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"This world cannot break you unless you give it permission and it can't own you unless you

hand in the keys, you give it your heart. And if youhanded those keys to Dunya for a while, take
them back. This isn't the end. You don't have to die here. Reclaim your heart and place it with
its rightful owner."
Reclaim your heart- One of those few self-help books that dragged me towards it. I wasn't very
sure of what this book is going to be like but one of my dear friends legit forced me to at least
give it a try. And wow, what a wonderful push it was. It took me only one night, a few hours to
read it. I've never seen such a strong soul like Yasmin to put things up this beautifully. She
incorporated Islam in such a way that would soothe your souls. It is book tht fix your broken
pieces, a book that glues you up, a book that helps you become a stronger version of yourself.
And above all, a book that actually tells you what "love" is and who you should "rely" upon.
I'll highly recommend you of this book. Anyone of you, who's going through a tough time, just
read it. You'll feel good and will thank me.
Many of us live our lives, entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and
disappointment. Many of us have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about
freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in an out of life's most deceptive
traps. This book was written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss,
happiness, and pain. Providing a manual of sorts, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to
live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most
prized possession: the heart.
Reclaim your Heart is a collection of reflective essays encompassing a myriad of spiritual
struggles an individual goes through on their path to Allah swt. Her writing is simple, eloquent
and goes straight to the heart of her readers only because she speaks from hers. The back
reads, “Many of us live our lives entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and
disappointment. Often, we have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing
the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in and out of life’s most deceptive traps.”
Even though Mogahed claims in her introduction that this is “not a self-help book”, it essentially
functions as one.
Reclaim you Heart however, hits the nail on the head because it has inspired more
understanding in me about the urgency of curing the spiritual diseases in my heart and
returning to Allah swt with a sound heart.

This book empowers its readers to free themselves from the chains and shackles of dunya.
“Reclaim you Heart” is a fitting title, because the heart was created by Allah swt and is only
meant to be filled by him. The only way to heal our heart of the void and disappointment it
often feels it to take it out from that realm of dunya and putting it where it belongs; that is with
Allah. There is no perfection in this dunya because only Jannah can be Jannah.
Yasmin Mogahed has a way of putting messages across extremely well – both through her
written work and her speeches. She breaks down life’s most pressing issues into small bits for
ease of understanding and reflection; and this very magic she brings has the power to make you
think – think about your life, your struggles and your relationships with both God and the
people you love and interact with every day.
"The words in this book... have the ability to elicit tears, tears which come from knowing and
recognizing the truth and then attempting to find this truth within yourself. The
book...promises the reader a journey of enlightenment...
and it has indeed kept its promise.
There is so much beauty in this book to discover. The language and explanations used are also
very simple. At the end of the book, you will be greeted with a collection of poems by the
author herself – a nice touch to end the reading experience.
She has written about relationships, marriages, love, hardships, us as an Ummah and has linked
them to the actual purpose of this life which many of us tend to forget.
The chapters are short, covering one-to-three pages at most, making it a quick and easy read.
The titles are quite catchy and profound which arouses the interest and curiosity of the reader,
such as “On Filling the Inner Hole and Coming Home”, “Escaping the Worst Prison”, “The Only
Shelter in the Storm”. The title of the book itself sounds a bit clichéd and could have been more
creative like the titles of the chapters, but the serene cover image does enough to draw the
reader’s attention.

The best part of the book is that Yasmin Mogahed doesn’t merely quote the Ayaat of the
Qur'an and the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), but uses delightful analogies and
anecdotes to draw the reader towards the depth of the teachings of Islam and their
relationship with human psychology.
This book also encourages us to reclaim control of our heart and reminds us that we are
stronger than we give ourselves credit for to overcome the desires of our nafs. I strongly
believe that anybody who picks up this book will benefit from it, inshaaAllah.
The topic that I am going to explain is one which is of utmost importance
because ot talks about the very core of Islam and that is the heart. The title is "Take your heart
back". First of all why do we need to talk about the heart. Before we talk about any subject, It's
important its significance. Why is the heart so important in Islam? I think one of issues is that,
with all the discussion about Islam. We have so much about Islam in the Media and there is so
much information out there that I think sometimes the essence gets lost. The essence of what
Islam really is! It's gets lost. Because Growing up for example, sometimes we have a lots of list.
We have a lot of lists of do's and don'ts. We have a lot of lists of what's allowed and what's
prohibited. And then we have a lot of rituals that we do. And sometimes the essence of Islam
gets lost in the rituals! So it is very important that we often come back nd remind ourselves
about the essence.
All in all, the book is a beautiful illustration of the core elements of Islam and an eye-opener for
the Muslims of today’s era as most of us have not clearly felt the actual essence of our religion
and have taken it as a mere ritual instead of a thorough and encompassing code of life.
“Reclaim Your Heart” is a highly recommended read to everyone trapped in the cycle of
continuous inner disappointment, and a manual elucidating how the love of the Almighty
Creator allows us to live a life of happiness and success.

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