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Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence

Humans have multi-faceted mental capacities. Logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial,

musical, kinesthetic, inter-personal, intra-personal, naturalistic. We have intelligence in all the 8
categories, and we can improve our intelligence throughout our lives. Here are some examples
of people with distinct type of intelligence.

There is intelligence in 8 categories.

1- Logical/Mathematical intelligence: looks at our abilities to work with numbers,
understand patterns, and reason critically when confronted with problems. A person
who has this intelligence will be very precise in work, take very organized work, and the
person in school will be doing very well. Example on people with this intelligence include
Albert Einstein, and Bill gates. To improve this intelligence one can use it more often as
the brain is strengthened through repetition.
2- Linguistic intelligence: relates to our ability to read, write, and talk to others. People
with high level of linguistic intelligence are great story tellers and tend to be able to pick
up new languages as well as the native person faster than an average person. Example
on people with this type of intelligence include J.K. Rowling, and Tony Robbins. To
improve this type of intelligence includes keeping a journal or make up stories and tell
them to people.
3- Visual and spatial intelligence is the ability to create a visual image of the potential
project or idea and then act on that vision. This is common among artists, film makers,
scientists, and architects. Example o people with this intelligence include Leonardo
Davinci and Steven Spielberg. To improve this type of intelligence includes making maps
or diagrams, playing video games.
4- Musical intelligence is the ability to compose songs, sing, and play instruments. Example
on people with this intelligence includes Elton johns, Mozart, Elvis. To improve this
intelligence includes reading and writing poetry regularly which makes one focus on
rhymes and tone.
5- Bodily or kinesthetic intelligence refers to the use of one owns body skillfully or as a
medium of expression to solve a problem such as counting on fingers to solve a
mathematical problem or dunking a basketball. To improve this type of intelligence
includes anything that incorporates movement into the activity. This is important when
learning new things as studies shows that involving different senses in learning activities
helps in sinking deeper
6- Interpersonal and social intelligence looks at the sensitivity one has towards other along
with the ability to work well with and understand others. Example on people with this
type of intelligence include Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Donald Trump. This
intelligence is more important today than been before and can be improved through
activities like sharing or watching videos on how to improve yourself.
7- Intrapersonal intelligence where it focuses on your ability to understand work and
communicate with yourself than other people. People with this type of intelligence are
usually very intuitive, self-motivated, and goes against the grain. It includes the
philosophers, gurus, and writers such as Plato and Socrates. Practicing meditation helps
improving this type of intelligence besides keeping journals and reading books that
address the issues one is trying to solve.
8- Naturalistic intelligence looks at our abilities to distinguish among living things such as
different types of plants and animals as well as the ability to understand weather,
geology, and other things in nature. This is useful in farming, biology, anthropology, and
animal caring career. As an example, Charles Darwin. To improve this type of
intelligence requires the interaction with nature such as visiting a zoo and planting a

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