Always Thinking Back Short Film - Script

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Always Thinking Back

By Oli James

Becky Gibson Younger: Minnie Woodward
Becky Gibson Older: Lotte Rowberry
Taylor Murray Younger: Charlie Glennon
Taylor Murray Older: Vincent Heminsley
Emma Jackson: Laura Dalaimo
Detective Gary Linsdale: Brendan Vaughan

Scene 1: Ext - Park - Midday

Open grass area with trees surrounding the public path running
through the middle of the park with benches lining the path.
Very close to the path run the River Thames. Two students both
in school uniform, one is a boy called Taylor Murray and a girl
called Becky Gibson.

(Drone Shot To Start)

Taylor Murray (Younger)

(holding Becky G’s hair)
(Shouting) Get over there

Becky Gibson (Younger)

(screaming in Pain) (Hair getting pulled by Taylor M)
Ow ow ow please stop let go its hurts

Taylor Murray (Younger)

(aggressive) Shut Up! (pushes Becky to the ground)

Becky Gibson (Younger)

(In Pain) What do you want?

Taylor Murray (Younger)

To Smile for the Camera and to give me all your food

Becky Gibson (Younger)

No no stop (Picture Taken) argh
Why do you want my food?

Taylor Murray (Younger)

(stands over Becky G) Cause I told you too!

Becky Gibson (Younger)

Fine but stop it hurts
(Gives Taylor M the food)

Taylor Murray (Younger)

Thank you now don’t tell anyone

(Taylor M kicks Becky G and walks off)


Emma Jackson
Hey are you ok?

Becky Gibson (Younger)

(begins to smile)

(Drone Shot to End)

End Scene 1


In a teenager’s bedroom with a sofa in the corner and bed next

to it as well as a set of wardrobes on the other half of the

Becky G Older
(Turns On The Music Player)
(Lets Hair Down)

Omg this is my favorite song!!

(Phone Snapchat Alert)

(Looks at Phone then pics phone up)

Emma Jackson
(Snapchat says)
Hey hows you?
What Are You doing?

Becky G O
Hey Em I’m good and I’m just vibing to music and thinking
back to when we first met

Emma Jackson
Oh yeah that day was a weird day

Becky G O
You changed my life

Emma Jackson
Aww thanks
I just saw you lying there and I thought to myself I hope
she's ok and the rest of our 6 years of friendship is
Becky Gibson (Older)
Yeah we’ve been on so many nice days out and fun trips
together and thankfully I haven’t seen that stupid Taylor

Emma Jackson
Oh yeah that idiot!

Becky G O
Where is he theses days

Emma Jackson
Hopefully homeless

Becky G O
Yeah I agree

Emma Jackson
What are you gonna do if you see him?

Becky G O
Get revenge

(Puts Phone Down)

(Gets Up and Goes to the door and leaves)

(Gets Ready to go out and then leaves the house)

End Scene Two


Sandy Footpath with the river running along side and grasslands
on the other side with public walking along the path too.

(Walks Along The River Path)

(Turns Headphones on and starts listening to music and
walks along the river)
(Takes Selfies turns around to continue walking and bumps
into Taylor)

Becky G O
Oh sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you.

Taylor Murray (Older)

Don’t worry it’s ok, Omg Becky is that you?

Becky Gibson (Older)

Yeah, How are you?

Taylor Murray (Older)

Good thanks, how's you?

Becky G O
Yeah I’m good, sorry but I gotta go now

Taylor Murray (Older)
Oh ok see ya around

(Taylor and Becky Continue walking)

(Becky Turns back and takes a picture of Taylor)

(Becky Stops and stares at the area she got bullied at all
those years ago)


Bedroom all clean and left with bed made and stuff left out on
the desk and the lights left on.

(Turns music On)

(Dances over to desk and sits down)
(Open book and writes taylors name on the opening page and
begins to make her revenge book)

(Book Finished)
(Snapchats Taylor Murray (Older) )

Becky G O
Heya do you wanna meet up by the Alley at and then go on a

Taylor Murray (Older)

Yeah, sure see ya then

(Snaps Emma a Pic of the Book)

Emma Jackson
Omg thats sick

Becky Gibson (Older)

Thanks, it's got my whole plan and everything I know about
him. I told him to meet me outside this alleyway and then
that's where it's going to happen.
Emma Jackson


One short empty alleyway leading from one road to another with
garden fences as the border of the alley and has two lamp posts

(Becky G leaves the house and begins walking to the meeting


(Becky Gibson (Older) meets Taylor Murray (Older) at the alley

and begins walking down the alley before grabbing the knife and
then stabbing Taylor in the neck and Taylor drops to the floor
in pain)

Taylor Murray (Older)

Ahhhhhhhhhhh why?

Becky Gibson (Older)

Because you ruined my childhood and made each day I lived
pain and I suffered while you thrived and felt good inside.

(Becky hits Taylor then drags him off)

Taylor Murray (Older)



Detective Gary Linsdale

This here is a murder scene and a hard one to sovle nothing
left other than the blood. Let's get this and DNA it.

Officer Dan
On it boss.

Detective Gary Linsdale

Do we have any eye witnesses?

Officer Dan
I will get on that boss. Also we have had a match on the
blood and it is a teenager called Taylor Murray, aged 18

Detective G
OK thanks we found any Eye witnesses

Officer Dan
Yes, their name is Emma Jackson and we are just locating
her to ask her some questions.

Detective G
Good let me know when I can speak to them.

Officer Dan
They are ready now.

Emma Jackson
Hi Detective Gary

Detective G
Hi can you explain what you saw please.

Emma Jackson
I saw this other boy wearing a full black tracksuit and
just stabbed him then dragged the body off and I don’t know
where they went.


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