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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educación

U.E.P San Francisco de sales
4to Año B


Alumno: Jesús Jiménez

Caracas, 12 de marzo de 2021

1. Complete las siguientes oraciones con el Question Tags
correcto (0,40 puntos cada una).

- There is cold wáter in that glass, Isn´t there?
- He wasn´t learning French, was he?
- Jhon dances every weekend, doesn´t Jhon?

1)You aren´t teachers, _Isn´t It_?

2)They were spelling some words, __ don't they? __?
3)The bell wasn’t ringing, ___Is it___?
4)We can travel to Europe, _ hadn't we _?
5)Alice couldn´t speak English, __ does she __?
6)John won´t come early, _ will he _?
7)She must do this work, __ isn't she _?
8)You can´t drive my car, _ are we _?
9)We could do it for her, __ weren't we __?
10) Peter should be there on time, _ aren't we __?

11) He wouldn´t go there, __will he__?

12) They have seen it twice, __wasn't it__?

13) She hadn´t been here before, _, has she__?

14) He has come again, __didn't he____?

15) She eats apple red, __isn't she__?

16) She's from a small town in China, ___isn't she__?

17) We're late again, _aren't we__?

18)  David and Julie don't take Chinese classes, __will they__?

19) She doesn't cook very often, __does she___?

20) You aren't from Brazil, _are we_?

2.Completa los espacios en blanco con las formas

COMPARATIVAS correctas de los adjetivos entre paréntesis
(0,40 puntos cada una)

a) John is _ Younger _ than Kate. (young)

b) Terry is _ fatter __ than Mary. (fat)
c) Kate is ___ slimest ___ than Terry. (slim)
d) Mary is __ oldest ____ than Kate. (old)
e) John is ____Angier______ than Terry. (angry)
f) Terry is ___Happier______ than Mary. (happy)
g) Kate is ____Older_________ than John. (old)
h) Terry is ____shorter_______ than Kate. (short)
i) John is ____Taller_______ than Mary. (tall)
j) Mary is ____Shorter______ than Kate. (short)
3.Completa los espacios en blanco con las formas
SUPERLATIVAS correctas de los adjetivos entre paréntesis
(0,40 puntos cada una)

1) A skycraper is __ tallest ___ than a house. (tall)

2) An elephant is ___Heaviest_______ than a mouse. (heavy)
3) A plane is ____fastest______ than a train. (fast)
4) A bicycle is __cheapest___ than a car. (cheap)
5) A turtle is ___slowest___ than a rabbit. (slow)
6) A weightlifter is ___strongest__ than a postman. (strong)
7) Eating fruit is _healthest__ than eating fast food. (health)
8) A diamond ring is __expensivest__ than a copper ring. (expensive)
9) The princess is ___ beautifulest___ than the witch. (beautiful)
10) Summer is ___hotest_______ than winter. (hot)

4. Escribe la forma opuesta de los siguientes adjetivos. (0,25 cada


a) New = Old
b) Poor = Rich
c) Sweet = Salty
d) Dry = Wet

5.Lee el siguiente texto, y responde las preguntas en inglés

Venezuela is located in South America. It is considered a country with high
biodiversity, with habitats ranging from the Andes Mountains in the west to the
Amazon basin rainforest in the south, extensive plains and the Caribbean coast
in the center and the Orinoco River Delta in the east. The climate is warm and
rainy. With only two seasons, a dry season that runs from October to March
and a rainy season from April to September.

De acuerdo con la lectura, responde las siguientes preguntas de forma

larga. (0,25 puntos cada respuesta correcta).

1. How is the habitat in Venezuela?

R: Venezuela has a tropical habitat, a habitat that ranges from the Andes
Mountains in the west to the rainforest of the Amazon basin in the south,
extensive plains and the Caribbean coast in the center, and the Orinoco River
delta in the east.

2. When is the dry season are there in Venezuela?

R: Venezuela's dry season runs from October to March

3. When is the rainy season in Venezuela?

R: Venezuela's rainy season is from April to September

3. Is Venezuela located in the North of South America?

R: No Venezuela is not located in the north of Venezuela, Venezuela is

located in South America

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