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 82 

 n. : Untimeliness. unsea- n. : A wonderfulman. Fem :

sonableness. adj. : Untimely, un- gender, 
seasonable.    See 
 an untimely death.  n. : Favour, mercy, pity.
   adj. : poor, indigent.   
  a-kincha- (Tel. from that place.)
nudu n. a poor man.     
adv. There.     
 of that place.
 adj. : Sinless, faultless.  n. : Necessity, occasion, want,
 need, desire. 
 : Account, narration, explana- to relieve from want.
tion, affairs, events. 
for  n. : A letter of
adj. : Not blunted. fresh, vig- the alphabet 
orous. Uncurved, unbent. Not
checked, not hindered. 
      n. : A medicinal root.
 
 n. : The sea or ocean. n. : A street in which cook
 maids live.      
 n. : One unpractised in 
n. : A wave 
n. : That which should not v.n. : To twist, to contract,
be done. A sinful act.
used of the muscles of the belly,
  or   interj. : Either. or a condition due to want of food.
whether; I wonder. I imagine. 
Query,  
 (a Dravidian word borrowed by  n. : Sorrow
Sanskrit, where it is used in the  adj. : Neighbouring, near.
sense of mother. cf. Lat. acca) n.    
: An elder sister.  elder a neighbouring village.
and younger sisters.  n. : Spite, malice, anger, op-
 n. : Wonder, surprise, as- position  
tonishment.    or   an
v.i.: To wonder, to be surprised at. angry man.

Brown's Telugu - English Dictionary

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