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When we talk about deserts we immediately imagine a dry place where the sun

penetrates with much more force, but in reality there are deserts that are frozen,
some may even be both. However, there are many animals that live and adapt in
the desert, and each of them has a different type of adaptation.
We can find many examples of these animals, a clear example are the camels that
thanks to the stored fat can survive months without eating, another example is the
fox that their furry legs protect them from the hot sand and the giant ears release
body heat. air, in addition there are several animals that live in dark tunnels such
as kangaroo rats and Marsupial moles, we also find different reptiles like Goanna
moms and not only that, as for the water there are some animals like the white-
winged dove. A sip from a sagurao cactus. Its fruit has juicy nectar.
To conclude, it is important to say that there are many ways in which desert
animals overcome heat, eat and hydrate, but the most curious thing is that there
are animals that adapt to all climates in this world and through this they can
continue to survive. day after day. I think that it is necessary to appreciate and
above all to protect each one of them, since each one fulfills a different function in
this world besides obviously being living beings that provide the planet with a
fundamental balance.
Wendy Reales G.

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