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Applications of Organ Leader and Decision Making

In my day-to-day activities at the workplace, I encounter and interact with numerous leaders who

have much to share and learn from. As one of the junior leaders i.e. an assistant manager, I aspire

to absorb much of the positive traits from the leaders higher in the hierarchy and try to

incorporate the skills and practices gained. This course provides the needed knowledge, skills,

and techniques that effective leaders need to deploy to ensure effective leadership to their teams

and the organization at large. During the execution of tasks in my jurisdiction, I encounter

numerous decisions that need to be made. Via this course, I have gained insights on how to make

effective decisions while reflecting on the organization's goals and visions as well as considering

the well being of my team members. Since the leader’s decisions impact trust the team members

have on their leaders, understanding how to make the right and good decisions is vital for any

leader (Fragouli, 2019). This course insists on the importance of overcoming any kind of

deficiency and to aid a leader in becoming more dynamic and successful in society, their

departments, and in the organization at large. The knowledge gained in this course will be vital

in understanding how decisions affect the subordinates and the organization negatively or

positively, how to correct decision aids the organization in successful operations, and the process

of making a decision. So, in my current workplace, I have understood that to make a good

decision and an effective one, one should reflect on defining the problem, developing

alternatives, evaluating alternatives, making decisions, implementing the solution, and

monitoring the solution made (Ejimabo, 2015). At least, I have identified several of my leaders

implement these steps though not exclusively. More so, via this course, I have understood the

gravity of leadership actions and decisions and how they can affect the organization’s policy,

strategic goals, and objectives negatively or positively. For example, I have learned that poorly
made decisions could result in reputation loss, financial loss, and lack of trust from team

members and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the course has provided more insight into the

different approaches of making a decision such as the use of common sense, researching

information regarding the problem, and encouraging active participation of other members in

solving a problem (Ejimabo, 2015; Olusayero, n.d.). The skills provided by the course

emphasizes the need to seek more advice from experienced leaders before deciding to yield the

most effective one. In my workplace and especially with the top leaders, I have been able to

identify certain unique characters that they possess which the course briefly highlights. These

character traits include possessing of good morals and ethical standards, having a clear vision of

achievable tasks and activities, self-direction, goal-oriented, and responsibility takers,

commitment to departmental and organizational goals and mission, ability to assume and handle

risks, ability to explicitly express their visions and goals ability to understand their team

members and stakeholders, ability to cope with the dynamic organization’s priorities, among

other (Ejimabo, 2015). These characters which I believe are part of effective decision making

have been amplified throughout the course and their vitality emphasized. There is so much that

the course has ushered and have changed my leadership perspective and approach to a variety of

leadership tasks and activates especially those revolving around the purpose of leadership

decision making, the role of leaders in decision making, the importance of research and gathering

data during decision making, different methods of decision-making techniques, among others.

Studying the course has provided a lot that am prospecting to implement and teach others in the

workplace and society.   

Ejimabo, N. O. (2015). An approach to understanding leadership decision making in

organization. European Scientific Journal, 11(11).

Fragouli, E. (2019, May). Employee trust and ethical leadership decision making. In ICMS 2019:

5th International Confer

Olusayero, C. M. Team Participation in Decision Making and Employee Productivity of Private

Hospitals in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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