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Anggita Viana Saputri

Tugas 10 Akuntansi manajemen

1. a. ROL of division without radio = $480.000/$8.000.000 = 0, 06
b. Rol of the radio project = $270.000/$1.500.000 = 0, 18
c. Rol of division with radio =$750.000/$9.500.000 = 0, 0789

2. yes cheryl will decide to invest in the project, since overall division Rol will increase

1. After- tax cost of mortgage bonds = ( 1 - 0,3 )(0,08) = 0,056
2. Cost of common stock = 0,06 + 0,06 = 0,12
3. Dolar Amount
Mortgage bonds $ 1.300.000
Common stock 700,000
total $ 2.000.000
Weighted average cost of capital

4. Cost of capital = $ 1.500.000 x 0,0784= $117.600

After Tax operating income $115.000
less: Cost of capital 117,600
EVA $(2.600)
Because EVA is negative ,schipper is destroying wealth
Percent After- tax cost weighted cost
0.65 0.056 0.0364
0.35 0.120 0.0420


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