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John E. Galeano Nieto (ID: 693314)


Andrea Ruiz

NRC 5818

Bogotá D.C Colombia                                                                          Julio, 22 2020 


Inside this document, the drafting of a text of four paragraphs whose content tells us how

important it was for the Colombian population that public transportation be free for medical

personnel in times of pandemic, can be found. highlight the work provided by doctors,

nurses and other health officials who are giving their best in these activities to save the life

of each of the people who consult for said virus, in the same way it seeks to relate cohesion

and coherence as requested by the teacher of the English area on the virtual platform, this

text is carried out under the suggestion of the teacher in the virtual tutorial, leaving as

evidence what was learned in the tutorials on Saturday.


We have been attacked by a virus that has radically changed the lives of human beings

worldwide, and while it is true that it is only our fault what is happening it is clear that the

damage it has caused has generated positive changes for us. the planet and the environment

but many sadnesses, tears and depressions in human beings, not in vain so many protocols

and measures are being built for something as basic as going to the market, it will take a

long time for us to return those movie evenings with friends or love, maybe we have to go

back to the time when we were children and we learned to dance with the broom while we

did the housework, it would take a long time to get together and sit down to watch soccer or

talk about what happened in the week on the table of a restaurant accompanied by some

beers, the face mask will become a fundamental part of our wardrobe for much longer and

we will try to find the most beautiful and safe to combine it with many of the Biosafety

suits that we will have to buy we will be in fashion without looking for it, without wanting

it but if we need it enough.

Hugs will be more limited than normal and physical contact will become null from now on,

but despite taking this into account, cases of COVID 19 have increased every day in our

country, many due to carelessness or others because simply because of more measures that

were taken were spread and it is there where the life heroes of our country play a very

important role, yes dear reader, I am talking about the doctors, nurses, stretcher-bearers,

pharmacists, billers, ambulance crews, therapists, radiologists, general service ladies,

security personnel and many other people who provide a service in the hospital area
directly or indirectly in healthcare, to those heroes who do the impossible to save lives, to

offer the best of themselves They have not yet been recognized for their great work, nor

have they been thanked for giving their best in the performance of their role, which is why I

think it important that the tr Public transport called Taxi, Uber, Beet should be free for each

of these people, but as the drivers of each of these tools who are health officials would

know, they can easily do it by showing their respective cockade that makes them

employees of certain places of hospital assistance.

It is not crazy or preposterous to think that generating a gift of this size to each of the

people who are in constant danger from a virus that we do not know or have seen but that

everyone is talking about, so that officials feel motivated to To continue exercising your

professions with all the love that you have in your heart, there is no greater act of sensitivity

and affection towards the population than that which is delivered with passion because

everything that we offer with love and with the heart reaches doubly into our lives.

I invite you through this text to mobilize in your car, motorcycle or other means of

transport that you have a friend, acquaintance, family member, neighbor or another who

works in the health area for free to be able to get more comfortable and calm to your

workplace, the Colombian transport ministry should consider public transport for all its

population without exception for free because there are many students and professionals in

different areas who pirate their passages for lack of money and perhaps not for save it if not

because every day they must decide whether to feed themselves temporarily or move to

their place of study to be someone in the future, many do it by walking others riding a

bicycle and others illegally but surely all do it with the same objective, to our governments

I invite you to put yourself in the shoes of the people for the first time and benefit them in
some way, enough to continue being scavengers that instead to help hurt, I as a student ask

and demand that public transportation be made free so that there are no more excuses

regarding the lack of educational or employment opportunity.

(Galeano N. John Edward)

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