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Ortiz, Stephen Kenaniah P.

Lipit, Jasper M.

Santos, Aljay R.

Canalda, Jhondel

Calongcalong, Jomel


1. As the starting point of your business plan, what need,problem, or opportunity were you able

to identify in your chosen location?

In this pandemic our community is having issue to buy outside. Despite of that there are still

vendors who still battling to sell because life is hard. We came up with an idea of having a kiosk

cart in Los Baños, Laguna. To sell street foods, because Filipinos are love to eat those kind of

food. And despite of the pandemic, we are going to make sure that our food is safe and clean. It

is an opportunity to sell those kind of food in the place that are we are planning to put the kiosk

because it is an open space and no other vendors of street food in the area.

2. What is your justification in choosing the need, problem, or opportunity?

Filipinos are too attach in street food and other kind of food that they will see along the way.

Although we are facing the pandemic but we are currently adopting the new normal. That is why

many business are going back and others dont get back. As we see an opportunity to make a

kiosk type of street food, people nowadays are not going to expensive restaurants and other

food establishments that will cost too much. We are going to offer a budget meal food that you

will see and you can eat on the streets.

3. As an entrepreneur, how can you address your concern? You may present online your

product or service offering.

As an entrepreneur we can address our concerns to the people of the community. We are going

to offer affordable and delicious food. This will be a proof that Filipinos are love to eat street

food. Serving different variety of street food and to make it partner with rice.

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