing magazine is based on the themselves and must reciprocate against those who

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 142

hurt them [19] and Sigmund [39] said that broadly Reciprocity on Gratitude
identifies reciprocity directly and indirectly. Reciprocity is a direct prosocial response to the
kindness of others who are likely to help create
D. Empathy
social bonds. People who feel grateful for getting
Empathy as a feeling that causes increased help from others will cause feelings of wanting to
concern for the welfare of others, so that someone provide assistance back (upstream indirect
tends to have positive attitude in themselves [26] reciprocity) so as to create good new relationships.
found that the term empathy effect is forgiveness Likewise, people who already have a good
which refers to the fact empathy will be able to reputation for helping others (downstream indirect
reduce unsatisfactory experiences in social reciprocity) are more likely to be assisted by others
interactions. [34]. For this reason, the hypothesis used is as
E. Hypothesis & Related Concept H4: Reciprocity has positive effects on gratitude
Cynicism on gratitude Based on previous theoretical studies that the
Cynicism as develops distrust of organizational theoritical model is given in figure 1. This research
motives, policies or marketing claims [22].
have shown that the relationship between cynicism
Highlighting the negative relationships of
and empathy with reciprocity [20]. Likewise,
organizations and consumers stated that Fournier &
another study is revealed that cynicism also has an
Alvarez [17] make use of Emotional assessment
influence on gratitude [17]. In this study related to
theory [38] which states that consumers' cynicism and empathy which can be considered as
perceptions of negative experiences caused by variables that will affect reciprocity which can have
themselves stimulate negative emotional responses
implications on gratitude.
such as guilt or remorse, while negative
experiences caused by others tend to lead to Figure 1: Theoretical Model for the Effect of Cynicism and
emotional responses such as anger, regret, or a Empathy on Reciprocity and Reciprocity on Gratitude
lasting response such as cynicism. This will reduce
one's acknowledgment of the giver's goodness in Cynicism H1
which in turn hinders. Therefore, the following Gratitude
hyphotesis is formed H2
H1: Cynicism has negative effects on gratitude H4
Empathy y
Cynicism on Reciprocity
Source: (Fazal E. Hasan et al., 2017); (Gilliam & Rayburn, 2016))
Cynicism refers to the assumption of deep
suspicion about the motives of others for
something.Cynics assume that others are motivated III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
by greed and will take advantage of them if given
the opportunity [1]. found that cynicism was This research uses a quantitative approach by
positively correlated with measures of using descriptive study. The variables used in this
machiavellianism and alienation [28]. Reciprocity research are as follows: the independent variable,
is a personality trait that shows how much an which consists of cynicism and empathy. The
individual's desire to be involved in it, while dependent variable, namely reciprocity and
cynicism can show a high tendency for reciprocity gratitude. The population in this study are users of
due to desire personally [20]. Based on these J&T Express services in Bengkulu City. The
arguments, the hypothesis used is as follows: sampling technique used is a technique
H2: cynicism has positive effects on reciprocity convenience sampling. The sample in this study
were aged respondents 17-40 years old. The data
Empathy on reciprocity used are primary data obtained from distributing
According to experts [30] state that those who questionnaires online to users of J&T Express
experience difficulties are a source of profit services. Data analyses used was inferential
because helping them when they are in need can statistics analysis. The one used in this research
produce reciprocity in the future [12] states that was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with
empathy can well provide the main motivation that AMOS 23. Testing research instruments using two
makes reciprocity between one person and others methods, namely test validity and reliability test.
who have been given benefits in the past and tobe Validity test consists of convergent validity and
will continue in the future. Then, It can be discriminant validity test. The study uses covergen
hypothesized that: validity in AMOS with reflective indicators is
H3: empathy has positive effects on reciprocity assessed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
as indicators that measure the construct. CFA
value ≥ 0.5 indicate that it complies with the
minimun level, where as a CFA value in this study

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 142

are above 0.5 is considered significant [20]. In the Secondly, someone feels very grateful to the
line with the rule of tumb used by Hair et al. [26] company. Third, someone appreciates the effort
for convergent validity is Average Variance done by the company. As can be seen in table 1 that
Extracted (AVE) of > 0.5. these finding support were above the recommend
The purpose was to read acceptable level of cut off i.e. 0.5.
each construct measurement model. SEM was
choosen in order to validate the causal relationship Table 1. The Summary of Factor Loading
among variable in the research model and also we
used to causal relationship hypothesized. Indikator – Variabel Factor Loading
CN1 <--- CN 0,832
The all indicator of factor loading are presented CN2 <--- CN 0,609
in table 1. For the reason, in the initial analysis the CN3 <--- CN 0,630
results suggested that twelve item indicators of four RY1 <--- RY 0,602
variables. RY2 <--- RY 0,695
RY3 <--- RY 0,702
The results of factor loading in table 1 shows GR1 <--- GR 0,940
that cynicism which has been measured with three GR2 <--- GR 0,889
indicators: First, someone feels the company is GR3 <--- GR 0,536
providing poor service. Secondly, someone feels EP1 <--- EP 0,609
the company is willing to provide services when EP2 <--- EP 0,774
they benefit. Third, someone feels that the EP3 <--- EP 0,721
company is less concerned about the satisfaction of
Source: The data was processed (2019)
the service they feel. It’s mean that cynicism has
been supported. Then, Reciprocity is measured by Moreover, in table 2. The reliability test in used
three indicators consisting of: First, someone shows Cronbach’s alpha or construct validility, where as
concern for the company, so the company provides Cynism at 0.735 , empathy at 0.747, reciprocity at
more services in return. Second, a person and 0.705 and gratitude at 0.843. The reliability
company have a good reciprocal relationship when analysis have seen that values each of the variables
making a transaction. Third, a person feels that in this study are above 0.7. It could be concluded
between themselves and the company they benefit that the instrument used in this study is reliable.
from the transaction. Empathy is also measured by
three indicators, First, someone imagines how Table 2. Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha
Variables Cronbach’s Alpha/
things are going from the company side. Secondly, Construct Reliability
someone feels worried about the conditions Cynicism 0.735
experienced by the company. Third, someone feels Empathy 0.747
sad when the company is having problems Reciprocity 0.705
gratitude. Further, gratitude can be measured by Gratitude 0.843
several indicators. First, someone feels grateful for
the responsibilities given by the company. Source: The data was processed (2019)
In this case, the companies must be able to manage
A. Contribution Of The Study consumer empathy such as providing good service,
This study contributes to service marketing building consumer confidence and if consumer
literature by examined cynicism and empathy on gratitude is managed properly. Then to get high
consumer gratitude in the service company. reciprocity they also have to show empathy through
However, this research has been different from the good interaction.
city and also studied separately. In developing and
testing the theoretical model consumer gratitude
has given consideration that the important in terms IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of taking attention to the impact unique behavior of This discussion is focused on four test of the
the specific respondents. These important finding hyphotheses put forward by the objective of this
should encourage service company to develop and study, which have been tested through validity and
cultivate an environment services. In this case, The reliability test. Furthermore, in this study
company needs to handle the cynicism felt by hypothesis testing was done through SEM, which
consumers through the improvement of the service was operated through AMOS. The results of data
system, provide a quick response from every processing for AMOS have shown that in figure 2.
consumer complaint and also provide solutions
when consumers give complaints to the company.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 142

Source: The data was processed (2019)

Figure 2. Summary figure of SEM output

Hypothesis Testing perceptions about service recovery and after-sales

The significance of the estimated parameters support are the two most influential factors that can
provides very useful information about the reduce cynicism to consumers (Fazal E. Hasan et
relationship between the research variables. In al., 2017).[15] Based on the results of research
AMOS, hypothesis testing is done by looking at the respondents 'responses to cynicism are in the low
value of regression weight (Hair et al., 2006).[26] category and respondents' responses to gratitude are
The results of hypothesis testing using regression in the high category. This means that the lower the
weight values from AMOS analysis can be seen in level of cynicism, the higher the level of gratitude
table 3. perceived by consumers. given to consumers. One
way is companies must ensure that every item that
Table 3. Regression Weight will be sent using their services is in good
Estimate S.E. C.R. P condition when it reaches the consumer. In order
GR <--- CN -0.617 .0.100 -6.160 *** for the goods to arrive in the hands of consumers in
RY <--- CN 0.438 0.131 3.347 ***
good condition, the company must carry out special
RY <--- EP 0.639 0.165 3.875 ***
GR <--- RY 0.342 0.116 2.953 .003
packaging in accordance with the contents of the
Source: The data was processed (2019) package and also include insurance on the goods
that have been sent.
The effect of cynicism on consumer gratitude
Hypothesis 1: Cynicism has a negative effects on The effect of cynicism on reciprocity
consumer gratitude. The results obtained by Hypothesis 2: cynicism has positive effects on
Critical Ratio value of -6.160 and probability value reciprocity. The result of study obtained the Critical
of 0.000 <0.05 indicating the hyphotesis 1 is Ratio value of 3.347 probability value of
accepted. The results of this study support the 0.000 < 0.05 and with the result that hypothesis 2
results of previous studies conducted by (Fazal E. is accepted. The finding supports the previous
Hasan et al., 2017).[15] As also (Solom et al., study that the positive influence between cynicism
2017)[41] and (Bell, 2016)[3] stated the results of on reciprocity (Gilliam & Rayburn, 2016).[20] The
gratitude inhibiting factors and his research stated conceptualize reciprocity into two sides, the
that there are two traits that can inhibit gratitude positive side of returning benefits properly and the
after measurement. The two characteristics are negative side of replying with bad actions. Positive
cynicism and narcissism which will reduce the reciprocity based on empirical findings also has
increase in gratitude felt by consumers. (Solom et two sides namely, emotional side or affective
al., 2017)[41] In their study used two prospective motivation and more calculative intention.
designs with separate time. Based on thisthey
conclude that narcissism, cynicism, and The effect of empathy on reciprocity
materialism inhibit gratitude to consumers. In Hypothesis 3: empathy has positive effects on
addition, narcissism and cynicism can be reciprocity. The result of the data processing has
considered to be the basis of gratitude. Moreover, shown that Critical Ratio value of 3.875 with
(Foreh & Grier, 2003)[16] recommend that to create probability value 0.000 < 0.05 and this hypothesis 3
consumer gratitude is to reduce the level of is accepted. There was higher empathy levels
cynicism felt by them. This can be done by creating complement behavior that adheres to reciprocity by
alignment of goals, relevance, consumer values, directing the subject to move from balance
comfort, and service recovery (Foreh & Grier, reciprocity towards conditional reciprocity.
2003).[16] These steps should not only be based on (Pelligra, 2011)[37]
offering financial incentives that might only
encourage ongoing commitment for consumers The effect of reciprocity on gratitude
assuming these costs benefit them. However, by Hypothesis 4: Reciprocity has positive effects on
building relationships based on positive consumer consumer gratitude

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 142

Hypothesis 4 has also obtained a Critical Ratio The model in this study was accepted because the
value of 2.953 with probability value 0.003 < 0.05. results of the default model for The Root Mean
It can be said that H4 is accepted. The finding Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) showed
supports the several studies in prior which claim a number at 0.036, which means below at 0.08
that reciprocity is a prosocial behavior promoted by then Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) with a number of
gratitude. In their studies they measure gratitude 0.953 and the Adjust Goodness of Fit Model
after obtaining assistance, whether it is in a (AGFI) with a value of 0.925 indicating a
relationship that receives assistance or reciprocity recommended value or better fit. The model and
(Bartlett & DeSteno, 2006).[2] These findings data in this study also indicate acceptable fit with
indicate that service companies might encourage CMIN/DF at 1.264. TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) and
consumers to believe in the nature of reciprocity CFI (Comparative Fit Index) are in the
and encourage service staff to also reciprocate, recommended range of values, namely TLI with a
strengthen, and expand reciprocity in the company. value of 0.978 and CFI with a value of 0.984 which
In the end this will produce benefits for the means the research model accepted because it has
company because consumers often return the favor shown the value of very good fit.
far more than the benefits they receive from the
company (Cialdini & Goldstein, 2004; Stanley et
al., 2005)).[9] V. CONCLUSION
A survey was conducted with a sample of
Table 4 demonstrates that the structural model was consumers who made users of J&T Express
evaluated by fit indices which suggested that can be services in Bengkulu Indonesia. Although the data
displayed good model fit data set with the test collected shows a normal distribution and
using AMOS. randomness, the survey was conduted in one city
and one service company. Further, research can
Table 4. Summary of Default Model overcome this limitation by talking into number
other cities and other types of service company.
Model Default Model
RMSEA 0.036 There are many variable used to measure gratitude
GFI 0.953 and can be topic for more comprehensive research
AGFI 0.925 in the future.
CMIN/DF 1.264
TLI 0.978
CFI 0.984
Source: The data was processed (2019)

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