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Alex Mills

I post most of my animal photos on Instagram

Thank you. I have friends who went for holiday on the Australian Pacific coast, from the Coral Sea to Sydney, there,
they told me that rainbow parrots and cockatoos abound. Are they in Perth too?

They are. We have some of the best birds and a lot of diversity on the west side but if I were to say who would
have the best bird life it would be Queensland.

So tropical over there

Have a look into Tasmanian animals, they have some cool stuff over there too

they used to have the Tasmanian tiger (for the cartoon). Tasmania is interesting because it has been separated
from the mainland for so long. So everything has evolved a bit different to the rest of australia

its lovely to still live in a place with an abundance of animals

It got pretty bad over the east coast (fires)

It's natural for the bush to burn and regenerate but not at the level it has been

I'm from perth

We are the most isolated city in the world

Buenos Aires would be amazing to visit

Rugby is popular on the east coast of Australia but not in the west
the B.A.- Sydney Flight
yes, unfortunately all the news about your country is from the east, here is the same, all the world knows Argentina about
Buenos Aires, even the accent
but Argentina and Australia are big countries
Have you been in Alice Sprngs
Yeah massive.

Never been to Alice Springs/uluru. Where it is most beautiful is Northern Western Australia. Type in karijini national
Park and Gibb River road into Google images

I don't think Ive ever met an Argentinian but it's a very multicultural place Australia

Whose to say, we are not without flaw over here that's for sure.

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