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N: It all began with a person who likes to help and many people consider her a hero,
because she is always present when others need help.

This is the story of how small actions can go a long way.

Jenifer and Daniela are two friends who are going to their friend Carlos' birthday party.

J: what time will we get to carlos' house? I already want to give him his present.

D: We'll be there in twenty minutes if we take the main street.

N: what they didn't expect was that their car would have a problem with the engine.

D: Oh no, the engine has a failure, we have to stop.

J: that means we won't make it to carlos' party on time.

D: If we call someone we can make it in time.

J: That's impossible, I left my cell phone in my room.

D: Really? my cell phone doesn't have enough battery to make a call.

N: In the middle of the street and unable to call anyone Jenifer and Daniela couldn't do
anything. Luckily they would meet our hero.

W: Hi girls, do you have a problem?

D: yes, our car won't start and we need to get to a party.

W: I could help you with your car.

N: wendy knew mechanics and figured out the car problem.

W: ok, it's ready, try to start it.

D: yes, it started, thank you very much wendy without you we would have stayed here all

J: Thank you very much for your help wendy, thanks to you we can go to our party.

Pero estas son solo dos personas de las muchas que ella ha ayudado en diferentes
maneras sin recibir nada a cambio. “Es una persona que por pura casualidad siempre
está en el mismo lugar y a la misma hora que la otra persona cuando esta necesita
ayuda”, eso es lo que dicen las tantas historias que se escuchan y no queda más que
decir que muchas gracias, con tu ayuda has hecho feliz a muchos. El mundo realmente
necesita más personas como tú, nuestro querido héroe sin capa.

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