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A Great Character

Life is not always easy. Sometimes it represents serious problems that make people sad
and cause despair. At such times it might be good to think about the example of Helen Keller,
born in America in 1880. She never gave in.
When Helen was born her parents were very proud of their pretty baby. When the girl
was two she fell ill. She had a high temperature and her parents had to call the doctor. When
little girl recovered, she was blind and deaf. Her parents were very upset and at first decided to
let her grow up untaught. But soon they understood that their pity couldn't help her, but could do
her a lot of harm. They found a good teacher from the Institution for the Blind in Boston.
It was a wonderful day when Ann Sullivan came to their place. When Ann arrived she
was only 20 and Helen -7. From the first day they became good friends. Helen turned out a very
capable pupil: she quickly learned to communicate through sign language and later was good at
reading, writing and typing in Braille. For fifty years they were good companions till 1936, when
Ann died. It was due to patience and skill of Ann Sullivan that Helen Keller developed into one
of the most remarkable women of our time. Miss Sullivan loved her pupil who was so quick to
learn. She lived with Helen, played with her, and worked with her every hour of the day.
Helen was determined that she would speak, too. She practised speaking day after day
until at last she developed a clear voice. Later she was able to speak before large crowds which
came to hear her whenever she lectured. When Helen Keller finished formal schooling she went
to college. She graduated from Radcliff with honours.
One of Helen Keller's professors suggested her to write a story of her life. Helen wrote it
"The Story of My Life", while she was in college. It was such a cheerful account of how this
young girl was able to live a happy, useful life in spite of terrible difficulties.
A Great Character
Task I. Underline the main characters of the text
Helen Keller, Ann Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Keller, a University professor
Task II. Choose the best completion of the sentences
1) Sometimes life represents serious problems
a) and many people can't cope with them.
b) for those who try to get ahead in life.
c) that make people sad and cause despair.
2) Her parents were very upset and
a) at first decided to let her grow up untaught.
b) decided to send her to the orphanage for blind and deaf.
c) tried to do their best to teach her.
3) Miss Sullivan loved her pupil
a) by spending every single minute with her.
b) who was so quick to learn.
c) and taught her to play the piano.
4) Helen practiced speaking day after day
a) and at last she was able to speak perfectly.
b) until at last she developed a clear voice.
c) but she never learned to speak clearly.

Task III. Match the people with what they did

a) suggested to write a story of her life.
1) Helen Keller b) practiced speaking day after day.
2) Ann Sullivan c) worked with her every hour of the day.
3) Mr.and Mrs. Keller d) did their best to find a good teacher
4) A University professor e) married a kind man.
f) decided to travel to Mexico.

Task IV. Fill in the missing part of the sentence

1) At such times it might be good ... about the example of Helen Keller.
2) Thanks to … and … of A.Sullivan H. Keller became an educated
3) When Helen Keller ………………………………………….. she went to
4) Her book was a such a ……………………… of how a this young
woman was able to live a happy life.

Task V. Write reasons why...

1) Why did Helen's parents at last understand that their pity couldn't help her, but
could do her harm?
2) Why was Helen determined she would speak?
3) Why was she recommended to write a book about her life?
4) Why did many large crowds gather to hear her speak?
Task I. Divide the sentences into two columns. A) where you begin your answer with
So... B) where you begin your answer with Neither...
1) A friend of mine likes classical music.
2) I don't play the guitar well enough.
3) Her cousin rides a bicycle every day in summer.
4) My uncle doesn't believe in ghosts.
5) They can dive very deep.
6) We have a new school uniform.
7) She will not remind you of it.
8) I did not learn to play the violin when a child.

Task II. Put the adjectives/adverbs into the comparative and superlative degrees
Careful, well, fast, badly, pretty, narrow, unhappy, low

Task III. Identify the meaning of the words in caps

1) You must KEEP your promise.
A.сдержать; B. хранить; C. охранять; D. продолжать
2) He KEEPS on interrupting.
A.держать; B. содержать; C. охранять; D. продолжать
3) His jokes MADE us laugh.
A.сделали; B. произвели; C. заставили; D. смогли
4) I hope you will not CHANGE your mind.
A.изменишь; B. променяешь; C. выменяешь; D. оставишь
5) I’m not interested in your OPINION.
A.представление; B. мнение; C. взгляд; D. воззрение
Task IV. Paraphrase the sentences, referring them to the past or future using the
words in brackets
1) I can help you with this task. (be able to, tomorrow)
2) She must explain why she is late. (have to)
3) I must talk to him immediately. (had to, yesterday)
4) He can always rely on me. (be able to, in future)
5) They must allow her to come. (had to, though…)
Speak about youth problems
1) Do young people have problems?
2) What are typical youth problems?
3) Should personal problems be shared with anybody?
4) What problem have you helped to solve recently?
5) Do you ask for advice in a difficult situation and do you follow it?
Speak about your visit to the cafe/restaurant
1) What are typical Belarusian national dishes?
2) Does every country have its national cuisine?
3) What dishes do you order in a restaurant: new or familiar?
4) What do you say when you are ready to order?
5) How do you make a menu when preparing for a holiday at home?
Speak about the role of finances in a teenager's life
1) Your parents give you pocket money, don't they?
2) How can a teenager earn pocket money these days?
3) Name five advantages of having pocket money.
4) Name five disadvantages of having pocket money.
5) How do you usually spend your money?
Speak about music
1) What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
2) Do you go to music concerts? How often?
3) What do you think of the last concert you've visited?
4) Young people don't like classical music, do they?
5) Compare pop and rock music.
Speak about Great Britain/the USA
1) Can you agree that this country's climate/nature/animals are unique?
2) Is this an agricultural or an industrial country?
3) Does it have rich history? Tell about some historic event.
4) Is the south of the country as developed as the north?
5) Imagine you work in a tourist firm. Advertise this country.
Speak about sports
1) Is sport well developed in your country?
2) Is it well developed in Great Britain/ the USA?
3) Is it better to go in for sports or to do regular physical exercises?
4) What menu helps to support good health?
5) Does going in for sports change your daily routine?
Speak about entertainment
1) What kinds of entertainment do you prefer?
2) Do you often visit theatre/cinema/museums/concerts?
3) You like to go to the amusement parks, don't you?
4) How do entertainments affect your mood?
5) What do you think of the film/play/exhibition you've visited и cently?
Speak about the dates one should remember
1) Is your country's history full of memorial dates?
2) What are some of them in your country/Great Britain/ the USA?
3) Why must young people remember them?
4) What is your favourite holiday?
5) How do people usually celebrate the holidays connected with memorial dates?

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