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Fauji Foundation Education System M. B.


Open Book Assignement

Class Subject M.M

7 Science 30
Objectives (15)

Q. 1(A) Identify the terms.(5)

i.Procss by which pollen grains are transferred.

ii. Female sex organ of flower.

iii. The path of current.

iv. Movement of positive changes.

v. Theory related to the creation of universe.

B. Give the reason. (5)

i.Grasses are pollinated by wind.

ii. Parallel circuit is better than series circuit.

iii. Metals are good conductors.

iv. Do not touch electric wires with wet hans.

v. Different stars have different colors.

C. Rewrite the following statements to make them correct (5).

i. Stigma, style and ovary are parts of stamen.

ii. Wind,water and air are agents of fertilization.

iii. The unit of current is ohm.

iv. Resistance is measured by voltmeter.

v. The brightness of a star depends upon its size.

Subjective (15)

Q.2 Answer the following short questions. (2X5=10)

1. Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction.

2. State Ohm’s law.

Q.3 Why electric current can not pass through wood?

Q. 4 Why every passing object is disappeared in black hole?

Q. 5 What is meant by death of a star?

Q. 3 Answer the following question in detail. (05)

1.Discuss the process of fertilization by using a labeled diagram.

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