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The Womb of Mother Earth

Out of the darkness and from the safety of the womb

Through the tunnel it bursts, its engine crying with life

Like the Earth’s rotations its tires turn and turn

How many turns in a mile, how many miles in a life

Most of the journey is on the open highway

Some signs announce rest areas but most say 75

Always in the stirrer propelled by the devil

Such haste, such waste, takes joy out the drive

Town after town fades in the unending rush

Slow down, slow down: towns are a blessing in life

Make a stop, enjoy her beauty, create a lasting memory

Because too soon the race returns on the highway of life

The journey is ending the engine is tired as it crawls to the end

Back into the tunnel it enters but this time not for its birth

No more deserts, no more hills, the sky calls and must be adhered

Welcome back my child to the womb of Mother Earth

Carlos Trevino Calderon

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