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Salem’s submission………………………………..…………………………4
Avason’s submission………………………………..….……………………5
Starting your own zine………………………………..……………………6
“Not like other girls” art………………………………..………………….7
Shelby’s submission………………………………..………………………..9
Teenagers from mars bass tabs……………………………………….10
Máire Kennan…………………………………………………………………12
MFA movie review………………………………………….……………….13
Kat’s submission………………………………………….………………….14
Gabby’s submission………………………………………….……………..15
Moxie! movie review…………………………………………………….…16
Squid’s submission………………………………………….………………17
L’s submission………………………………………….……………………..18
Miss world collage………………………………………….……………….19
Interview w/ froggy………………………………………….…………….21
Dominique collage………………………………………….……………….26
Interview w/ porcelaingrrrl………………………………………….…27
Kittie collage…………………………………………….…………………….29
Teen Vamp Army………………………………………………………….…30
Edana’s submission………………………………………….……………..31
Jawbreaker collage………………………………………….……………..32
Zine during quarantine………………………………………….……….33
Stay aware collage………………………………………….……………….34
Brian’s submission………………………………………….………………35
There’s a reason it’s called HIS-story
A rant:
So im pissed. Right now im in a US history
class because im a high schooler so ofc I am,
and like the set up of the class is every day
we learn about a new notable person/ event in
the US, presidents and activists and court
cases. And despite it being the most fucking
boring class with the same repetitive work
everyday, I have a different problem with it.
Which is, where the fuck are the women? This
school year is almost over. Guess how many
women we’ve talked about? ONE. One fucking
women out of a sea of men like a women has
never done anything in US history. No Harriet
Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Wilma Mankiller,
Ruby Bridges, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Eleanor
Roosevelt to name a few of the top of my
head. No apparently the only woman good
enough to be talked about, and for one day
only is Susan B. Anthony. And the way our
assignment around her was built on how her
ideals were actually terrible kinda rubs me
the wrong way. It’s amazing to acknowledge
that she was shitty, and if we were holding
every person in our studies accountable I
would be so fine with that. Only that’s not
the case AT ALL. Out of a year of
assignments, one has been negative, and one
has been about a woman, and the Venn diagram

between those things are a circle. The way no
other figure in US history has been
identified so. Like we had to fill out papers
on why fucking Ronald reagen is a hero and
just completely skipped the part where he
started the war on drugs, while actively
smuggling drugs into this country AS
PRESIDENT, he started the mass incarceration
we now see today. Reagen put black people in
jail with life sentences for as little as
possessing a single gram of mary jane. Ronald
Reagan is to blame for the fucking aids
epidemic, he purposefully wanted to cleanse
America of black and/or gay people. And we
didn’t speak a single sentence of that in
class. Not a word about him bombing south-
american countries, or denying drug addicts
medical health, but about how he just wanted
a great Christian America! What the fuck. It
makes me so fucking mad that we aren’t
actually learning about these people, they
are just keeping up the appearances of a
brainwashed civilization, trying to look woke
by calling out Susan B. Anthony and saying
that’s enough activism for today. G-d it
makes me mad. Why is it that the only woman
we study, is the only one criticized, when so
many American figures (men) need to be for
literal crimes. Equality means criticizing
everyone equally dickhead.

transcript: trial of jane doe
i think I used to be a girl, now i’m a weapon.
i would argue that the two look so alike,
you couldn’t tell unless you knew.
i’ve carried the scraped knees of childhood into
my older years, not much else.
the pain seems to stick around when everything else has gone missing.
and i’ve been stuck in misery so long i’ve started
giving myself parking tickets.
I am never really anywhere or everywhere
my limbs might be scattered across the oceans
for all i care they can drown.
i am not a body i just live here. now i vacation in sheets
stained with milk and blood.
i can picture myself living but i can’t feel it.
you kiss me – it’s the beginning of violence.
you always push the knife deeper than
i thought it could go.
you cut through bone like it’s meat. i think i agree with that
my prepared statement is a suicide note that can’t
present to the jury without leaving in handcuffs.
do you remember the white walls, the restraints,
the tube that scratched your throat raw?
remember, this is all on the record, no matter how much you hurt yourself,

hey friends i'm salem. you can see more of my strange art and meet me
@blacklodgelesbian on tumblr and @soundofsalem on soundcloud!

I go to an art school, where the exploration of our art is
incredibly important. I’ve always wanted to do art
consistently throughout my life, and it’s what brings me
the most joy. I love creating alone and with others, and
ever since I began looking into riot grrrl, I’ve felt so
empowered and embraced. I hope my art makes others
feel the same. I want to help others feel understood.

Instagram: @avasondupay

(tw rape)
M.F.A. is the story of an
art student who upon
accidentally killing her
rapist, takes it upon
herself to start killing
rapists on her school
campus, guys who got away
with it because they always
do. And omfg this movie is
gorgeous. This movie made
me feel like shit, which is
what I like in movies, but this gave a whole new
level of feeling disgusted but was so satisfying
to watch. I love a revenge moment, and this
serves it completely. There is something about a
murdering men movie that hits the spot so right.
If you’ve seen Promising Young Women, this is
totally similar, down to the hot pink wig, but I
think this one was better. Minus the murder, this
movie is about art, about oppression, about being
held down and expected to take it. But fuck that.
This movie is liberating, highkey recommend.

Hi! My Name is Gabby, I’m 18 and I’m from the U.S.! A little bit about me is
that I play the guitar, I like to read, write poetry and I love listening to
music! My favorite band is The Clash! And my favorite actor is Pedro Pascal
(shoutout to you king). This poem I wrote is about how all women of all races
and sexual identities can never be enough in the patriarchal society we live
in. I called it “My Body Is A Sacred Place” because of how beautiful and
unique each woman is. I hope you enjoy it :) 

@discowitchyy on Twitter
Seeing the emancipation of Harley Quinn on
screen made me discard societal standards
and break free of toxic men and be
unapologetically myself!

Insta- riotgrizzlyzine

Teen Vamp Army is a small band based in Seattle, WA
and Fresno, CA. They currently have two singles out
called Razor Burn, and most recently Bratworld, and
have a passion for making punk and new wave riotgrrrl
music, and hope their music is something others can
enjoy listening to. In the future they hope to have an EP
with songs inspired by anything from hardcore to
skramz, and eventually play live. One of Teen Vamp
Army’s biggest hopes is to bring more LGBTQ, Asian, and
Latina representation into the scene.

Instagram: @teenvamparmy

Singer: Leandra Calvanese

Guitar: Akira Junya

Bass: Francesca Attar

Drums: Lise Dauble

Howdy! I'm Brian. I'm an indie cartoonist,
graphic designer, and I dabble in collage
work! I like to make cool shit!

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