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Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps with no more than three words

(1)…………….. includes a large amount of people traveling to a destination and

staying in the same area, like a resort. An example would be Bali, Indonesia. The
city's natural environment is not occupied with shopping malls, (2)……………and
is crowded with people and tour buses. Traffic odds of causing over (3)
………………….. and the city cannot keep up with the amount of people coming
in or provide with proper (4)…………… and sustainability plans. Bali
demonstrates the pros and cons of commercial tourism. Pros would be the creation
of jobs positive (5)………….. for the economy in a showcase of the local culture
while also being cheap. Constantly, the destruction of a natural environment and
habitat, traffic pollution and (6)………….. to locals. Ecotourism is a fairly new
term that means traveling to natural areas intending (7)…………….. surroundings
and influences the people in area positively.

Exercise 2:

1. This one is given cases in point:

A. Ice berg

B. Thailand

C. Iceland

2. What problem does Bali have to face up with?

A. Goods are dumped at a very cheap price

B. The dissolution of the local culture leading to the loss of its own identity in the
development of tourism

C. Interrupted influence on residents’ daily life

3. According to the audio, what is not mentioned as a improvement of maintainable
ecotourism in Iceland?

A. Propaganda to raise tourists’ knowledge of saving ecosystem from harm

B. Buffer step for socio- economic development

C. Opportunity for not getting any younger generations to think highly of natural

4. What is the main idea of the audio?

A. Two sides of visable ecotourism

B. Touristy cities

C. Experience from a travel

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