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There are going to be many files in one folder – all are csv files.

And inside this folder another empty folder named “processed files”

What needs to be done:

1. open each csv file.

2. get only certain columns from the csv (I might add more by myself later). These are the column

marital status
dominant hand
running location

3. save these columns in a new csv that will contain only these columns.

4. the name of the new csv need to be the number in the “participant” column (the number is
repeated for many rows, just take the first one) -> subID_2_proccessd.csv

5. save the csv in the “processed files” folder.

5. if one of the CSV files do not have some of the columns that need to be saved -> print a message
“participant X doesn’t have all columns”) and continue to the next file.
For example participant 5 doesn’t have the column “onset_wheelInst”. But it can be other columns/
or more than one column that is missing.

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