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Let's start with rewards, of course, this depends on whet acting criteria you would like to be in, but

rewards may be; Oscars, Championships, and many more. Personally, I think it doesn't matter what
reward you get, acting is about bettering yourself and reaching a newer record every time you act on the
stage, trophies should be motivation to keep going higher and take theatre to the next level.

Now, challenges are a common thing you may face when up taking the acting path. Challenges may be;
Pulled muscle, headache and also stomach cramp even. Some you may not overcome like the flu, but
not to worry, those are temporary and ask your director if you can take the day or two days off, I'm sure
they will understand. Another challenge you may face is a bad day, amongst actors, this is when you
may have experienced heartbreak or heard some saddening news, just be calm, breathe and focus on a
happy memory and keep your mind off of things. If it helps, wash your face.


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