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Ladies and Gentlemen, By Saying Bismillahhirahmanirrohim

The Inauguration Ceremony Of Cadets, Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School

Academic Year 2020/2021
Saturday, August 29, 2020 Begins Soon

1. The ceremonial troops enter the ceremonial field.

2. The recitation of the holy Qur'an by the ceremony participants.
3. Singing the National Anthem of Indonesia, please stand up.
4. The commander of ceremony enters the ceremonial field.
5. The flag of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School enters the ceremonial field.
6. Respect to the flag of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School.
7. Inspector of ceremony enters the ceremonial field. Welcome to Dr. Toto Toharudin, M.Pd
8. Respect to the inspector of ceremony.
9. The report of the commander of ceremony to the inspector of ceremony.
10. The Reading “Panca Darma” and “Lima Citra” of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School,
followed by the ceremony participants.
11. The procession of inauguration :
a. Cadet places the position
b. Read the decree
c. The flag of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School is placed
d. The procession of inauguration, the inspector is pleased to pin the inauguration sign.
e. The flag of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School returned to the place
f. Reports
g. The Statement of inauguration by the inspector.of ceremony.

12. Commendation Ceremony of Inspector, troops rest.

13. The reading of prayers
14. The report of the commander of ceremony to the inspector of ceremony.
15. Respect to the inspector of ceremony.
16. The inspector of ceremony leaves the ceremonial field.
17. Respect to the flag of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School
18. The flag of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School leaves the ceremonial field.
19. The ceremony is over, the troops are rested.
20. The commander of ceremony leaves the ceremonial field.
21. Picking up the parents of class X cadets
22. Cadet’s show :
a. The first show is martial art from cadets of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School
b. The second show is yell performance from cadets of Taufiq Mubarok Aviation School

23. Parents are pleased to attach BIPAK for their children….(after two minutes) parents are
allowed returning to the place.
24. After this, we will continue to photo session. To the honorable invited guests are welcome
to the place that prepared.
25. Thank you. Event is over. Troops are disbanded.

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