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The patient is admitted to the OB triage area with the working

diagnosis of preeclampsia which of the following assessment

findings are consistent with a diagnosis of preeclampsia select all
that apply
Ans:weight gain of 8 pounds in two weeks, blood pressure
146/92, protein dipstick 2+
While monitoring miss Jones, the nurse would need to notify the
provider of which of the following findings
Ans: Decreased fetal movement over the past 24 hours
I'm Ms. Jones. Admission, the fetal heart tracing revealed a rate of
130 bPM. Moderate variability, and episodic accelerations. Which
of these parameters characterize the tracing as Reactive?
Ans: Accelerations
Which assessment procedures with the nurse performed to
evaluate Ms. Jones nervous system for irritability?
Ans: Clonus and reflexes
Miss Jones tells the nurse, "my hands are so puffy that I can't get
my rings off. Is this normal? "What is the best explanation by the
Ans: With preeclampsia, fluid shifts within your circulatory
system to the cells in your tissue, which results in swelling in
places like your hands and face
Miss Jones asks the nurse, "is my baby OK? "Which response
from the nurse would best explain this condition will affect the
Ans: Decreased blood flow to the placenta may slow the
fetus's growth.
Miss Jones deep tendon reflexes. I recorded as 2+ what is the
nurses best interpretation of this painting

When the nurse enters the room to take Miss Jones blood
pressure, the patient is lying on her back watching television.
Which of the following is the best response by the nurse?
Ans: Turn the patient on her left side, turn off the television,
and return in 20 minutes to evaluate her blood pressure.
The nurse is educating Miss Jones about preeclampsia and how
she will need to manage the condition when she returns home.
The nurse instruct her to contact the provider if which of the
following occur?
Ans: In frequent urination, epigastric pain, decreased fetal
movement, and a visual changes
When the nurse is educating miss Jones about managing her
condition at home, which of the following with the nurse include as
part of her self-care activities? Select all that apply
Ans: Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, rest in a quiet
environment, monitor blood pressure and weight daily, and
limit physical activity

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