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Name: Alda Ainun Rizkia

NPM: 0220121003

Class: B

TOEFL Listening Exercise 8

1. D She would also like to take a trip.

2. B He agrees that Matt should be elected.
3. A She is not sure which course she should take.
4. D She agrees that the food is pretty bad.
5. D He’s enjoyed himself tremendously.
6. C She agrees with the man about what happened.
7. C He agrees that the upstairs neighbors are noisy.
8. B This food tastes wonderful to her.
9. A She agrees that getting the car was not a good idea.
10. C He also thinks that the course should be extended.

TOEFL Listening Exercise 9

1. B He thinks he knows what the assignment is

2. B The man should try something else
3. B He is not quite sure when the movie begins
4. A Not doing the dishes now
5. D She believes Matt has the ability for the part
6. A They should go to the hospital
7. D She believes that the children are in the park
8. A The man should try to borrow some from a neighbor.
9. A He thinks the bill is due in the middle of the month
10. A They should postpone their decision until morning.

TOEFL Listening Exercise 10

1. C Greg was unable to attend the party.

2. D The woman did not know how to ride a motorcycle.
3. A The man was not a very good cook
4. D The woman had not gotten much exercise
5. A He had been somewhere else
6. C He was still in his old apartment.
7. A The woman did not like desserts
8. C The man would not take the test.
9. D She had not enrolled in physics
10. A The pipes were not clear.

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