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1. AMALIA SAIDAH 191211516

3. FAUZIATUL AULIA 191211528
4. JEAN KARINA NANDA 191211534
5. MONIKA ARESTA 191211540
6. ORIN JAGVA ORYZA 191211546
7. RIRID CORGUS DENO 191211553






T.A 2020/2021

Situation: A mother has a 10 years old son and has measles. She calls the hospital in order to
meet Dr.Marry a Pediatric. She arranges the right schedule to meet her with a nurse staff by
phone. She goes to hospital together with her husband and her 10 years old son. They come to
hospital and are asked some questions to complete the registration form by two nurse staffs.
After that another nurse comes to take the son to check his vital sign. Then, the doctor comes to
check all the condition and instruct the son to do some movements. Finally, the doctor finds the
diagnoses and informs the parents what to do and what not to do.

Steps of dialogue:

1. A mother calls the hospital to arrange the schedule to meet Dr. Marry and the call is
received by a nurse staff.
2. Mother, father, and son come to hospital and interviewed by two nurse staffs to fill in the
3. A nurse come to ask the son to check his vital signs to the room
4. A doctor checks the son and give some instruction while checking
5. The doctor reports the cases of the son to the parent, tell about diagnose, give some
advices, and give the prescription.

The role:

 Diffa (mother)
 Deno (father)
 Fauzia (nurse 1)
 Amalia (nurse 2)
 Yovella (nurse 3)
 Monika (nurse 4)
 Orin (child)
 Jean (doctor)

Diffa : Assalamualaikum, good night, I am Lara’s mother, is this true with Baiturrahim
Hospital ?

Nurse Fauzia : Waalaikumsalam, good night, ma’am, that’s right. I am with nurse
fauzia, can I help you, ma’am?

Diffa : This afternoon I made an appointment with Doctor Merry to consult tonight about
my child’s condition. Are the doctors in the hospital now a nurse ?

Nurse Fauzia : Ok ma’am, please come to the hospital to fill in the form first, the at
20:00 AM Doctor Merry will arrive at the hospital.

Diffa : Yes, nurse, Thank you, assalamulaikum

Nurse Fauzia : Yes ma’am, it’s the same, waalaikumsalam

(Mother, Father, an Child came to the hospital )

Nurse Amalia : Good night sir, can I help you ?

Deno : My child wants to see a doctor, where should I go ?

Nurse Amalia : Here we have general practitioners and specialist, do you want to choose
which one ?

Deno : My child wants to check with a specialist

Nurse Amalia : Ok sir, please fill in the form data first

(Father also filled out the hospital form first)

Deno : Oh, this is the data that I have filled in

Nurse Amalia : Thank you for filling in the form, sir, please wait, I will collect the data

(A few minutes later)

Nurse Amalia : This in proof of registration sir, please take it to the general poly, the call
it according to the queue number and the room, please turn right
Deno : Yes, nurse

Nurse Amalia : You are welcome, sir

(Mr. Deno has arrived at poly)

Deno : Nurse, is this true with specialist poly?

Nurse Yovella : Yes sir that’s right, do you want to have a health checkup

Deno : Right, nurse

Nurse Yovella : Ok sir, where’s the proof of registration sir ?

Deno : Oh this, nurse

Nurse Yovella : Ok sir, father and son, please wait in the waiting room first and you will
be called according to the queue number

Deno : Okay nurse, thank you

(Father, Mother, and Son while waiting for their queue number to be called, the
nurse comes to ask the child, mother and father to enter the room )

Nurse Monika : please come in sir, buk, sis

Orin : Yes, nurse

Nurse Monika : Please lie down first

Orin: ok, nurse

Nurse Monika : Alright introduction me nurse Monika and I will check your vital signs

Orin : Ok, nurse and will this hurt?

Nurse Monika : No, you take it easy

(while checking his vital signs, then came doctor jeanThen came the Doctor)

Dr.Jean : How’s he doing, nurse ?

Nurse Monika : From the results of the previous examination, the blood pressure was
110/80 mmHg, temperature 38,5 C, pulse 20/ minute, breathing 60x per minute.
Dr.Jean : Ok, nurse, I’ll do a follow-up check

(The Docter checks the patient)

Dr.Jean: have you been in the hospital before?

Orin: no, doctor

Dr.Jean: Mom, does your child have any allergies to drugs

Diffa: no, doctor.

Dr.Jean : Ok I will do check on you, and please follow my intructions do you


Orin : Yes, doctor

Dr.Jean : Okay, please open his mouth (the docter looks at the patient’s mouth)

Dr.Jean : Do you often feel weak, tired, runny nose, cough, body aches and pains in the

Orin : Right, nurse

(After the examination, the docter talks to the patient’s mother)

Diffa : How is my child Doctor? And what is my child sick ?

Dr.Jean : From the results that I checked, the mother’s child has measles, so I suggest
that your child drink lots of water to avoid dehydration, get plenty of rest, and for now
avoid the sun.

Diffa : Ok, doc. then what is the next step of treatment doc?

Dr.Jean: and for other investigations, we will perform a bronchopneumonia examination

which is carried out by a chest radiograph and blood gas analysis

Diffa : I beg you to do what's best for my child, doc, so that my child will recover quickl

Jean : ok ma'am, I will do my best for your child

Diffa : ok thankyou doc

Dr.Jean: you’re welcome ma’am.


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