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Product Distribution: The basics,

Tomado de Smarta Startuploans. (s.f.)

The author tells us that Regardless of the type of business we have, at some point
we will need to use a transport service for our products; This choice and the
balance between cost and quality of these services will largely depend on the
satisfaction that our customers will find our products, we must take considerations
when choosing our transport, The budget is the main factor, The speed of transport
in conjunction with reliability, Take all preventive measures in case of transporting
risky or dangerous substances, Take an insurance that protects the cargo from
risks , if deemed necessary, Use a GPS tracking system if the cargo is
valuable;The choice will depend on the size, type and / or urgency of the shipment.

1. Budget: Presupuesto
2. Business: Negocios
3. Buyer: Comprador
4. Cargo: Carga
5. Cheap: Económico
6. Company:Compañía – Empresa
7. Country: País
8. Customers: Clientes
9. Maker: Fabricante
10. Passenger:Pasajero
11. Products: Productos
12. Road: Carretera
13. Sea: Mar – Marítimo
14. Seller: Vendedor
15. Ship: Embarcación
16. Slow: Lento
17. Suplier: Proveedor
18. Transport:Transporte
19. Urgency: Urgencia
20. Vehicle: Vehículo

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