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@ arrowenglish (10/4/2021) Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men ina eS Tae e CURR auc Re eed eae calek reap ET eg ee eee Rt Renee Tay Tas Opinions are divided regarding whether women should be treated as equals to their male counterparts in the ar forces or if they are il!-sui to this line of work. In the following essay, | aim to examine both sides of the argument and present my personal view. On the one hand, opponents of gender equality in police and military forces may state the following reasons to support their claim. Firstly, biological limitations in terms of physical strength and mental capacity are often mentioned as discouragements to women. According to this rationale, it is thought that they should be relegated to medical or clerical tasks instead of allowing them to play leadership or combat roles. Additionally, further integrating women is believed to disrupt cohesion in the armed forces, which are commonly operated under masculine norms. As a result, cooperation or bonding might be strained since female needs and input have to be taken into account. On the other hand, there are some reasons why service men and women should receive equal treatments. For one thing, by incorporating women into every department, including management, they would have more authority to support fellow female members. It is reported that women often suffer from high rates of sexual assault and other forms of harassment in the military. Thus, if women hold positions of power in the field, they would be able to penalize such acts as well as campaigning for changes in the force. Also, they would serve as role models for other -d women, who would in turn be encouraged to stand up for their e rights. In conclusion, | believe that both genders should be treated equally in the police force or military force despite arguments to the contrary. Written by Ms. Thao Le | Word count: 286

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