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Honestly, there are probably a lot of answers to in my mind what a growth mindset is but in

my point of view I’m focusing on what it is and how learning about it can help me as well
others. First a-mindset is a central belief that someone’s learning and conception can
increase with time and involvement.

For example this quote says, “When people believe they can become smarter, they
realize that their effort has an effect on their success, so they put in extra time, leading
to higher achievement.”( I believe and I know
that this is true and that as we put time first in our efforts we will become the people
we were sent to earth By heavenly Father to become and that is why learning what a
growth mindset is can help you.

1. Moral Agency is the cause of all the things I decide to do whether it is good or bad but
today I will be talking about one case in point where I failed to do what was right.
Towards the end of my mission, I decided to use my agency to enjoy the last moments
Because of Pakistani Missionary this Normal Thing away from home by not obeying the
rules that were set in stone to protect missionaries. Although nobody got hurt, I was left
with a hole in my heart, almost like I was supposed to accomplish something but I didn’t
due to my disobedience. India New Delhi Mission President Hodges warn me. What I
really wanted was to make the memories count because I knew I would never be living
the way I did and so I used my moral agency to choose the wrong instead of the right
but after I realized then I apologized to mission president

In all honesty most people fail at some point in their lives, it’s a paramount and vital part
of life. The way I felt at this point in my mission when I failed was relieved because I
didn’t suffer the consequences that could’ve and should’ve come with the decisions I
made. I personally didn’t feel much pain when I failed but I did feel a heartbreak
because I failed my companion, I failed to be the senior companion that I should’ve
been. I know now that failure is not a means to an end, take this quote for example “Do
not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” (Richard

I’m Medical Biller so in many studies doctors suggest that the way the human mind
responds to our emotional feelings is the same way we respond to physical pain and
that is exactly how I responded to hurting the feelings of my companion. I knew that I
knew better than to break the rules in the mission but because of the lack of excitement
for the work due to the small amount of time,My response to my feelings were to
basically ignore my feelings and I thought I was crazy for doing but in my recent study of
emotions, I found out that most people choose to ignore their feelings. Because I
choose to do that I decided to do research and I came across this quote “Ignoring your
feelings won’t make you stronger; in fact, just the
opposite.”( I know now that I need to confront my
feelings so I don’t hurt others and I can do this with time and experience

My response to how I reacted to my feelings was a growth mindset because I

understood that with time and experience, I could improve the way I reacted to my
feelings. While studying fixed and growth mindsets I learned that “...a “growth mindset”
is the belief that your intellectual ability can grow when you persist at difficult tasks.”
(W03 Learning Stewardship.) In my case the difficult task was to react to my feelings so
that I can become a better person.

The strategy I used to avoid having a fixed mindset was to recognize and embrace my
imperfections. If I don’t recognize that I’m doing something wrong than I will never stop
doing it and that is why this step is very important. I also need to embrace my
imperfections or meaning to “let go of identifying yourself as inadequate and embody
the wholeness of your being” and “Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are
reminders that we’re all in this together.” (Bren Brown) I know that this is true, that if
we try to educate ourselves to what is affixed mindset we will know how to avoid it.

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