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Informal letter

To the editor,

I am writing in the response of an article you published on june12 regarding the new generation
of students. In your article they are portrayed as poorly educated and futile to the society. I want
to bring to your kind attention that that it is not true.

The students today may spend less of their time studying than students decades ago, but I see no
evidence that they are lazier. As a student myself I can affirm that exhaustion is rather the
problem among many my age taking in consideration that we have to put up with more school
hours than ever before. Moreover I consider the lack of motivation among students is a result of
the outdated teaching system, schools often fail to pique thei student’s interes and that results in
a lack of desire to do their homeworks and so on.

Aditionally, I personally know students are currently helping as volunteers in many charity
organizations, that being said I would not say that they contribute nothing to our society although
many young people do not have prestigious jobs or any job whatsoever when they finish their
studies. It is true that seldom do students find a position when they complete their studies and on
the contrary, this is not their fault, it is the result of a society that oblige them to made several
things without expecting anything in return.

In conclusion I belive that students nowadays are as brilliant and hardworking as ever, so you
might reconsider the information published in your newspaper.

Yours faithfully.

Docan Alexandra

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