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Alpert 1

Mini-Unit: Me gusta, te gusta, y le gusta

Mini-Unit Title:
Me gusta, te gusta, y le gusta

Mini-Unit Length:
4 lessons (the 2nd and 3rd were planned by me in this mini-unit):
● 100 minutes each (50 minutes synchronous/50 minutes asynchronous)

Introduction and Rationale:

This mini-unit is designed for 8th grade students in Spanish 1. It is focused on learning
the verb, “gustar” or in English, “to like”. Throughout these lessons, I introduce different
vocabulary like ¿Qué te gusta hacer?, a mí me gusta..., infinitivos, ¿Qué le gusta hacer?, A
él/ella le gusta…, ¿A él/ella le gusta…?, no, a él/ella no le gusta…, a mí me gusta también, y a
mí no me gusta tampoco. We go through these words/phrases and provide students with
examples and practice pronouncing them together. From there, we have students listen to stories
with the vocabulary words, do interpretive listening practice, complete group activities, solo
activities and more to practice!

It is important to discuss gustar because it is a time in which students will be able to

explain and express their own likes and dislikes. This will help students learn more about one
another. In addition, this will extend students’ learning and communication skills because when
meeting a Spanish speaker for the first time, expressing one’s likes and dislikes is a great way to
get to know them and see if one can find connections with others. Further, understanding how
the verb, “gustar,” works with indirect object pronouns is a great way to understand how other
verbs like gustar work in the Spanish language.

Before this unit, students learned numbers, the Spanish alphabet, how to introduce
someone, formal/informal language, Spanish geography, how to express their feelings and more!
Prior to these lessons, students get a taste of gustar and study and memorize different infinitive
verbs that we will be using in this unit because we are only practicing and explaining what we
like to do using infinitives, rather than explaining nouns we like (I like to dance ✓ vs. I like
salsa X).

In the first lesson, we discuss ¿Qué te gusta hacer?, a mí me gusta..., and infinitivos. In
the second lesson, we cover ¿Qué le gusta hacer?, A él/ella le gusta…, ¿A él/ella le gusta…?, no,
a él/ella no le gusta…, a mí me gusta también, y a mí no me gusta tampoco.

These lessons cover the following Michigan World Language Standards and Benchmarks:

● Standard 1: Communication
○ 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions about the weather, health/physical
conditions, self, family and friends
● Standard 2: Cultures
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○ 2.1.N.F.b Describe daily routines within a community or culture in which the

language is spoken (concept of time, typical activities appropriate to various
periods during the day)
● Standard 3: Connections
○ 3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the target

Lesson 1: Me gusta & Te gusta

Grade 8th grade Spanish

# of Days 1 - 100 mins
Agenda ● Warm-up
● Daily News
● Key Vocabulary
● Práctica
● Cuaderno Digital
● Hora del Descanso
● Gustar Cuento
● Hora del Descanso
● Gustar Jamboard
● Independent Work
Lesson Objective(s) ● I can explain my own dislikes and likes in Spanish.
& Language ● I can ask and respond to the question, “What do you like
Objective(s) to do?” in Spanish.

Prior Knowledge ● Leading up to this lesson, students have studied specific

Needed infinitives that they will use to explain what they do/do
not like to do in this lesson.
○ Some of these infinitives include: esquiar, comer,
cantar, bailar, leer, dormir, dibujar, y mirar la tele.
○ Students will have practiced these infinitives on
quizlet prior to coming to class.
Formative ● Exit Slip Discussion Post
Assessment ● Gustar T-Chart
● Checking on Breakout Rooms
● Gustar Jamboard
Standards (please 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions about the weather,
include the fully health/physical conditions, self, family and friends
written out
standard(s) here) 2.1.N.F.b Describe daily routines within a community or culture
in which the language is spoken (concept of time, typical
activities appropriate to various periods during the day)

3.1.N.a Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through

the target language
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Materials Needed Teacher:

● Schoology
● Zoom
● Internet
● Presentation
● Gustar T-Chart
● Jamboard!
● Internet
● Zoom
● Digital Notebook
● Schoology
● Gustar T-Chart
● Jamboard!
Pre-Work/Homework ● Pre-Work (to practice the infinitives that we are using
with gustar ~ this was homework due prior to this class).
○ Las Actividades: Fill out your digital journal
○ Turn in your digital journal
○ Las Actividades: Blooket practice
○ Las Actividades Checklist Interpretive Listening
● Homework
○ Gustar Exit Slip (in Schoology post):
■ Escribe tres frases completas sobre las
actividades que te gusta hacer.
■ Escribe tres frases sobre lo que NO te
gusta hacer.
■ Escribe algo que has aprendido hoy o una
pregunta que tienes sobre “gustar”.
○ Gustar T-Chart
Target Language Use ● The target language will be used for approximately 90
percent of the lesson.
○ Note that there are some instances in which
English is used to provide instructions for
activities in breakout rooms because we have
many students with IEPs in this particular class
and they need additional direct instruction.
Anticipated Problems ● I feel that this lesson may last longer than planned and I
may need to cut things as I go.
● Students may have trouble understanding what they need
to do in breakout rooms - I will be explicit in explaining
instructions and ask if students have any questions. I will
also move in and out of breakout rooms to see if students
need help and to check progress.
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Time Learning Task Methods or Procedures

1 min ¡Hola y bienvenidos! ● Have slides open to the first slide.
10:40- ● When students join, say, “Hello” to
10:41am each student.
○ ¡Hola!

7 mins Hazlo Ahora ● Transition the slide

10:41- ● Tell students, “Today is Monday,
10:48am November 9th.” Then have
students repeat, “Class, repeat after
me, today is Monday, November
○ “Hoy es lunes el nueve de
noviembre.” “Clase,
repitame, hoy es lunes el
nueve de noviembre.”
● Tell students, “Today you need
your digital notebook.
○ Hoy necesitas tu cuaderno
● Then tell students to participate in
the Hazlo Ahora, “We are going to
start with the ‘hazlo ahora’. Go to
page nine in your digital journal,
write the date, and do the activity.
Using me gusta (I like) and no me
gusta (I don’t like) tell me whether
or not you like to do the following
in complete sentences. For
example: Me gusta nadar o no me
gusta nadar.”
○ Vamos a empezar con el
‘hazlo ahora’. Va a página
nueve en tu cuaderno
digital, escribe la fecha, y
hagan la actividad. Usando
me gusta (I like) y no me
gusta (I don’t like) dime si
te gusta o no te gusta las
actividades siguientes. Por
ejemplo: Me gusta nadar o
no me gusta nadar.
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● Remind students to use their

vocabulary pages 21-23 from their
digital notebooks to help them!
○ Chicos, recuerden que
tienes vocabulario en las
páginas veintiuno al
veintitrés en tus cuadernos
digitales para ayudarles.
● Give students about 4 minutes to
do the hazlo ahora. After two
minutes are up, tell students, write
“terminado” in the chat when you
have finished.
○ Escriban, “terminado” en el
chat cuando están
● When students have written
“terminado” in the chat or another
two minutes is up, begin to go over
the hazlo ahora.
● Right now we are going to go over
the Hazlo Ahora. If you need to
change a response when we are
going over it, that is okay! If you
did not finish, try to finish up
during this time. I need a volunteer
for number one. The student will
respond. I will then ask for another
student volunteer for number two.
Repeat for the rest of the
● Ahora vamos a repasar el Hazlo
Ahora. Si necesitas cambiar una
respuesta cuando estás repasando,
está bien. Si no terminaste antes,
intenta terminar durante este
tiempo. Necesito un voluntario
para el número uno… Para número
dos, otro voluntario por favor.
2 mins Noticias diarias/Learning ● Transition the slide
10:48- Targets ● I will then share the Daily News
10:50 (noticias diarias). I will read from
the slide and say, “¡Hola! Today
we’re going to discuss how to
express our likes and dislikes. We
Alpert 6

will read a story and identify uses

of gustar (to like). Finally, We will
practice with some games and
○ ¡Hola! Hoy vamos a
discutir cómo expresar lo
que nos gusta y que no nos
gusta. Vamos a leer una
historia e identificar usos
de gustar. Finalmente,
vamos a practicar con
algunas actividades.
● I will then go over today’s agenda,
“Daily News, Learning Targets,
Key Vocabulary, Práctica,
Cuaderno Digital, Hora del
Descanso, Gustar Cuento, Hora del
descanso, Gustar Jamboard,
independent work”
○ Nuestro horario son las
noticias diarias, las metas
de aprender, vocabulario,
práctica, cuaderno digital,
hora del descanso, gustar
cuento, hora del descanso,
gustar Jamboard, y tarea
● Switch slide
● I will then read today’s learning
targets aloud, “Today’s learning
targets are, I can ask and respond
to the question ‘What do you like
to do?’ in Spanish and I can
explain my own likes and dislikes
in Spanish.”
○ Hoy las metas de aprender
son, Yo puedo preguntar y
responder a la pregunta,
“Qué te gusta hacer” y yo
puedo explicar mis propios
gustos y disgustos.
1 min Key Vocabulary ● Transition the slide
10:50- ● Say to the class: “Today we are
10:51 going to review vocabulary that we
have learned. (Put cursor on the
Alpert 7

first picture) What is this class?

Write your answer in the chat
please. (Reveal the answer). Have
certain groups of students
(seperated into groups based on
their first names repeat after me).
Continue with the different
vocabulary words.
○ Vamos a repasar el
vocabulario que hemos
aprendido. (put cursor on
first picture) Qué es esta
clase, escribe su respuesta
en el chat por favor.
(Reveal the answer)
Repítemelo: ¿Qué te gusta
hacer?. (put cursor on the
next picture) Clase, ¿qué es
esto? Escribe su respuesta
en el chat. (reveal answers)
Repítemelo: Me gusta...
8 mins Greetings ● Transition the slide
10:51- ● Tell students that for our greetings
10:59 today, we will share what we like. I
will then model it, “¡Hola! Me
gusta comer. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué te gusta
hacer, #? (Students are used to this
practice and have done it before).
○ Para saludarnos, vamos a
compartir nuestros gustos.
Por ejemplo, “¡Hola! Me
gusta comer. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué
te gusta hacer, #?
● Students will go through the
greetings practice for today in
10 mins Key Vocabulary & Práctica ● Tell students, this week we are
10:59- going to learn about the verb
11:09 gustar (to like).
○ Hoy vamos a aprender
sobre el verbo: gustar: to
● Explain, The first sentence is ¿Qué
te gusta hacer? Group 1, repeat
after to me. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Alpert 8

Which means what do you like to

do? For example: Sara, what do
you like to do? Run or swim?
Class, repeat after me, What do
you like to do?
○ “La primera frase es ¿Qué
te gusta hacer? Repíteme:
¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Which means What do you
like to do? Por ejemplo:
¿Sara, qué te gusta hacer?
¿Correr o nadar? Clase
repíteme “¿Qué te gusta
● Explain: To answer the question,
we can say a mí me gusta… Group
two, repeat after me, a mí me
gusta. A mí me gusta means I like.
For example, a mí me gusta nadar.
Repeat after me group two, a mí
me gusta…
○ Para responder a la
pregunta, vamos a decir, A
mí me gusta… Grupo dos,
Repíteme A mí me gusta…
A mí me gusta significa I
like… Por ejemplo, a mí
me gusta nadar. Grupo dos,
otra vez, Repíteme A mí
me gusta…
● Ask students: What is a verb?
○ Qué es un verbo?
● Have a student respond aloud or
in the chat. I will then explain,
there are different types of verbs
and one is an infinitive. An
infinitive is the most basic form of
a verb. In English, the word “to” is
in front to the verb. In Spanish,
infinitives end in -AR, -ER, -IR.
For examples, English infinitives
include to walk, to eat or to draw.
Note the ar, er, and ir in Spanish
infinitives. Here is a visual for the
word, infinitive.
Alpert 9

○ Hay tipos diferentes de

verbos y uno es el
infinitivo. Un infinitivo es
la forma más básica del
verbo. En inglés, la palabra
“to” está enfrente de un
verbo. En español, los
infinitivos terminan en
“-AR”, “-ER”, “-IR”. Por
ejemplo, English infinitivos
incluyen to walk, to eat or
to draw. Spanish infinitivos
incluyen caminar, comer, y
dibujar. Nota el ar, er, en
los Spanish infinitivos. Y
aquí en el visual pueden
notar los infinitivos.
● I will then switch the slide and we
will practice. I will ask, ¿Qué te
gusta hacer?” And will have
students repeat after me “¿Qué te
gusta hacer?”. Then we will
respond, “A mí me gusta dibujar.”
I will ask students, “repeat after
me, A mí me gusta dibujar.”
○ ¿Qué te gusta hacer?,
Repitame, ¿Qué te gusta
hacer? Repitame, a mí me
gusta dibujar.
● Do the same for nadar.
● For bailar, have a student try it on
their own by asking a brave
volunteer to try it.
○ ¿Hay un voluntario bravo
que quiere intentar solo?
● As we go through, read the
descriptions of the photos on each
● Explain the next vocabulary words
as was done before by having
students repeat it twice.
○ ¿A ti te gusta…? Y no a mí
no me gusta…”
● We will then practice as we did
with previous vocabulary words.
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● Afterwards, have students fill out

their cuaderno digital. Now, write
the translations on page nineteen in
your digital journal (give students
5 minutes to do so).
○ Ahora escriban las
traducciones en la página
19 de tu cuaderno digital.
Tienes cinco minutos

13 mins Let’s identify gustar en un ● Switch slide

11:09- cuento ● Hora del descanso (3 minutos):
11:23am Tell students, now you can use the
bathroom, eat something and listen
to the song (set up the Peardeck
during the break) Students will
listen to the Me Gusta song.
○ Ahora puedes usar el baño,
come algo y escucha la
● Welcome students back and tell
them: write here in the chat so that
I know you are here.
○ Escribe “aquí” en el chat
asi que yo sé que estás
● Tell students, Now we are going to
identify gusta in a story. Please
enter the Peardeck. Teacher will
give students the Peardeck code to
enter. Once you have almost 29
students begin!
○ Ahora vamos a identificar
gustar en un cuento. Por
favor, entra el Peardeck.
● Tell students, in this story we are
going to travel through Spain.
Listen closely, so that you can
answer the Peardeck questions as
we go!
○ En este cuento, vamos a
viajar por España. Escucha
cuidadosamente así que
puedes responder a las
Alpert 11

preguntas de Peardeck
durante la historia.
● Read the story to students and have
them interact with it in the
13 min Hora del Descanso y Gustar ● Hora del descanso: Students, now
11:23- Jamboard take time to use the bathroom and
11:36am eat something. Also you can watch
this Sesame Street video that uses
○ Chicos, ahora toma tiempo
para usar el baño y come
algo, tambien puedes mirar
este video de Sesame Street
que usa gustar!!
● Welcome students back and have
them say “aqui” en el chat.
○ Bienvenidos chicos.
Escribe aquí en el chat por
● Tell students that to practice gustar
and our infinitivos, we are going to
do a Jamboard activity
○ Para practicar todo lo que
hemos aprendido con
gustar vamos a hacer una
actividad en Jamboard.
● (Explanation is in English because
this can be difficult to understand).
● Tell students, “You will be put in
groups of 2-3. You are going to
order each of the gustar sentences
correctly. Open up Jamboard for
students to see! What they have to
● Model a sentence for students and
ask if there are any questions.
● Drop students the link in the chat.
● Tell students that they can go to the
slide that is associated with their
breakout room number, so pay
attention to that!!!
● Ask students if they have any
Alpert 12

● Give students about 7-10 minutes

to play! Pop into breakout rooms
to check progress and keep an eye
on the Jamboard slides to see who
might need help!
● Close the breakout rooms when it
is time!
● Ask students:write in the chat.
How was the Jamboard? Did you
like the dogs on the Jamboard?
○ Escribe en el chat, ¿Cómo
fue el Jamboard? ¿Te
gustan los perros en el
1 min Review Learning Targets ● Review today’s learning targets
11:36- ○ I can ask and respond to the
11:37 question “What do you like
to do?” in Spanish.
○ I can explain my own likes
and dislikes.
○ Yo puedo preguntar y
responder a la pregunta
¿Qué te gusta hacer?” y yo
puedo explicar mis propios
gustos y mis disgustos.
3 mins Independent Work Explanation ● Tell students, “For independent
11:37- work, you are going to respond to
11:40 the discussion post in Schoology in
Spanish. I will then read the
discussion questions to students.
○ Para tarea independiente,
vas a responder a una
discusión post en
Schoology en ESPAÑOL.
(Lee las preguntas en
● The second homework is the
Gustar Chart Google doc. For this
chart, you need to write fifteen
infinitives with a photo (emoji,
picture, gif)
○ La segunda tarea es el
Gustar T-Chart Google
Doc. Para este chart
necesitas escribir 15
Alpert 13

infinitivos con una foto

(emoji, bitmoji, picture,
gif). Escribe en frases
● Ask if there are questions:
○ ¿Tenéis alguna pregunta?
40 mins Split into rooms & Work time! ● Transition slide
11:40- ● Now we are going to work. Let me
12:20 know in which room you want to
○ Ahora vamos a trabajar.
Dime en el chat cual cuarto
quieres ir para trabajar.
● Move students to a teacher support
room, quiet work room, peer
support room, or independent work
room to work on today’s work!

Lesson 2: Le gusta

Grade 8th grade Spanish

# of Days 1 - 100 mins
Agenda ● Warm-up
● Daily News
● Learning Targets
● Repaso: Key Vocabulary
● Greetings
● Repaso: ¡Saca Cinco!
● New Key Vocabulary & Practice
● Le Gusta Video
● Information Gap
● Independent Work
● Help/Support
Lesson Objective(s) ● I can ask and respond to the question, “What does he or
& she like?” in Spanish.
Language ● I can explain someone else’s likes and dislikes.
Prior Knowledge ● Reviewing key vocabulary like the infinitives we have
needed been using (we review these in the hazlo ahora)
● Reviewing gustar expressions from day 1 in Repaso:

Formative ● Information Gap

Assessment ● ¿Qué le gusta a él? Interpretive Listening Practice
Alpert 14

○ Questions for Interpretive Listening Practice

● Le Gusta Presentational Task
Standards (please 1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions about the weather,
include the fully health/physical conditions, self, family and friends
written out
standard(s) here) 2.1.N.F.b Describe daily routines within a community or culture
in which the language is spoken (concept of time, typical
activities appropriate to various periods during the day)

Materials Needed Teacher:

● Schoology
● Zoom
● Internet
● Presentation
● Information Gap
● Internet
● Zoom
● Digital Notebook
● Schoology
● Information Gap
● Interpretive Practice Video
○ Questions for Interpretive Listening Practice
Homework ● Information Gap
● ¿Qué le gusta a él? Interpretive Listening Practice
○ Questions for Interpretive Listening Practice
● Le Gusta Presentational Task
Target Language ● The target language will be used for approximately 90
Use percent of the lesson.
○ Note that there are some instances in which
English is used to provide instructions for
activities in breakout rooms because we have
many students with IEPs in this particular class
and they need additional direct instruction.
Anticipated ● Again, I am concerned that this lesson may be too long. I
Problems will need to adapt on the spot if I see that the lesson is
lagging at all. We may even have to move some activities
to the next day.
● Students may have trouble understanding what they need
to do in breakout rooms - I will be explicit in explaining
instructions in English and ask if students have any
questions. I will also move in and out of breakout rooms
to see if students need help and to check progress.

Time Learning Task Methods or Procedures

Alpert 15

3 min ¡Hola y bienvenidos! ● Have slides open to the first slide.

10:38- ● Play song: Manu Chao - Me
10:41am Gustas Tu
● When students join, say, “Hello” to
each student.
○ ¡Hola!

7 mins Hazlo Ahora ● Transition the slide

10:41- ● Tell students, “Today is Thursday,
10:48am November 12th.” Then have
students repeat, “Class, repeat after
me, today is Thursday, November
○ “Hoy es jueves el doce de
noviembre.” “Clase,
repitame, hoy es jueves el
doce de noviembre.”
● Tell students, “Today you need
your digital notebook.”
○ “Hoy necesitas tu
cuaderno digital.”
● Then tell students to participate in
the Hazlo Ahora “We are going to
begin with the do now. Turn to
slide nine in your digital notebook,
write the date, and do the activity.
Using a mí me gusta and a mí no
me gusta, respond to the following
questions in complete sentences.
For example: Sí, a mí me gusta
jugar básquetbol o no a mí no me
gusta jugar al básquetbol. You
have four minutes.”
○ “Vamos a empezar con el
hazlo ahora. Va a pagina
nueve en tu cuaderno
digital, escribe la fecha, y
hagan la actividad. Usando
a mí me gusta y a mí no me
gusta, responde a las
siguientes preguntas en
frases completas. Por
ejemplo: Sí a mí me gusta
jugar básquetbol o no a mí
no me gusta jugar al
Alpert 16

básquetbol. Tenéis cuatro

● Give students about 4 minutes to
do the hazlo ahora. After two
minutes are up, tell students,
“Write ‘terminado’ in the chat
when you have finished.
○ “Escribe, ‘terminado’ en el
chat cuando has
● When students have written done
in the chat or another two minutes
is up, begin to go over the hazlo
● Ask students to respond to the
hazlo ahora. “Now we are going to
go over the Hazlo Ahora. If you
need to change a response when
we are going over the work, it is
okay. If you did not finish before,
try to finish during this time. I
need a volunteer for number 1!”
○ “Ahora vamos a repasar el
Hazlo Ahora. Si necesitas
cambiar una respuesta
cuando estás repasando,
está bien. Si no terminaste
antes, intenta terminar
durante este tiempo.
Necesito un voluntario para
numero uno.”
● The student will respond. “For
number two, another volunteer
○ “Para número dos, otro
voluntario por favor”
● The student will respond. Call on a
few more people by cold calling if
students do not respond (which is
typical of this class).
Interlud Wednesday Work Confusion & ● Note: slides 6-9 are included here
e from Noticias: Unit Assessments so that Jen could help with
Jen confusion from Wednesday work
and remind students of the unit
assessments coming up!
Alpert 17

2 mins Noticias diarias/Learning ● Transition the slide

10:48- Targets ● I will then share the Daily News
10:50 (noticias diarias). I will read from
the slide and say, “¡Hola! Today
we will review how to express our
own likes and dislikes. Then,
we’re going to learn how to
express the likes and dislikes of
others. Finally, We will practice
with some games and activities!”
○ “¡Hola! Hoy vamos a
repasar como expresar
nuestros propios gustos y
disgustos. Después, vamos
a aprender como expresar
los gustos y disgustos de
otra gente. Finalmente,
vamos a practicar algunos
juegos y actividades.”
● I will then go over today’s agenda,
“Daily News, Learning Targets,
Repaso: Key Vocabulary,
Greetings, Repaso: ¡Saca Cinco!,
New Key Vocabulary & Practice
Information Gap, Independent
Work, Help/Support”
○ Hoy vamos a empezar con
las noticias diarias, después
metas de aprender,
vocabulario importante,
saludos, repaso:¡Saca
Cinco!, práctica,
information gap, trabajo
independiente, y ayudo y
● Switch slide
● I will then read today’s learning
targets aloud, “Today’s learning
targets are I can ask and respond to
the question, “What does he or she
like?” in Spanish and I can explain
someone else’s likes and dislikes.”
○ Hoy nuestras metas de
aprender son yo puedo
preguntar y responder a la
Alpert 18

pregunta, “What does

he/she like to do?” en
español y yo puedo
explicar los gustos y
disgustos de alguien.
4 min Key Vocabulary ● Transition the slide
10:50- ● Before we begin going over
10:54 vocabulary, I will share the
different groups that will take turns
repeating after aloud. I will explain
this in English because this is the
first time that we will do this.
“Class, we are going to practice
pronouncing the vocabulary by
saying it out loud. We will split up
into three groups and when I call
your group, you will repeat after
● Say to the class, “Class, what is
this? Write your answer in the chat
please” (point cursor on the image,
then reveal the answer). “Repeat
after me, group 1. ¿Qué te gusta
○ Clase, ¿qué es esta?
Escribe su respuesta en el
chat por favor. (Reveal the
answer) Repítemelo, grupo
1: ¿Qué te gusta
hacer?(Have students from
grupo 1 practice).
● (Put cursor on the next picture)
Class, what is this? Write your
response in the chat. (reveal
answers) Group 2, repeat after me.
A mí me gusta…
○ Clase, ¿qué es esto?
Escribe su respuesta en el
chat. (reveal answers)
Grupo dos: Repítemelo: A
mí me gusta…
● Repeat for A mí no me gusta, ¿A ti
te gusta...?, Si, a mí me gusta, y no
a mí no me gusta.. And switch off
between groups!
Alpert 19

12 mins ¡Saca Cinco! ● Transition the slide

10:54- ● Tell students that, “We are going to
11:06 review what we have learned and
play Saca Cinco! First, take out a
piece of paper and choose five
infinitives. Class, remind me, what
is an infinitive? Choose five
infinitives and in a complete
sentence, write a mí me gusta for
each one! For example, a mí me
gusta ir a la escuela.
○ “Vamos a repasar que
hemos aprendido y jugar
Saca Cinco!” Primero,
toma una hoja de papel
elige cinco infinitivos.
Clase, recuerdame que es
un infinitivo? Elige cinco
infinitos y en una frase
completa, escribe A mí me
gusta dormir. A mí me
gusta beber pepsi. A mí me
gusta mirar Netflix. Etc.”
(Type sample responses in
the chat, if that might help
● Tell students: “You have two
minutes to write the sentences”.
○ Tienes 2 minutos para
escribir las frases.
● After two minutes, tell students to
write “terminado” in the chat,
“When you have finished, write
“terminado” in the chat.
○ Cuando habéis terminado,
escribe “terminado” en el
● From there, explain the game rules
for Saca Cinco in English (this will
be in breakout rooms, we will
explain this in English, so that
instructions are extremely clear
and their are no lingering
questions): You will be split into
pairs in breakout rooms, using the
Alpert 20

list on the previous slide and the

sentences you wrote, you will take
turns asking your partner questions
to find out what activities your
partner likes Ex: Te gusta….
● Answer with Si, a mi me gusta or
no, a mi no me gusta. If you
correctly guess your partner’s
activities be sure to write it down!
The first person to discover all 5
activities their partner likes most
● Model with Señora Shaw!
○ A ti te gusta correr? No, a
mi no me gusta correr. A ti
te gusta leer un libro? Si, a
mi me gusta un libro.
○ Repeat until you have
guessed and written down
all 5 of your partner’s
sentences! Take a
screenshot of this screen
and display it in your
breakout room to help!
○ Ask: are there any
■ ¿Hay preguntas?
○ Students will be in
breakouts for about 6
minutes doing this task.
○ When students return, ask:
“Is there a volunteer that
wants to share the
responses of their friend
from the breakout?” Call
on three people to share
■ ¿Hay un voluntario
que quiere
compartir las
respuestas de tu
amigo en el
○ After, ask students to write
in the chat how the
breakout went.
Alpert 21

■ ¿Cómo fue el
breakout?: Escribe
en el chat.
16 mins Key Vocabulary & Práctica ● Hora del descanso: 4 minutes Tell
11:06- students, “Take time to rest for a
11:22 bit and use the bathroom, eat
something, drink water, etc.”
○ “Toma tiempo para
descansar por un poquito,
usa el baño, come algo,
bebe agua, etc.”
● Donde estamos ahora: We are now
going to continue on to New Key
Vocabulary and practice!
○ Vamos a continuar con
vocabulario nuevo y
● Remind students of their groups
and when to unmute! Students,
remember your groups. Activate
your microphone when you hear
your group number.
○ Estudiantes, recuerdan tus
grupos. Activa el
micrófono cuando oyes tu
número del grupo.
● Group 1, repeat after me, ¿Qué le
gusta hacer? Explain the definition
in English, “What does he/she like
to do? An example is ¿Qué le
gusta hacer? A Rafael Nadal le
gusta jugar al tenis.

○ Grupo uno repitame: ¿Qué
le gusta hacer? Explain the
definition in English, un
ejemplo es ¿Qué le gusta
hacer? A Rafael Nadal le
gusta jugar al tenis.
● Repeat with the other new
● Do the same with the practice
slides. Have students repeat after
me for the first few práctica slides.
Call on students to read the next
Alpert 22

few, then have students respond in

the chat with the correct response
as well!
○ Clase repitame, necesito un
voluntario para leer la
frase, y escribe la respuesta
en el chat por favor!
● Repeat this with all vocabulary.
● There will be a two minute break
in between.
● Afterwards, write the vocabulary
we have learned in your digital
○ Escribe el vocabulario
hemos aprendido en tu
cuaderno digital. Cuando
termines, escribe listo/a en
el chat.

2 mins Qué le gusta hacer a él? ● Switch slide

11:22- ● Overview: dónde estamos ahora?
11:25am ● Prática : ¿Qué le gusta hacer a él?
○ As the song is going, write
three complete sentences
that answer the question:
what does he like to do?
○ Cuando escuchas la
canción, escribe tres frases
completas que responden a
la pregunta: ¿Qué le gusta
hacer a él?
● Have students write at least one of
their responses in the chat.
○ Chicos, escribe una
respuesta en el chat por
favor. (wait for a few
seconds)Tres, dos, uno...

15 min Information Gap ● Explain information gap very

11:25- clearly in English by reading from
11:40am the slide (this will be in English
because it can be otherwise very
difficult to understand what they
must do).
● Show slideshow. Be very clear.
Alpert 23

● Model with Señora Shaw what

students will do.
○ SS: ¿Qué le gusta hacer a
○ SA: A Andrea le gusta
○ SS: *escribe: A Andrea le
gusta nadar.
○ SA: ¿Qué le gusta hacer a
○ SS: A Lisa le gusta bailar
○ SA: *Escribe: A Lisa le
gusta bailar.
● Show students the presentation
where they will fill out the
responses that their partner gives
● Ask if there are any questions.
○ ¿Hay preguntas?
● Before students go in breakouts,
reminder that the first step is to
decide who is estudiante 1 y 2 and
delete the slide that is not yours!
● Ask if there are any questions!
● When students return, go over
responses!!! Call on volunteers
○ Is there a volunteer that
wants to respond to number
○ ¿Hay un voluntario que
quiere responder a número
● Ask how the actividad went and
have students write their thoughts
in the chat.
○ ¿Cómo fue la actividad de
Information Gap? ¡Dime en
el chat!
5 min Independent Work Explanation ● For independent work, students
11:40- will turn in their info gap, remind
11:45 them to double check to make sure
they wrote in complete sentences
using the model A_____ le
Alpert 24

○ Estudiantes, asegúrese de
escribir en oraciones
completas en la actividad
de information gap usando
el modelo A____ le gusta
● Next, students will complete the
interpretive listening practice and
answer some questions.
○ For homework number
two, do the interpretive
listening practice in
Schoology. You are going
to watch a video that we
watched last week and
answer different questions
about it.
○ Para la tarea dos, hagan
práctica de escuchar
interpretativa con una
actividad en Schoology.
Vas a mirar un video que
vimos la semana pasada y
responder a preguntas
diferentes. .
● Finally explain how students will
do the le gusta presentational task.
○ For the le gusta
presentation, you will show
that you know how to
explain others likes and
dislikes by making a
presentation explaining the
likes and dislikes of at least
seven other people. You
can use photos and videos
of friends, family, and
celebrities. You can do it in
TikTok or Google slides.
○ Para la presentación de le
gusta, vas a mostrar que
sabes como explicar los
gustos y disgustos de otros
por hacer una presentación
explicando los gustos y
Alpert 25

disgustos de siete otras

personas. Puedes usar las
fotos y videos de amigos,
tu familia, y celebridades.
Puedes hacer un TikTok o
una presentación de Google
○ Show off TikTok and make
a shout out to Sachin (my
partner) for making it!!!!
Show Señora Shaw’s
google slide as a model as
● Ask if there are any questions.
Remind students there are 3
tasks!!! Ask them what they are
expected to do to check for
○ Remind me, what are the
three homeworks?
○ ¿Chicos, recuerdame cuales
son las tres tareas?
40 mins Split into rooms & Work time! ● Transition slide
11:45- ● Now we are going to work. Tell
12:20 me in the chat what room you want
to go to to work.
● Ahora vamos a trabajar. Dime en
el chat cual cuarto quieres ir para
● Move students to teacher support
room, quiet work room, peer
support room, or independent work
room to work on today’s work!

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